コード例 #1
def run_button(mod=None):
    root = doc[doc["selection.root"]]
    txy = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
    cui = doc['custom_ui'] if default_get(doc['custom_ui'], 'visible') else []
    more = []
    for child in chain(cui, reversed(root)):
        if collide(child, txy):
            print "clicked on", child["id"], "on_click" in child, mod
            if "on_click" in child and not mod:
                run_text(child["id"], "on_click")
            elif "on_shift_click" in child and mod == "shift":
                run_text(child["id"], "on_shift_click")
            elif child.get("button_group"):
                # Wrong. Should test children right away in reverse order.
                more.extend([(gc, child.transform) for gc in child])
                print "Button group", len(more)  #[n['id'] for n in more]
            return True
    # TODO: refactor
    for child, transform in more:
        if collide(child, txy, transform=transform):
            print "clicked on", child["id"], "on_click" in child, mod
            if "on_click" in child and not mod:
                run_text(child["id"], "on_click")
            elif "on_shift_click" in child and mod == "shift":
                run_text(child["id"], "on_shift_click")
            elif child.get("button_group"):
                more.extend([(gc, child.transform) for gc in child])
                print "Button group", [n['id'] for n in more]
            return True
    return False
コード例 #2
ファイル: video-final.py プロジェクト: asrp/guitktk
def edit_text():
    root = doc[doc["selection.root"]]
    for child, transform in root.dfs():
        if child.name == "text" and\
           collide(child, doc["editor.mouse_xy"], transform=transform, tolerance=8):
            doc["editor.focus"] = child["id"]
            return True
    return False
コード例 #3
def gui_select():
    root = doc[doc["selection"]["root"]]
    xy = doc["editor.mouse_xy"]
    for child, transform in root.dfs():
        if child.name not in ["group", "path"] and\
           collide(child, xy, transform=transform, tolerance=8):
            print "gui elem selected", child["id"]
            doc["editor.gui_selected"] = exr("`%s" % child["id"])
コード例 #4
def edit_text():
    root = doc[doc["selection.root"]]
    for child, transform in root.dfs():
        # Problem: dfs includes child's transform and so does bbox.
        if child.name == "text" and\
           collide(child, doc["editor.mouse_xy"], transform=transform, tolerance=8):
            doc["editor.focus"] = child["id"]
            return True
    return False
コード例 #5
def run_button():
    root = doc[doc["selection.root"]]
    txy = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
    for child in reversed(root):
        if collide(child, txy):
            print "clicked on", child["id"]
            if "on_click" in child:
                run_text(child["id"], "on_click")
            return True
    return False
コード例 #6
def toggle_selection():
    root = doc[doc["selection"]["root"]]
    txy = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
    for child in reversed(root):
        if collide(child, txy):
            print "clicked on", child["id"]
            if child["id"] in doc["editor.selected"]:
                selection_del(doc, child)
                selection_add(doc, child)
コード例 #7
ファイル: slides.py プロジェクト: asrp/maketheseslides
def run_button():
    root = doc[doc["selection.root"]]
    txy = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
    cui = doc['custom_ui'] if default_get(doc['custom_ui'], 'visible') else []
    for child in chain(cui, reversed(root)):
        if collide(child, txy):
            print "clicked on", child["id"], "on_click" in child
            if "on_click" in child:
                run_text(child["id"], "on_click")
            return True
    return False
コード例 #8
def grab_point():
    root = doc[doc["selection"]["root"]]
    for child, transform in root.dfs():
        if child.name == "point" and\
           collide(child, doc["editor.mouse_xy"], transform=transform, tolerance=8):
            doc["editor.drag_start"] = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
            doc["editor.grabbed"] = child["id"]
            child.transforms["editor"] = Ex(
                "('translate', `editor.mouse_txy - `editor.drag_start)",
                calc='on first read')
            return True
    return False
コード例 #9
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: asrp/guitktk
def toggle_selection():
    root = doc[doc["selection"]["root"]]
    # Assumes root.combined_transform().dot(root.transform) is the identity.
    txy = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
    for child in reversed(root):
        if collide(child, txy):
            print "clicked on", child["id"]
            if child["id"] in doc["editor.selected"]:
                selection_del(doc, child)
                selection_add(doc, child)
コード例 #10
def rectangle_lasso():
    root = doc[doc["selection"]["root"]]
    txy = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
    for rect in reversed(root):
        if collide(rect, txy):
            topleft, botright = rect.bbox()
            for child in reversed(root):
                topleft2, botright2 = child.bbox()
                if child['id'] != rect['id'] and (topleft <= topleft2).all(
                ) and (botright2 <= botright).all():
                    if child["id"] not in doc["editor.selected"]:
                        selection_add(doc, child)
コード例 #11
def grab_point():
    root = doc[doc["selection.root"]]
    cui = doc['custom_ui'].dfs() if default_get(doc['custom_ui'],
                                                'visible') else []
    for child, transform in chain(root.dfs(), cui):
        if child.name == "point" and\
           collide(child, doc["editor.mouse_txy"], transform=transform, tolerance=8):
            doc["editor.drag_start"] = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
            doc["editor.grabbed"] = child["id"]
            child.transforms["editor"] = Ex(
                "('translate', `editor.mouse_txy - `editor.drag_start)",
                calc='on first read')
            return True
    return False
コード例 #12
def toggle_selection():
    root = doc[doc["selection"]["root"]]
    # Assumes root.combined_transform().dot(root.transform) is the identity.
    txy = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
    # Otherwise, use the alternative below.
    #_txy = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
    #transform = numpy.linalg.inv(root.combined_transform().dot(root.transform))
    #txy = transformed(Node("point", value=_txy), transform)
    for child in reversed(root):
        if collide(child, txy):
            print "clicked on", child["id"]
            if child["id"] in doc["editor.selected"]:
                selection_del(doc, child)
                selection_add(doc, child)
コード例 #13
def rectangle_lasso_points():
    root = doc[doc["selection.root"]]
    cui = doc['custom_ui'].dfs() if default_get(doc['custom_ui'],
                                                'visible') else []

    root = doc[doc["selection"]["root"]]
    txy = doc["editor.mouse_txy"]
    for rect in reversed(root):
        if collide(rect, txy):
            topleft, botright = rect.bbox()
            print("Found rect", topleft, botright)
            for child, transform in chain(root.dfs(), cui):
                if child.name == "point" and\
                   (topleft <= child['value']).all() and\
                   (child['value'] <= botright).all():
                    if child["id"] not in doc["editor.selected"]:
                        selection_add(doc, child)