def run_command(args): cmd = args.cmd if not cmd: print "Please enter command to run. Example: remotecmd \"ls -l\"" return tier_config = get_tier_config() service_info = get_service_info() tier = tier_config["tier"] region = tier_config["region"] service_name = service_info["name"] public = args.public pem_file = None for deployable in tier_config["deployables"]: if deployable["name"] == service_name: pem_file = deployable["ssh_key"] break else: print "Service {} not found in tier config for {}".format(service_name, tier) sys.exit(1) print "\n*** EXECUTING REMOTE COMMAND '{}' ON SERVICE '{}' / TIER '{}' IN REGION '{}'\n".format(cmd, service_name, tier, region) filters = { 'tag:service-name': service_name, "instance-state-name": "running", "tag:tier": tier, } print "Finding ec2 instances in region %s from filters: %s" % (region, filters) instances = get_ec2_instances(region, filters=filters) if not instances: print "Found no running ec2 instances with tag service-name={}".format(service_name) return for ec2 in instances: if not public: ip_address = ec2.private_ip_address else: ip_address = ec2.ip_address print "*** Running '{}' on {}...".format(cmd, ip_address) env.host_string = ip_address env.user = EC2_USERNAME env.key_filename = '~/.ssh/{}'.format(pem_file) run(cmd) print
def run_command(args): cmd = args.cmd if not cmd: print "Please enter SQL to run. Example: sqlcmd \"SELECT * FROM tm_players LIMIT 10;\"" return tier_config = get_tier_config() service_info = get_service_info() tier = args.tier or tier_config["tier"] config = load_config() tiers = [] if tier == "ALL": tiers = [t["name"] for t in config["tiers"]] else: tiers = [tier] print "Running SQL Command on Tiers: {}".format(", ".join(tiers)) service_name = service_info["name"] tenant = args.tenant tenants = [] for tier_name in tiers: config = load_config(tier_name) for t in config.get("tenants", []): name = t["name"] if not t.get("db_server"): continue if tenant and tenant.lower() != name.lower(): continue t["tier"] = tier_name tenants.append(t) for tenant in tenants: db_server = tenant["db_server"] tenant_name = tenant["name"] tier = tenant["tier"] tenant_name = tenant_name.replace("-{}".format(tier.lower()), "") full_cmd = "psql postgresql://{db_server}:{port}/{tier}_{tenant}_{service_name} -U postgres -c \"{cmd}\""\ .format(db_server=db_server, tier=tier, tenant=tenant_name, service_name=service_name, cmd=cmd, port=PORT) print "Running %s" % full_cmd #! inject the password into env. Highly undesirable full_cmd = "PGPASSWORD=postgres %s" % full_cmd os.system(full_cmd)
def run_command(args): service_info = get_service_info() tier_config = get_tier_config() ec2_conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(tier_config["region"]) vpc_conn = boto.vpc.connect_to_region(tier_config["region"]) iam_conn = boto.iam.connect_to_region(tier_config["region"]) tier_name = tier_config["tier"].upper() # Canonical name of tier print "Launch an instance of '{}' on tier '{}'".format( service_info["name"], tier_config["tier"]) for deployable in tier_config["deployables"]: if deployable["name"] == service_info["name"]: break else: print "Error: Deployable '{}' not found in tier config:".format( service_info["name"]) print json.dumps(tier_config, indent=4) sys.exit(1) if args.ami is None: # Pick the most recent image baked by the caller print "No source AMI specified. See if your organization has baked one recently..." print "Searching AMI's with the following tags:" print " service-name:", service_info["name"] print " tier:", tier_name amis = ec2_conn.get_all_images( owners=['self'], # The current organization filters={ 'tag:service-name': service_info["name"], 'tag:tier': tier_name, }, ) if not amis: print "No AMI's found that match this service and tier." print "Bake a new one using this command: {} bakeami".format( sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) ami = max(amis, key=operator.attrgetter("creationDate")) print "{} AMI(s) found.".format(len(amis)) else: ami = ec2_conn.get_image(args.ami) print "AMI Info:" print "\tAMI ID:\t", print "\tName:\t", print "\tDate:\t", ami.creationDate import pprint print "\tTags:\t" for k, v in ami.tags.items(): print "\t\t", k, ":", v print "EC2:" print "\tInstance Type:\t{}".format(args.instance_type) # Find the appropriate subnet to run on. # TODO: The subnet should be tagged more appropriately. For now we deploy # all drift apps to private-subnet-2, and keep special purpose services on # private-subnet-1, like RabbitMQ. for subnet in vpc_conn.get_all_subnets(): tier_match = subnet.tags.get("tier", "").upper() == tier_name name_match = "private-subnet-2" in subnet.tags.get("Name", "").lower() if tier_match and name_match: break else: print "Can't find a subnet to run on." sys.exit(1) print "\tSubnet:\t{} [{} {}]".format(subnet.tags["Name"],, subnet.vpc_id) print "\tCIDR:\t", subnet.cidr_block # Find the appropriate security group. # TODO: For now we just have a "one size fits all" group which allows all # traffic from 10.x.x.x. This security group was created manually but needs # to be added to the tier provisioning script. for security_group in vpc_conn.get_all_security_groups(): tier_match = security_group.tags.get("tier", "").upper() == tier_name name_match = "private-sg" in security_group.tags.get("Name", "").lower() vpc_match = security_group.vpc_id == subnet.vpc_id if tier_match and name_match and vpc_match: break else: print "Can't find a security group to run on." sys.exit(1) print "\tSecurity Group: {} [{} {}]".format(security_group.tags["Name"],, security_group.vpc_id) # The key pair name for SSH key_name = deployable["ssh_key"] if "." in key_name: key_name = key_name.split( ".", 1)[0] # TODO: Distinguish between key name and .pem key file name print "\tSSH Key:\t", key_name tags = { "Name": "{}-{}".format(tier_name, service_info["name"]), "tier": tier_name, "service-name": service_info["name"], "launched-by": iam_conn.get_user().user_name, # Make instance part of api-router round-robin load balancing "api-target": service_info["name"], "api-port": "10080", } print "Tags:" print json.dumps(tags, indent=4) reservation = ec2_conn.run_instances(, instance_type=args.instance_type,, security_group_ids=[], key_name=key_name, instance_profile_name=IAM_ROLE) if len(reservation.instances) == 0: print "No instances in reservation!" sys.exit(1) instance = reservation.instances[0] print "{} starting up...".format(instance) # Check up on its status every so often status = instance.update() while status == 'pending': time.sleep(10) status = instance.update() if status == 'running': for k, v in tags.items(): instance.add_tag(k, v) print "{} running at {}".format(instance, instance.private_ip_address) slackbot.post_message( "Started up AMI '{}' for '{}' on tier '{}' with ip '{}'".format(, service_info["name"], tier_config["tier"], instance.private_ip_address)) else: print "Instance was not created correctly" sys.exit(1)
def _run_command(args): if args.launch and args.autoscale: print "Error: Can't use --launch and --autoscale together." sys.exit(1) service_info = get_service_info() tier_config = get_tier_config() ec2_conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(tier_config["region"]) iam_conn = boto.iam.connect_to_region(tier_config["region"]) tier_name = tier_config["tier"].upper() # Canonical name of tier print "Launch an instance of '{}' on tier '{}'".format( service_info["name"], tier_config["tier"]) if tier_config.get('is_live', True): print "NOTE! This tier is marked as LIVE. Special restrictions may apply. Use --force to override." for deployable in tier_config["deployables"]: if deployable["name"] == service_info["name"]: break else: print "Error: Deployable '{}' not found in tier config:".format( service_info["name"]) print pretty(tier_config) sys.exit(1) print "Deployable:\n", pretty(deployable) autoscaling = deployable.get('autoscaling') release = deployable.get('release', '') if args.launch and autoscaling and not args.force: print "--launch specified, but tier config specifies 'use_autoscaling'. Use --force to override." sys.exit(1) if args.autoscale and not autoscaling and not args.force: print "--autoscale specified, but tier config doesn't specify 'use_autoscaling'. Use --force to override." sys.exit(1) if args.autoscale and not autoscaling: # Fill using default params autoscaling = { "min": 1, "max": 2, "desired": 2, "instance_type": args.instance_type, } # Find AMI filters = { 'tag:service-name': service_info["name"], 'tag:tier': tier_name, } if release: filters['tag:release'] = release print "Searching for AMIs matching the following tags:\n", pretty(filters) amis = ec2_conn.get_all_images( owners=['self'], # The current organization filters=filters, ) if not amis: print "No AMI's found that match the tags." print "Bake a new one using this command: {} ami bake {}".format( sys.argv[0], release) ami = None else: print "{} AMI(s) found.".format(len(amis)) ami = max(amis, key=operator.attrgetter("creationDate")) if args.ami: print "Using a specified AMI:", args.ami if != args.ami: print "AMI found is different from AMI specified on command line." if tier_config.get('is_live', True) and not args.force: print "This is a live tier. Can't run mismatched AMI unless --force is specified" sys.exit(1) ami = ec2_conn.get_image(args.ami) if not ami: sys.exit(1) ami_info = dict(,, ami_created=ami.creationDate, ami_tags=ami.tags, ) print "AMI Info:\n", pretty(ami_info) if autoscaling: print "Autoscaling group:\n", pretty(autoscaling) else: print "EC2:" print "\tInstance Type:\t{}".format(args.instance_type) ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=tier_config["region"]) # Get all 'private' subnets filters = {'tag:tier': tier_name, 'tag:realm': 'private'} subnets = list(ec2.subnets.filter(Filters=filterize(filters))) if not subnets: print "Error: No subnet available matching filter", filters sys.exit(1) print "Subnets:" for subnet in subnets: print "\t{} - {}".format(fold_tags(subnet.tags)['Name'], # Get the "one size fits all" security group filters = { 'tag:tier': tier_name, 'tag:Name': '{}-private-sg'.format(tier_name) } security_group = list( ec2.security_groups.filter(Filters=filterize(filters)))[0] print "Security Group:\n\t{} [{} {}]".format( fold_tags(security_group.tags)["Name"],, security_group.vpc_id) # The key pair name for SSH key_name = deployable["ssh_key"] if "." in key_name: key_name = key_name.split( ".", 1)[0] # TODO: Distinguish between key name and .pem key file name print "SSH Key:\t", key_name ''' autoscaling group: Name LIVENORTH-themachines-backend-auto api-port 10080 api-target themachines-backend service-name themachines-backend service-type rest-api tier LIVENORTH ec2: Name DEVNORTH-drift-base launched-by nonnib api-port 10080 api-target drift-base service-name drift-base service-type rest-api tier DEVNORTH ''' target_name = "{}-{}".format(tier_name, service_info["name"]) if autoscaling: target_name += "-auto" tags = { "Name": target_name, "tier": tier_name, "service-name": service_info["name"], "service-type": "rest-api", # TODO: Assume there are more types to come. "launched-by": iam_conn.get_user().user_name, # Make instance part of api-router round-robin load balancing "api-target": service_info["name"], "api-port": "10080", "api-status": "online", } if args.preview: print "--preview specified, exiting now before actually doing anything." sys.exit(0) if autoscaling: client = boto3.client('autoscaling', region_name=tier_config["region"]) launch_config_name = '{}-{}-launchconfig-{}-{}'.format( tier_name, service_info["name"], datetime.utcnow(), release) launch_config_name = launch_config_name.replace(':', '.') launch_script = '''#!/bin/bash\nsudo bash -c "echo TIERCONFIGPATH='${TIERCONFIGPATH}' >> /etc/environment"''' kwargs = dict( LaunchConfigurationName=launch_config_name,, KeyName=key_name, SecurityGroups=[], InstanceType=autoscaling['instance_type'] or args.instance_type, IamInstanceProfile=IAM_ROLE, InstanceMonitoring={'Enabled': True}, UserData=launch_script, ) print "Creating launch configuration using params:\n", pretty(kwargs) client.create_launch_configuration(**kwargs) # Update current autoscaling group or create a new one if it doesn't exist. groups = client.describe_auto_scaling_groups( AutoScalingGroupNames=[target_name]) if not groups['AutoScalingGroups']: tagsarg = [{ 'ResourceId': tags['Name'], 'ResourceType': 'auto-scaling-group', 'Key': k, 'Value': v, 'PropagateAtLaunch': True, } for k, v in tags.items()] kwargs = dict( AutoScalingGroupName=target_name, LaunchConfigurationName=launch_config_name, MinSize=autoscaling['min'], MaxSize=autoscaling['max'], DesiredCapacity=autoscaling['desired'], VPCZoneIdentifier=','.join([ for subnet in subnets]), Tags=tagsarg, ) print "Creating a new autoscaling group using params:\n", pretty( kwargs) client.create_auto_scaling_group(**kwargs) else: print "Updating current autoscaling group", target_name kwargs = dict( AutoScalingGroupName=target_name, LaunchConfigurationName=launch_config_name, MinSize=autoscaling['min'], MaxSize=autoscaling['max'], DesiredCapacity=autoscaling['desired'], VPCZoneIdentifier=','.join([ for subnet in subnets]), ) client.update_auto_scaling_group(**kwargs) print "Done!" print "YOU MUST TERMINATE THE OLD EC2 INSTANCES YOURSELF!" else: # Pick a random subnet from list of available subnets subnet = random.choice(subnets) print "Randomly picked this subnet to use: ", subnet print "Launching EC2 instance..." reservation = ec2_conn.run_instances(, instance_type=args.instance_type,, security_group_ids=[], key_name=key_name, instance_profile_name=IAM_ROLE) if len(reservation.instances) == 0: print "No instances in reservation!" sys.exit(1) instance = reservation.instances[0] print "{} starting up...".format(instance) # Check up on its status every so often status = instance.update() while status == 'pending': time.sleep(10) status = instance.update() if status == 'running': for k, v in tags.items(): instance.add_tag(k, v) print "{} running at {}".format(instance, instance.private_ip_address) slackbot.post_message( "Started up AMI '{}' for '{}' on tier '{}' with ip '{}'". format(, service_info["name"], tier_config["tier"], instance.private_ip_address)) else: print "Instance was not created correctly" sys.exit(1)
def _bake_command(args): service_info = get_service_info() tier_config = get_tier_config() iam_conn = boto.iam.connect_to_region(tier_config["region"]) if args.ubuntu: # Get all Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 images from the appropriate region and # pick the most recent one. # The 'Canonical' owner. This organization maintains the Ubuntu AMI's on AWS. print "Finding the latest AMI on AWS that matches", UBUNTU_RELEASE ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=tier_config["region"]) filters = [ { 'Name': 'name', 'Values': [UBUNTU_RELEASE] }, ] amis = list( ec2.images.filter(Owners=[AMI_OWNER_CANONICAL], Filters=filters)) if not amis: print "No AMI found matching '{}'. Not sure what to do now.".format( UBUNTU_RELEASE, tier_config["tier"], sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) ami = max(amis, key=operator.attrgetter("creation_date")) else: ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=tier_config["region"]) filters = [ { 'Name': 'tag:service-name', 'Values': [UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE_NAME] }, { 'Name': 'tag:tier', 'Values': [tier_config["tier"]] }, ] amis = list(ec2.images.filter(Owners=['self'], Filters=filters)) if not amis: print "No '{}' AMI found for tier {}. Bake one using this command: {} ami bake --ubuntu".format( UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE_NAME, tier_config["tier"], sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) ami = max(amis, key=operator.attrgetter("creation_date")) print "Using source AMI:" print "\tID:\t", print "\tName:\t", print "\tDate:\t", ami.creation_date if args.ubuntu: version = None branch = '' sha_commit = '' deployment_manifest = create_deployment_manifest( 'bakeami') # Todo: Should be elsewhere or different else: cmd = "python sdist --formats=zip" current_branch = get_branch() if not args.tag: # See if service is tagged to a specific version for this tier for si in tier_config['deployables']: if si['name'] == service_info['name']: if 'release' in si: text = "Error: As deployable '{}' for tier '{}' is pegged to a particular " \ "release, you must specify a release tag to which to bake from.\n" \ "Note that this is merely a safety measure.\n" \ "For reference, the current deployable for this tier is pegged at " \ "release tag '{}'." print text.format(service_info['name'], tier_config['tier'], si['release']) sys.exit(1) break if not args.tag: args.tag = current_branch print "Using branch/tag", args.tag checkout(args.tag) try: deployment_manifest = create_deployment_manifest( 'bakeami') # Todo: Should be elsewhere or different sha_commit = get_commit() branch = get_branch() version = get_git_version() service_info = get_service_info() if not args.preview: os.system(cmd) finally: print "Reverting to ", current_branch checkout(current_branch) if not version: version = {'tag': 'untagged-branch'} print "git version:", version user = iam_conn.get_user() # The current IAM user running this command # Need to generate a pre-signed url to the tiers root config file on S3 tiers_config = get_tiers_config() tiers_config_url = '{}/{}.{}/{}'.format(tiers_config['region'], tiers_config['bucket'], tiers_config['domain'], TIERS_CONFIG_FILENAME) var = { "service": UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE_NAME if args.ubuntu else service_info["name"], "versionNumber": service_info["version"], "region": tier_config["region"], "source_ami":, "branch": branch, "commit": sha_commit, "release": version['tag'], "user_name": user.user_name, "tier": tier_config["tier"], "tier_url": tiers_config_url, } if args.ubuntu: var['setup_script'] = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "") else: var['setup_script'] = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "") print "Using var:\n", pretty(var) packer_cmd = "packer" try: result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except Exception as e: print "Error:", e print "%s was not found. Please install using the following method:" % packer_cmd print " brew tap homebrew/binary\n brew install %s" % packer_cmd sys.exit(1) else: print "Packer process returned", result cmd = "%s build " % packer_cmd if args.debug: cmd += "-debug " cmd += "-only=amazon-ebs " for k, v in var.iteritems(): cmd += "-var {}=\"{}\" ".format(k, v) # Use generic packer script if project doesn't specify one pkg_resources.cleanup_resources() if args.ubuntu: scriptfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "ubuntu-packer.json") cmd += scriptfile elif os.path.exists("config/packer.json"): cmd += "config/packer.json" else: scriptfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "driftapp-packer.json") cmd += scriptfile print "Baking AMI with: {}".format(cmd) # Dump deployment manifest into dist folder temporarily. The packer script # will pick it up and bake it into the AMI. deployment_manifest_filename = os.path.join("dist", "deployment-manifest.json") deployment_manifest_json = json.dumps(deployment_manifest, indent=4) print "Deployment Manifest:\n", deployment_manifest_json if args.preview: print "Not building or packaging because --preview is on. Exiting now." return with open(deployment_manifest_filename, "w") as dif: dif.write(deployment_manifest_json) start_time = time.time() try: os.system(cmd) finally: os.remove(deployment_manifest_filename) pkg_resources.cleanup_resources() duration = time.time() - start_time print "Done after %.0f seconds" % (duration) slackbot.post_message( "Successfully baked a new AMI for '{}' on tier '{}' in %.0f seconds". format(service_info["name"], get_tier_name(), duration))
def run_command(args): tier_config = get_tier_config() service_info = get_service_info() tier = tier_config["tier"] region = tier_config["region"] service_name = service_info["name"] public = args.public include_drift = args.drift drift_filename = None drift_fullpath = None default_tenant = tier_config.get("default_tenant", "default-{}".format(tier.lower())) if args.tiername and args.tiername != tier: print "Default tier is '{}' but you expected '{}'. Quitting now.".format( tier, args.tiername) return is_protected_tier = _get_tier_protection(tier) if is_protected_tier and tier != args.tiername: print "You are quickdeploying to '{}' which is a protected tier.".format( tier) print "This is not recommended!" print "If you must do this, and you know what you are doing, state the name of" print "the tier using the --deploy-to-this-tier argument and run again." return # hack if include_drift: import drift drift_path = os.path.split(os.path.split(drift.__file__)[0])[0] build_fullpath = os.path.join(drift_path, "dist") if os.path.exists(build_fullpath): for filename in os.listdir(build_fullpath): if filename.startswith("Drift-"): os.remove(os.path.join(build_fullpath, filename)) drift_filename = None print "Building Drift in {}...".format(build_fullpath) cmd = [ "python", os.path.join(drift_path, ""), "sdist", "--formats=zip" ] p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=drift_path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout, _ = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: print stdout sys.exit(p.returncode) drift_filename = None for filename in os.listdir(build_fullpath): if filename.startswith("Drift-"): drift_filename = filename if not drift_filename: print "Error creating drift package: %s" % stdout sys.exit(9) print "Including drift package %s" % drift_filename drift_fullpath = os.path.join(build_fullpath, drift_filename) app_location = APP_LOCATION.format(service_name) old_path = app_location + "_old" for deployable in tier_config["deployables"]: if deployable["name"] == service_name: pem_file = deployable["ssh_key"] break else: print "Service {} not found in tier config for {}".format( service_name, tier) sys.exit(1) print "\n*** DEPLOYING service '{}' TO TIER '{}' IN REGION '{}'\n".format( service_name, tier, region) build_filename = "{}-{}.zip".format(service_info["name"], service_info["version"]) build_fullpath = os.path.join("dist", build_filename) try: os.remove(build_fullpath) except Exception as e: if "No such file or directory" not in repr(e): raise print "Building {}...".format(build_fullpath) p = subprocess.Popen(["python", "", "sdist", "--formats=zip"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout, nothing = p.communicate() if not os.path.exists(build_fullpath): print "Build artefact not found at {}".format(build_fullpath) print "Build output: %s" % stdout sys.exit(1) filters = { 'tag:service-name': service_name, "instance-state-name": "running", "tag:tier": tier, } print "Finding ec2 instances in region %s from filters: %s" % (region, filters) instances = get_ec2_instances(region, filters=filters) if not instances: print "Found no running ec2 instances with tag service-name={}".format( service_name) return for ec2 in instances: if not public: ip_address = ec2.private_ip_address else: ip_address = ec2.ip_address print "Deploying to {}...".format(ip_address) env.host_string = ip_address env.user = EC2_USERNAME env.key_filename = '~/.ssh/{}'.format(pem_file) with settings(warn_only=True): run("rm -f {}".format(build_filename)) put(build_fullpath) if drift_filename: put(drift_fullpath) temp_folder = os.path.splitext(build_filename)[0] with settings(warn_only=True): # expect some commands to fail run("sudo rm -f {}".format(UWSGI_LOGFILE)) run("rm -r -f {}".format(temp_folder)) with hide('output'): run("unzip {}".format(build_filename)) run("sudo rm -r -f {}".format(old_path)) run("sudo mv {} {}".format(app_location, old_path)) deployment_manifest = create_deployment_manifest('quickdeploy') if args.comment: deployment_manifest['comment'] = args.comment deployment_manifest_json = json.dumps(deployment_manifest, indent=4) cmd = "echo '{}' > {}/deployment-manifest.json".format( deployment_manifest_json, temp_folder) run(cmd) run("sudo mv {} {}".format(temp_folder, app_location)) if not args.skiprequirements: with hide('output'): run("sudo pip install -U -r {}/requirements.txt".format( app_location)) # unpack drift after we've installed requirements if drift_filename: with hide('output'): run("unzip -o {}".format(drift_filename)) DRIFT_LOCATION = "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/drift" run("sudo rm -rf {}/*".format(DRIFT_LOCATION)) run("sudo cp -r {}/drift/* {}".format( drift_filename.replace(".zip", ""), DRIFT_LOCATION)) with hide('output'): run("sudo service {} restart".format(service_name)) with settings(warn_only=True): # celery might not be present run("sudo service {}-celery restart".format(service_name)) # make sure the service keeps running sleep(1.0) run("sudo service {} status".format(service_name)) # test the service endpoint try: with settings(warn_only=True): with hide('output'): out = run( 'curl{} -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Drift-Tenant: {}"' .format(SERVICE_PORT, default_tenant)) d = json.loads(out) if "endpoints" not in d: raise Exception("service json is incorrect: %s" % out) print "\nService {} is running on {}!".format( service_name, ip_address) slackbot.post_message( "Successfully quick-deployed '{}' to tier '{}'".format( service_name, tier)) except: print "Unexpected response: %s" % out error_report() raise
def run_command(args): service_info = get_service_info() tier_config = get_tier_config() ec2_conn = boto.ec2.connect_to_region(tier_config["region"]) iam_conn = boto.iam.connect_to_region(tier_config["region"]) if args.ubuntu: # Get all Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 images from the appropriate region and # pick the most recent one. print "Finding the latest AMI on AWS that matches 'ubuntu-trusty-14.04*'" # The 'Canonical' owner. This organization maintains the Ubuntu AMI's on AWS. amis = ec2_conn.get_all_images( owners=['099720109477'], filters={'name': 'ubuntu/images/hvm/ubuntu-trusty-14.04*'}, ) ami = max(amis, key=operator.attrgetter("creationDate")) else: amis = ec2_conn.get_all_images( owners=['self'], # The current organization filters={ 'tag:service-name': UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE_NAME, 'tag:tier': tier_config["tier"], }, ) if not amis: print "No '{}' AMI found for tier {}. Bake one using this command: {} bakeami --ubuntu".format( UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE_NAME, tier_config["tier"], sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) ami = max(amis, key=operator.attrgetter("creationDate")) print "{} AMI(s) found.".format(len(amis)) print "Using source AMI:" print "\tID:\t", print "\tName:\t", print "\tDate:\t", ami.creationDate if args.ubuntu: version = None branch = '' sha_commit = '' else: cmd = "python sdist --formats=zip" current_branch = get_branch() if not args.tag: args.tag = current_branch print "Using branch/tag", args.tag checkout(args.tag) try: sha_commit = get_commit() branch = get_branch() version = get_git_version() if not args.preview: os.system(cmd) finally: print "Reverting to ", current_branch checkout(current_branch) if not version: version = {'tag': 'untagged-branch'} print "git version:", version service_info = get_service_info() user = iam_conn.get_user() # The current IAM user running this command # Need to generate a pre-signed url to the tiers root config file on S3 tiers_config = get_tiers_config() tiers_config_url = '{}/{}.{}/{}'.format(tiers_config['region'], tiers_config['bucket'], tiers_config['domain'], TIERS_CONFIG_FILENAME) var = { "service": UBUNTU_BASE_IMAGE_NAME if args.ubuntu else service_info["name"], "versionNumber": service_info["version"], "region": tier_config["region"], "source_ami": str(, "branch": branch, "commit": sha_commit, "release": version['tag'], "user_name": str(user.user_name), "tier": tier_config["tier"], "tier_url": str(tiers_config_url), } if args.ubuntu: var['setup_script'] = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "") else: var['setup_script'] = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "") print "Using var:\n", json.dumps({k: str(v) for k, v in var.iteritems()}, indent=4) packer_cmd = "packer" try: result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except Exception as e: print "Error:", e print "%s was not found. Please install using the following method:" % packer_cmd print " brew tap homebrew/binary\n brew install %s" % packer_cmd sys.exit(1) else: print "Packer process returned", result cmd = "%s build " % packer_cmd if args.debug: cmd += "-debug " cmd += "-only=amazon-ebs " for k, v in var.iteritems(): cmd += "-var {}=\"{}\" ".format(k, v) # Use generic packer script if project doesn't specify one pkg_resources.cleanup_resources() if args.ubuntu: scriptfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "ubuntu-packer.json") cmd += scriptfile elif os.path.exists("config/packer.json"): cmd += "config/packer.json" else: scriptfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "driftapp-packer.json") cmd += scriptfile print "Baking AMI with: {}".format(cmd) if args.preview: print "Not building or packaging because --preview is on. Exiting now." return start_time = time.time() # Dump deployment manifest into dist folder temporarily. The packer script # will pick it up and bake it into the AMI. deployment_manifest_filename = os.path.join("dist", "deployment-manifest.json") deployment_manifest_json = json.dumps( create_deployment_manifest('bakeami'), indent=4) print "Deployment Manifest:\n", deployment_manifest_json with open(deployment_manifest_filename, "w") as dif: dif.write(deployment_manifest_json) try: os.system(cmd) finally: os.remove(deployment_manifest_filename) pkg_resources.cleanup_resources() duration = time.time() - start_time print "Done after %.0f seconds" % (duration) slackbot.post_message( "Successfully baked a new AMI for '{}' on tier '{}' in %.0f seconds". format(service_info["name"], get_tier_name(), duration))
def run_command(args): tier_config = get_tier_config() service_info = get_service_info() tier = tier_config["tier"] region = tier_config["region"] service_name = service_info["name"] public = args.public pem_file = None for deployable in tier_config["deployables"]: if deployable["name"] == service_name: pem_file = deployable["ssh_key"] break else: print "Service {} not found in tier config for {}".format( service_name, tier) sys.exit(1) print "\n*** VIEWING LOGS FOR SERVICE '{}' / TIER '{}' IN REGION '{}'\n".format( service_name, tier, region) filters = { 'tag:service-name': service_name, "instance-state-name": "running", "tag:tier": tier, } print "Finding ec2 instances in region %s from filters: %s" % (region, filters) instances = get_ec2_instances(region, filters=filters) if not instances: print "Found no running ec2 instances with tag service-name={}".format( service_name) return if instances = [ i for i in instances if [i.private_ip_address, i.ip_address][public] == ] for ec2 in instances: if not public: ip_address = ec2.private_ip_address else: ip_address = ec2.ip_address print "*** Logs in {} on {}...".format(UWSGI_LOGFILE, ip_address) key_path = '~/.ssh/{}'.format(pem_file) if not env.host_string = ip_address env.user = EC2_USERNAME env.key_filename = key_path cmd = "sudo tail {} -n 100".format(UWSGI_LOGFILE) if args.grep: cmd += " | grep {}".format(args.grep) run(cmd) print else: if len(instances) > 1: print "The --stream argument can only be used on a single host. Please use --host to pick one" print "Hosts: {}".format(", ".join([ str([i.private_ip_address, i.ip_address][public]) for i in instances ])) return import paramiko import select client = paramiko.SSHClient() client.load_system_host_keys() client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) key_path = os.path.expanduser(key_path) client.connect(ip_address, username=EC2_USERNAME, key_filename=key_path) #client.connect(ip_address) channel = client.get_transport().open_session() grep_cmd = "" if args.grep: grep_cmd = " | grep --line-buffered {}".format(args.grep) channel.exec_command("sudo tail -f {}{}".format( UWSGI_LOGFILE, grep_cmd)) while True: if channel.exit_status_ready(): break rl, wl, xl =[channel], [], [], 0.0) if len(rl) > 0: sys.stdout.write(channel.recv(1024))