def setup_projects_from_file_input(log, settings): """ *cl utils* **Key Arguments:** - ``dbConn`` -- mysql database connection - ``log`` -- logger **Return:** - None .. todo:: - @review: when complete, clean cl_utils function - @review: when complete add logging - @review: when complete, decide whether to abstract function to another module """"starting the ``cl_utils`` function") basePath = settings["projector"]["queue directory"] for d in os.listdir(basePath): filePath = os.path.join(basePath, d) if os.path.isfile(filePath): readFile =, encoding="utf-8", mode="r") data = readFile.readlines() readFile.close() if data[0].strip() not in ["work", "home"]: print "Wrong data format for file %(filePath)s" % locals() else: projectName = data[1].strip() if data[0].strip() == "home": userId = "*****@*****.**" stack = "home projects" dropboxPath = "/notes/thespacedoctor-wiki/projects/" else: userId = "*****@*****.**" stack = "work projects" dropboxPath = "/notes/astronotes-wiki/projects/" gmail_utils(log=log, settings=settings, userId=userId).create_label("projects/" + projectName) evernote_utils(log=log, settings=settings).create_notebook(nbName=projectName, stack=stack) mkdir(log=log, settings=settings, dropboxPath=dropboxPath + projectName).get() os.remove(filePath)"completed the ``cl_utils`` function") return None
def main(arguments=None): """ *The main function used when ```` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command* """ # setup the command-line util settings su = tools(arguments=arguments, docString=__doc__, logLevel="DEBUG", options_first=False, projectName="projector") arguments, settings, log, dbConn = su.setup() # tab completion for raw_input readline.set_completer_delims(" \t\n;") readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(tab_complete) # unpack remaining cl arguments using `exec` to setup the variable names # automatically for arg, val in arguments.iteritems(): if arg[0] == "-": varname = arg.replace("-", "") + "Flag" else: varname = arg.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") if isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode): exec (varname + " = '%s'" % (val,)) else: exec (varname + " = %s" % (val,)) if arg == "--dbConn": dbConn = val log.debug("%s = %s" % (varname, val)) ## START LOGGING ## startTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime()"--- STARTING TO RUN THE AT %s" % (startTime,)) # set options interactively if user requests if "interactiveFlag" in locals() and interactiveFlag: # load previous settings moduleDirectory = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/resources" pathToPickleFile = "%(moduleDirectory)s/previousSettings.p" % locals() try: with open(pathToPickleFile): pass previousSettingsExist = True except: previousSettingsExist = False previousSettings = {} if previousSettingsExist: previousSettings = pickle.load(open(pathToPickleFile, "rb")) # x-raw-input # x-boolean-raw-input # x-raw-input-with-default-value-from-previous-settings # save the most recently used requests pickleMeObjects = [] pickleMe = {} theseLocals = locals() for k in pickleMeObjects: pickleMe[k] = theseLocals[k] pickle.dump(pickleMe, open(pathToPickleFile, "wb")) if home: userId = "*****@*****.**" stack = "home projects" dropboxPath = "/notes/thespacedoctor-wiki/projects/" elif work: userId = "*****@*****.**" stack = "work projects" dropboxPath = "/notes/astronotes-wiki/projects/" # CALL FUNCTIONS/OBJECTS if create: gmail_utils(log=log, settings=settings, userId=userId).create_label("projects/" + projectName) evernote_utils(log=log, settings=settings).create_notebook(nbName=projectName, stack=stack) mkdir(log=log, settings=settings, dropboxPath=dropboxPath + projectName).get() this = touch_file(log=log, settings=settings, destination=dropboxPath + projectName + ".remove").touch() # try: # devonthink_indexer( # log=log, # settings=settings, # ).get() # time.sleep(3) # devonthink_indexer( # log=log, # settings=settings, # ).get() # except: # pass if remote: setup_projects_from_file_input(log=log, settings=settings) if auth: evernote_utils(log=log, settings=settings).authenticate() # if dt: # devonthink_indexer( # log=log, # settings=settings, # ).get() if ls: gmail_utils(log=log, settings=settings, userId=userId).list_live_projects(archive=archiveFlag) if "dbConn" in locals() and dbConn: dbConn.commit() dbConn.close() ## FINISH LOGGING ## endTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() runningTime = times.calculate_time_difference(startTime, endTime)"-- FINISHED ATTEMPT TO RUN THE AT %s (RUNTIME: %s) --" % (endTime, runningTime)) return