コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: peter9689/Smartcard_Lab
# Load measured traces into a matrix: trace-number x trace-length
traces = input_data.get_traces()
# Load ciphertexts into a matrix: trace-number x 16 bytes ciphertext
ciphertexts = input_data.get_ciphertexts()
# Load plaintexts into a matrix: trace-number x 16 bytes plaintext
plaintexts = input_data.get_plaintexts()

############################### PERFORM DPA ####################################

# last_round_key = dpa.perform_dpa(ciphertexts, traces)
#last_round_key = dpa.perform_dpa(ciphertexts, traces)
timeList = []
compressRate = []
rate = 5

last_round_key, COR = dpa.perform_dpa(plaintexts, traces, rate)

############################ TEST RESULTS ###################################

if test_key.test_key(last_round_key, plaintexts[0], ciphertexts[0]):
    print "Congratulations! Your key is right."
	    # compressRate.append(rate)
	    # rate += 50
	    # print t2 -t1
	    # timeList.append(t2 - t1)
	    # print COR
	    # plt.plot(COR, label = "rate " + str(rate))
	    # plt.ylabel('COR')
	    # plt.xlabel('KEY')
	    # plt.show()
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: peter9689/Smartcard_Lab
plaintexts = input_data.get_plaintexts()

############################### PERFORM DPA ####################################

# last_round_key = dpa.perform_dpa(ciphertexts, traces)
#last_round_key = dpa.perform_dpa(ciphertexts, traces)

timeList = []
compressRate = []
rate = 40
# while(1):
if __name__ == '__main__':
	t1 = time.clock()
	last_round_key, COR , DiffTrace , TRACES, SAMPLE, dpa_init_done = dpa.perform_dpa(traces, rate)
	if dpa_init_done == True :
	    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4)
    	iterable= range(16)
    	func= partial(dpa.getKeyForByte,plain,last_round_key,DiffTrace,TRACES,SAMPLE)
    	results =[ ]
    	r = pool.map(func, iterable) # Wait on the result    	 
	t2 = time.clock()
	print (t2-t1)
	############################# TEST RESULTS ###################################

	if test_key.test_key(last_round_key, plaintexts[0], ciphertexts[0]):
コード例 #3
    plaintext = data['plaintext'][()].astype(int).T
    ciphertext = data['ciphertext'][()].astype(int).T
    traces = data['traces'][()].T
    data = scipy.io.loadmat(filename, appendmat=False)
    plaintext = data['plaintext']
    ciphertext = data['ciphertext']
    traces = data['traces']

print 'Starting DPA...'

start = time.clock()
traces = preprocessing(traces)

#dpaResult = perform_dpa(plaintext[1000:1250], traces[1000:1250], showPlot=True, fullPlot=True)
dpaResult = perform_dpa(plaintext, traces, showPlot=True, fullPlot=False)
end = time.clock()
duration = end - start
print "\tTime:\t%0.2lfs" % (duration)

# masterKeyVec = dpaResult[0]
# maxCorrsVec = dpaResult[1]
# print "\nDPA Result:"
# print "\tTraces:\tn = %d (%d samples per trace)" % (traces.shape[0], traces.shape[1])
# print "\tTime:\t%0.2lfs (%0.2lfs per key byte)" % (duration, duration/16)
# masterKey = hexVector2number(masterKeyVec)
# print "\tKey:\t0x%0.32X" % masterKey
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: achmart/smartcard2
# Load measured traces into a matrix: trace-number x trace-length
traces = input_data.get_traces()
# Load ciphertexts into a matrix: trace-number x 16 bytes ciphertext
ciphertexts = input_data.get_ciphertexts()
# Load plaintexts into a matrix: trace-number x 16 bytes plaintext
plaintexts = input_data.get_plaintexts()

############################### PERFORM DPA ####################################

# last_round_key = dpa.perform_dpa(ciphertexts, traces)
#last_round_key = dpa.perform_dpa(ciphertexts, traces)
timeList = []
compressRate = []
rate = 5

last_round_key, COR = dpa.perform_dpa(plaintexts, traces, rate)

############################ TEST RESULTS ###################################

if test_key.test_key(last_round_key, plaintexts[0], ciphertexts[0]):
    print "Congratulations! Your key is right."
# compressRate.append(rate)
# rate += 50
# print t2 -t1
# timeList.append(t2 - t1)
# print COR
# plt.plot(COR, label = "rate " + str(rate))
# plt.ylabel('COR')
# plt.xlabel('KEY')
# plt.show()
コード例 #5
timing = np.zeros(numRuns)
results = np.zeros(numRuns)

for run in range(numRuns):

    # mask = np.random.permutation(mask)
    # curTraces = traces[mask,:]
    # curPlaintext = plaintext[mask,:]
    # curCiphertext = ciphertext[mask,:]

    curTraces = traces[stepSize*run:,:]
    curPlaintext = plaintext[stepSize*run:,:]
    curCiphertext = ciphertext[stepSize*run:,:]

    start = time.clock()
    dpaResult = perform_dpa(curPlaintext, curTraces, showPlot=False, fullPlot=False, silent=True)
    end = time.clock()

    masterKeyVec = dpaResult[0]
    maxCorrs[run, :] = dpaResult[1]

    duration = end - start
    print "\nDPA %d. run:" % (run + 1)
    print "\tTraces:\tn = %d (%d samples per trace)" % (curTraces.shape[0], curTraces.shape[1])
    print "\tTime:\t%0.2lfs (%0.2lfs per key byte)" % (duration, duration/16)

    masterKey = hexVector2number(masterKeyVec)
    print "\tKey:\t0x%0.32X" % masterKey

    ## Test Key from DPA:
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: achmart/smartcard2
# Load plaintexts into a matrix: trace-number x 16 bytes plaintext
plaintexts = input_data.get_plaintexts()

############################### PERFORM DPA ####################################

# last_round_key = dpa.perform_dpa(ciphertexts, traces)
#last_round_key = dpa.perform_dpa(ciphertexts, traces)

timeList = []
compressRate = []
rate = 40
BYTE16 = 16
# while(1):
if __name__ == '__main__':
    t1 = time.clock()
    last_round_key, COR, DiffTrace, TRACES, SAMPLE, dpa_init_done = dpa.perform_dpa(
        traces, rate)
    if dpa_init_done == True:
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4)
    iterable = range(16)
    plain = plaintexts
    func = partial(dpa.getKeyForByte, plain, last_round_key, DiffTrace, TRACES,
    results = []
    r = pool.map(func, iterable)  # Wait on the result
    last_round_key = np.array(r, np.uint8)
    t2 = time.clock()
    print(t2 - t1)
    ############################# TEST RESULTS ###################################