def DrawMutatedStats(options, mutated_freqs, mutation_pos, log, min_mult): hist_name1 = os.path.join(options.output_dir, "mutated_seq_freqs.png") freq_hist_settings = drawing_utils.GetGraphicalSettings( xlabel="Mutated sequence frequency (>" + str(min_mult) + ")", ylabel="# sequences", output_filename=hist_name1) drawing_utils.DrawHistogram(mutated_freqs, freq_hist_settings) if os.path.exists(hist_name1): "* Histogram of distribution of mutated sequence frequencies was written to " + hist_name1) else: "ERROR: Histogram of distribution of mutated sequence frequencies was not found" ) sys.exit(1) hist_name2 = os.path.join(options.output_dir, "shm_positions.png") pos_hist_settings = drawing_utils.GetGraphicalSettings( xlabel="Relative SHM position", ylabel="# SHMs", output_filename=hist_name2) drawing_utils.DrawMutationHistogram(mutation_pos, pos_hist_settings, options.chain_type) if os.path.exists(hist_name2): "* Histogram of distribution of SHM positions was written to " + hist_name2) else: "ERROR: Histogram of distribution of SHM positions was not found") sys.exit(1)
def DrawBaseStats(options, base_lens, base_freqs, log, min_mult): hist_name1 = os.path.join(options.output_dir, "base_seq_lens.png") len_hist_settings = drawing_utils.GetGraphicalSettings( xlabel="Sequence length", ylabel="# sequences", output_filename=hist_name1) drawing_utils.DrawHistogram(base_lens, len_hist_settings) if os.path.exists(hist_name1): "* Histogram of distribution of base sequence lengths was written to " + hist_name1) else: "ERROR: Histogram of distribution of base sequence lengths was not found" ) sys.exit(1) hist_name2 = os.path.join(options.output_dir, "base_seq_freqs.png") freq_hist_settings = drawing_utils.GetGraphicalSettings( xlabel="Base sequence frequency (>" + str(min_mult) + ")", ylabel="# sequences", output_filename=hist_name2) drawing_utils.DrawHistogram(base_freqs, freq_hist_settings) if os.path.exists(hist_name2): "* Histogram of distribution of base sequence frequencies was written to " + hist_name2) else: "ERROR: Histogram of distribution of base sequence frequencies was not found" ) sys.exit(1)
fname = sys.argv[1] #'opt_kmers_tau_4_k_35.txt' lines = open(fname, 'r').readlines() rel_pos = list() for l in lines: splits = l.strip().split() length = int(splits[1]) for i in range(2, len(splits)): rel_pos.append(float(splits[i]) / length) #print rel_pos figure_fname = fname.split('.')[0] + '.pdf' settings = drawing_utils.GetGraphicalSettings( xlabel="Representative k-mer positions", ylabel="# k-mers", title="", output_filename=figure_fname, bins=100, label="", histtype="bar", xlog_scale=False, ylog_scale=False, draw_legend=False, colors="", legend_loc='upper right', show_xaxis=True, show_yaxis=True, xmin_shift=0, xmax_shift=0, ymin_shift=0, ymax_shift=0) drawing_utils.DrawMutationHistogram(rel_pos, settings)