def singleVRTrialAnalysis(fileToAnalyse): # TODO: add savePlots,recomputeFlyData as function arguments # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extract folder and file name info # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print('Data file: \n' + fileToAnalyse + '\n') dataDir = sep.join(fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[0:-3]) + sep flyID = fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[-2] expDir = sep.join(fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[0:-1]) + sep if not ('males' in expDir.split(sep)[-4] or 'females'in expDir.split(sep)[-4] or 'FlyOverDebugging'): print('You selected an invalid data directory.\n' + 'Expected folder structure of the selected path is some/path/to/experimentName/flyGender/rawData/') exit(1) FODataFile = fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[-1] FODataFiles = [filepath.split(sep)[-1] for filepath in glob(expDir + '*.txt')] FODataFiles = sorted(FODataFiles) trial = FODataFiles.index(FODataFile) + 1 # create analysis dir analysisDir = dataDir + 'analysis/' try: mkdir(analysisDir) except OSError: print('Analysis directory already exists.') dataFileParts = FODataFile.split('_') titleString = 'fly ' + flyID + ' in ' + dataFileParts[2] + ' of ' + dataFileParts[3] + ', trial' + str(trial) print('Analysing experiment...\n') print(titleString + '\n') if 'Invisible' in FODataFile or 'invisible' in FODataFile: objecttype = 'invisible' elif 'Empty' in FODataFile or 'empty' in FODataFile: objecttype = 'none' else: objecttype = 'visible' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load or read in logfile data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read in logfile data, parse header ............................................................................... header, FOData, numFrames, frameRange, calibParams, coordFile = loadSingleVRLogfile(expDir, FODataFile) # Read in object coordinates ....................................................................................... visibleObjectCoords, invisibleObjectCoords, origin = loadObjectCoords(dataDir, coordFile) # Compute movement velocities ...................................................................................... logTime = np.copy(FOData[:, 0]) time = np.linspace(0, logTime[-1], numFrames) angle = convertRawHeadingAngle(FOData[:, 5]) # N = 60 # vTrans, vRot, vTransFilt, vRotFilt = velocityFromTrajectory(time, angle, FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], N, numFrames) # Down sample data to 20 Hz ........................................................................................ samplingRate = 20 time_ds, xPos_ds, yPos_ds, angle_ds, numFrames_ds\ = donwsampleFOData(samplingRate, logTime, time, FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], angle) # and compute downsampled velocities N = 5 vTrans_ds, vRot_ds, vTransFilt_ds, vRotFilt_ds\ = velocityFromTrajectory(time_ds, angle_ds, xPos_ds, yPos_ds, N, numFrames_ds) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate basic analysis plots # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Time step plot ................................................................................................... tstpfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=np.hstack((2, 1))) tstpfig.suptitle(titleString, fontsize=14) histRange = (0, 0.011) ax = tstpfig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax.plot(FOData[0:-2, 0], (FOData[1:-1, 0]-FOData[0:-2, 0]).astype('float'), '.', alpha=0.1) ax.set_ylim(histRange) ax.set_xlim((0, time[-1])) ax.set_xlabel('time [s]') ax.set_ylabel('time step [1/s]') myAxisTheme(ax) ax = tstpfig.add_subplot(gs[1]) ax.hist(FOData[1:-1, 0]-FOData[0:-2, 0], 50, histRange) ax.set_xlabel('time step [1/s]') ax.set_ylabel('count') ax.set_title('mean time step = ' + str(round(np.mean((FOData[1:-1, 0]-FOData[0:-2, 0])*1000.0), 2)) + 'ms') myAxisTheme(ax) tstpfig.tight_layout() makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'timeStepPlot/', objecttype + sep) tstpfig.savefig(analysisDir + 'timeStepPlot/' + objecttype + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_timeStepPlot_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # Plot of walking trace (+ colorbar for time) with object locations ................................................ tStart = 0 tEnd = len(FOData[:, 1]) tStep = 72 frameRange = range(tStart, tEnd, tStep) colMap = 'Accent' arrowLength = 5 trajfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=np.hstack((10, 1))) axTraj = trajfig.add_subplot(gs[0]) axTime = trajfig.add_subplot(gs[1]) plotPosInRange(axTraj, axTime, frameRange, FOData[:, 0], FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], np.pi/180*FOData[:, 5], colMap, arrowLength, 0.5, 5) axTraj.scatter(visibleObjectCoords[:, 0], visibleObjectCoords[:, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolor='black', edgecolors='none') axTraj.scatter(invisibleObjectCoords[4:, 0], invisibleObjectCoords[4:, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolors='none', edgecolors='black') axTraj.set_xlabel(header[1], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylabel(header[2], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_title('Walking trace of ' + titleString, fontsize=14) axTraj.set_xlim([max(-650, min(FOData[:, 1]) - 20), min(650, max(FOData[:, 1]) + 20)]) axTraj.set_ylim([max(-650, min(FOData[:, 2]) - 20), min(650, max(FOData[:, 2]) + 20)]) myAxisTheme(axTraj) axTime.set_xlabel(header[0], fontsize=12) plt.xlim((0, FOData[-1, 0])) timeAxisTheme(axTime) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'tracePlot/', objecttype + sep) trajfig.savefig(analysisDir + 'tracePlot/' + objecttype + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_traceObjectPlot_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # Plot velocity distributions of downs sampled data ................................................................ rotLim = (-5, 5) transLim = (0, 30) angleLim = (-np.pi, np.pi) summaryVeloFig_ds = velocitySummaryPlot(time_ds, vTrans_ds, vTransFilt_ds, vRot_ds, vRotFilt_ds, angle_ds, rotLim, transLim, angleLim, 'Down sampled velocity traces, ' + titleString) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'velocityTraces/', objecttype + sep) summaryVeloFig_ds.savefig(analysisDir + 'velocityTraces/' + objecttype + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_veloTraces_ds_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Collapse traces to single object cell and plot resulting trace # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Collapse to 'mini-arena' while preserving the global heading ..................................................... arenaRad = 60 # 1/2 distance between cones if objecttype == 'visible': objectCoords = np.copy(visibleObjectCoords[0:-3, 0:2]) else: # use of non-physics, invisible objects allows us to mark virtual object positions in empty arena objectCoords = np.copy(invisibleObjectCoords[4:, 0:2]) xPosMA, yPosMA = collapseToMiniArena(FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], arenaRad, objectCoords) # Compute donw sampled collapsed traces f_xPosMA = interp1d(time, xPosMA, kind='linear') f_yPosMA = interp1d(time, yPosMA, kind='linear') xPosMA_ds = f_xPosMA(time_ds) yPosMA_ds = f_yPosMA(time_ds) # Plot collapsed, down sampled trace ............................................................................... tStart = 0 tEnd = numFrames_ds tStep = 4 frameRange = range(tStart, tEnd, tStep) colMap = 'Accent' colTrFig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 10)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=np.hstack((10, 1))) colTrFig.suptitle('Collapsed walking trace ("mini arena" with central object)\n' + titleString, fontsize=14) axTraj = colTrFig.add_subplot(gs[0]) axTime = colTrFig.add_subplot(gs[1]) plotPosInRange(axTraj, axTime, frameRange, time_ds, xPosMA_ds, yPosMA_ds, angle_ds, colMap, 4, 0.5, 7) axTraj.plot(0, 0, marker='o', markersize=20, linestyle='none', alpha=0.5, color='black') axTraj.set_xlabel(header[1], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylabel(header[2], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylim([-(arenaRad+5), arenaRad + 5]) axTraj.set_xlim([-(arenaRad+5), arenaRad + 5]) myAxisTheme(axTraj) axTime.set_xlabel(header[0], fontsize=12) plt.xlim((0, time_ds[-1])) timeAxisTheme(axTime) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'tracePlotMA/', objecttype + sep) colTrFig.savefig(analysisDir + 'tracePlotMA/' + objecttype + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_traceObjectPlot_ds_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Compute heading angle relative to closest object (use collapsed coordinates) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Compute parameters characterising fly's relationship to object objLocation = [0, 0] objDirection, objDistance, gammaFull, gamma, gammaV\ = relationToObject(time_ds, xPosMA_ds, yPosMA_ds, angle_ds, objLocation) # Change in heading rel. to object ................................................................................. sf = 0 ef = len(xPosMA_ds) near = 6 far = arenaRad vTransTH = 2 turnTH = 3*np.std(abs(vRotFilt_ds)) turnMask = (abs(vRotFilt_ds) > turnTH) selectedRangeDistAll = np.logical_and(objDistance > near, objDistance < far) selectedRangeDist = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(objDistance > near, objDistance < far), vTrans_ds > vTransTH) selectedRangeDistTurnWalk = np.logical_and(selectedRangeDist, turnMask) selectedRangeDistTurn = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(objDistance > near, objDistance < far), turnMask) headTurnFig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) headTurnFig.suptitle('Relationship between turns and relativel heading angle\n' + flyID + ', trial' + str(trial) + ', percentage turns: ' + str(round(100.0*sum(turnMask)/len(vRotFilt_ds), 2)) + ' (within range ' + str(near) + '-' + str(far) + 'mm, trans. vel. > ' + str(vTransTH) + ')\n', fontsize=13) distRange = (near, far) angleRange = (0, np.pi) vHeadRange = (-5, 5) ax0 = headTurnFig.add_subplot(131) ax0.plot(xPosMA_ds[sf:ef], yPosMA_ds[sf:ef], '.', color='grey', alpha=0.4) ax0.plot(xPosMA_ds[turnMask[sf:ef]], yPosMA_ds[turnMask[sf:ef]], '.', color='red', alpha=0.7) ax0.plot(0, 0, marker='o', markersize=15, linestyle='none', alpha=0.5, color='black') plt.xlabel('x [mm]') plt.ylabel('y [mm]') ax0.set_aspect('equal') myAxisTheme(ax0) ax1 = headTurnFig.add_subplot(132) niceScatterPlot(ax1, objDistance[selectedRangeDist], gamma[selectedRangeDist], distRange, angleRange, 'grey', 0.3) niceScatterPlot(ax1, objDistance[selectedRangeDistTurn], gamma[selectedRangeDistTurn], distRange, angleRange, 'red', 0.7) plt.xlabel('distance from object') plt.ylabel('heading angle') ax2 = headTurnFig.add_subplot(133) niceScatterPlot(ax2, gammaV[selectedRangeDist], gamma[selectedRangeDist], vHeadRange, angleRange, 'grey', 0.3) niceScatterPlot(ax2, gammaV[selectedRangeDistTurn], gamma[selectedRangeDistTurn], vHeadRange, angleRange, 'red', 0.7) plt.xlabel('change in heading angle (pos - increase, neg - decrease)') plt.ylabel('heading angle') headTurnFig.tight_layout() makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'relativeHeading/', objecttype + sep) headTurnFig.savefig(analysisDir + 'relativeHeading/' + objecttype + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_headingAndTurns_ds_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # Visualise effect of turns ........................................................................................ turnEffectFig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3, height_ratios=np.hstack((1, 1.5, 1.5)), width_ratios=np.hstack((1.5, 1, 1))) ax0 = turnEffectFig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0]) ax0.plot(xPosMA_ds[selectedRangeDist], yPosMA_ds[selectedRangeDist], '.', color='grey', alpha=0.4) ax0.plot(xPosMA_ds[selectedRangeDistTurn], yPosMA_ds[selectedRangeDistTurn], '.', color='red', alpha=0.7) ax0.plot(0, 0, marker='o', markersize=15, linestyle='none', alpha=0.5, color='black') plt.xlabel('x [mm]') plt.ylabel('y [mm]') ax0.set_xlim((-arenaRad, arenaRad)) ax0.set_ylim((-arenaRad, arenaRad)) ax0.set_aspect('equal') myAxisTheme(ax0) ax0.set_title('Effect of turns in ' + flyID + ', trial' + str(trial) + '\n percentage turns: ' + str(round(100.0*sum(turnMask)/len(vRotFilt_ds), 2)) + '\n', fontsize=13) ax = turnEffectFig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1:3]) gammaFullSelect = gammaFull[selectedRangeDistAll] gammaSelect = gamma[selectedRangeDistAll] try: plt.hist(gammaFullSelect[~np.isnan(gammaFullSelect)], bins=50, color='lightblue', alpha=0.8) plt.hist(gammaSelect[~np.isnan(gammaSelect)], bins=50, color='grey', alpha=0.5) except ValueError: print('Not enough values for histogram.') plt.xlabel('relative heading angle [rad], not filtered for vTrans > ' + str(vTransTH)) plt.ylabel('count') ax.set_xlim((-np.pi, np.pi)) myAxisTheme(ax) headingHist = plotVeloHistogram_fancy(gamma[selectedRangeDist], gs[1, 1], (0, np.pi), 'grey', 0.5) headingHist.set_ylabel('walking filtered\n count (vTrans > ' + str(vTransTH) + ')') headingHistTurn = plotVeloHistogram_fancy(gamma[selectedRangeDistTurn], gs[2, 1], (0, np.pi), 'red', 0.5) headingHistTurn.set_ylabel('walking & turn filtered\n count') headingHistTurn.set_xlabel('heading angle\n [rad]') rotVHist = plotVeloHistogram_fancy(gammaV[selectedRangeDist], gs[1, 2], (-10, 10), 'grey', 0.5) rotVHist.set_xlabel('change in heading while walking\n [rad/s]') rotVHistFilt = plotVeloHistogram_fancy(gammaV[selectedRangeDistTurn], gs[2, 2], (-10, 10), 'red', 0.5) rotVHistFilt.set_xlabel('change in heading during turn\n [rad/s]') turnEffectFig.tight_layout() makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'effectOfTurn/', objecttype + sep) turnEffectFig.savefig(analysisDir + 'effectOfTurn/' + objecttype + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_turnHeadingChange_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # Directional modulation of runs (Gomez-Marin and Louis, 2014) ..................................................... # turnModfig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7)) # turnMod = modulationOfRuns(turnModfig, gammaFull, vRotFilt_ds, # selectedRangeDist, selectedRangeDistTurn, objDistance) # # turnMod.set_title(flyID + ' in VR (within range ' + str(near) + '-' + str(far) + 'mm)', fontsize=13) # # makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'headingVsRotation/', objecttype + sep) # # turnModfig.savefig(analysisDir + 'headingVsRotation/' + objecttype + sep # + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_headingVsRotation_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Save position and velocities for future analysis # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ toSave = {'time': time_ds, 'xPos': xPos_ds, 'yPos': yPos_ds, 'xPosInMiniarena': xPosMA_ds, 'yPosInMiniarena': yPosMA_ds, 'headingAngle': angle_ds, 'rotVelo': vRot_ds, 'transVelo': vTrans_ds, 'objectDistance': objDistance, 'gammaFull': gammaFull, 'gamma': gamma} # Alternatively use numpy array: # toSave=np.vstack((time_ds,xPos_ds, yPos_ds, xPosMA_ds, yPosMA_ds, angle_ds, vRot_ds,vTrans_ds,objDistance,gamma)) # Save data in this format as *.npy for easy loading.. + FODataFile[:-4], toSave) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print('\n \n Analysis ran successfully. \n \n') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ return 0
def singleVROptogenTrialAnalysis(fileToAnalyse): # fileToAnalyse should be to complete path to the logfile of the FlyOver trial to be analysed. # TODO: add savePlots,recomputeFlyData as function arguments # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extract folder and file name info # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print('Data file: \n' + fileToAnalyse + '\n') dataDir = sep.join(fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[0:-3]) + sep flyID = fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[-2] expDir = sep.join(fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[0:-1]) + sep if not ('males' in expDir.split(sep)[-4] or 'females'in expDir.split(sep)[-4] or 'FlyOverDebugging'): print('You selected an invalid data directory.\n' + 'Expected folder structure of the selected path is some/path/to/experimentName/flyGender/rawData/') exit(1) genotype = expDir.split(sep)[-5] # create analysis dir analysisDir = sep.join(dataDir.split(sep)[:-1]) + sep + 'analysis' + sep try: mkdir(analysisDir) except OSError: print('Analysis directory already exists.') FODataFile = fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[-1] FODataFiles = [filepath.split(sep)[-1] for filepath in glob(expDir + '*.txt')] FODataFiles = sorted(FODataFiles) trial = FODataFiles.index(FODataFile) + 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load or read in logfile data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read in logfile data, parse header ............................................................................... header, FOData, numFrames, frameRange, calibParams, coordFile = loadSingleVRLogfile(expDir, FODataFile) if 'rZones' in coordFile: rZones = 'on' else: rZones = 'off' if 'invisible' in coordFile or 'Invisible' in coordFile: invisible = 'on' objecttype = 'invisible' else: invisible = 'off' objecttype = 'visible' dataFileParts = FODataFile.split('_') titleString = genotype + ' fly "' + flyID + '" in ' + dataFileParts[0] + ' of ' + dataFileParts[1] + 's\n' + \ 'with reinforcement zones ' + rZones + ', trial' + str(trial) print(titleString) # Extract reinforcement zone parameter ............................................................................. rZone_rInner, rZone_rOuter, rZone_max, rZone_bl, rZone_gExp = rZoneParamsFromLogFile(expDir, FODataFile) # Read in object coordinates ....................................................................................... visibleObjectCoords, invisibleObjectCoords, origin = loadObjectCoords(dataDir, coordFile) # Compute movement velocities ...................................................................................... logTime = np.copy(FOData[:, 0]) time = np.linspace(0, logTime[-1], numFrames) angle = convertRawHeadingAngle(FOData[:, 5]) # N = 60 # vTrans, vRot, vTransFilt, vRotFilt = velocityFromTrajectory(time, angle, FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], N, numFrames) # Down sample data to 20 Hz ........................................................................................ samplingRate = 20 time_ds, xPos_ds, yPos_ds, angle_ds, numFrames_ds \ = donwsampleFOData(samplingRate, logTime, time, FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], angle) # and compute downsampled velocities N = 5 vTrans_ds, vRot_ds, vTransFilt_ds, vRotFilt_ds \ = velocityFromTrajectory(time_ds, angle_ds, xPos_ds, yPos_ds, N, numFrames_ds) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate basic analysis plots # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Time step plot ................................................................................................... plotStp = 5 tstpfig = plotFlyVRtimeStp(plotStp, FOData[:, 0], titleString) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'timeStepPlot/', 'rZones_' + rZones + sep) tstpfig.savefig(analysisDir + 'timeStepPlot/' + 'rZones_' + rZones + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_timeStepPlot_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # Plot of walking trace (+ colorbar for time) with object locations ................................................ tStart = 0 tEnd = len(FOData[:, 1]) tStep = 72 frameRange = range(tStart, tEnd, tStep) colMap = 'Accent' arrowLength = 5 trajfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=np.hstack((10, 1))) axTraj = trajfig.add_subplot(gs[0]) axTime = trajfig.add_subplot(gs[1]) plotPosInRange(axTraj, axTime, frameRange, FOData[:, 0], FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], np.pi/180*FOData[:, 5], colMap, arrowLength, 0.5, 5) axTraj.scatter(visibleObjectCoords[:, 0], visibleObjectCoords[:, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolor='black', edgecolors='none') axTraj.scatter(invisibleObjectCoords[4:, 0], invisibleObjectCoords[4:, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolors='none', edgecolors='black') axTraj.set_xlabel(header[1], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylabel(header[2], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_title('Walking trace of ' + titleString, fontsize=14) axTraj.set_xlim([max(-650, min(FOData[:, 1]) - 20), min(650, max(FOData[:, 1]) + 20)]) axTraj.set_ylim([max(-650, min(FOData[:, 2]) - 20), min(650, max(FOData[:, 2]) + 20)]) myAxisTheme(axTraj) axTime.set_xlabel(header[0], fontsize=12) plt.xlim((0, FOData[-1, 0])) timeAxisTheme(axTime) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'tracePlot/', 'rZones_' + rZones + sep) trajfig.savefig(analysisDir + 'tracePlot/' + 'rZones_' + rZones + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_traceObjectPlot_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # Visualise strength of optogenetic stimulation .................................................................... rEvents = FOData[:, 11] # downsample rEvents f_rEvents = interp1d(time, rEvents, kind='linear') rEvents_ds = f_rEvents(time_ds) tStep = 72 frameRange = range(tStart, tEnd, tStep) trajRZfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) axTraj = trajRZfig.add_subplot(111) axTraj.scatter(visibleObjectCoords[:, 0], visibleObjectCoords[:, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolor='black', edgecolors='none') axTraj.scatter(invisibleObjectCoords[4:, 0], invisibleObjectCoords[4:, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolors='none', edgecolors='black') plt.plot(FOData[frameRange, 1], FOData[frameRange, 2], marker='.', markerfacecolor='grey', markeredgecolor='none', alpha=0.25) # overlay reinforcement value axTraj.scatter(FOData[frameRange, 1], FOData[frameRange, 2], s=rEvents[frameRange]*10, c=rEvents[frameRange]*10, alpha=0.7, cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds')) axTraj.set_xlabel(header[1], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylabel(header[2], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_title('Walking trace of ' + titleString, fontsize=14) axTraj.set_xlim([max(-650, min(FOData[:, 1]) - 20), min(650, max(FOData[:, 1]) + 20)]) axTraj.set_ylim([max(-650, min(FOData[:, 2]) - 20), min(650, max(FOData[:, 2]) + 20)]) axTraj.set_aspect('equal') myAxisTheme(axTraj) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'tracePlotRZ/', 'rZones_' + rZones + sep) trajRZfig.savefig(analysisDir + 'tracePlotRZ/' + 'rZones_' + rZones + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_traceObjectPlot_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # Plot velocity distributions of downs sampled data ................................................................ rotLim = (-5, 5) transLim = (0, 30) angleLim = (-np.pi, np.pi) summaryVeloFig_ds = velocitySummaryPlot(time_ds, vTrans_ds, vTransFilt_ds, vRot_ds, vRotFilt_ds, angle_ds, rotLim, transLim, angleLim, 'Down sampled velocity traces, ' + titleString) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'velocityTraces/', 'rZones_' + rZones + sep) summaryVeloFig_ds.savefig(analysisDir + 'velocityTraces/' + 'rZones_' + rZones + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_veloTraces_ds_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Collapse traces to single object cell and plot resulting trace # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Collapse to 'mini-arena' while preserving the global heading ..................................................... arenaRad = 60 # 1/2 distance between cones if invisible == 'off': objectCoords = np.copy(visibleObjectCoords[0:-3, 0:2]) else: # use of non-physics, invisible objects allows us to mark virtual object positions in empty arena objectCoords = np.copy(invisibleObjectCoords[4:, 0:2]) xPosMA, yPosMA = collapseToMiniArena(FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], arenaRad, objectCoords) # Compute donw sampled collapsed traces f_xPosMA = interp1d(time, xPosMA, kind='linear') f_yPosMA = interp1d(time, yPosMA, kind='linear') xPosMA_ds = f_xPosMA(time_ds) yPosMA_ds = f_yPosMA(time_ds) # Plot collapsed, down sampled trace ............................................................................... tStart = 0 tEnd = numFrames_ds tStep = 4 frameRange = range(tStart, tEnd, tStep) colMap = 'Accent' colTrFig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 10)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=np.hstack((10, 1))) colTrFig.suptitle('Collapsed walking trace ("mini arena" with central object)\n' + titleString, fontsize=14) axTraj = colTrFig.add_subplot(gs[0]) axTime = colTrFig.add_subplot(gs[1]) plotPosInRange(axTraj, axTime, frameRange, time_ds, xPosMA_ds, yPosMA_ds, angle_ds, colMap, 4, 0.5, 7) if invisible == 'off': axTraj.plot(0, 0, marker='o', markersize=20, linestyle='none', alpha=0.75, color='black') else: axTraj.plot(0, 0, marker='o', markersize=20, alpha=0.75, markeredgewidth=0.5, markerfacecolor='None', markeredgecolor='black') if rZones == 'on': rZoneRange = float(rZone_rOuter - rZone_rInner) for zRad in range(rZone_rInner, rZone_rOuter): circle1 = plt.Circle((0, 0), zRad, color='r', alpha=1.0/rZoneRange) axTraj.add_artist(circle1) axTraj.set_xlabel(header[1], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylabel(header[2], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylim([-(arenaRad+5), arenaRad + 5]) axTraj.set_xlim([-(arenaRad+5), arenaRad + 5]) myAxisTheme(axTraj) axTime.set_xlabel(header[0], fontsize=12) plt.xlim((0, time_ds[-1])) timeAxisTheme(axTime) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'tracePlotMA/', 'rZones_' + rZones + sep) colTrFig.savefig(analysisDir + 'tracePlotMA/' + 'rZones_' + rZones + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_traceObjectPlot_ds_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Compute heading angle relative to closest object (use collapsed coordinates) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Compute parameters characterising fly's relationship to object ................................................... objLocation = [0, 0] objDirection, objDistance, gammaFull, gamma, gammaV \ = relationToObject(time_ds, xPosMA_ds, yPosMA_ds, angle_ds, objLocation) # Change in heading rel. to object ................................................................................. near = 6 far = arenaRad vTransTH = 2 turnTH = 2.5*np.std(abs(vRotFilt_ds)) turnMask = (abs(vRotFilt_ds) > turnTH) preTurnMask = np.hstack((turnMask[samplingRate/20:], np.zeros(samplingRate/20))) selectedRangeDistAll = np.logical_and(objDistance > near, objDistance < far) selectedRangeDist = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(objDistance > near, objDistance < far), vTrans_ds > vTransTH) selectedRangeDistPreTurnWalk = np.logical_and(selectedRangeDist, preTurnMask) selectedRangeDistPreTurn = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(objDistance > near, objDistance < far), preTurnMask) selectedRangeDistTurn = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(objDistance > near, objDistance < far), turnMask) # Visualise effect of turns ........................................................................................ turnEffectFig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3, height_ratios=np.hstack((1, 1.5, 1.5)), width_ratios=np.hstack((1.5, 1, 1))) ax0 = turnEffectFig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0]) ax0.plot(xPosMA_ds[selectedRangeDist], yPosMA_ds[selectedRangeDist], '.', color='grey', alpha=0.4) ax0.plot(xPosMA_ds[selectedRangeDistTurn], yPosMA_ds[selectedRangeDistTurn], '.', color='lightblue', alpha=0.7) ax0.plot(xPosMA_ds[selectedRangeDistPreTurn], yPosMA_ds[selectedRangeDistPreTurn], '.', color='red', alpha=0.4) ax0.plot(0, 0, marker='o', markersize=15, linestyle='none', alpha=0.5, color='black') plt.xlabel('x [mm]') plt.ylabel('y [mm]') ax0.set_xlim((-arenaRad, arenaRad)) ax0.set_ylim((-arenaRad, arenaRad)) ax0.set_aspect('equal') myAxisTheme(ax0) ax0.set_title('Effect of turns in ' + flyID + ', trial' + str(trial) + '\n percentage turns: ' + str(round(100.0*sum(turnMask)/len(vRotFilt_ds), 2)) + '\n', fontsize=13) ax = turnEffectFig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1:3]) gammaFullSelect = gammaFull[selectedRangeDistAll] gammaSelect = gamma[selectedRangeDistAll] try: plt.hist(gammaFullSelect[~np.isnan(gammaFullSelect)], bins=50, color='lightblue', alpha=0.8) plt.hist(gammaSelect[~np.isnan(gammaSelect)], bins=50, color='grey', alpha=0.5) except ValueError: print('Not enough values for histogram.') plt.xlabel('relative heading angle [rad], not filtered for vTrans > ' + str(vTransTH)) plt.ylabel('count') ax.set_xlim((-np.pi, np.pi)) myAxisTheme(ax) headingHist = plotVeloHistogram_fancy(gamma[selectedRangeDist], gs[1, 1], (0, np.pi), 'grey', 0.5) headingHist.set_ylabel('walking filtered\n count (vTrans > ' + str(vTransTH) + ')') headingHistTurn = plotVeloHistogram_fancy(gamma[selectedRangeDistPreTurnWalk], gs[2, 1], (0, np.pi), 'red', 0.5) headingHistTurn.set_ylabel('walking & turn filtered\n count') headingHistTurn.set_xlabel('heading angle\n [rad]') rotVHist = plotVeloHistogram_fancy(gammaV[selectedRangeDist], gs[1, 2], (-10, 10), 'grey', 0.5) rotVHist.set_xlabel('change in heading while walking\n [rad/s]') rotVHistFilt = plotVeloHistogram_fancy(gammaV[selectedRangeDistPreTurnWalk], gs[2, 2], (-10, 10), 'red', 0.5) rotVHistFilt.set_xlabel('change in heading during turn\n [rad/s]') turnEffectFig.tight_layout() makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'effectOfTurn/', 'rZones_' + rZones + sep) turnEffectFig.savefig(analysisDir + 'effectOfTurn/' + 'rZones_' + rZones + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_turnHeadingChange_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Convert trajectory to polar coordinates and visualise trace and effect of turns # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # transform trajectory to polar coordinates objDist, theta = cartesian2polar(xPosMA_ds, yPosMA_ds) # compute curvature polarCurv, d_theta, dtheta_objDist = polarCurvature(theta, objDist) d_objDist = np.hstack((0, np.diff(objDist))) # Compute sign of turn relative to object turnSign = np.sign(polarCurv) turnSign[d_theta > 0] = np.sign(polarCurv[d_theta > 0]) turnSign[d_theta < 0] = -np.sign(polarCurv[d_theta < 0]) # Compute curvature-based criterion for turns # q2, q98 = np.percentile(polarCurv[~np.isnan(polarCurv)], [2, 98]) # curvSelect = abs(polarCurv) < (q98 - q2)/2 # curvTurnMask_L = polarCurv > q98 # curvTurnMask_R = polarCurv < q2 # Generate filtered curvature for plots and curvature magnitude # polarCurvPlt = polarCurv[curvSelect] # curvMag = abs(polarCurv) # correctedPolarCurv = abs(polarCurv)*turnSign selectPts_apr = d_objDist < 0 selectPts_dep = d_objDist > 0 selectPts_apr_turnR = np.logical_and(selectPts_apr, vRotFilt_ds < -1*turnTH) selectPts_apr_turnL = np.logical_and(selectPts_apr, vRotFilt_ds > 1*turnTH) selectPts_dep_turnR = np.logical_and(selectPts_dep, vRotFilt_ds < -1*turnTH) selectPts_dep_turnL = np.logical_and(selectPts_dep, vRotFilt_ds > 1*turnTH) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) xlimRange = (5, 60) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) ax = plotPolarTrace(ax, titleString + '\nApproaches to ' + objecttype + ' object', selectPts_apr, selectPts_apr_turnR, selectPts_apr_turnL, objDist, gammaFull, vRot_ds, xlimRange) ax = fig.add_subplot(212) ax = plotPolarTrace(ax, 'Departures from ' + objecttype + ' object', selectPts_dep, selectPts_dep_turnR, selectPts_dep_turnL, objDist, gammaFull, vRot_ds, xlimRange) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'polarTrace/', 'rZones_' + rZones + sep) fig.savefig(analysisDir + 'polarTrace/' + 'rZones_' + rZones + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_polarTrace_trial' + str(trial) + '.pdf', format='pdf') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Save position and velocities for future analysis # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ toSave = {'time': time_ds, 'xPos': xPos_ds, 'yPos': yPos_ds, 'xPosInMiniarena': xPosMA_ds, 'yPosInMiniarena': yPosMA_ds, 'headingAngle': angle_ds, 'rotVelo': vRot_ds, 'transVelo': vTrans_ds, 'objectDistance': objDistance, 'gammaFull': gammaFull, 'gamma': gamma, 'rEvents': rEvents_ds} # Alternatively use numpy array: # toSave=np.vstack((time_ds,xPos_ds, yPos_ds, xPosMA_ds, yPosMA_ds, angle_ds, vRot_ds,vTrans_ds,objDistance,gamma)) # Save data in this format as *.npy for easy loading.. + FODataFile[:-4], toSave) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print('\n \n Analysis ran successfully. \n \n') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.close('all') return 0
def singleTwoObjVROptogenTrialAnalysis(fileToAnalyse): # fileToAnalyse should be to complete path to the logfile of the FlyOver trial to be analysed. # TODO: add savePlots,recomputeFlyData as function arguments # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extract folder and file name info # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print('Data file: \n' + fileToAnalyse + '\n') dataDir = sep.join(fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[0:-3]) + sep flyID = fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[-2] expDir = sep.join(fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[0:-1]) + sep if not ('males' in expDir.split(sep)[-4] or 'females'in expDir.split(sep)[-4] or 'FlyOverDebugging'): print('You selected an invalid data directory.\n' + 'Expected folder structure of the selected path is some/path/to/experimentName/flyGender/rawData/') exit(1) genotype = expDir.split(sep)[-5] # create analysis dir analysisDir = sep.join(dataDir.split(sep)[:-1]) + sep + 'analysis' + sep try: mkdir(analysisDir) except OSError: print('Analysis directory already exists.') FODataFile = fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[-1] FODataFiles = [filepath.split(sep)[-1] for filepath in glob(expDir + '*.txt')] FODataFiles = sorted(FODataFiles) trial = FODataFiles.index(FODataFile) + 1 if ('train' in FODataFile): rZones = 'on' else: rZones = 'off' dataFileParts = FODataFile.split('_') trialType = dataFileParts[-3] invisible = 'off' objecttype = 'visible' titleString = genotype + ' fly "' + flyID + '" in ' + dataFileParts[0] + ' of ' + dataFileParts[1] + ' and ' + \ dataFileParts[2] + '\n' + trialType + ' trial' print(titleString) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Load or read in logfile data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read in logfile data, parse header ............................................................................... header, FOData, numFrames, frameRange, calibParams, coordFile = loadSingleVRLogfile(expDir, FODataFile) # Extract reinforcement zone parameter ............................................................................. #rZone_rInner, rZone_rOuter, rZone_max, rZone_bl, rZone_gExp = rZoneParamsFromLogFile(expDir, FODataFile) # Read in object coordinates ....................................................................................... visibleObjectCoords, visibleObjectName, invisibleObjectCoords, origin = loadObjectCoordIdentities(dataDir, coordFile) # Compute movement velocities ...................................................................................... logTime = np.copy(FOData[:, 0]) time = np.linspace(0, logTime[-1], numFrames) angle = convertRawHeadingAngle(FOData[:, 5]) # N = 60 # vTrans, vRot, vTransFilt, vRotFilt = velocityFromTrajectory(time, angle, FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], N, numFrames) # Down sample data to 20 Hz ........................................................................................ samplingRate = 20 time_ds, xPos_ds, yPos_ds, angle_ds, numFrames_ds \ = donwsampleFOData(samplingRate, logTime, time, FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], angle) # and compute downsampled velocities N = 5 vTrans_ds, vRot_ds, vTransFilt_ds, vRotFilt_ds \ = velocityFromTrajectory(time_ds, angle_ds, xPos_ds, yPos_ds, N, numFrames_ds) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate basic analysis plots # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Time step plot ................................................................................................... plotStp = 5 tstpfig = plotFlyVRtimeStp(plotStp, FOData[:, 0], titleString) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'timeStepPlot/', trialType + 'Trial' + sep) tstpfig.savefig(analysisDir + 'timeStepPlot/' + trialType + 'Trial' + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_timeStepPlot.pdf', format='pdf') # Plot of walking trace (+ colorbar for time) with object locations ................................................ coneShape = np.asarray([bool('Cone' in objName) for objName in visibleObjectName]) cyliShape = np.asarray([bool('Cyli' in objName) for objName in visibleObjectName]) tStart = 0 tEnd = len(FOData[:, 1]) tStep = 72 frameRange = range(tStart, tEnd, tStep) colMap = 'Accent' arrowLength = 4 trajfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=np.hstack((10, 1))) axTraj = trajfig.add_subplot(gs[0]) axTime = trajfig.add_subplot(gs[1]) plotPosInRange(axTraj, axTime, frameRange, FOData[:, 0], FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], np.pi/180*FOData[:, 5], colMap, arrowLength, 0.5, 5) axTraj.scatter(visibleObjectCoords[coneShape, 0], visibleObjectCoords[coneShape, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolors='black', edgecolors='none', marker='^') axTraj.scatter(visibleObjectCoords[cyliShape, 0], visibleObjectCoords[cyliShape, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolors='black', edgecolors='none', marker='s') #axTraj.scatter(invisibleObjectCoords[4:, 0], invisibleObjectCoords[4:, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, # facecolors='none', edgecolors='black') axTraj.set_xlabel(header[1], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylabel(header[2], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_title('Walking trace of ' + titleString, fontsize=14) axTraj.set_xlim([max(-650, min(FOData[:, 1]) - 20), min(650, max(FOData[:, 1]) + 20)]) axTraj.set_ylim([max(-650, min(FOData[:, 2]) - 20), min(650, max(FOData[:, 2]) + 20)]) myAxisTheme(axTraj) axTime.set_xlabel(header[0], fontsize=12) plt.xlim((0, FOData[-1, 0])) timeAxisTheme(axTime) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'tracePlot/', trialType + 'Trial' + sep) trajfig.savefig(analysisDir + 'tracePlot/' + trialType + 'Trial' + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_traceObjectPlot.pdf', format='pdf') # Visualise strength of optogenetic stimulation .................................................................... rEvents = FOData[:, 11] # downsample rEvents f_rEvents = interp1d(time, rEvents, kind='linear') rEvents_ds = f_rEvents(time_ds) tStep = 72 frameRange = range(tStart, tEnd, tStep) trajRZfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) axTraj = trajRZfig.add_subplot(111) axTraj.scatter(visibleObjectCoords[coneShape, 0], visibleObjectCoords[coneShape, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolors='black', edgecolors='none', marker='^') axTraj.scatter(visibleObjectCoords[cyliShape, 0], visibleObjectCoords[cyliShape, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolors='black', edgecolors='none', marker='s') plt.plot(FOData[frameRange, 1], FOData[frameRange, 2], marker='.', markerfacecolor='grey', markeredgecolor='none', linestyle='none', alpha=0.1) #overlay reinforcement val axTraj.scatter(FOData[frameRange, 1], FOData[frameRange, 2], s=rEvents[frameRange]*3, c=rEvents[frameRange]*3, alpha=0.7, cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds')) axTraj.set_xlabel(header[1], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylabel(header[2], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_title('Walking trace of ' + titleString, fontsize=14) axTraj.set_xlim([max(-650, min(FOData[:, 1]) - 20), min(650, max(FOData[:, 1]) + 20)]) axTraj.set_ylim([max(-650, min(FOData[:, 2]) - 20), min(650, max(FOData[:, 2]) + 20)]) axTraj.set_aspect('equal') myAxisTheme(axTraj) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'tracePlotRZ/', trialType + 'Trial' + sep) trajRZfig.savefig(analysisDir + 'tracePlotRZ/' + trialType + 'Trial' + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_traceObjectPlot.pdf', format='pdf') # Plot velocity distributions of downs sampled data ................................................................ rotLim = (-5, 5) transLim = (0, 30) angleLim = (-np.pi, np.pi) summaryVeloFig_ds = velocitySummaryPlot(time_ds, vTrans_ds, vTransFilt_ds, vRot_ds, vRotFilt_ds, angle_ds, rotLim, transLim, angleLim, 'Down sampled velocity traces, ' + titleString) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'velocityTraces/', trialType + 'Trial' + sep) summaryVeloFig_ds.savefig(analysisDir + 'velocityTraces/' + trialType + 'Trial' + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_veloTraces_ds.pdf', format='pdf') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Collapse traces to single object cell and plot resulting trace # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Collapse to 'mini-arena' while preserving the global heading ..................................................... gridSize = 60.0 # closest distance between landmarks gridRepeat = (6, 5) # grid height in repeats of gridSize in x and y xPosMA, yPosMA = collapseTwoObjGrid(FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], gridSize, gridRepeat) # Compute donw sampled collapsed traces f_xPosMA = interp1d(time, xPosMA, kind='linear') f_yPosMA = interp1d(time, yPosMA, kind='linear') xPosMA_ds = f_xPosMA(time_ds) yPosMA_ds = f_yPosMA(time_ds) # Plot collapsed, down sampled trace ............................................................................... tStart = 0 tEnd = numFrames_ds tStep = 4 frameRange = range(tStart, tEnd, tStep) colMap = 'Accent' colTrFig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 10)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=np.hstack((10, 1))) colTrFig.suptitle('Collapsed walking trace ("mini arena" with central object)\n' + titleString, fontsize=14) axTraj = colTrFig.add_subplot(gs[0]) axTime = colTrFig.add_subplot(gs[1]) plotPosInRange(axTraj, axTime, frameRange, time_ds, xPosMA_ds, yPosMA_ds, angle_ds, colMap, 4, 0.5, 7) axTraj.plot(gridSize/2, -gridSize/2, 'ks', markersize=8) axTraj.plot(gridSize/2, gridSize/2, 'k^', markersize=10) axTraj.plot(3*gridSize/2, -gridSize/2, 'k^', markersize=10) axTraj.plot(3*gridSize/2, gridSize/2, 'ks', markersize=8) axTraj.set_xlabel(header[1], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylabel(header[2], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylim([-(5+gridSize), gridSize+5]) axTraj.set_xlim([-5, 2*gridSize+5]) myAxisTheme(axTraj) axTime.set_xlabel(header[0], fontsize=12) plt.xlim((0, time_ds[-1])) timeAxisTheme(axTime) # if rZones == 'on': # rZoneRange = float(rZone_rOuter - rZone_rInner) # for zRad in range(rZone_rInner, rZone_rOuter): # circle1 = plt.Circle((0, 0), zRad, color='r', alpha=1.0/rZoneRange) # axTraj.add_artist(circle1) makeNestedPlotDirectory(analysisDir, 'tracePlotMA/', trialType + 'Trial' + sep) colTrFig.savefig(analysisDir + 'tracePlotMA/' + trialType + 'Trial' + sep + FODataFile[0:-4] + '_traceObjectPlot_ds.pdf', format='pdf') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Save position and velocities for future analysis # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ toSave = {'time': time_ds, 'xPos': xPos_ds, 'yPos': yPos_ds, 'xPosInMiniarena': xPosMA_ds, 'yPosInMiniarena': yPosMA_ds, 'headingAngle': angle_ds, 'rotVelo': vRot_ds, 'transVelo': vTrans_ds, 'rEvents': rEvents_ds} # Save data in this format as *.npy for easy loading.. + FODataFile[:-4], toSave) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ print('\n \n Analysis ran successfully. \n \n') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ plt.close('all') return 0
def singleVRStripeTrialAnalysis(fileToAnalyse): datadir = sep.join(fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[0:-3]) + sep flyID = fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[-2] expDir = sep.join(fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[0:-1]) + sep FODataFile = fileToAnalyse.split(sep)[-1] print('\n') print('flyID: '+flyID+'\n') # # Load raw data dataFileParts = FODataFile.split('_') genotype = dataFileParts[2] sceneName = dataFileParts[0] titleString = 'fly '+flyID+' ('+genotype+')'+' in '+sceneName+' world' if 'Stripe' in sceneName or 'stripe' in sceneName: sceneType = 'stripe' else: sceneType = 'plane' print(titleString+'\n') print('scene type: ' + sceneType) # # Load data # ## Load FlyOver log file, extract calibration paramater and name of cood file header, FOData, numFrames, frameRange, calibParams, coordFile = loadSingleVRLogfile(expDir, FODataFile) # ## Read in object coordinates visObjCoords, visObjName, invisObjCoords, origin = loadObjectCoordIdentities(datadir, coordFile) print('Coord file: '+coordFile+'\n') # # Compute derrived values # ## Compute movement velocities logTime = np.copy(FOData[:, 0]) time = np.linspace(0, logTime[-1], numFrames) angle = convertRawHeadingAngle(FOData[:, 5]) # ## Collapse to 'mini-arena' while preserving the global heading --- if trialtype is 'plane' if sceneType == 'plane': xPos = FOData[:, 1] yPos = FOData[:, 2] arenaRad = 60 # 1/2 distance between objects objectCoords = np.copy(visObjCoords[0:-3, 0:2]) xPosMA, yPosMA = collapseToMiniArena(xPos, yPos, arenaRad, objectCoords) # ## Compute fly's walking velocieties from TM raw values --- if trial type is 'stripe' if sceneType == 'stripe': dx1 = FOData[:, 6] dy1 = FOData[:, 7] dx2 = FOData[:, 8] dy2 = FOData[:, 9] dtime = np.diff(time) dtime = np.hstack((dtime[0], dtime)) # parameter definitions gammaRad = 45*np.pi/180 # absolute angle of cameras to longitudinal axis (of fly) rBall = float(calibParams[0]) pixel2mm = 0.013514 conversionFactor_pitch = (1.0/pixel2mm)*float(calibParams[0])*2.0*(np.pi/2.0)*(1.0/float(calibParams[1])) conversionFactor_yaw = (1.0/pixel2mm)*float(calibParams[0])*2.0*(np.pi/2.0)*(1.0/float(calibParams[2])) # compute virtual rotation of fly vFwdBall = - (dy1 + dy2) * np.cos(gammaRad) vSideBall = - (dy1 - dy2) * np.sin(gammaRad) vRotBall = - (dx1 + dx2)/2 # convert A.U. --> pixel --> mm vFwdBall = pixel2mm * vFwdBall * conversionFactor_pitch vSideBall = pixel2mm * vSideBall * ((conversionFactor_yaw + conversionFactor_pitch)/2) vRotBall = pixel2mm * vRotBall * conversionFactor_yaw # convert to mm/s vFwdBall = vFwdBall / dtime vSideBall = vSideBall / dtime vRotBall = vRotBall / dtime # mm/s to deg/s vRot = -vRotBall / rBall # Assume initial position (0 0 0) = (x-coord, y-coord, angle): # --> fly in origin, aligned with x axis (head forward) # During measurement coordinate system is fly-centered, moves with fly. Compute all changes along those axes by # updating angle and projecting the position changes onto the fixed coordinate system angle = np.cumsum(vRot * dtime) angle = np.mod((angle + np.pi), 2*np.pi) - np.pi # movement in x and y direction yTM_i = vSideBall * np.cos(-angle) - vFwdBall * np.sin(-angle) yPos = np.cumsum(yTM_i * dtime) xTM_i = vSideBall * np.sin(-angle) + vFwdBall * np.cos(-angle) xPos = np.cumsum(xTM_i * dtime) vTrans = np.hypot(xTM_i, yTM_i) # ## Downsample # Down sample data to 20 Hz ........................................................................................ samplingRate = 20 time_ds, xPos_ds, yPos_ds, angle_ds, numFrames_ds = donwsampleFOData(samplingRate, logTime, time, xPos, yPos, angle) # and compute downsampled velocities N = 5 vTrans_ds, vRot_ds, vTransFilt_ds, vRotFilt_ds \ = velocityFromTrajectory(time_ds, angle_ds, xPos_ds, yPos_ds, N, numFrames_ds) if sceneType == 'plane': # Compute donwsampled collapsed traces f_xPosMA = interp1d(time, xPosMA, kind='linear') f_yPosMA = interp1d(time, yPosMA, kind='linear') xPosMA_ds = f_xPosMA(time_ds) yPosMA_ds = f_yPosMA(time_ds) # # Generate basic analysis plots # ## Time step plot tstpfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=np.hstack((2, 1))) tstpfig.suptitle(titleString, fontsize=13) histRange = (0, 0.011) ax = tstpfig.add_subplot(gs[0]) ax.plot(FOData[0:-2, 0], (FOData[1:-1, 0]-FOData[0:-2, 0]).astype('float'), '.', alpha=0.1) ax.set_ylim(histRange) ax.set_xlim((0, time[-1])) ax.set_xlabel('time [s]') ax.set_ylabel('time step [1/s]') myAxisTheme(ax) ax = tstpfig.add_subplot(gs[1]) ax.hist(FOData[1:-1, 0]-FOData[0:-2, 0], 50, histRange) ax.set_xlabel('time step [1/s]') ax.set_ylabel('count') ax.set_title('mean time step = ' + str(round(np.mean((FOData[1:-1, 0]-FOData[0:-2, 0])*1000.0), 2)) + 'ms') myAxisTheme(ax) tstpfig.tight_layout() try: mkdir(datadir + 'analysis'+sep+'timeStepPlot'+sep) except OSError: print('Plot directory already exists.') tstpfig.savefig(datadir+'analysis'+sep+'timeStepPlot'+sep+FODataFile[0:-4]+'_timeStepPlot.pdf', format='pdf') # ## Plot velocity distributions of downsampled data rotLim = (-5, 5) transLim = (0, 30) angleLim = (-np.pi, np.pi) summaryVeloFig_ds = velocitySummaryPlot(time_ds, vTrans_ds, vTransFilt_ds, vRot_ds, vRotFilt_ds, angle_ds, rotLim, transLim, angleLim, 'Downsampled and filtered downsampled velocity traces, ' + titleString) try: mkdir(datadir+'analysis'+sep+'velocityTraces'+sep) except OSError: print('Plot directory already exists.') summaryVeloFig_ds.savefig(datadir+'analysis'+sep+'velocityTraces'+sep+FODataFile[0:-4]+'_veloTraces_ds.pdf', format='pdf') # ## Classify time point as 'moving' or 'non-moving' based on transl. velocity vTransTH = 2.0 moving = vTrans_ds > vTransTH # ## Compute relative heading if sceneType == 'plane': objLocation = [0, 0] objDirection, objDistance, gammaFull, gamma, gammaV \ = relationToObject(time_ds, xPosMA_ds, yPosMA_ds, angle_ds, objLocation) else: # sceneType == 'stripe' gamma = abs(angle_ds) gammaFull = angle_ds # ## Heading angle distribution (if stripe) headingfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) gammaPlt = headingfig.add_subplot(221) histRange = (0, np.pi) nhead, edges = np.histogram(gamma[moving > 0], density=True, range=histRange, bins=18) gammaPlt.plot(edges[:-1]+np.diff(edges)/2, nhead) gammaPlt.set_xlim(histRange) gammaPlt.set_xlabel('rel. heading') gammaPlt.set_ylabel('frequency (when moving)') myAxisTheme(gammaPlt) gammaFullPlt = headingfig.add_subplot(222) histRange = (-np.pi, np.pi) nhead, edges = np.histogram(gammaFull[moving > 0], density=True, range=histRange, bins=36) gammaFullPlt.plot(edges[:-1]+np.diff(edges)/2, nhead) gammaFullPlt.set_xlim(histRange) gammaFullPlt.set_xlabel('rel. heading (full)') myAxisTheme(gammaFullPlt) gammaPlt = headingfig.add_subplot(223) histRange = (0, np.pi) nhead, edges = np.histogram(gamma, density=True, range=histRange, bins=18) gammaPlt.plot(edges[:-1]+np.diff(edges)/2, nhead, color='grey') gammaPlt.set_xlim(histRange) gammaPlt.set_xlabel('rel. heading') gammaPlt.set_ylabel('frequency') myAxisTheme(gammaPlt) gammaFullPlt = headingfig.add_subplot(224) histRange = (-np.pi, np.pi) nhead, edges = np.histogram(gammaFull, density=True, range=histRange, bins=36) gammaFullPlt.plot(edges[:-1]+np.diff(edges)/2, nhead, color='grey') gammaFullPlt.set_xlim(histRange) gammaFullPlt.set_xlabel('rel. heading (full)') myAxisTheme(gammaFullPlt) headingfig.suptitle(titleString, fontsize=13) headingfig.tight_layout() try: mkdir(datadir + 'analysis'+sep+'heading'+sep) except OSError: print('Plot directory already exists.') headingfig.savefig(datadir+'analysis'+sep+'heading'+sep+FODataFile[0:-4]+'_headingDistribution.pdf', format='pdf') # # Stripe tracking trial.... # # Walking in 2D plane trial..... # ## Plot trace and mark object locations # (1) plot raw trace ......... if sceneType == 'plane': tStart = 0 tEnd = len(FOData[:, 1]) tStep = 72 frameRange = range(tStart, tEnd, tStep) colMap = 'Accent' arrowLength = 5 trajfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=np.hstack((10, 1))) axTraj = trajfig.add_subplot(gs[0]) #trace plot axTime = trajfig.add_subplot(gs[1]) #time line plotPosInRange(axTraj, axTime, frameRange, FOData[:, 0], FOData[:, 1], FOData[:, 2], np.pi/180*FOData[:, 5], colMap, arrowLength, 0.5, 5) axTraj.scatter(visObjCoords[:, 0], visObjCoords[:, 1], 50, alpha=0.75, facecolor='black', edgecolors='none') axTraj.scatter(invisObjCoords[:, 0], invisObjCoords[:, 1], 50, alpha=0.5, facecolors='none', edgecolors='black') axTraj.set_xlabel(header[1], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylabel(header[2], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_title('Walking trace of ' + titleString) axTraj.set_xlim([min(FOData[:, 1]) - 20, max(FOData[:, 1]) + 20]) axTraj.set_ylim([min(FOData[:, 2]) - 20, max(FOData[:, 2]) + 20]) myAxisTheme(axTraj) axTime.set_xlabel(header[0], fontsize=12) plt.xlim((0, FOData[-1, 0])) timeAxisTheme(axTime) try: mkdir(datadir + 'analysis'+sep+'tracePlot'+sep) except OSError: print('Plot directory already exists.') trajfig.savefig(datadir+'analysis'+sep+'tracePlot'+sep+FODataFile[0:-4]+'_traceObjectPlot.pdf', format='pdf') # (2) plot collapsed trace ........ if sceneType == 'plane': tStart = 0 tEnd = numFrames_ds tStep = 4 frameRange = range(tStart, tEnd, tStep) colMap = 'Accent' arrowLength = 5 colTrajFig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 10)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=np.hstack((10, 1))) colTrajFig.suptitle('Collapsed walking trace ("mini arena" with central object)\n' + titleString, fontsize=13) axTraj = colTrajFig.add_subplot(gs[0]) # trace plot axTime = colTrajFig.add_subplot(gs[1]) # time line plotPosInRange(axTraj, axTime, frameRange, time_ds, xPosMA_ds, yPosMA_ds, angle_ds, colMap, 4, 0.5, 7) axTraj.plot(0, 0, marker='o', markersize=20, linestyle='none', alpha=0.5, color='black') axTraj.set_xlabel(header[1], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylabel(header[2], fontsize=12) axTraj.set_ylim([-arenaRad-5, arenaRad + 5]) axTraj.set_xlim([-arenaRad-5, arenaRad + 5]) myAxisTheme(axTraj) axTime.set_xlabel(header[0], fontsize=12) plt.xlim((0, time_ds[-1])) timeAxisTheme(axTime) try: mkdir(datadir+'analysis'+sep+'collapsedTracePlot'+sep) except OSError: print('Plot directory already exists.') colTrajFig.savefig(datadir+'analysis'+sep+'collapsedTracePlot'+sep+FODataFile[0:-4]+'_traceObjectPlot_ds.pdf', format='pdf') # # Save values for future analysis if sceneType == 'stripe': xPosMA_ds = np.nan*np.ones(np.size(time_ds)) yPosMA_ds = np.nan*np.ones(np.size(time_ds)) toSave = {'time': time_ds, 'xPos': xPos_ds, 'yPos': yPos_ds, 'xPosInMiniarena': xPosMA_ds, 'yPosInMiniarena': yPosMA_ds, 'headingAngle': angle_ds, 'rotVelo': vRot_ds, 'transVelo': vTrans_ds, 'gammaFull': gammaFull, 'gamma': gamma, 'moving': moving} + FODataFile[:-4], toSave) plt.close('all') return 0