def searchText(): from widgets import simpleInputItem as _I res = draw.askItems([ _I('pattern','',text='String to grep'), _I('options','',text='Options',tooltip="Some cool options: -a (extended search), -i (ignore case), -f (literal string), -e (extended regexp)"), ]) if res: out = utils.grepSource(relative=False,quiet=True,**res) draw.showText(out,mono=True,modal=False)
def catchAndDisplay(expression): """Catch stdout from a Python expression and display it in a window.""" save = sys.stdout try: f = tempfile.TemporaryFile('w+') sys.stdout = f eval(expression) draw.showText( finally: sys.stdout = save
def searchText(): from widgets import simpleInputItem as _I res = draw.askItems([ _I('pattern', '', text='String to grep'), _I('options', '', text='Options', tooltip= "Some cool options: -a (extended search), -i (ignore case), -f (literal string), -e (extended regexp)" ), ]) if res: out = utils.grepSource(relative=False, quiet=True, **res) draw.showText(out, mono=True, modal=False)
def showDescription(): """Show the Desription part of a pyFormex script's docstring.""" from scriptMenu import getDocString,getDescription if GD.GUI.canPlay: scriptfile = GD.prefcfg['curfile'] doc = getDocString(scriptfile) des = getDescription(doc) if len(des.strip()) == 0: des = """.. NoDescription No help available ================= The maintainers of this script have not yet added a description for this example. You can study the source code, and if anything is unclear, ask for help on the pyFormex forums. """ draw.showText(des,modal=False)
def detected(): """Display the detected software components.""" utils.checkAllModules() utils.checkExternal() draw.showText(utils.reportDetected())
def opengl(): """Display the OpenGL format description.""" draw.showText(viewport.OpenGLFormat())
def license(): """Display the pyFormex description.""" draw.showText(file(GD.cfg['help/license']).read())
def createProject(create=True,compression=0,addGlobals=None,makeDefault=True): """Open a file selection dialog and let the user select a project. The default will let the user create new project files as well as open existing ones. Use create=False or the convenience function openProject to only accept existing project files. If a compression level (1..9) is given, the contents will be compressed, resulting in much smaller project files at the cost of Only one pyFormex project can be open at any time. The open project owns all the global data created and exported by any script. If makeDefault is True, an already open project will be closed and the opened project becomes the current project. If makeDefault is False, the project data are imported into GD.PF and the current project does not change. This means that if a project was open, the imported data will be added to it. If addGlobals is None, the user is asked whether the current globals should be added to the project. Set True or False to force or reject the adding without asking. """ global the_project # ask filename from user if the_project is None: cur = GD.cfg.get('workdir','.') else: if makeDefault: options = ['Cancel','Close without saving','Save and Close'] ans = draw.ask("Another project is still open. Shall I close it first?", options) if ans == 'Cancel': return if ans == options[2]: cur = the_project.filename typ = utils.fileDescription(['pyf','all']) res = widgets.ProjectSelection(cur,typ,exist=not create).getResult() if res is None: # user canceled return fn = res.fn if not fn.endswith('.pyf'): fn += '.pyf' legacy = res.leg ignoresig = res.sig compression = res.cpr #print(fn,legacy,compression) if create and os.path.exists(fn): res = draw.ask("The project file '%s' already exists\nShall I delete the contents or add to it?" % fn,['Delete','Add','Cancel']) if res == 'Cancel': return if res == 'Add': create = False GD.message("Opening project %s" % fn) if GD.PF: GD.message("Exported symbols: %s" % GD.PF.keys()) if addGlobals is None: res = draw.ask("pyFormex already contains exported symbols.\nShall I delete them or add them to your project?",['Delete','Add','Cancel']) if res == 'Cancel': # ESCAPE FROM CREATING THE PROJECT return addGlobals = res == 'Add' # OK, we have all data, now create/open the project updateSettings({'workdir':os.path.dirname(fn)},save=True) sig = GD.Version[:GD.Version.rfind('-')] if ignoresig: sig = '' proj = _open_project(fn,create,sig,compression,legacy) GD.message("Project contents: %s" % proj.keys()) if hasattr(proj,'_autoscript_'): _ignore = "Ignore it!" _show = "Show it" _edit = "Load it in the editor" _exec = "Execute it" res = draw.ask("There is an autoscript stored inside the project.\nIf you received this project file from an untrusted source, you should probably not execute it.",[_ignore,_show,_edit,_exec]) if res == _show: res = draw.showText(proj._autoscript_)#,actions=[_ignore,_edit,_show]) return if res == _exec: draw.playScript(proj._autoscript_) elif res == _edit: fn = "" draw.checkWorkdir() f = file(fn,'w') f.write(proj._autoscript_) f.close() openScript(fn) editScript(fn) if hasattr(proj,'autofile') and draw.ack("The project has an autofile attribute: %s\nShall I execute this script?" % proj.autofile): processArgs([proj.autofile]) if makeDefault: the_project = proj if GD.PF and addGlobals: the_project.update(GD.PF) GD.PF = the_project GD.GUI.setcurproj(fn) else: # Just import the data into current project GD.PF.update(proj) GD.message("Exported symbols: %s" % GD.PF.keys())
def setProject(proj): """Make the specified project the current project. proj is an open project. If a filename, the project file is opened. .. note: The remainder is obsolete The user is asked for a Project file name and the access modalities. Depending on the results of the dialog: - either an new project is create or an old is opened, - the old data may be discarded, added to the current pyFormex globals, or replace them - the opened Project may become the current Project, or its data are just imported in the current Project. The default will let the user create new project files as well as open existing ones. Use create=False or the convenience function openProject to only accept existing project files. If a compression level (1..9) is given, the contents will be compressed, resulting in much smaller project files at the cost of Only one pyFormex project can be open at any time. The open project owns all the global data created and exported by any script. If makeDefault is True, an already open project will be closed and the opened project becomes the current project. If makeDefault is False, the project data are imported into pf.PF and the current project does not change. This means that if a project was open, the imported data will be added to it. If addGlobals is None, the user is asked whether the current globals should be added to the project. Set True or False to force or reject the adding without asking. """ pf.message("Setting current project to %s" % proj.filename) pf.message("Project contents: %s" % utils.sortedKeys(proj)) keep = {} if pf.PF: pf.message("Current pyFormex globals: %s" % utils.sortedKeys(pf.PF)) _delete = "Delete" _add = "Keep non existing" _overwrite = "Keep all (overwrite project)" res = draw.ask("What shall I do with the current pyFormex globals?",[_delete,_add,_overwrite]) if res == _add: keep = utils.removeDict(pf.PF,proj) elif res == _overwrite: keep = pf.PF pf.PF = proj if keep: pf.PF.update(keep) if pf.PF.filename: updateSettings({ 'curproj':pf.PF.filename, 'workdir':os.path.dirname(pf.PF.filename), },save=True) pf.GUI.setcurproj(pf.PF.filename) if hasattr(proj,'_autoscript_'): _ignore = "Ignore it!" _show = "Show it" _edit = "Load it in the editor" _exec = "Execute it" res = draw.ask("There is an autoscript stored inside the project.\nIf you received this project file from an untrusted source, you should probably not execute it.",[_ignore,_show,_edit,_exec]) if res == _show: res = draw.showText(proj._autoscript_)#,actions=[_ignore,_edit,_show]) return if res == _exec: draw.playScript(proj._autoscript_) elif res == _edit: fn = "" draw.checkWorkdir() f = open(fn,'w') f.write(proj._autoscript_) f.close() openScript(fn) editApp(fn) if hasattr(proj,'autofile') and draw.ack("The project has an autofile attribute: %s\nShall I execute this script?" % proj.autofile): draw.processArgs([proj.autofile]) listProject()
def setProject(proj): """Make the specified project the current project. proj is an open project. If a filename, the project file is opened. .. note: The remainder is obsolete The user is asked for a Project file name and the access modalities. Depending on the results of the dialog: - either an new project is create or an old is opened, - the old data may be discarded, added to the current pyFormex globals, or replace them - the opened Project may become the current Project, or its data are just imported in the current Project. The default will let the user create new project files as well as open existing ones. Use create=False or the convenience function openProject to only accept existing project files. If a compression level (1..9) is given, the contents will be compressed, resulting in much smaller project files at the cost of Only one pyFormex project can be open at any time. The open project owns all the global data created and exported by any script. If makeDefault is True, an already open project will be closed and the opened project becomes the current project. If makeDefault is False, the project data are imported into pf.PF and the current project does not change. This means that if a project was open, the imported data will be added to it. If addGlobals is None, the user is asked whether the current globals should be added to the project. Set True or False to force or reject the adding without asking. """ pf.message("Setting current project to %s" % proj.filename) pf.message("Project contents: %s" % utils.sortedKeys(proj)) keep = {} if pf.PF: pf.message("Current pyFormex globals: %s" % utils.sortedKeys(pf.PF)) _delete = "Delete" _add = "Keep non existing" _overwrite = "Keep all (overwrite project)" res = draw.ask("What shall I do with the current pyFormex globals?", [_delete, _add, _overwrite]) if res == _add: keep = utils.removeDict(pf.PF, proj) elif res == _overwrite: keep = pf.PF pf.PF = proj if keep: pf.PF.update(keep) if pf.PF.filename: updateSettings( { 'curproj': pf.PF.filename, 'workdir': os.path.dirname(pf.PF.filename), }, save=True) pf.GUI.setcurproj(pf.PF.filename) if hasattr(proj, '_autoscript_'): _ignore = "Ignore it!" _show = "Show it" _edit = "Load it in the editor" _exec = "Execute it" res = draw.ask( "There is an autoscript stored inside the project.\nIf you received this project file from an untrusted source, you should probably not execute it.", [_ignore, _show, _edit, _exec]) if res == _show: res = draw.showText( proj._autoscript_) #,actions=[_ignore,_edit,_show]) return if res == _exec: draw.playScript(proj._autoscript_) elif res == _edit: fn = "" draw.checkWorkdir() f = open(fn, 'w') f.write(proj._autoscript_) f.close() openScript(fn) editApp(fn) if hasattr(proj, 'autofile') and draw.ack( "The project has an autofile attribute: %s\nShall I execute this script?" % proj.autofile): draw.processArgs([proj.autofile]) listProject()
def releasenotes(): """Display the pyFormex release notes.""" draw.showText(file(GD.cfg['help/notes']).read())