コード例 #1
def test_SearchQuery_from_is_calculated_from_page_and_page_size():
    """The 'from' value in SearchQuery's JSON is calculated properly"""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType()
    sq1 = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert sq1.query['from'] == 0
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({'page': '2', 'page_size': '2'})
    sq2 = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert sq2.query['from'] == 2
コード例 #2
def test_query_string_clause_has_all_correct_fields_for_q_query():
    """A 'q=' query hits all of the correct fields w field boosts"""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({'q': 'test'})
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    good_fields = [
    got_fields = sq.query['query']['bool']['must'][0]['query_string']['fields']
    assert sorted(got_fields) == sorted(good_fields)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_truncates_page_size():
    """ItemsQueryType truncates a page_size greater than 500 to 500

    This is not ideal, but it's what the API has always done.
    x = types.ItemsQueryType({'page_size': '501'})
    assert x['page_size'] == 500
コード例 #4
def test_SearchQuery_add_range_clause_after():
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({'sourceResource.date.after': '2000'})
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert sq.query['query']['bool']['must'][0] == {
        'range': {
            'sourceResource.date.end': {
                'gte': '2000'
コード例 #5
def test_SearchQuery_has_sort_given_sort_by_param():
    """The search query has the correct sort if we got a sort_by parameter"""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({'sort_by': 'sourceResource.type'})
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert sq.query['sort'] == [{
        'sourceResource.type': {
            'order': 'asc'
    }, {
        '_score': {
            'order': 'desc'
コード例 #6
def test_SearchQuery_does_geo_distance_sort():
    """A _geo_distance sort is performed for coordinates and pin params"""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({
        'sort_by': 'sourceResource.spatial.coordinates',
        'sort_by_pin': '26.15952,-97.99084'
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert sq.query['sort'] == [{
        '_geo_distance': {
            'sourceResource.spatial.coordinates': '26.15952,-97.99084',
            'order': 'asc',
            'unit': 'mi'
コード例 #7
def test_SearchQuery_uses_not_analyzed_field_where_necessary():
    """The search query specifies the not_analyzed (keyword) field if the
    requested fields needs it; usually when it's a text field."""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({'sort_by': 'sourceResource.title'})
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert sq.query['sort'] == [{
        'sourceResource.title.not_analyzed': {
            'order': 'asc'
    }, {
        '_score': {
            'order': 'desc'
コード例 #8
def test_SearchQuery_has_correct_default_sort():
    """The search query without sort requested has the correct 'sort'"""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType()
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert sq.query['sort'] == [
            '_score': {
                'order': 'desc'
            'id': {
                'order': 'asc'
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_sets_default_sort_order():
    """ItemsQueryType sets sort_order if it is not given"""
    x = types.ItemsQueryType()
    assert x['sort_order'] == 'asc'
コード例 #10
def test_SearchQuery_produces_bool_query_for_query_terms():
    """SearchQuery produces 'bool' syntax if there are search terms"""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({'q': 'test'})
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert 'bool' in sq.query['query']
    assert 'match_all' not in sq.query['query']
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_flunks_bad_string_pattern():
    """ItemsQueryType flunks a field that has the wrong pattern"""
    # In this case, the field is supposed to be a URL
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        types.ItemsQueryType({'rights': "I'm free!"})
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_flunks_bad_string_length():
    """ItemsQueryType flunks a field that is the wrong length"""
    # Just one sample field of many
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        types.ItemsQueryType({'q': 'x'})  # Too few characters
コード例 #13
def test_SearchQuery_can_handle_match_all_and_fields():
    """A correct ES query is generated for a match_all() with a _source prop"""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({'fields': 'id'})
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert 'match_all' in str(sq.query)
    assert '_source' in sq.query
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_passes_good_string_pattern():
    """ItemsQueryType passes a field that has the correct pattern"""
    # Again, the field is supposed to be a URL
    assert types.ItemsQueryType({
              'rights': "http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/"})
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_flunks_bad_param_name():
    """ItemsQueryType flunks a bad querystring parameter name"""
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        types.ItemsQueryType({'not_a_valid_param': 'x'})
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_validates_page_number():
    """ItemsQueryType validates that page and page size are within limits"""
    types.ItemsQueryType({'page_size': '500', 'page': '100'})  # OK
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        types.ItemsQueryType({'page_size': '500', 'page': '101'})
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_sets_default_page():
    """ItemsQueryType sets default page number 1 if it is not provided"""
    x = types.ItemsQueryType()
    assert x['page'] == 1
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_sets_default_page_size():
    """ItemsQueryType sets default page size 10 if it is not provided"""
    x = types.ItemsQueryType()
    assert x['page_size'] == 10
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_can_be_instantiated():
    """ItemsQueryType can be instantiated with a dict without error"""
    assert types.ItemsQueryType({'q': 'xx'})
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_ItemsQueryType_flunks_sort_on_coordinates_without_pin():
    """ItemsQueryType fails a sort on sourceResource.spatial.coordinates
    without a sort_by_pin value"""
    with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
        types.ItemsQueryType({'sort_by': 'sourceResource.spatial.coordinates'})
コード例 #21
def test_SearchQuery_adds_facets_to_query():
    """SearchQuery adds a 'facets' property to the query if a 'facets' param
    is given."""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({'facets': 'provider.name'})
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert 'aggs' in sq.query
コード例 #22
def test_SearchQuery_produces_match_all_for_no_query_terms():
    """SearchQuery produces 'match_all' syntax if there are no search terms"""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType()
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert 'match_all' in str(sq.query)
    assert 'bool' in sq.query['query']
コード例 #23
def test_SearchQuery_has_source_clause_for_fields_constraint():
    """If there's a "fields" query param, there's a "_source" property in the
    Elasticsearch query."""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({'fields': 'id'})
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert '_source' in sq.query
コード例 #24
def test_SearchQuery_has_size_and_from():
    """The JSON generated by SearchQuery has 'size' and 'from' properties."""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType()
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert 'size' in sq.query
    assert 'from' in sq.query
コード例 #25
def test_SearchQuery_can_handle_bool_and_fields():
    """A correct ES query is generated for a bool with a _source prop"""
    params = types.ItemsQueryType({'provider.name': 'test', 'fields': 'id'})
    sq = search_query.SearchQuery(params)
    assert 'bool' in sq.query['query']
    assert '_source' in sq.query
コード例 #26
ファイル: test_types.py プロジェクト: dpla/dplaapi
def test_an_ItemsQueryType_object_is_a_dict():
    """ItemsQueryType extends dict"""
    x = types.ItemsQueryType({'q': 'xx'})
    assert isinstance(x, dict)