コード例 #1
    def _execute_events(self, events):
        Send keyboard events.

        If instance was initialized with *autofmt* True,
        then this method will mimic a word recognition
        and analyze its formatting so as to autoformat
        the text's spacing and capitalization before
        sending it as keyboard events.
        if self._autofmt:
            # Mimic a word, select and copy it to retrieve capitalization.
            Key("cs-left, c-c/5").execute()
            word = Clipboard.get_system_text()

            # Inspect formatting of the mimicked word.
            index = word.find("test")
            if index == -1:
                index = word.find("Test")
                capitalize = True
                if index == -1:
                    self._log.error("Failed to autoformat.")
                    return False
                capitalize = False

            # Capitalize given text if necessary.
            text = self._spec
            if capitalize:
                text = text[0].capitalize() + text[1:]

            # Reconstruct autoformatted output and convert it
            #  to keyboard events.
            prefix = word[:index]
            suffix = word[index + 4:]
            events = self._parse_spec(prefix + text + suffix)

        # Calculate keyboard events.
        use_hardware = self.require_hardware_events()
        keyboard_events = []
        for key_symbol in events:
            # Get a Typeable object for each key symbol, if possible.
            typeable = self._get_typeable(key_symbol, use_hardware)

            # Raise an error message if a Typeable could not be retrieved.
            if typeable is None:
                error_message = ("Keyboard interface cannot type this"
                                 " character: %r" % key_symbol)
                raise ActionError(error_message)

            # Get keyboard events using the Typeable.

        # Send keyboard events.
        return True