コード例 #1
def generate_null_distribution(seq_x, seq_y, scoring_matrix, num_trials):
    sdist = { }
    # l = list(seq_y)
    for i in range(num_trials):
        l = list(seq_y)
        rand_y = ''.join(l)
        am = student.compute_alignment_matrix(seq_x, rand_y, scoring_matrix, False)
        las = student.compute_local_alignment(seq_x, rand_y, scoring_matrix, am)
        score = las[0]
        if sdist.has_key(score):
            sdist[score] = sdist[score] + 1
            sdist[score] = 1
    return sdist
コード例 #2
def part_one():
    hseq = read_protein(HUMAN_EYELESS_URL)
    fseq = read_protein(FRUITFLY_EYELESS_URL)
    pm50 = read_scoring_matrix(PAM50_URL)

    am50 = student.compute_alignment_matrix(hseq, fseq, pm50, False)
    res = student.compute_local_alignment(hseq, fseq, pm50, am50 )
    print_res(res,["Human   :", "Fruitfly:"])

    cpax = read_protein(CONSENSUS_PAX_URL)
    # print 'cpax:', cpax
    hdseq = res[1].replace('-', '')
    # print 'h no d:', hdseq
    amhc = student.compute_alignment_matrix(hdseq, cpax, pm50, True)
    gah = student.compute_global_alignment(hdseq, cpax, pm50, amhc)
    # gah = student.compute_global_alignment(cpax, hdseq, pm50, am50)
    print_res(gah,["Human:", "CPAX :"])
    dashh = gah[1].count('-')
    dashc = gah[2].count('-')
    print "dash h:", dashh, 'dashc:', dashc, 'lenh:', len(gah[1]), 'lenc:', len(gah[2])

    print 'Percentage Agree Human:', 100 * (((len(gah[1]) - (dashh + dashc)) * 1.0)/len(gah[1])),"%"
    fdseq = res[2].replace('-', '')
    amfc = student.compute_alignment_matrix(fdseq, cpax, pm50, True)
    gaf = student.compute_global_alignment(fdseq, cpax, pm50, amfc)
    print_res(gaf,["Fruitfly:", "CPAX    :"])
    dashh = gaf[1].count('-')
    dashc = gaf[2].count('-')
    print "dash h:", dashh, 'dashc:', dashc, 'lenh:', len(gah[1]), 'lenc:', len(gah[2])

    print 'Percentage Agree Fruitfly:', 100 * (((len(gah[1]) - (dashh + dashc)) * 1.0)/len(gah[1])),"%"

    num_trials = 100
    dist = generate_null_distribution(hseq, fseq, pm50, num_trials)
    disthf = {}
    for i in dist.keys():
        disthf[i] = (dist[i] * 1.0) / num_trials
    print 'Unnormalized Dist:', dist
    print 'Normalized Dist:', disthf

    sum = 0
    for i in dist.keys():
        sum = dist[i] + sum
    mean = (sum * 1.0) / len(dist)
    sd = 0.0
    for i in dist.keys():
        sd = math.pow(dist[i] - mean, 2) + sd

    sdv = math.sqrt((sd  * 1.0)/len(dist))
    print "s:", res[0]
    print "Mean:", mean
    print "Standard Deviation:", sdv
    print "z-score:", (res[0] - mean)/sdv

    plt.bar(disthf.keys(), disthf.values(), label='statistical hypothesis')
    plt.ylabel('Fraction of trails')
    plt.title('Normalized distribution of generate_null_distribution')
    # plt.legend(loc='upper right')