def vacuum(): files = [f for f in os.listdir(WEBCAM_PICTURE_FOLDER) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(WEBCAM_PICTURE_FOLDER, f))] for f in files: time_stamp ='webcam(.+?).png', f).group(1) t = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_stamp, "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) # check if picture is too old if t < yesterday: try: os.remove('%s%s'% (WEBCAM_PICTURE_FOLDER, f)) print "removing ", '%s%s'% (WEBCAM_PICTURE_FOLDER, f) # remove from dropbox client = authenticate_to_dropbox() response = client.file_delete(f) print "deleted from dropbox: ", response except: print "can't remove file %s", f
def vacuum(): files = [ f for f in os.listdir(WEBCAM_PICTURE_FOLDER) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(WEBCAM_PICTURE_FOLDER, f)) ] for f in files: time_stamp ='webcam(.+?).png', f).group(1) t = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_stamp, "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) # check if picture is too old if t < yesterday: try: os.remove('%s%s' % (WEBCAM_PICTURE_FOLDER, f)) print "removing ", '%s%s' % (WEBCAM_PICTURE_FOLDER, f) # remove from dropbox client = authenticate_to_dropbox() response = client.file_delete(f) print "deleted from dropbox: ", response except: print "can't remove file %s", f
def lreplace(pattern, sub, string): return re.sub('^%s' % pattern, sub, string) # make connection to dropbox print "Connecting to dropbox..." sess = session.DropboxSession(args.app_key, args.app_secret, args.access_type) sess.set_token(args.access_token_key, args.access_token_secret) client = client.DropboxClient(sess) # get list of files for args.dropbox_dir print "Fetching list of files in:", args.dropbox_dir metadata = client.metadata(args.dropbox_dir) def files_only(metadata): return metadata['is_dir'] == False files = map(lambda metadata: metadata['path'], filter(files_only, metadata['contents'])) # download files to args.dest_dir assure_path_exists(args.dest_dir) for file in files: dest_file = args.dest_dir + lreplace(args.dropbox_dir, '', file) print "Downloading file: %s to: %s" % (file, dest_file) response = client.get_file(file) with open(dest_file, 'wb') as out: while not response.isclosed(): out.write( * 1024)) # remove files in args.dropbox_dir if args.remove_downloaded_files == True: for file in files: print "Removing file: %s from dropbox" % (file) client.file_delete(file)
def delete_file(src): client.file_delete(src)
def delete_file(filename): """ Deletes a file on Dropbox """ print client.file_delete(filename)
#Get the same from your dropbox if DEST_DIR in client.metadata('/')['contents'][0]['path']: SYNC_DIR_META = client.metadata(DEST_DIR) print 'Destination directory already exists' else: client.file_create_folder(DEST_DIR) SYNC_DIR_META = client.metadata(DEST_DIR) print 'Just created the destination directory' SYNC_DIR_META_LIST = {} #Create a dictionary with the same info as SYNC_DIR_LIST for file in SYNC_DIR_META['contents']: SYNC_DIR_META_LIST[os.path.split(file['path'])[1]] = file['bytes'] #Copy only if file does not exist on Dropbox, or size different from source(modified file) or does not start with . (hidden files) for file in SYNC_DIR_LIST: if (file[0] != '.'): if (file not in SYNC_DIR_META_LIST): client.put_file(DEST_DIR + '/' + file,open(SYNC_DIR + '/' + file)) print 'Copying ' + file + ' to Dropbox' if (file in SYNC_DIR_META_LIST) and (SYNC_DIR_META_LIST[file] != SYNC_DIR_LIST[file]): client.file_delete(DEST_DIR + '/' + file) client.put_file(DEST_DIR + '/' + file,open(SYNC_DIR + '/' + file)) print 'Updating ' + file + ' to Dropbox' print 'Finished copying'