class GenPyImportTask(GenTask): _attr_ImportTask = [AttrDescription('command', types.StringType, 'multipleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone,True)] _LockupImportAttr = dict() for i in _attr_ImportTask: _LockupImportAttr[] = i def __init__(self): super(GenPyImportTask, self).__init__() @classmethod def get_lock_up(cls): return cls._LockupImportAttr def update_with(self,atask,lockup = None,attribList=None): super(GenPyImportTask, self).update_with(atask,GenPyImportTask._LockupImportAttr,GenPyImportTask._attr_ImportTask) def to_python(self,stream,acontext): super(GenPyImportTask, self).to_python(stream,acontext) # command command = GenPyImportTask._LockupImportAttr['command'].get(self,'command') if command == None: log.error("'import contents' is required for an import task") return False scommand = command.split("\n") for c in scommand: stream.write("%s%s\n" % (acontext['tab'],c)) return True
class GenForEachTask(GenTask): _attr_ForTask = [ AttrDescription('container', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, True), AttrDescription('output', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, False) ] _LockupForAttr = dict() for i in _attr_ForTask: _LockupForAttr[] = i def __init__(self): super(GenForEachTask, self).__init__() self.pythonString = "for %s in %s" def update_with(self, atask, lockup=None, attribList=None): super(GenForEachTask, self).update_with(atask, GenForEachTask._LockupForAttr, GenForEachTask._attr_ForTask) def to_python(self, stream, acontext): super(GenForEachTask, self).to_python(stream, acontext) # here we have to increment tab = acontext['tab'] incrTab = acontext['tabInc'] container = GenForEachTask._LockupForAttr['container'].get( self, 'container') output = GenForEachTask._LockupForAttr['output'].get(self, 'output') if container != None and container != "": out = None if output != None and output != "": out = clean_quote(output) else: out = 'item' over = clean_quote(container) command = self.pythonString % (out, over) stream.write("%s%s:\n" % (tab, command)) acontext['tab'] += incrTab return True
class GenIfTask(GenTask): _attr_CtlTask = [ AttrDescription('condition', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, False) ] _LockupCtlAttr = dict() for i in _attr_CtlTask: _LockupCtlAttr[] = i def __init__(self): super(GenIfTask, self).__init__() self.pythonString = "if" @classmethod def get_lock_up(cls): return cls._LockupCtlAttr def update_with(self, atask, lockup=None, attribList=None): super(GenIfTask, self).update_with(atask, GenIfTask._LockupCtlAttr, GenIfTask._attr_CtlTask) def to_python(self, stream, acontext): super(GenIfTask, self).to_python(stream, acontext) # here we have to increment tab = acontext['tab'] incrTab = acontext['tabInc'] condition = GenIfTask._LockupCtlAttr['condition'].get( self, 'condition') if condition != None: # some condition are getting replace with except: if condition.find("hasFailed") != -1: stream.write("%sexcept:\n" % (tab)) else: stream.write("%s%s %s:\n" % (tab, self.pythonString, clean_quote(condition))) else: stream.write("%s%s:\n" % (acontext['tab'], self.pythonString)) acontext['tab'] += incrTab return True
class GenMelTask(GenTask): _attr_MelTask = [ AttrDescription('source', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit',, GenTask.set_zone, False), AttrDescription('command', types.StringType, 'multipleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, True), AttrDescription('output', types.BooleanType, 'simpleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, False), AttrDescription('evalEcho', types.BooleanType, 'simpleCheck',, GenTask.set_zone, False) ] _LockupMelAttr = dict() for i in _attr_MelTask: _LockupMelAttr[] = i def __init__(self): super(GenMelTask, self).__init__() @classmethod def get_lock_up(cls): return cls._LockupMelAttr def update_with(self, atask, lockup=None, attribList=None): super(GenMelTask, self).update_with(atask, GenMelTask._LockupMelAttr, GenMelTask._attr_MelTask) def to_python(self, stream, acontext): super(GenMelTask, self).to_python(stream, acontext) # command command = GenMelTask._LockupMelAttr['command'].get(self, 'command') if command == None: log.error("'command' is required for a mel task") return # output output = GenMelTask._LockupMelAttr['output'].get(self, 'output') # source source = GenMelTask._LockupMelAttr['source'].get(self, 'source') module = "maya.mel" tab = acontext['tab'] GenTask.do_python_module(stream, acontext, tab, module) if source != None: stream.write(("%smaya.mel.eval('" % tab) + ('source "%s"' % source) + "')\n") res = do_clean_command(command) final = "" if res.success: if output == None: final = ("%smaya.mel.eval('" % tab) + res.newCommand + "'" + res.addOn + ")" else: final = ( "%s%s = maya.mel.eval('" % (tab, output)) + res.newCommand + "'" + res.addOn + ")" else: if output == None: final = ("%smaya.mel.eval('" % tab) + command + "')" else: final = ("%s%s = maya.mel.eval('" % (tab, output)) + command + "')" evalEcho = GenMelTask._LockupMelAttr['evalEcho'].get(self, 'evalEcho') if evalEcho == True: p = re.compile("\(.*\)", re.DOTALL) m = if m: stream.write("%sprint%s\n" % (tab, stream.write(final + "\n") if output != None: stream.write("%sprint 'return value " % tab + "%s' % " + output + "\n") else: stream.write(final + "\n") return True
class GenPyTask(GenTask): _attr_PyTask = [ AttrDescription('module', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit',, GenTask.set_zone, False), AttrDescription('command', types.StringType, 'multipleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, True), AttrDescription('output', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, False), AttrDescription('args', types.StringType, 'argLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, False), AttrDescription('kwargs', types.StringType, 'argLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, False), AttrDescription('handler', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit',, GenTask.set_zone, False), ] _LockupPyAttr = dict() for i in _attr_PyTask: _LockupPyAttr[] = i def __init__(self): super(GenPyTask, self).__init__() @classmethod def get_lock_up(cls): return cls._LockupPyAttr def update_with(self, atask, lockup=None, attribList=None): super(GenPyTask, self).update_with(atask, GenPyTask._LockupPyAttr, GenPyTask._attr_PyTask) if hasattr(atask, 'resolveArgValues'): self.resolveArgValues = atask.resolveArgValues if hasattr(atask, 'resolveKwArgValues'): self.resolveKwArgValues = atask.resolveKwArgValues if atask.resolveArgValues == False or atask.resolveKwArgValues == False: log.warning( "resolve argument set to false is not supported for now" ) def _build_clean_argument_list(self): # add the args and the kwargs # exception # if cmd is found in args and kwargs is a tuple or string don't add the kwargs argument lcmd = list() val = GenPyTask._LockupPyAttr['args'].get(self, 'args') if val != None and val != "": assert isinstance(val, basestring) val = remove_extern_bracket(val) val = clean_quote(val) # now we have to deal with the funny syntax %()s sval = val.split(",") for s in sval: s = s.strip() s = remove_over_quoted(s) res = do_clean_command(s) if res.success: lcmd.append("%s%s\n" % (res.newCommand, res.addOn)) else: lcmd.append(s) val = GenPyTask._LockupPyAttr['kwargs'].get(self, 'kwargs') if val != None and val != "": # we canno't eval here # first see it's a path pe = "" if val.startswith("{'"): pe = re.compile(r"'[\w]*':") val = remove_extern_cbracket(val) elif val.startswith('{"'): pe = re.compile(r'"[\w]*":') val = remove_extern_cbracket(val) else: # it's a path if len(lcmd ) != 0: # when 2 path are define the dict one is ignore return lcmd val = clean_quote(val) sval = val.split(",") for s in sval: s = s.strip() s = remove_over_quoted(s) res = do_clean_command(s) if res.success: lcmd.append("%s%s" % (res.newCommand, res.addOn)) else: lcmd.append(s) return lcmd # I know it's ugly and it much be an other way but I cannot come up with # the right patern is insulate key,value, knowing that everything here can be escape allKey = re.findall(pe, val) allKey.reverse() dlist = list() # we start by the end, by splitting we should be able to build a list of tuple for k in allKey: sval = val.split(k) val = sval[0] # clean the key: akey = remove_extern_quote(k.replace(":", "").strip()) # clean the value aval = sval[1].strip() if len(aval) > 0 and aval[-1] == ",": aval = aval[:-1] aval = clean_quote(aval) dlist.append((akey, remove_over_quoted(aval))) dlist.reverse() for i in dlist: # put it back in order res = do_clean_command(i[1]) if res.success: if len(res.newCommand) > 0 and not res.newCommand[0] in [ '"', "'" ]: lcmd.append("%s = '%s' %s" % (i[0], res.newCommand, res.addOn)) else: lcmd.append("%s = %s%s" % (i[0], res.newCommand, res.addOn)) else: lcmd.append("%s = %s" % (i[0], i[1])) return lcmd def get_argument_string(self): argList = self._build_clean_argument_list() return ",".join(argList) def set_argument_string(self, args): arg = list() karg = list() argList = args.split(",") for i in argList: if i.find("=") != -1: karg.append(i) else: arg.append(i) self.set('args', ",".join(arg)) self.set('kwargs', ",".join(karg)) def is_script(self): handler = GenPyTask._LockupPyAttr['handler'].get(self, 'handler') return not handler in [None, '', 'eval'] def to_python(self, stream, acontext): # there is 2 case here, one (when module is present, it only about importing the # module and excuting the function. The other one is to define a local function # and execute it, return value are optional super(GenPyTask, self).to_python(stream, acontext) tab = acontext['tab'] #tabInc = acontext['tabInc'] # command command = GenPyTask._LockupPyAttr['command'].get(self, 'command') if command == None or command.strip() == "": log.error("'command' is required for a py task %r" % self.getName()) return False # output output = GenPyTask._LockupPyAttr['output'].get(self, 'output') if output == "": output = None handler = GenPyTask._LockupPyAttr['handler'].get(self, 'handler') if handler == "": handler = None argumentList = self._build_clean_argument_list() if handler == None or handler == 'eval': # something the argument string is already in the command # module module = GenPyTask._LockupPyAttr['module'].get(self, 'module') doModule = (module != None and module != "") if doModule: # module GenTask.do_python_module(stream, acontext, tab, module) m = # having argument syntax in the function take precedence startLine = tab if output != None: startLine += "%s = " % output if m: if doModule == True: stream.write("%s%s.%s\n" % (startLine, module, clean_quote(command))) else: stream.write("%s%s\n" % (startLine, clean_quote(command))) else: import traceback nbOfArgument = len(argumentList) if nbOfArgument == 0 and doModule: # some argument like RTD,CFD can be added let check if it's need # inspect import inspect funcstring = "%s.%s" % (module, command) inspectSuccess = True readArg = None try: exec("import %s" % module) except: #traceback.print_exc() inspectSuccess = False log.warning("couldn't import the module('%s')" % module) try: readArg = inspect.getargspec(eval(funcstring)) except: inspectSuccess = False #log.warning("couldn't get the function('%s') argument in %s" % (funcstring,self.label)) if inspectSuccess == False: if doModule: stream.write("%s%s.%s()\n" % (startLine, module, command)) else: stream.write("%s%s()\n" % (startLine, command)) else: # very simple for now #defa = readArg.defaults argu = "" for i in readArg.args: m = GenTask._checkStringEval.match(i) if m: if argu == "": argu = i else: argu = argu + "," + i if argu == "": if doModule: stream.write("%s%s.%s()\n" % (startLine, module, command)) else: stream.write("%s%s()\n" % (startLine, command)) else: if doModule: stream.write( "%s%s.%s(%s)\n" % (startLine, module, command, argu)) else: stream.write("%s%s.%s(%s)\n" % (startLine, command, argu)) else: maxLen = 0 for ea in argumentList: maxLen += len(ea) endValue = ")" if nbOfArgument > 1: endValue = "," startCmd = "" alen = 0 if doModule: startCmd = "%s%s.%s(" % (startLine, module, command) else: startCmd = "%s%s(" % (startLine, command) alen = len(startCmd) if maxLen > 80 and nbOfArgument > 1: # maximum line length to display stream.write("%s%s%s\n" % (startCmd, argumentList[0], endValue)) for ar in argumentList[1:-1]: stream.write("%s%s,\n" % (' ' * alen, ar)) # we need the ) with the last element stream.write("%s%s)\n" % (' ' * alen, argumentList[-1])) else: stream.write("%s%s)\n" % (startCmd, ", ".join(argumentList))) else: sc = command.split("\n") for i in sc: stream.write("%s%s\n" % (tab, i)) return True
class GenExternalTask(GenTask): _attr_ExtTask = [ AttrDescription('workingDirectory', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit',, GenTask.set_zone, True), AttrDescription('logdir', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit',, GenTask.set_zone, False), AttrDescription('block', types.BooleanType, 'simpleCheck',, GenTask.set_zone, True), AttrDescription('daemon', types.BooleanType, 'simpleCheck',, GenTask.set_zone, True), # more AttrDescription('env_RemoveQVars', types.BooleanType, 'simpleCheck',, GenTask.set_zone, True), AttrDescription('env_RemoveEnvVars', types.BooleanType, 'simpleCheck',, GenTask.set_zone, True), AttrDescription('postExec', types.StringType, 'multipleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, False), AttrDescription('preExec', types.StringType, 'multipleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, False), # remote execution AttrDescription('host', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit',, GenTask.set_zone, False), AttrDescription('display', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit',, GenTask.set_zone, False), AttrDescription('_command', types.StringType, 'noEdit',, GenTask.set_zone, True) ] _LockupExtAttr = dict() for i in _attr_ExtTask: _LockupExtAttr[] = i def __init__(self): super(GenExternalTask, self).__init__() @classmethod def get_lock_up(cls): return cls._LockupExtAttr def update_with(self, atask, lockup=None, attribList=None): super(GenExternalTask, self).update_with(atask, GenExternalTask._LockupExtAttr, GenExternalTask._attr_ExtTask) def to_python(self, stream, acontext): # we build a method to handle the remote code # on this stream we only call that method super(GenExternalTask, self).to_python(stream, acontext) callFunction = self.get_function_name(acontext, self.getName()) remoteCallFunction = "remote_%s" % callFunction tab = saveTab = acontext['tab'] #if acontext.has_key('packageName'): # packageName = acontext['packageName'] preExec = GenExternalTask._LockupExtAttr['preExec'].get( self, 'preExec') if preExec != None and preExec != "": sc = preExec.split("\n") for i in sc: stream.write("%s%s\n" % (tab, i)) stream.write("%sself.%s(RTD,CFD,TP)\n" % (acontext['tab'], callFunction)) # main stream # write the call to the method postExec = GenExternalTask._LockupExtAttr['postExec'].get( self, 'postExec') if postExec != None and postExec != "": sc = postExec.split("\n") for i in sc: stream.write("%s%s\n" % (tab, i)) workingDirectory = GenExternalTask._LockupExtAttr[ 'workingDirectory'].get(self, 'workingDirectory') block = GenExternalTask._LockupExtAttr['block'].get(self, 'block') daemon = GenExternalTask._LockupExtAttr['daemon'].get(self, 'daemon') env_RemoveQVars = GenExternalTask._LockupExtAttr[ 'env_RemoveQVars'].get(self, 'env_RemoveQVars') env_RemoveEnvVars = GenExternalTask._LockupExtAttr[ 'env_RemoveEnvVars'].get(self, 'env_RemoveEnvVars') host = GenExternalTask._LockupExtAttr['host'].get(self, 'host') display = GenExternalTask._LockupExtAttr['display'].get( self, 'display') # start a new stream tabInc = acontext['tabInc'] tab = tabInc # that where method start # start a new stream stream2 = GenTask.push_stream(acontext, stream, callFunction) saveImport = GenTask.copy_reset_import_statement(acontext) # write the new method definition definition stream2.write("\n") stream2.write(tab + "#" * 30 + "\n") stream2.write(tabInc + "def %s(self,RTD,CFD,TP):\n" % (callFunction)) # write the local function definition for the remote client code tab = tabInc * 2 stream2.write("\n") stream2.write(tab + "def %s(RTD,CFD,TP):\n" % (remoteCallFunction)) # remote client code acontext['tab'] = tab = tabInc * 3 self.traverse_with_tab(stream2, "to_python", acontext) # manage the subprocess syntax tab = tabInc * 2 dumpline = list() dumpline.append(tab) dumpline.append(tab + "if TP.is_remote():") dumpline.append(tab + tabInc + "TP.set_remote(False)") # we are in the remote code dumpline.append(tab + tabInc + "return %s(RTD,CFD,TP)" % (remoteCallFunction)) dumpline.append(tab + "else:") dumpline.append(tab + tabInc + "from dsk.base.lib.wrapper_xenvi import WrapperxEnvi") dumpline.append(tab) stream2.write("\n".join(dumpline)) ''' stream2.write(tab + tabInc + "import os\n") stream2.write(tab + tabInc + "import subprocess\n") stream2.write(tab + tabInc + "TP.set_remote(True)\n") # this is where the serialiation can happen acmd = "p = subprocess.Popen(" stream2.write(tab + tabInc + acmd) # start args stream2.write("['python',__file__,self.__class__.__name__,%r" % callFunction) stream2.write(",RTD.serialize(),CFD.serialize(),TP.serialize()]") if workingDirectory != None and workingDirectory != "": stream2.write(",cwd= %s" % quote_if_needed(workingDirectory)) # end function call ( close paranthesis and newline stream2.write(")\n") stream2.write(tab + tabInc + "TP.set_remote(False)\n") if(block != None and block == True):stream2.write(tab + tabInc + "os.waitpid(, 0)[1]\n") else:stream2.write(tab + tabInc + "# no wait\n") stream2.write(tab + tabInc + "return\n") ''' # restore the context acontext['tab'] = saveTab GenTask.reload_import_statement(saveImport, acontext) # here we define the function that will be call if block != None: stream2.write(tab + "#-->bool(%s)" % block + " wait\n") if daemon != None: stream2.write(tab + "#-->bool(%s)" % daemon + " daemon\n") if env_RemoveQVars != None: stream2.write(tab + "#-->bool(%s)" % env_RemoveQVars + " env_RemoveQVars\n") if env_RemoveEnvVars != None: stream2.write(tab + "#-->bool(%s)" % env_RemoveEnvVars + " env_RemoveEnvVars\n") if postExec != None: stream2.write(tab + "#-->" + postExec + " postExec\n") if host != None: stream2.write(tab + "#-->" + host + " host\n") if display != None: stream2.write(tab + "#-->" + display + " display\n") stream2.write("\n") acontext['tab'] = tab # start at the function of the class # restore where we left it acontext['tab'] = saveTab return False # we take care of the traversing
class GenPackageTask(GenTask): _attr_PackageTask = [ AttrDescription('file', types.StringType, 'simpleLineEdit',, GenTask.set_zone, True), AttrDescription('preExec', types.StringType, 'multipleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, False), AttrDescription('postExec', types.StringType, 'multipleLineEdit', GenTask.eval_zone, GenTask.set_eval_zone, False) ] _LockupPackageAttr = dict() for i in _attr_PackageTask: _LockupPackageAttr[] = i def __init__(self): super(GenPackageTask, self).__init__() @classmethod def get_lock_up(cls): return cls._LockupPackageAttr def update_with(self, atask, lockup=None, attribList=None): super(GenPackageTask, self).update_with(atask, GenPackageTask._LockupPackageAttr, GenPackageTask._attr_PackageTask) def to_python(self, stream, acontext): from dsk.base.tdata.taskdata.taskdata_api import TaskDataApi super(GenPackageTask, self).to_python(stream, acontext) tab = acontext['tab'] if acontext.has_key( 'doTaskPackage') and acontext['doTaskPackage'] == False: stream.write("%s#TaskPackage turn off\n" % tab) return afile = GenPackageTask._LockupPackageAttr['file'].get(self, 'file') preExec = GenPackageTask._LockupPackageAttr['preExec'].get( self, 'preExec') postExec = GenPackageTask._LockupPackageAttr['postExec'].get( self, 'postExec') if postExec == "": postExec = None if afile == None or afile == "": raise RequiredFieldError( "cannot build the taskPackage without a file") if preExec != None: sc = preExec.split("\n") for i in sc: stream.write("%s%s\n" % (tab, i)) # to valid the TASK interface stream.write("%sTASK = n = %s()\n" % (tab, TaskDataApi.get_class_name_from_package(afile)) ) # make TASK accessible for preExec stream.write("%sn.doIt(RTD,CFD,TP)\n" % tab) if postExec != None: sc = postExec.split("\n") for i in sc: stream.write("%s%s\n" % (tab, i)) # update the package loaded if not afile in acontext['taskPackageLoaded']: acontext['taskPackage'].append(afile)