awg = fygen.FYGen(DEFAULT_PORT) # AWG_MAX_FREQ = awg.getinfo_devicetype() AWG_MODEL = awg.get_model() AWG_MAX_FREQ = float(AWG_MODEL[7:9]) print("Maximum Generator Frequency: %d MHz" % AWG_MAX_FREQ) if MAX_FREQ > AWG_MAX_FREQ * 1e6: exit("Your MAX_FREQ is higher than your AWG can achieve!") # We use sine for sweep # awg.setwaveform(AWG_CHANNEL, "sine") awg.set(AWG_CHANNEL, enable=True, wave='sin') # Init scope scope = DS1054Z(OSC_IP) # Set some options for the oscilloscope if not args.MANUAL_SETTINGS: # Center vertically scope.set_channel_offset(1, 0) scope.set_channel_offset(2, 0) # Display one period in 2 divs period = (1 / MIN_FREQ) / 2 scope.timebase_scale = period # Set the sensitivity according to the selected voltage scope.set_channel_scale(1, args.VOLTAGE / 3, use_closest_match=True)
# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # from ds1054z import DS1054Z import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.fftpack import fft from scipy.signal import hann # Scope IP address IP_ADDRESS = '' # Connect to scope scope = DS1054Z(IP_ADDRESS) print(scope.idn) # Query the sample rate sRate = float(scope.query(':ACQuire:SRATe?')) # Sample rate # Get the samples chan1 = scope.get_waveform_samples('CHAN1', 'RAW') # Samples n = len(chan1) # Number of samples = FFT size w = hann(n) # Hanning window function scs = sRate / n # Sub-carrier spacing #chan1 = np.linspace(1, 1, n) #chan1 = np.random.normal(0.0001, 0.00005, size=n)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=textwrap.dedent(__doc__), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='More verbose output') parser.add_argument('--version', action='store_true', #'Display the version of the tool/package and exit.' help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', #help='Enable debugging output', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) device_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) device_parser.add_argument('device', nargs='?', help='The device string. Typically the IP address of the oscilloscope. ' 'Will try to discover a single (!) scope on the network if you leave it out.') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action', metavar='<action>', help="Action to perform on the scope:") # ds1054z discover action_desc = 'Discover and list scopes on your network and exit' discover_parser = subparsers.add_parser('discover', description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z info action_desc = 'Print information about your oscilloscope' cmd_parser = subparsers.add_parser('info', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z cmd action_desc = 'Send an SCPI command to the oscilloscope' cmd_parser = subparsers.add_parser('cmd', description=action_desc, help=action_desc) cmd_parser.add_argument('command', metavar=':SCPI:CMD', help="The command to execute. If the command contains a '?' the answer " "will be read from the device and printed to stdout.") late_parents(cmd_parser, parents=[device_parser]) # ds1054z save-screen action_desc = 'Save an image of the screen' save_screen_parser = subparsers.add_parser('save-screen', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) save_screen_parser.add_argument('--filename', '-f', metavar='IMG_FILENAME', help='The filename template for the image') save_screen_parser.add_argument('--overlay', '-o', metavar='RATIO', type=float, default=0.5, help='Dim on-screen controls in --save-screen with a mask (default ratio: 0.5)') save_screen_parser.add_argument('--printable', '-p', action='store_true', help='Make the screenshot more printer-friendly') # ds1054z save-data action_desc = 'Save the waveform data to a file' save_data_parser = subparsers.add_parser('save-data', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) save_data_parser.add_argument('--filename', '-f', metavar='FILENAME', default='ds1054z-scope-values_{ts}.csv', help='The filename template for the data file. ' 'The kind of file is determined by its filename extension. ' 'Defaults to: ds1054z-scope-values_{ts}.csv') save_data_parser.add_argument('--mode', default='NORMal', choices=('NORMal', 'MAXimum', 'RAW'), help='The mode determins whether you will be reading the 1200 displayed samples (NORMal) ' 'or stopping the scope and reading out the full memory (RAW). ' 'MAXimum either reads the full memory if the scope is already stopped ' 'or the 1200 displayed samples otherwise.' 'Defaults to NORMal.') save_data_parser.add_argument('--without-time', action='store_false', dest='with_time', help="If specified, it will save the data without the extra column " "of time values that's being added by default") # ds1054z settings action_desc = 'View and change settings of the oscilloscope' settings_parser = subparsers.add_parser('settings', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) settings_parser.add_argument('--timebase', type=float, help="Change the timebase of the oscilloscope to this value (in seconds/div).") settings_parser.add_argument('--timebase-offset', type=float, help="Change the timebase offset of the oscilloscope to this value (in seconds).") # ds1054z properties action_desc = 'Query properties of the DS1054Z instance' properties_parser = subparsers.add_parser('properties', description=action_desc, help=action_desc) properties_parser.add_argument('properties', metavar='PROPERTIES', type=comma_sep, help="The properties to query separated by a comma, like: 'idn,memory_depth_internal_total'. " "Asking for a single one will also work, off course.") late_parents(properties_parser, parents=[device_parser]) # ds1054z run action_desc = 'Start the oscilloscope data acquisition' run_parser = subparsers.add_parser('run', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z stop action_desc = 'Stop the oscilloscope data acquisition' stop_parser = subparsers.add_parser('stop', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z single action_desc = 'Set the oscilloscope to the single trigger mode.' single_parser = subparsers.add_parser('single', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z tforce action_desc = 'Generate a trigger signal forcefully.' tforce_parser = subparsers.add_parser('tforce', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z shell action_desc = 'Start an interactive shell to control your scope.' tforce_parser = subparsers.add_parser('shell', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print(pkg_resources.get_distribution("ds1054z").version) sys.exit(0) if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if not args.action: parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.stderr.write('\nERROR: Please choose an action.\n\n') sys.exit(2) if args.action == 'discover': try: from ds1054z.discovery import discover_devices except: print('Discovery depends on the zeroconf Python package which is missing.') sys.exit(1) devices = discover_devices() for device in devices: if args.verbose: print("Found a {model} with the IP Address {ip}.".format(**device)) else: print("{ip}".format(**device)) sys.exit(0) if not args.device: try: from ds1054z.discovery import discover_devices except: print("Please specify a device to connect to. Auto-discovery doesn't " "work because the zeroconf Python package is missing.") sys.exit(1) devices = discover_devices() if len(devices) < 1: print("Couln't discover any device on the network. Exiting.") sys.exit(1) elif len(devices) > 1: print("Discovered multiple devices on the network:") print("\n".join("{model} {ip}".format(**dev) for dev in devices)) print("Please specify the device you would like to connect to.") sys.exit(1) else: # len(devices) == 0 if args.verbose: print("Found a scope: {model} @ {ip}".format(**devices[0])) args.device = devices[0]['ip'] ds = DS1054Z(args.device) if args.action == 'info': fmt = "\nVendor: {0}\nProduct: {1}\nSerial: {2}\nFirmware: {3}\n" print(fmt.format(ds.vendor, ds.product, ds.serial, ds.firmware)) if args.action == 'cmd': if '?' in args.command: print(ds.query(args.command)) else: ds.write(args.command) if args.action in ('run', 'stop', 'single', 'tforce'): getattr(ds, args.action)() if args.action == 'settings': if args.timebase: ds.timebase_scale = args.timebase if args.timebase_offset: ds.timebase_offset = args.timebase_offset wp = ds.waveform_preamble_dict if args.verbose: displayed_channels = ds.displayed_channels print("Sample Rate: {0}Sa/s".format(DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(ds.sample_rate))) print("Timebase: {0}s/div".format(DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(ds.timebase_scale))) print("Timebase Offset: {0}s".format(DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(ds.timebase_offset))) ds.set_waveform_mode('NORMal') tv = ds.waveform_time_values t_from = DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(tv[0], unit='s') t_to = DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(tv[-1], unit='s') print("The time axis goes from {0} to {1}".format(t_from, t_to)) print("Displayed Channels: {0}".format(' '.join(displayed_channels))) for channel in displayed_channels: print(" Channel {0}:".format(channel)) print(" Scale: {0}V/div".format(DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(ds.get_channel_scale(channel)))) print(" Offset: {0}V".format(ds.get_channel_offset(channel))) print(" Probe Ratio: {}".format(ds.get_probe_ratio(channel))) print(" ---".format(DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(ds.get_channel_scale(channel)))) else: print('sample_rate={}'.format(ds.sample_rate)) print('timebase_scale={}'.format(ds.timebase_scale)) print('timebase_offset={}'.format(ds.timebase_offset)) print('displayed_channels={}'.format(','.join(ds.displayed_channels))) if args.action == 'properties': for prop in val = getattr(ds, prop) if args.verbose: print('{0}: {1}'.format(prop, val)) else: if type(val) in (list, tuple): print(' '.join(str(v) for v in val)) else: print(val) if args.action == 'save-screen': try: from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageEnhance except ImportError: parser.error('Please install Pillow (or the older PIL) to use --save-screen') # formatting the filename if args.filename: fmt = args.filename else: fmt = 'ds1054z-scope-display_{ts}.png' ts = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) filename = fmt.format(ts=ts) # need to find out file extension for Pillow on Windows... ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if not ext: parser.error('could not detect the image file type extension from the filename') # getting and saving the image im = overlay_filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename("ds1054z","resources/overlay.png") overlay = alpha_100_percent =, overlay.size, color=(0,0,0,0)) overlay = Image.blend(alpha_100_percent, overlay, args.overlay) im.putalpha(255) im = Image.alpha_composite(im, overlay) if args.printable: im = Image.merge("RGB", im.split()[0:3]) im = ImageOps.invert(im) im = ImageEnhance.Color(im).enhance(0) im = ImageEnhance.Brightness(im).enhance(0.95) im = ImageEnhance.Contrast(im).enhance(2) im = im.convert('L') im = im.point(lambda x: x if x<252 else 255) else: im = im.convert('RGB'), format=ext[1:]) if not args.verbose: print(filename) else: print("Saved file: " + filename) if args.action == 'save-data': ts = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) filename = args.filename.format(ts=ts) ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if not ext: parser.error('could not detect the file type extension from the filename') kind = ext[1:] if kind in ('csv', 'txt'): import csv data = [] channels = ds.displayed_channels for channel in channels: data.append(ds.get_waveform_samples(channel, mode=args.mode)) if args.with_time: data.insert(0, ds.waveform_time_values_decimal) lengths = [len(samples) for samples in data] if len(set(lengths)) != 1: logger.error('Different number of samples read for different channels!') sys.exit(1) zip_longest def csv_open(filename): if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): return open(filename, 'w', newline='') else: return open(filename, 'wb') with csv_open(filename) as csv_file: delimiter = ',' if kind == 'csv' else '\t' csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=delimiter) if args.with_time: csv_writer.writerow(['TIME'] + channels) else: csv_writer.writerow(channels) for vals in zip_longest(*data): if args.with_time: vals = [vals[0]] + ['{:.2e}'.format(val) for val in vals[1:]] else: vals = ['{:.2e}'.format(val) for val in vals] csv_writer.writerow(vals) else: parser.error('This tool cannot handle the requested --type') if not args.verbose: print(filename) else: print("Saved file: " + filename) if args.action == 'shell': try: import atexit import readline histfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ds1054z_history") try: readline.read_history_file(histfile) except FileNotFoundError: pass atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile) except ImportError: pass run_shell(ds)
TRACE_COUNT = int(arg) elif opt in ("-t", "--test"): TEST_MODE = True elif opt in ("-i", "--ip"): IP_ADDR = arg if START_OFFSET == 0: print "You MUST supply the -o (offset) argument for Rigol scopes" sys.exit(0) END_OFFSET = START_OFFSET + NUM_SAMPLES # NUM_SAMPLES = END_OFFSET - START_OFFSET print "Sample count is %d" % NUM_SAMPLES try: scope = DS1054Z(IP_ADDR) except: print "Could not connect to %s, can you netcat to 5555?" % IP_ADDR scope.write(":STOP") # atmega test # scope.write(":CHAN1:SCAL 0.010") # scope.write(":CHAN1:OFFS -0.055") scope.write(":CHAN1:SCAL 0.020") scope.write(":CHAN1:OFFS -0.055") print "Scale: {0}V".format(DS1054Z.format_si_prefix( scope.get_channel_scale(1))) scope.write(":CHAN2:SCAL 5.0")
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=textwrap.dedent(__doc__), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='More verbose output') parser.add_argument( '--version', action='store_true', #'Display the version of the tool/package and exit.' help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', #help='Enable debugging output', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, ) device_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) device_parser.add_argument( 'device', nargs='?', help='The device string. Typically the IP address of the oscilloscope. ' 'Will try to discover a single (!) scope on the network if you leave it out.' ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action', metavar='<action>', help="Action to perform on the scope:") # ds1054z discover action_desc = 'Discover and list scopes on your network and exit' discover_parser = subparsers.add_parser('discover', description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z info action_desc = 'Print information about your oscilloscope' cmd_parser = subparsers.add_parser('info', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z cmd action_desc = 'Send an SCPI command to the oscilloscope' cmd_parser = subparsers.add_parser('cmd', description=action_desc, help=action_desc) cmd_parser.add_argument( 'command', metavar=':SCPI:CMD', help="The command to execute. If the command contains a '?' the answer " "will be read from the device and printed to stdout.") late_parents(cmd_parser, parents=[device_parser]) # ds1054z save-screen action_desc = 'Save an image of the screen' save_screen_parser = subparsers.add_parser('save-screen', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) save_screen_parser.add_argument('--filename', '-f', metavar='IMG_FILENAME', help='The filename template for the image') save_screen_parser.add_argument( '--overlay', '-o', metavar='RATIO', type=float, default=0.5, help= 'Dim on-screen controls in --save-screen with a mask (default ratio: 0.5)' ) save_screen_parser.add_argument( '--printable', '-p', action='store_true', help='Make the screenshot more printer-friendly') # ds1054z save-data action_desc = 'Save the waveform data to a file' save_data_parser = subparsers.add_parser('save-data', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) save_data_parser.add_argument( '--filename', '-f', metavar='FILENAME', default='ds1054z-scope-values_{ts}.csv', help='The filename template for the data file. ' 'The kind of file is determined by its filename extension. ' 'Defaults to: ds1054z-scope-values_{ts}.csv') save_data_parser.add_argument( '--mode', default='NORMal', choices=('NORMal', 'MAXimum', 'RAW'), help= 'The mode determins whether you will be reading the 1200 displayed samples (NORMal) ' 'or stopping the scope and reading out the full memory (RAW). ' 'MAXimum either reads the full memory if the scope is already stopped ' 'or the 1200 displayed samples otherwise.' 'Defaults to NORMal.') save_data_parser.add_argument( '--without-time', action='store_false', dest='with_time', help="If specified, it will save the data without the extra column " "of time values that's being added by default") # ds1054z settings action_desc = 'View and change settings of the oscilloscope' settings_parser = subparsers.add_parser('settings', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) settings_parser.add_argument( '--timebase', type=float, help= "Change the timebase of the oscilloscope to this value (in seconds/div)." ) settings_parser.add_argument( '--timebase-offset', type=float, help= "Change the timebase offset of the oscilloscope to this value (in seconds)." ) # ds1054z properties action_desc = 'Query properties of the DS1054Z instance' properties_parser = subparsers.add_parser('properties', description=action_desc, help=action_desc) properties_parser.add_argument( 'properties', metavar='PROPERTIES', type=comma_sep, help= "The properties to query separated by a comma, like: 'idn,memory_depth_internal_total'. " "Asking for a single one will also work, off course.") late_parents(properties_parser, parents=[device_parser]) # ds1054z run action_desc = 'Start the oscilloscope data acquisition' run_parser = subparsers.add_parser('run', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z stop action_desc = 'Stop the oscilloscope data acquisition' stop_parser = subparsers.add_parser('stop', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z single action_desc = 'Set the oscilloscope to the single trigger mode.' single_parser = subparsers.add_parser('single', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z tforce action_desc = 'Generate a trigger signal forcefully.' tforce_parser = subparsers.add_parser('tforce', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z shell action_desc = 'Start an interactive shell to control your scope.' tforce_parser = subparsers.add_parser('shell', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) # ds1054z measure action_desc = 'Measure a value on a channel' measure_parser = subparsers.add_parser('measure', parents=[device_parser], description=action_desc, help=action_desc) measure_parser.add_argument( '--channel', '-c', choices=(1, 2, 3, 4), type=int, required=True, help='Channel from which to take the measurement') measure_parser.add_argument('--type', '-t', choices=('CURRent', 'MAXimum', 'MINimum', 'AVERages', 'DEViation'), default='CURRent') measure_parser.add_argument( 'item', choices=('vmax', 'vmin', 'vpp', 'vtop', 'vbase', 'vamp', 'vavg', 'vrms', 'overshoot', 'preshoot', 'marea', 'mparea', 'period', 'frequency', 'rtime', 'ftime', 'pwidth', 'nwidth', 'pduty', 'nduty', 'rdelay', 'fdelay', 'rphase', 'fphase', 'tvmax', 'tvmin', 'pslewrate', 'nslewrate', 'vupper', 'vmid', 'vlower', 'variance', 'pvrms'), help='Value to measure') args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print(pkg_resources.get_distribution("ds1054z").version) sys.exit(0) if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) if not args.action: parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.stderr.write('\nERROR: Please choose an action.\n\n') sys.exit(2) if args.action == 'discover': try: from ds1054z.discovery import discover_devices except: print( 'Discovery depends on the zeroconf Python package which is missing.' ) sys.exit(1) devices = discover_devices() for device in devices: if args.verbose: print("Found a {model} with the IP Address {ip}.".format( **device)) else: print("{ip}".format(**device)) sys.exit(0) if not args.device: try: from ds1054z.discovery import discover_devices except: print( "Please specify a device to connect to. Auto-discovery doesn't " "work because the zeroconf Python package is missing.") sys.exit(1) devices = discover_devices() if len(devices) < 1: print("Couln't discover any device on the network. Exiting.") sys.exit(1) elif len(devices) > 1: print("Discovered multiple devices on the network:") print("\n".join("{model} {ip}".format(**dev) for dev in devices)) print("Please specify the device you would like to connect to.") sys.exit(1) else: # len(devices) == 0 if args.verbose: print("Found a scope: {model} @ {ip}".format(**devices[0])) args.device = devices[0]['ip'] ds = DS1054Z(args.device) if args.action == 'info': fmt = "\nVendor: {0}\nProduct: {1}\nSerial: {2}\nFirmware: {3}\n" print(fmt.format(ds.vendor, ds.product, ds.serial, ds.firmware)) if args.action == 'cmd': if '?' in args.command: print(ds.query(args.command)) else: ds.write(args.command) if args.action in ('run', 'stop', 'single', 'tforce'): getattr(ds, args.action)() if args.action == 'settings': if args.timebase: ds.timebase_scale = args.timebase if args.timebase_offset: ds.timebase_offset = args.timebase_offset wp = ds.waveform_preamble_dict if args.verbose: displayed_channels = ds.displayed_channels print("Sample Rate: {0}Sa/s".format( DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(ds.sample_rate))) print("Timebase: {0}s/div".format( DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(ds.timebase_scale))) print("Timebase Offset: {0}s".format( DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(ds.timebase_offset))) ds.set_waveform_mode('NORMal') tv = ds.waveform_time_values t_from = DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(tv[0], unit='s') t_to = DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(tv[-1], unit='s') print("The time axis goes from {0} to {1}".format(t_from, t_to)) print("Displayed Channels: {0}".format( ' '.join(displayed_channels))) for channel in displayed_channels: print(" Channel {0}:".format(channel)) print(" Scale: {0}V/div".format( DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(ds.get_channel_scale(channel)))) print(" Offset: {0}V".format( ds.get_channel_offset(channel))) print(" Probe Ratio: {}".format( ds.get_probe_ratio(channel))) print(" ---".format( DS1054Z.format_si_prefix(ds.get_channel_scale(channel)))) else: print('sample_rate={}'.format(ds.sample_rate)) print('timebase_scale={}'.format(ds.timebase_scale)) print('timebase_offset={}'.format(ds.timebase_offset)) print('displayed_channels={}'.format(','.join( ds.displayed_channels))) if args.action == 'properties': for prop in val = getattr(ds, prop) if args.verbose: print('{0}: {1}'.format(prop, val)) else: if type(val) in (list, tuple): print(' '.join(str(v) for v in val)) else: print(val) if args.action == 'save-screen': try: from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageEnhance except ImportError: parser.error( 'Please install Pillow (or the older PIL) to use --save-screen' ) # formatting the filename if args.filename: fmt = args.filename else: fmt = 'ds1054z-scope-display_{ts}.png' ts = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) filename = fmt.format(ts=ts) # need to find out file extension for Pillow on Windows... ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if not ext: parser.error( 'could not detect the image file type extension from the filename' ) # getting and saving the image im = overlay_filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( "ds1054z", "resources/overlay.png") overlay = alpha_100_percent =, overlay.size, color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) overlay = Image.blend(alpha_100_percent, overlay, args.overlay) im.putalpha(255) im = Image.alpha_composite(im, overlay) if args.printable: im = Image.merge("RGB", im.split()[0:3]) im = ImageOps.invert(im) im = ImageEnhance.Color(im).enhance(0) im = ImageEnhance.Brightness(im).enhance(0.95) im = ImageEnhance.Contrast(im).enhance(2) im = im.convert('L') im = im.point(lambda x: x if x < 252 else 255) else: im = im.convert('RGB'), format=ext[1:]) if not args.verbose: print(filename) else: print("Saved file: " + filename) if args.action == 'save-data': ts = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) filename = args.filename.format(ts=ts) ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if not ext: parser.error( 'could not detect the file type extension from the filename') kind = ext[1:] if kind in ('csv', 'txt'): import csv data = [] channels = ds.displayed_channels for channel in channels: data.append(ds.get_waveform_samples(channel, mode=args.mode)) if args.with_time: data.insert(0, ds.waveform_time_values_decimal) lengths = [len(samples) for samples in data] if len(set(lengths)) != 1: logger.error( 'Different number of samples read for different channels!') sys.exit(1) zip_longest def csv_open(filename): if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): return open(filename, 'w', newline='') else: return open(filename, 'wb') with csv_open(filename) as csv_file: delimiter = ',' if kind == 'csv' else '\t' csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter=delimiter) if args.with_time: csv_writer.writerow(['TIME'] + channels) else: csv_writer.writerow(channels) for vals in zip_longest(*data): if args.with_time: vals = [vals[0] ] + ['{:.2e}'.format(val) for val in vals[1:]] else: vals = ['{:.2e}'.format(val) for val in vals] csv_writer.writerow(vals) else: parser.error('This tool cannot handle the requested --type') if not args.verbose: print(filename) else: print("Saved file: " + filename) if args.action == 'shell': try: import atexit import readline histfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ds1054z_history") try: readline.read_history_file(histfile) except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise e atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile) except ImportError: pass run_shell(ds) if args.action == 'measure': v = ds.get_channel_measurement(, args.item, type=args.type) if v is not None: print(v)
from ds1054z import DS1054Z scope = DS1054Z('USB0::6833::1230::DS1ZA182511136::0::INSTR') print("Connected to: ", scope.idn)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.signal import butter, filtfilt from ds1054z import DS1054Z import time scope = DS1054Z('') print(scope.idn) scope.memory_depth = 300e3 time.sleep(0.5) p1 = scope.get_waveform_samples(1, mode='RAW') print len(p1) p2 = scope.get_waveform_samples(2, mode='RAW') print len(p2) p3 = scope.get_waveform_samples(3, mode='RAW') print len(p3) f = open('C:\Users\Test-User\Desktop\DS1054Z_screen_capture-master\data2.csv', 'w') for p, q, r in zip(p1, p2, p3): f.write("{},{},{}\n".format(p, q, r))
def connect(self): self.inputValue = self.textBox.get("1.0", "end-1c") self.scope = DS1054Z('{}'.format(self.inputValue)) v.set("Connected to :{}".format(self.inputValue))