コード例 #1
num_frames = 1000000  # total frames that will be learning from
batch_size = 32  # the number of samples that are provided to the model for update services at a given time
gamma = 0.99  # the discount of future rewards
record_idx = 10000  #

replay_initial = 10000  # number frames that are held
replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(100000)
model = QLearner(env, num_frames, batch_size, gamma, replay_buffer)
               map_location='cpu'))  #loading in the pretrained model

target_model = QLearner(env, num_frames, batch_size, gamma,
                        replay_buffer)  #load in model

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),
                       lr=0.0001)  #learning rate set and optimizing the model
    model = model.cuda()  # sends model to gpu
    target_model = target_model.cuda()
    print("Using cuda")

epsilon_start = 1.0
epsilon_final = 0.01
epsilon_decay = 30000  #used in ?
epsilon_by_frame = lambda frame_idx: epsilon_final + (
    epsilon_start - epsilon_final) * math.exp(-1. * frame_idx / epsilon_decay)

losses = []
コード例 #2
env = make_atari(env_id)
env = wrap_deepmind(env)
env = wrap_pytorch(env)

num_frames = 1000000
batch_size = 32
gamma = 0.99
record_idx = 10000

replay_initial = 10000
replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(100000)
model = QLearner(env, num_frames, batch_size, gamma, replay_buffer)
model.load_state_dict(torch.load("model_pretrained.pth", map_location='cpu'))

target_model = QLearner(env, num_frames, batch_size, gamma, replay_buffer)

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.00001)
    model = model.cuda()
    target_model = target_model.cuda()
    print("Using cuda")

epsilon_start = 1.0
epsilon_final = 0.01
epsilon_decay = 30000
epsilon_by_frame = lambda frame_idx: epsilon_final + (
    epsilon_start - epsilon_final) * math.exp(-1. * frame_idx / epsilon_decay)
# .01 + 0.99* 1/ e^(frame index / 30000)
# So epsilon starts at pretty much 1
# as frame index increases, exp will get larger so 1/exp will decrease, so the 0.99 term will decrease, leaving us with just the final
コード例 #3
ファイル: run_dqn_pong.py プロジェクト: slampham/Pong
USE_CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()

# Set up game
env_id = "PongNoFrameskip-v4"
env = make_atari(env_id)
env = wrap_deepmind(env)
env = wrap_pytorch(env)

replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(replay_buff_size)                                  # Buffer size
model = QLearner(env, num_frames, batch_size, gamma, replay_buffer)             # Create model
model.load_state_dict(torch.load("model_pretrained.pth", map_location='cpu'))

target_model = QLearner(env, num_frames, batch_size, gamma, replay_buffer)      # Create target model

# Optimize model's parameters
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
    model = model.cuda()
    target_model = target_model.cuda()
    print("Using cuda")

# Neg exp func. Start exploring then exploiting according to frame_indx
epsilon_by_frame = lambda frame_idx: epsilon_final + (epsilon_start - epsilon_final) * math.exp(-1. * frame_idx / epsilon_decay)

losses = []
all_rewards = []
episode_reward = 0
state = env.reset()  # Initial state
コード例 #4
env = make_atari(env_id)
env = wrap_deepmind(env)
env = wrap_pytorch(env)

num_frames = 1000000
batch_size = 32
gamma = 0.99
record_idx = 10000

replay_initial = 10000
replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(100000)
model = QLearner(env, num_frames, batch_size, gamma, replay_buffer)
model.load_state_dict(torch.load("model_pretrained.pth", map_location='cpu'))

target_model = QLearner(env, num_frames, batch_size, gamma, replay_buffer)

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.00001)
    model = model.cuda()
    target_model = target_model.cuda()
    print("Using cuda")

epsilon_start = 1.0
epsilon_final = 0.01
epsilon_decay = 30000
epsilon_by_frame = lambda frame_idx: epsilon_final + (
    epsilon_start - epsilon_final) * math.exp(-1. * frame_idx / epsilon_decay)

losses = []
all_rewards = []
コード例 #5
env = make_atari(env_id)
env = wrap_deepmind(env)
env = wrap_pytorch(env)

num_frames = 1000000
batch_size = 32  #num samples provided to model at a time to update
gamma = 0.99
record_idx = 10000

replay_initial = 10000
replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(100000)
model = QLearner(env, num_frames, batch_size, gamma, replay_buffer)
model.load_state_dict(torch.load("modelsave.pth", map_location='cpu'))

target_model = QLearner(env, num_frames, batch_size, gamma, replay_buffer)
target_model.copy_from(model)  #prevents too many radical changes

optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.0001)
if USE_CUDA:  #GPU stuff
    model = model.cuda()
    target_model = target_model.cuda()
    print("Using cuda")

epsilon_start = 0.5  # Q-learning "error"
epsilon_final = 0.01
epsilon_decay = 30000
epsilon_by_frame = lambda frame_idx: epsilon_final + (
    epsilon_start - epsilon_final) * math.exp(-1. * frame_idx / epsilon_decay)

losses = []
all_rewards = []