コード例 #1
ファイル: member.py プロジェクト: csko/Tribler
    def _set_tag(self, tag, value):
        assert isinstance(tag, unicode)
        assert tag in [u"store", u"ignore", u"drop"]
        assert isinstance(value, bool)
        if __debug__: dprint(tag, " -> ", value)
        if value:
            if tag in self._tags:
                # the tag is already set
                return False

            if not tag in self._tags:
                # the tag isn't there to begin with
                return False

        # todo: at some point we may want to optimize this.  for now this is a feature that will
        # probably not be used often hence we leave it like this.
        with DispersyDatabase.get_instance() as database:
            tags = list(database.execute(u"SELECT key, value FROM tag"))
            int_tags = [0, 0] + [key for key, value in tags if value in self._tags]
            reduced = reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, int_tags)
            database.execute(u"UPDATE user SET tags = ? WHERE public_key = ?", (reduced, buffer(self._public_key),))
        return True
コード例 #2
ファイル: debug.py プロジェクト: csko/Tribler
 def give_messages(self, messages, verbose=False):
     assert isinstance(messages, list)
     assert isinstance(verbose, bool)
     map(self.encode_message, messages)
     if verbose: dprint("giving ", len(messages), " messages (", sum(len(message.packet) for message in messages), " bytes)")
     self.give_packets([message.packet for message in messages], verbose=verbose)
     return messages
コード例 #3
ファイル: debug.py プロジェクト: csko/Tribler
 def give_message(self, message, verbose=False):
     assert isinstance(message, Message.Implementation)
     assert isinstance(verbose, bool)
     if verbose: dprint("giving ", message.name, " (", len(message.packet), " bytes)")
     self.give_packet(message.packet, verbose=verbose)
     return message
コード例 #4
ファイル: debug.py プロジェクト: csko/Tribler
 def give_packets(self, packets, verbose=False):
     assert isinstance(packets, list)
     assert isinstance(verbose, bool)
     if verbose: dprint("giving ", sum(len(packet) for packet in packets), " bytes")
     address = self.socket.getsockname()
     self._community.dispersy.on_incoming_packets([(address, packet) for packet in packets])
     return packets
コード例 #5
ファイル: conversion.py プロジェクト: csko/Tribler
 def define(value, name, encode, decode):
         meta = community.get_meta_message(name)
     except KeyError:
         if __debug__: dprint("unable to define non-available message ", name, level="warning")
         self.define_meta_message(chr(value), meta, encode, decode)
コード例 #6
ファイル: trigger.py プロジェクト: rauljim/tgs-pc
    def __init__(self, pattern, callback, packets):
        Receiving a message matching PATTERN triggers a call to the on_incoming_packet method with

        PATTERN is a python regular expression string.

        CALLBACK is called when PATTERN matches the incoming message footprint.  The only argument
        is PACKETS.

        PACKETS is a list containing (Candidate, packet) tuples.  These packets are effectively
        delayed until a message matching PATTERN was received.

        When a timeout is received this Trigger is removed and PACKETS are lost.
        if __debug__:
            assert isinstance(pattern, str)
            assert hasattr(callback, "__call__")
            assert isinstance(packets, list)
            assert len(packets) > 0
            for packet in packets:
                assert isinstance(packet, tuple)
                assert len(packet) == 2
                assert isinstance(packet[0], Candidate)
                assert isinstance(packet[1], str)
        if __debug__:
            dprint("create new trigger for ", len(packets), " packets")
            dprint("pattern: ", pattern)
        self._pattern = pattern
        self._search = expression_compile(pattern).search
        self._callback = callback
        self._packets = packets
コード例 #7
 def send(self, candidates, packets):
     if __debug__:
         dprint("Thrown away ",
                sum(len(data) for data in packets),
                " bytes worth of outgoing data to ",
                ",".join(str(candidate) for candidate in candidates),
コード例 #8
ファイル: trigger.py プロジェクト: rauljim/tgs-pc
    def __init__(self, pattern, response_func, response_args, max_responses):
        Receiving a message matching PATTERN triggers a call to RESPONSE_FUNC.

        PATTERN is a python regular expression string.

        RESPONSE_FUNC is called when PATTERN matches the incoming message footprint.  The first
        argument is the incoming message, following this are optional values from RESPONSE_ARGS.

        RESPONSE_ARGS is an optional tuple containing arguments passed to RESPONSE_ARGS.

        MAX_RESPONSES is a number.  Once MAX_RESPONSES messages are received no further calls are
        made to RESPONSE_FUNC.

        When a timeout is received and MAX_RESPONSES has not yet been reached, RESPONSE_FUNC is
        immediately called.  The first argument will be ('', -1), the second will be None, following
        this are the optional values from RESPONSE_FUNC.
        assert isinstance(pattern, str)
        assert hasattr(response_func, "__call__")
        assert isinstance(response_args, tuple)
        assert isinstance(max_responses, int)
        assert max_responses > 0
        if __debug__:
            self._debug_pattern = pattern
            dprint("create new trigger for one callback")
            dprint("pattern: ", self._debug_pattern)
        self._search = expression_compile(pattern).search
        self._response_func = response_func
        self._response_args = response_args
        self._responses_remaining = max_responses
コード例 #9
ファイル: trigger.py プロジェクト: rauljim/tgs-pc
    def __init__(self, pattern, callback, messages):
        Receiving a message matching PATTERN triggers a call to the on_incoming_message message with
        ADDRESS and MESSAGE.

        PATTERN is a python regular expression string.

        CALLBACK is called when PATTERN matches the incoming message footprint.  As an argument it
        receives MESSAGES.

        MESSAGES is a list with Message.Implementation instances.  These messages are effectively
        delayed until a message matching PATTERN is received.

        When a timeout is received this Trigger is removed MESSAGES are lost.
        if __debug__:
            from message import Message
        assert isinstance(pattern, str)
        assert hasattr(callback, "__call__")
        assert isinstance(messages, list)
        assert len(messages) > 0
        assert not filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x, Message.Implementation), messages)
        if __debug__:
            dprint("create new trigger for ", len(messages), " messages")
            dprint("pattern: ", pattern)
        self._pattern = pattern
        self._search = expression_compile(pattern).search
        self._callback = callback
        self._messages = messages
コード例 #10
 def action(self, vehicule):
     if self.__stock:
         self.__stock -= 1
         vehicule.reservoir += self.impact_sante
         dprint("une case de carburant  vidée par " + str(vehicule))
コード例 #11
ファイル: debug.py プロジェクト: gvsurenderreddy/Tribler-2
 def give_packet(self, packet, verbose=False, cache=False):
     assert isinstance(packet, str)
     assert isinstance(verbose, bool)
     assert isinstance(cache, bool)
     if verbose: dprint("giving ", len(packet), " bytes")
     self._dispersy.on_socket_endpoint([(self.lan_address, packet)], cache=cache, timestamp=time())
     return packet
コード例 #12
ファイル: member.py プロジェクト: gvsurenderreddy/Tribler-2
    def __new__(cls, public_key, private_key="", sync_with_database=True, public_key_available=True):
        Some member instances may be indexed using the sha1 digest instead of the public key.

        we must check if this new instance replaces a previously made instance.
        assert isinstance(public_key, str)
        assert isinstance(private_key, str)
        assert isinstance(sync_with_database, bool)
        assert isinstance(public_key_available, bool)
        assert (public_key_available and len(public_key) > 0 and not public_key.startswith("-----BEGIN")) or \
               (not public_key_available and len(public_key) == 20), (len(public_key), public_key_available, public_key.encode("HEX"))
        assert (public_key_available and len(private_key) > 0 and not private_key.startswith("-----BEGIN")) or len(private_key) == 0
        if public_key_available:
            # determine if there already was a member with this mid (given the known public key)
            mid = sha1(public_key).digest()
            member = cls.has_instance(mid)
            if member:
                # TODO we might want to remove the old singleton link (indexed by mid), however, we
                # need to force the issue since it is currently not allowed as there are still
                # references to it
                if __debug__: dprint("singleton fix!", force=1)
                return member

            # determine if there already was a member with this public key (given the known mid)
            for member in cls.get_instances():
                # note that public_key, in this case, contains the mid
                if member.mid == public_key:
                    if __debug__: dprint("singleton fix", force=1)
                    return member

        return super(Member, cls).__new__(cls)#, public_key, private_key, sync_with_database, public_key_available)
コード例 #13
ファイル: debug.py プロジェクト: gvsurenderreddy/Tribler-2
 def give_packets(self, packets, verbose=False, cache=False):
     assert isinstance(packets, list)
     assert isinstance(verbose, bool)
     assert isinstance(cache, bool)
     if verbose: dprint("giving ", sum(len(packet) for packet in packets), " bytes")
     self._dispersy.on_socket_endpoint([(self.lan_address, packet) for packet in packets], cache=cache, timestamp=time())
     return packets
コード例 #14
ファイル: debug.py プロジェクト: gvsurenderreddy/Tribler-2
 def send_packet(self, packet, address, verbose=False):
     assert isinstance(packet, str)
     assert isinstance(address, tuple)
     assert isinstance(verbose, bool)
     if verbose: dprint(len(packet), " bytes to ", address[0], ":", address[1])
     self._socket.sendto(packet, address)
     return packet
コード例 #15
ファイル: debugcommunity.py プロジェクト: duy/dispersy
 def undo_text(self, descriptors):
     Received an undo for a text message.
     for member, global_time, packet in descriptors:
         message = packet.load_message()
         dprint("undo \"", message.payload.text, "\" @", global_time)
コード例 #16
ファイル: debugcommunity.py プロジェクト: duy/dispersy
 def on_text(self, messages):
     Received a text message.
     for message in messages:
         if not "Dprint=False" in message.payload.text:
             dprint(message, " \"", message.payload.text, "\" @", message.distribution.global_time)
コード例 #17
    def __init__(self, sock_addr, tunnel, lan_address, wan_address,
        assert is_address(sock_addr), sock_addr
        assert isinstance(tunnel, bool), type(tunnel)
        assert is_address(lan_address)
        assert is_address(wan_address)
        assert isinstance(connection_type, unicode) and connection_type in (
            u"unknown", u"public", u"symmetric-NAT")

        super(WalkCandidate, self).__init__(sock_addr, tunnel)
        self._lan_address = lan_address
        self._wan_address = wan_address
        self._connection_type = connection_type
        self._associations = set()
        self._timestamps = dict()
        self._global_times = dict()

        if __debug__:
            if not (self.sock_addr == self._lan_address
                    or self.sock_addr == self._wan_address):
                dprint("Either LAN ",
                       " or the WAN ",
                       " should be SOCK_ADDR ",
                assert False
コード例 #18
ファイル: timeline.py プロジェクト: hawkstalion/Tribler
    def get_resolution_policy(self, message, global_time):
        Returns the resolution policy and associated proof that is used for MESSAGE at time
        if __debug__:
            from message import Message
        assert isinstance(message, Message)
        assert isinstance(global_time, (int, long))

        key = u"resolution^" + message.name
        for policy_time, policies in reversed(self._policies):
            if policy_time < global_time and key in policies:
                if __debug__:
                        "using ",
                        " for time ",
                        " (configured at ",
                return policies[key]

        if __debug__:
            dprint("using ", message.resolution.default.__class__.__name__, " for time ", global_time, " (default)")
        return message.resolution.default, []
コード例 #19
 def on_text(self, messages):
     Received a text message.
     for message in messages:
         if not "Dprint=False" in message.payload.text:
             dprint(message, " \"", message.payload.text, "\"")
コード例 #20
    def update(self, tunnel, lan_address, wan_address, connection_type):
        assert isinstance(tunnel, bool)
        assert is_address(lan_address), lan_address
        assert is_address(wan_address), wan_address
        assert isinstance(connection_type, unicode), type(connection_type)
        assert connection_type in (u"unknown", u"public",
                                   "symmetric-NAT"), connection_type
        self._tunnel = tunnel
        self._lan_address = lan_address
        self._wan_address = wan_address
        # someone can also reset from a known connection_type to unknown (i.e. it now believes it is
        # no longer public nor symmetric NAT)
        self._connection_type = u"public" if connection_type == u"unknown" and lan_address == wan_address else connection_type

        if __debug__:
            if not (self.sock_addr == self._lan_address
                    or self.sock_addr == self._wan_address):
                dprint("Either LAN ",
                       " or the WAN ",
                       " should be SOCK_ADDR ",
コード例 #21
ファイル: scenario.py プロジェクト: andir/deckard
 def __replay(self, ctx, chunksize=8):
     dtag = '[ STEP %03d ] %s' % (self.id, self.type)
     nqueries = len(self.queries)
     if len(self.args) > 0 and self.args[0].isdigit():
         nqueries = int(self.args.pop(0))
     destination = ctx.client[ctx.client.keys()[0]]
     if 'VERBOSE' in os.environ:
             dtag, 'replaying %d queries to %s@%d (%s)' %
             (nqueries, destination[0], destination[1], ' '.join(
     if 'INTENSIFY' in os.environ:
         nqueries *= int(os.environ['INTENSIFY'])
     tstart = datetime.now()
     nsent, nrcvd = replay_rrs(self.queries, nqueries, destination,
     # Keep/print the statistics
     rtt = (datetime.now() - tstart).total_seconds() * 1000
     pps = 1000 * nrcvd / rtt
     if 'VERBOSE' in os.environ:
             dtag, 'sent: %d, received: %d (%d ms, %d p/s)' %
             (nsent, nrcvd, rtt, pps))
     tag = None
     for arg in self.args:
         if arg.upper().startswith('PRINT'):
             _, tag = tuple(arg.split('=')) if '=' in arg else (None,
     if tag:
             '  [ REPLAY ] test: %s pps: %5d time: %4d sent: %5d received: %5d'
             % (tag.ljust(11), pps, rtt, nsent, nrcvd))
コード例 #22
ファイル: debugcommunity.py プロジェクト: duy/dispersy
 def allow_triple_signed_text(self, message):
     Received a request to sign MESSAGE.
     assert message.payload.text in ("Allow=True", "Allow=False")
     return message.payload.text == "Allow=True"
コード例 #23
ファイル: debugcommunity.py プロジェクト: ebcabaybay/swiftarm
 def undo_text(self, descriptors):
     Received an undo for a text message.
     for member, global_time, packet in descriptors:
         message = packet.load_message()
         dprint("undo \"", message.payload.text, "\" @", global_time)
コード例 #24
ファイル: candidate.py プロジェクト: duy/dispersy
    def __init__(self, sock_addr, tunnel, lan_address, wan_address, connection_type):
        assert is_address(sock_addr), sock_addr
        assert isinstance(tunnel, bool), type(tunnel)
        assert is_address(lan_address)
        assert is_address(wan_address)
        assert isinstance(connection_type, unicode) and connection_type in (u"unknown", u"public", u"symmetric-NAT")

        super(WalkCandidate, self).__init__(sock_addr, tunnel)
        self._lan_address = lan_address
        self._wan_address = wan_address
        self._connection_type = connection_type
        self._associations = set()
        self._timestamps = dict()
        self._global_times = dict()

        if __debug__:
            if not (self.sock_addr == self._lan_address or self.sock_addr == self._wan_address):
                    "Either LAN ",
                    " or the WAN ",
                    " should be SOCK_ADDR ",
                assert False
コード例 #25
ファイル: debugcommunity.py プロジェクト: ebcabaybay/swiftarm
 def allow_triple_signed_text(self, message):
     Received a request to sign MESSAGE.
     assert message.payload.text in ("Allow=True", "Allow=False")
     return message.payload.text == "Allow=True"
コード例 #26
ファイル: candidate.py プロジェクト: duy/dispersy
    def update(self, tunnel, lan_address, wan_address, connection_type):
        assert isinstance(tunnel, bool)
        assert is_address(lan_address), lan_address
        assert is_address(wan_address), wan_address
        assert isinstance(connection_type, unicode), type(connection_type)
        assert connection_type in (u"unknown", u"public", "symmetric-NAT"), connection_type
        self._tunnel = tunnel
        self._lan_address = lan_address
        self._wan_address = wan_address
        # someone can also reset from a known connection_type to unknown (i.e. it now believes it is
        # no longer public nor symmetric NAT)
        self._connection_type = (
            u"public" if connection_type == u"unknown" and lan_address == wan_address else connection_type

        if __debug__:
            if not (self.sock_addr == self._lan_address or self.sock_addr == self._wan_address):
                    "Either LAN ",
                    " or the WAN ",
                    " should be SOCK_ADDR ",
コード例 #27
ファイル: callback.py プロジェクト: csko/Tribler
    def persistent_register(self, id_, call, args=(), kargs=None, delay=0.0, priority=0):
        Register a callback only if ID_ has not already been registered.

         > callback.persistent_register("my-id", my_func, ("first",), delay=60.0)
         > callback.persistent_register("my-id", my_func, ("second",))
         > -> my_func("first") will be called after 60 seconds, my_func("second") will not be called at all

         > callback.register("my-id", my_func, ("first",), delay=60.0)
         > callback.persistent_register("my-id", my_func, ("second",))
         > -> my_func("first") will be called after 60 seconds, my_func("second") will not be called at all
        assert isinstance(id_, str), "ID_ has invalid type: %s" % type(id_)
        assert id_, "ID_ may not be an empty string"
        assert hasattr(call, "__call__"), "CALL must be callable"
        assert isinstance(args, tuple), "ARGS has invalid type: %s" % type(args)
        assert kargs is None or isinstance(kargs, dict), "KARGS has invalid type: %s" % type(kargs)
        assert isinstance(delay, float), "DELAY has invalid type: %s" % type(delay)
        assert isinstance(priority, int), "PRIORITY has invalid type: %s" % type(priority)
        if __debug__: dprint("reregister ", call, " after ", delay, " seconds")
        if kargs is None:
            kargs = {}
        with self._lock:
            self._new_actions.append(("persistent-register", (self._timestamp + delay, 512 - priority, id_, (call, args, kargs))))
            # wakeup if sleeping
            return id_
コード例 #28
    def replace_register(self, id_, call, args=(), kargs=None, delay=0.0, priority=0, callback=None, callback_args=(), callback_kargs=None):
        Replace (if present) the currently registered call ID_ with CALL.

        This is a faster way to handle an unregister and register call.  All parameters behave as in
        assert isinstance(id_, (basestring, int)), "ID_ has invalid type: %s" % type(id_)
        assert id_, "ID_ may not be zero or an empty (unicode)string"
        assert hasattr(call, "__call__"), "CALL must be callable"
        assert isinstance(args, tuple), "ARGS has invalid type: %s" % type(args)
        assert kargs is None or isinstance(kargs, dict), "KARGS has invalid type: %s" % type(kargs)
        assert isinstance(delay, float), "DELAY has invalid type: %s" % type(delay)
        assert isinstance(priority, int), "PRIORITY has invalid type: %s" % type(priority)
        assert callback is None or callable(callback), "CALLBACK must be None or callable"
        assert isinstance(callback_args, tuple), "CALLBACK_ARGS has invalid type: %s" % type(callback_args)
        assert callback_kargs is None or isinstance(callback_kargs, dict), "CALLBACK_KARGS has invalid type: %s" % type(callback_kargs)
        if __debug__: dprint("replace register ", call, " after ", delay, " seconds")
        with self._lock:
            self._new_actions.append(("unregister", id_))
            self._new_actions.append(("register", (delay + time(),
                                                   (call, args, {} if kargs is None else kargs),
                                                   None if callback is None else (callback, callback_args, {} if callback_kargs is None else callback_kargs))))
            # wakeup if sleeping
            return id_
コード例 #29
ファイル: member.py プロジェクト: kenbellows/theglobalsquare
    def periodically_cleanup_member_instances(cls):
        Must be called periodically to remove unused Member instances.

        The cleanup will increase the unreferenced counter of each instance that is unreferenced.
        The unreferenced counter is set to zero whenever it is referenced.

        Because reference counting is very expensive, we only count the references of a sample.
        This will ensure that each call will only block for a reasonable time while still allowing
        eventual member cleanup.
        while True:
            # this is very expensive.  only count references every 10 minutes
            yield 10 * 60.0

            for references, member in cls.sample_reference_instances(10):
                if references:
                    member._unreferenced = 0
                    member._unreferenced += 1

                    # when a member has been seen unreferenced 3 times we will remove it.  since we
                    # perform the check once every 10 minutes, an unused member can be removed after
                    # 30 minutes IF it is selected in the sample every time.
                    if member._unreferenced > 3:
                        if __debug__: dprint("cleanup for member ", member.database_id, " (", member.mid.encode("HEX"), ")")
コード例 #30
ファイル: database.py プロジェクト: egbertbouman/tribler-g
    def __init__(self, file_path):
        Initialize a new Database instance.

        @param file_path: the path to the database file.
        @type file_path: unicode
        if __debug__:
            assert isinstance(file_path, unicode)
            self._debug_thread_ident = thread.get_ident()
            self._debug_file_path = file_path

        self._connection = sqlite3.Connection(file_path)
        # self._connection.setrollbackhook(self._on_rollback)
        self._cursor = self._connection.cursor()

        # PRAGMA synchronous = 0 | OFF | 1 | NORMAL | 2 | FULL;
        # Query or change the setting of the "synchronous" flag.  The first (query) form will return
        # the synchronous setting as an integer.  When synchronous is FULL (2), the SQLite database
        # engine will use the xSync method of the VFS to ensure that all content is safely written
        # to the disk surface prior to continuing.  This ensures that an operating system crash or
        # power failure will not corrupt the database.  FULL synchronous is very safe, but it is
        # also slower.  When synchronous is NORMAL (1), the SQLite database engine will still sync
        # at the most critical moments, but less often than in FULL mode.  There is a very small
        # (though non-zero) chance that a power failure at just the wrong time could corrupt the
        # database in NORMAL mode.  But in practice, you are more likely to suffer a catastrophic
        # disk failure or some other unrecoverable hardware fault.  With synchronous OFF (0), SQLite
        # continues without syncing as soon as it has handed data off to the operating system.  If
        # the application running SQLite crashes, the data will be safe, but the database might
        # become corrupted if the operating system crashes or the computer loses power before that
        # data has been written to the disk surface.  On the other hand, some operations are as much
        # as 50 or more times faster with synchronous OFF.
        # The default setting is synchronous = FULL.
        if __debug__: dprint("PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL")
        self._cursor.execute(u"PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL")

        # check is the database contains an 'option' table
            count, = self.execute(u"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = 'option'").next()
        except StopIteration:
            raise RuntimeError()

        if count:
            # get version from required 'option' table
                version, = self.execute(u"SELECT value FROM option WHERE key == 'database_version' LIMIT 1").next()
            except StopIteration:
                # the 'database_version' key was not found
                version = u"0"
            # the 'option' table probably hasn't been created yet
            version = u"0"

コード例 #31
ファイル: decorator.py プロジェクト: rauljim/tgs-pc
 def runtime_duration_warning_helper(*args, **kargs):
     start = time()
         return func(*args, **kargs)
         end = time()
         if end - start >= threshold:
             dprint("%.2fs " % (end - start), func, level="warning")
コード例 #32
ファイル: debugcommunity.py プロジェクト: ebcabaybay/swiftarm
 def on_text(self, messages):
     Received a text message.
     for message in messages:
         if not "Dprint=False" in message.payload.text:
             dprint(message, " \"", message.payload.text, "\" @",
コード例 #33
 def call2():
     delay = 3.0
     for i in range(10):
         dprint(time(), " ", i)
         if delay > 0.0:
             delay -= 1.0
         yield 1.0
コード例 #34
ファイル: decorator.py プロジェクト: ebcabaybay/swiftarm
 def runtime_duration_warning_helper(*args, **kargs):
     start = time()
         return func(*args, **kargs)
         end = time()
         if end - start >= threshold:
             dprint("%.2fs " % (end - start), func, level="warning")
コード例 #35
 def call2():
     delay = 3.0
     for i in range(10):
         dprint(time(), " ", i)
         if delay > 0.0:
             delay -= 1.0
         yield 1.0
コード例 #36
ファイル: debug.py プロジェクト: gvsurenderreddy/Tribler-2
    def drop_packets(self):
        while True:
                packet, address = self._socket.recvfrom(10240)

            dprint("droped ", len(packet), " bytes from ", address[0], ":", address[1])
コード例 #37
ファイル: debug.py プロジェクト: gvsurenderreddy/Tribler-2
 def send_message(self, message, address, verbose=False):
     assert isinstance(message, Message.Implementation)
     assert isinstance(address, tuple)
     assert isinstance(verbose, bool)
     if verbose: dprint(message.name, " (", len(message.packet), " bytes) to ", address[0], ":", address[1])
     self.send_packet(message.packet, address)
     return message
コード例 #38
ファイル: callback.py プロジェクト: csko/Tribler
 def unregister(self, id_):
     Unregister a callback using the ID_ obtained from the register(...) method
     assert isinstance(id_, (str, int)), "ROOT_ID has invalid type: %s" % type(id_)
     if __debug__: dprint(id_)
     with self._lock:
         self._new_actions.append(("unregister", id_))
コード例 #39
ファイル: trigger.py プロジェクト: gvsurenderreddy/Tribler-2
 def on_timeout(self):
     if self._responses_remaining > 0:
         if __debug__:
             dprint("timeout on trigger with callback ", self._response_func, level="warning")
             dprint("pattern: ", self._debug_pattern, level="warning")
         self._responses_remaining = 0
         # note: this callback may raise DelayMessage, etc
         self._response_func(None, *self._response_args)
コード例 #40
 def _on_timeout(self, identifier):
     assert identifier in self._identifiers
     cache = self._identifiers.get(identifier)
     if __debug__: dprint("timeout on ", identifier, " for ", cache)
     if cache.cleanup_delay:
         self._callback.register(self._on_cleanup, (identifier,), id_="requestcache-%s" % identifier, delay=cache.cleanup_delay)
         del self._identifiers[identifier]
コード例 #41
 def unregister(self, id_):
     Unregister a callback using the ID_ obtained from the register(...) method
     assert isinstance(id_, (basestring, int)), "ROOT_ID has invalid type: %s" % type(id_)
     assert id_, "ID_ may not be zero or an empty (unicode)string"
     if __debug__: dprint(id_)
     with self._lock:
         self._new_actions.append(("unregister", id_))
コード例 #42
    def set(self, identifier, cache):
        assert isinstance(identifier, (int, long, str)), type(identifier)
        assert isinstance(cache, Cache)
        assert isinstance(cache.timeout_delay, float)
        assert cache.timeout_delay > 0.0

        if __debug__: dprint("set ", identifier, " for ", cache, " (", cache.timeout_delay, "s timeout)")
        self._callback.register(self._on_timeout, (identifier,), id_="requestcache-%s" % identifier, delay=cache.timeout_delay)
        self._identifiers[identifier] = cache
コード例 #43
    def claim(self, cache):
        while True:
            identifier = int(random() * 2**16)
            if not identifier in self._identifiers:
                if __debug__: dprint("claiming on ", identifier, " for ", cache)

        self.set(identifier, cache)
        return identifier
コード例 #44
ファイル: bloomfilter.py プロジェクト: ebcabaybay/swiftarm
 def _init_n_f(self, f_error_rate, n_capacity, prefix=""):
     assert isinstance(f_error_rate, float)
     assert 0 < f_error_rate < 1
     assert isinstance(n_capacity, int)
     assert 0 < n_capacity
     m_size = abs((n_capacity * log(f_error_rate)) / (log(2) ** 2))
     m_size = int(ceil(m_size / 8.0) * 8)
     if __debug__: dprint("constructing bloom filter based on f_error_rate ", f_error_rate, " and ", n_capacity, " capacity")
     self._init_(m_size, self._get_k_functions(m_size, n_capacity), prefix, 0L)
コード例 #45
 def _call_exception_handlers(self, exception, fatal):
     with self._lock:
         exception_handlers = self._exception_handlers[:]
     for exception_handler in exception_handlers:
             exception_handler(exception, fatal)
         except Exception:
             dprint(exception=True, level="error")
             assert False, "the exception handler should not cause an exception"
コード例 #46
    def acceleration(self,nvaccelartion):
        mis à jour de l'accélération en évitant 
        debug.dprint(" nv acc  {} ".format(nvaccelartion))    
        a = nvaccelartion
        a = min(a,self._accelerationmax)
        a = max(a,0)

コード例 #47
    def loop(self):
        Use the calling thread for this Callback instance.
        if __debug__: dprint()
        with self._lock:
            self._state = "STATE_PLEASE_RUN"
            if __debug__: dprint("STATE_PLEASE_RUN")

コード例 #48
ファイル: tracker.py プロジェクト: ebcabaybay/swiftarm
        def filter_non_bootstrap_nodes():
            for candidate, packet in packets:
                cid = packet[2:22]

                if not cid in self._communities and candidate.sock_addr[0] in self._non_autoload:
                    if __debug__:
                        dprint("drop a ", len(packet), " byte packet (received from non-autoload node) from ", candidate, level="warning", force=1)
                        self._statistics.drop("_convert_packets_into_batch:from bootstrap node for unloaded community", len(packet))

                yield candidate, packet
コード例 #49
ファイル: bloomfilter.py プロジェクト: ebcabaybay/swiftarm
 def _init_m_f(self, m_size, f_error_rate, prefix=""):
     assert isinstance(m_size, int)
     assert 0 < m_size
     assert m_size % 8 == 0, "size must be a multiple of eight (%d)" % m_size
     assert isinstance(f_error_rate, float)
     assert 0 < f_error_rate < 1
     # calculate others
     # self._n = int(m * ((log(2) ** 2) / abs(log(f))))
     # self._k = int(ceil(log(2) * (m / self._n)))
     if __debug__: dprint("constructing bloom filter based on m_size ", m_size, " bits and f_error_rate ", f_error_rate)
     self._init_(m_size, self._get_k_functions(m_size, self._get_n_capacity(m_size, f_error_rate)), prefix, 0L)
コード例 #50
ファイル: database.py プロジェクト: ebcabaybay/swiftarm
    def __enter__(self):
        Enters a no-commit state.  The commit will be performed by __exit__.

        @return: The method self.execute
        assert self._debug_thread_ident == thread.get_ident()

        if __debug__: dprint("disabling Database.commit()")
        self._pending_commits = max(1, self._pending_commits)
        return self
コード例 #51
        def call3():
            delay = 3.0
            for i in range(10):
                dprint(time(), " ", i)
                yield Switch(d)
                # perform code on Callback d
                if delay > 0.0:
                    delay -= 1.0

                yield Switch(c)
コード例 #52
    def __init__(self):
        # _event is used to wakeup the thread when new actions arrive
        self._event = Event()
        self._event_set = self._event.set
        self._event_is_set = self._event.isSet

        # _lock is used to protect variables that are written to on multiple threads
        self._lock = Lock()

        # _thread_ident is used to detect when methods are called from the same thread
        self._thread_ident = 0

        # _state contains the current state of the thread.  it is protected by _lock and follows the
        # following states:
        #                                              --> fatal-exception -> STATE_EXCEPTION
        #                                             /
        # STATE_INIT -> start() -> PLEASE_RUN -> STATE_RUNNING
        #                                \            \
        #                                 --------------> stop() -> PLEASE_STOP -> STATE_FINISHED
        self._state = "STATE_INIT"
        if __debug__: dprint("STATE_INIT")

        # _exception is set to SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt, GeneratorExit, or AssertionError when
        # any of the registered callbacks raises any of these exceptions.  in this case _state will
        # be set to STATE_EXCEPTION.  it is protected by _lock
        self._exception = None

        # _exception_handlers contains a list with callable functions of methods.  all handlers are
        # called whenever an exception occurs.  first parameter is the exception, second parameter
        # is a boolean indicating if the exception is fatal (i.e. True indicates SystemExit,
        # KeyboardInterrupt, GeneratorExit, or AssertionError)
        self._exception_handlers = []

        # _id contains a running counter to ensure that every scheduled callback has its own unique
        # identifier.  it is protected by _lock
        self._id = 0

        # requests are ordered by deadline and moved to -expired- when they need to be handled
        # (deadline, priority, root_id, (call, args, kargs), callback)
        self._requests = []

        # expired requests are ordered and handled by priority
        # (priority, root_id, None, (call, args, kargs), callback)
        self._expired = []

        if __debug__:

            def must_close(callback):
                assert callback.is_finished

            atexit_register(must_close, self)
コード例 #53
ファイル: scenario.py プロジェクト: andir/deckard
 def __check_answer(self, ctx):
     """ Compare answer from previously resolved query. """
     if len(self.data) == 0:
         raise Exception("response definition required")
     expected = self.data[0]
     if expected.is_raw_data_entry is True:
         dprint("", ctx.last_raw_answer.to_text())
         if ctx.last_answer is None:
             raise Exception("no answer from preceding query")
         dprint("", ctx.last_answer.to_text())
コード例 #54
ファイル: testserver.py プロジェクト: andir/deckard
    def handle_query(self, client):
        """ Handle incoming queries. """
        client_address = client.getsockname()[0]
        query, addr = recvfrom_msg(client)
        if query is None:
            return False
        dprint("[ handle_query ]",
               "%s incoming query from %s\n%s" % (client_address, addr, query))
        response = dns.message.make_response(query)
        is_raw_data = False
        if self.scenario is not None:
            response, is_raw_data = self.scenario.reply(query, client_address)
        if response:
            if is_raw_data is False:
                data_to_wire = response.to_wire(max_size=65535)
                dprint("[ handle_query ]", "response\n%s" % response)
                data_to_wire = response
                dprint("[ handle_query ]", "raw response found")
            response = dns.message.make_response(query)
            data_to_wire = response.to_wire()
            dprint("[ handle_query ]", "response failed, SERVFAIL")

        sendto_msg(client, data_to_wire, addr)
        return True
コード例 #55
ファイル: decorator.py プロジェクト: ebcabaybay/swiftarm
    def helper(*args, **kargs):
        filename = "profile-%s-%d.out" % (current_thread().name, get_ident())
        if filename in profiled_threads:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Can not attach profiler on the same thread twice")

        dprint("running with profiler [", filename, "]", level="warning")
        profiler = Profile()

            return profiler.runcall(func, *args, **kargs)
            dprint("profiler results [", filename, "]", level="warning")
コード例 #56
ファイル: scenario.py プロジェクト: andir/deckard
    def play(self, family, paddr):
        """ Play given scenario. """
        # Store test subject => address mapping
        self.client = paddr

        step = None
        i = 0
        while i < len(self.steps):
            step = self.steps[i]
            self.current_step = step
            except Exception as e:
                if (step.repeat_if_fail > 0):
                        "step %d: exception catched - '%s', retrying step %d (%d left)"
                        % (step.id, e, step.next_if_fail, step.repeat_if_fail))
                    step.repeat_if_fail -= 1
                    if (step.pause_if_fail > 0):
                    if (step.next_if_fail != -1):
                        next_steps = [
                            j for j in range(len(self.steps))
                            if self.steps[j].id == step.next_if_fail
                        if (len(next_steps) == 0):
                            raise Exception('step %d: wrong NEXT value "%d"' %
                                            (step.id, step.next_if_fail))
                        next_step = next_steps[0]
                        if (next_step < len(self.steps)):
                            i = next_step
                            raise Exception('step %d: Can'
                                            't branch to NEXT value "%d"' %
                                            (step.id, step.next_if_fail))
                    raise Exception('%s step %d %s' %
                                    (self.file, step.id, str(e)))
            i = i + 1

        for r in self.ranges:
            for e in r.stored:
                if e.mandatory is True and e.fired == 0:
                    raise Exception(
                        'Mandatory section at line %d is not fired' % e.lineno)
コード例 #57
    def mouvCarburant(self):
        dirigé le véhicule vers la  station de carburant la plus proche
        debug.dprint(" id {} je cherche le car".format(self.id))


        couche_terrain = self._circuit.Couche_terrain
        couche_vehicule= self._circuit.Couche_vehicules
        for  case in liste:
            if self._circuit.plateau[case[1],case[0],couche_vehicule]!=None or self._circuit.plateau[case[1],case[0],couche_terrain].getCaractere()!='C':
コード例 #58
    def __init__(self, rawserver, dispersy, port, ip=""):
        super(RawserverEndpoint, self).__init__()

        while True:
                self._socket = rawserver.create_udpsocket(port, ip)
                if __debug__:
                    dprint("Dispersy listening at ", port, force=True)
            except socket.error:
                port += 1

        self._rawserver = rawserver
        self._rawserver.start_listening_udp(self._socket, self)
        self._dispersy = dispersy
        self._sendqueue_lock = threading.Lock()
        self._sendqueue = []
コード例 #59
    def unregister(self, id_):
        Unregister a callback using the ID_ obtained from the register(...) method
        assert isinstance(
            id_, (basestring, int)), "ROOT_ID has invalid type: %s" % type(id_)
        assert id_, "ID_ may not be zero or an empty (unicode)string"
        if __debug__: dprint(id_)
        with self._lock:
            # un-register
            for index, tup in enumerate(self._requests):
                if tup[2] == id_:
                    self._requests[index] = (tup[0], tup[1], tup[2], None,

            for index, tup in enumerate(self._expired):
                if tup[1] == id_:
                    self._expired[index] = (tup[0], tup[1], tup[2], None, None)
コード例 #60
    def pop(self, identifier, cls):
        assert isinstance(identifier, (int, long, str)), type(identifier)
        assert issubclass(cls, Cache), cls

        cache = self._identifiers.get(identifier)
        if cache and isinstance(cache, cls):
            assert isinstance(cache.cleanup_delay, float)
            assert cache.cleanup_delay >= 0.0
            if __debug__: dprint("canceling timeout on ", identifier, " for ", cache)

            if cache.cleanup_delay:
                self._callback.replace_register("requestcache-%s" % identifier, self._on_cleanup, (identifier,), delay=cache.cleanup_delay)

                self._callback.unregister("requestcache-%s" % identifier)
                del self._identifiers[identifier]

            return cache