コード例 #1
def main():
    #docopt parse the args
    arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1.1-dev') #TODO get the version from __init__.py
    host = arguments.get('--host', 'mafreebox.free.fr')
    port = arguments.get('--port', '80')
    password = arguments.get('--password', None)
    if not password:
        password = getpass('Freebox password: '******'client', False)
    download_mode = arguments.get('download', False)
    fbx_client = freeboxClient(host, port, None, password)#params are host, port, username, password
    login_sucess = fbx_client.login()
    if client_mode:
        print "login success : %s" % login_sucess
    #if download, call the downloader
    if download_mode:
        path_or_url = arguments.get('PATH_OR_URL', None)
        if not path_or_url:
            print u"Give a file torrent path or url"
        #no we will find if path_or_url is a path or an url
        torrent_file = None
        torrent_url = None
        if os.path.isfile(path_or_url):
            torrent_file = path_or_url
            torrent_url = path_or_url
        downloader = Downloader(fbx_client)
        downloader.add_file_to_download(torrent_file, torrent_url)