def loadExternalRepresentationRepLab(textFile, encoding='utf-8', dimension=100): """ this function loads an external representation IndVoc and CoocMatrix the format of the file like this: first line is vocabulary_count dimensionality the other lines are of the follwoin format word value value .... value and the number of values is the dimensionality in the first line """ IndVoc = Vocabulary() CoocMat = Matrix() wordID = 0 with, 'r', encoding) as f: for line in f: fields = line.split('\t') word = fields[0] IndVoc.set(word, wordID) wordID += 1 wordID = 0 with, 'r', encoding) as f: for line in f: fields = line.split('\t') word = fields[0] vector = map(float, fields[1].split(',')) wordID += 1 # the first line is the vocabulary size and the representation dimensionality lines = f.readlines() theFirstTime = True reprDict = {} vocabSize = 0 dimensionality = 0 matrix = None CoocMat.makematrix(vocabSize, dimensionality) numRows = 0 for line in lines: numRows += 1 if theFirstTime: theFirstTime = False fs = line.split() vocabSize = int(fs[0]) dimensionality = int(fs[1]) continue fields = line.split() word = fields[0] l = fields[1:] vector = np.array(map(float, l)) if numRows == 2: matrix = vector else: matrix = np.vstack((matrix, vector)) IndVoc.set(word, IndVoc.getlength()) CoocMat.makeMatrixFromDense(matrix) return IndVoc, CoocMat
def loadExternalRepresentation(textFile): """ this function loads an external representation IndVoc and CoocMatrix the format of the file like this: first line is vocabulary_count dimensionality the other lines are of the follwoin format word value value .... value and the number of values is the dimensionality in the first line """ global IndVoc IndVoc = Vocabulary() global CtxVoc CtxVoc = Vocabulary() global CoocMat CoocMat = Matrix() f = open(textFile, 'r') # the first line is the vocabulary size and the representation dimensionality lines = f.readlines() theFirstTime = True reprDict = {} vocabSize = 0 dimensionality = 0 for line in lines: if theFirstTime: theFirstTime = False fs = line.split() vocabSize = int(fs[0]) dimensionality = int(fs[1]) CoocMat.makematrix(vocabSize, dimensionality) continue fields = line.split() word = fields[0] l = fields[1:] vector = np.array(map(float, l)) i = 0 for v in np.nditer(vector): CoocMat.update(IndVoc.getlength(), i, v) IndVoc.set(word, IndVoc.getlength())
class DSM(object): def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): self.Words = Counter() self.IndVoc = Vocabulary() self.CtxVoc = Vocabulary() self.CoocMat = Matrix() self.numLines = 0 self.encoding = encoding # collect vocabulary and count frequencies def count_freqs(self, infile): print "Started: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) with, "r", self.encoding) as inp: for line in inp: self.numLines += 1 for wrd in line.split(): self.Words[wrd] += 1 print "Finished: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) print "Token count: " + str(sum(self.Words.values())) # count cooccurrence frequencies from infile within win # frequency threhsolds for both index words and context words # dsm = distributional semantic model def dsm(self, infile, win, index_minf, index_maxf, ctx_minf, ctx_maxf): print "Started: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) with, "r", self.encoding) as inp: self.update_vocabulary(index_minf, index_maxf, ctx_minf, ctx_maxf) # print self.IndVoc.getlength(), self.CtxVoc.getlength() self.CoocMat.makematrix(self.IndVoc.getlength(), self.CtxVoc.getlength()) line_nr = 0 for line in inp: cnt = 0 wrdlst = line.split() for wrd in wrdlst: if self.IndVoc.lookup(wrd): # count co-occurrences to the left ctx = 1 while ctx <= win: if (cnt - ctx) >= 0: c = wrdlst[cnt - ctx] self.update_counts(c, wrd, ctx_minf, ctx_maxf) ctx += 1 else: ctx = win + 1 # count co-occurrences to the right ctx = 1 while ctx <= win: if (cnt + ctx) < len(wrdlst): c = wrdlst[cnt + ctx] self.update_counts(c, wrd, ctx_minf, ctx_maxf) ctx += 1 else: ctx = win + 1 cnt += 1 line_nr += 1 print "Finished: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) # check if the word should be indexed and used as ctx word def update_vocabulary(self, index_minf, index_maxf, ctx_minf, ctx_maxf): i_cnt = 0 c_cnt = 0 for w in self.Words.most_common(): q = w[1] if (q > index_minf) and (q < index_maxf): self.IndVoc.set(w[0], i_cnt) i_cnt += 1 if (q > ctx_minf) and (q < ctx_maxf): self.CtxVoc.set(w[0], c_cnt) c_cnt += 1 # update cooccurrence counts def update_counts(self, w, wrd, minf, maxf): if self.CtxVoc.lookup(w): self.CoocMat.update(self.IndVoc.getindex(wrd), self.CtxVoc.getindex(w), 1) # TODO: implement direction-sensitive dsm (aka HAL) ###### # Misc ###### # clean up vocabularies and co-occurrence matrix def clear_ctx(self): self.IndVoc.delete() self.CtxVoc.delete() self.CoocMat.delete() # clean up frequency counters def clear_freq(self): self.Words.clear() ############ # Evaluation ############ # toefl test def toefl(self, testfile): inp = open(testfile, "r") corr = 0 tot = 0 unknown_target = [] unknown_answer = [] incorrect = [] for line in inp.readlines(): flag = False target, correct, alt2, alt3, alt4 = line.replace("(", "").split() if self.IndVoc.lookup(target): targetvec = self.CoocMat.matrix.getrow( self.IndVoc.getindex(target)).todense() tot += 1 if self.IndVoc.lookup(correct): correctvec = self.CoocMat.matrix.getrow( self.IndVoc.getindex(correct)).todense() sim = 1 - sp.distance.cosine(targetvec, correctvec) if sim > 0.0: flag = True else: incorrect.append(target) for i in (alt2, alt3, alt4): if self.IndVoc.lookup(i): i_vec = self.CoocMat.matrix.getrow( self.IndVoc.getindex(i)).todense() i_sim = 1 - sp.distance.cosine(targetvec, i_vec) if i_sim > sim: if not target in incorrect: incorrect.append(target) flag = False if flag: corr += 1 else: unknown_answer.append(correct) else: unknown_target.append(target) inp.close() print "TOEFL synonym score: " + str( float(corr) / float(tot)) + " (" + str(corr) + "/" + str(tot) + ")" print "Incorrect: " + str(incorrect) print "Unknown targets: " + str(unknown_target) print "Unknown answers: " + str(unknown_answer)"TOEFL synonym score: " + str(float(corr) / float(tot)) + " (" + str(corr) + "/" + str(tot) + ")")"Incorrect: " + str(incorrect))"Unknown targets: " + str(unknown_target))"Unknown answers: " + str(unknown_answer)) # toefl test # A is a numpy matrix def toefl_mat(self, testfile, A): inp = open(testfile, "r") flag = False corr = 0 tot = 0 unknown_target = [] unknown_answer = [] incorrect = [] for line in inp.readlines(): target, correct, alt2, alt3, alt4 = line.replace("(", "").split() if self.IndVoc.lookup(target): targetvec = A[self.IndVoc.getindex(target), :] tot += 1 if self.IndVoc.lookup(correct): correctvec = A[self.IndVoc.getindex(correct), :] sim = 1 - sp.distance.cosine(targetvec, correctvec) if sim > 0.0: flag = True for i in (alt2, alt3, alt4): if self.IndVoc.lookup(i): i_vec = A[self.IndVoc.getindex(i), :] i_sim = 1 - sp.distance.cosine(targetvec, i_vec) if i_sim > sim: if not target in incorrect: incorrect.append(target) flag = False if flag: corr += 1 else: unknown_answer.append(correct) else: unknown_target.append(target) inp.close() print "TOEFL synonym score: " + str(float(corr) / float(tot)) print "Incorrect: " + str(incorrect) print "Unknown targets: " + str(unknown_target) print "Unknown answers: " + str(unknown_answer)"TOEFL synonym score: " + str(float(corr) / float(tot)) + " (" + str(corr) + "/" + str(tot) + ")")"Incorrect: " + str(incorrect))"Unknown targets: " + str(unknown_target))"Unknown answers: " + str(unknown_answer)) # find the nr nearest neighbors to word using cosine similarity # TODO: optimization def nns(self, word, nr): res = {} if self.IndVoc.lookup(word): w_vec = self.CoocMat.matrix.getrow( self.IndVoc.getindex(word)).todense() for k in self.IndVoc.hsh: k_vec = self.CoocMat.matrix.getrow( self.IndVoc.getindex(k)).todense() sim = 1 - sp.distance.cosine(w_vec, k_vec) if (not math.isnan(sim)) and (not math.isinf(sim)): res[k] = sim sorted_res = sorted(res.iteritems(), key=lambda (k, v): v, reverse=True) # print word, sorted_res[0:nr] return sorted_res[0:nr] # for r in sorted_res[1:nr]: # 1 to avoid including word # print r[0] + ' ' + str(r[1][0][0]) def loadExternalRepresentation(self, textFile): """ this function loads an external representation self.IndVoc and CoocMatrix the format of the file like this: first line is vocabulary_count dimensionality the other lines are of the follwoin format word value value .... value and the number of values is the dimensionality in the first line """ f = open(textFile, 'r') # the first line is the vocabulary size and the representation dimensionality lines = f.readlines() theFirstTime = True reprDict = {} vocabSize = 0 dimensionality = 0 for line in lines: if theFirstTime: theFirstTime = False fs = line.split() vocabSize = int(fs[0]) dimensionality = int(fs[1]) self.CoocMat.makematrix(vocabSize, dimensionality) continue fields = line.split() word = fields[0] l = fields[1:] vector = np.array(map(float, l)) i = 0 for v in np.nditer(vector): self.CoocMat.update(self.IndVoc.getlength(), i, v) self.IndVoc.set(word, self.IndVoc.getlength()) def dumpVocabAndCoocMatrix(self): print "start pickling dsm model..." + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) pickle.dump((self.IndVoc, self.CoocMat, self.CtxVoc), open("dsm.pkl", "wb")) print "Finished: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) def loadVocabAndCoocMatrix(self): print "start depickling dsm model..." + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) self.IndVoc, self.CoocMat, self.CtxVoc = pickle.load( open("dsm.pkl", "rb")) print "Finished: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) def tfidf(self): transformer = TfidfTransformer() self.CoocMat.matrix = transformer.fit_transform(self.CoocMat.matrix)
class DSM(object): def __init__(self, encoding='utf-8'): self.Words = Counter() self.IndVoc = Vocabulary() self.CtxVoc = Vocabulary() self.CoocMat = Matrix() self.numLines = 0 self.encoding = encoding # collect vocabulary and count frequencies def count_freqs(self, infile): print "Started: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) with, "r", self.encoding) as inp: for line in inp: self.numLines += 1 for wrd in line.split(): self.Words[wrd] += 1 print "Finished: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) print "Token count: " + str(sum(self.Words.values())) # count cooccurrence frequencies from infile within win # frequency threhsolds for both index words and context words # dsm = distributional semantic model def dsm(self, infile, win, index_minf, index_maxf, ctx_minf, ctx_maxf): print "Started: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) with, "r", self.encoding) as inp: self.update_vocabulary(index_minf, index_maxf, ctx_minf, ctx_maxf) # print self.IndVoc.getlength(), self.CtxVoc.getlength() self.CoocMat.makematrix(self.IndVoc.getlength(), self.CtxVoc.getlength()) line_nr = 0 for line in inp: cnt = 0 wrdlst = line.split() for wrd in wrdlst: if self.IndVoc.lookup(wrd): # count co-occurrences to the left ctx = 1 while ctx <= win: if (cnt - ctx) >= 0: c = wrdlst[cnt - ctx] self.update_counts(c, wrd, ctx_minf, ctx_maxf) ctx += 1 else: ctx = win + 1 # count co-occurrences to the right ctx = 1 while ctx <= win: if (cnt + ctx) < len(wrdlst): c = wrdlst[cnt + ctx] self.update_counts(c, wrd, ctx_minf, ctx_maxf) ctx += 1 else: ctx = win + 1 cnt += 1 line_nr += 1 print "Finished: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) # check if the word should be indexed and used as ctx word def update_vocabulary(self, index_minf, index_maxf, ctx_minf, ctx_maxf): i_cnt = 0 c_cnt = 0 for w in self.Words.most_common(): q = w[1] if (q > index_minf) and (q < index_maxf): self.IndVoc.set(w[0], i_cnt) i_cnt += 1 if (q > ctx_minf) and (q < ctx_maxf): self.CtxVoc.set(w[0], c_cnt) c_cnt += 1 # update cooccurrence counts def update_counts(self, w, wrd, minf, maxf): if self.CtxVoc.lookup(w): self.CoocMat.update(self.IndVoc.getindex(wrd), self.CtxVoc.getindex(w), 1) # TODO: implement direction-sensitive dsm (aka HAL) ###### # Misc ###### # clean up vocabularies and co-occurrence matrix def clear_ctx(self): self.IndVoc.delete() self.CtxVoc.delete() self.CoocMat.delete() # clean up frequency counters def clear_freq(self): self.Words.clear() ############ # Evaluation ############ # toefl test def toefl(self, testfile): inp = open(testfile, "r") corr = 0 tot = 0 unknown_target = [] unknown_answer = [] incorrect = [] for line in inp.readlines(): flag = False target, correct, alt2, alt3, alt4 = line.replace("(", "").split() if self.IndVoc.lookup(target): targetvec = self.CoocMat.matrix.getrow(self.IndVoc.getindex(target)).todense() tot += 1 if self.IndVoc.lookup(correct): correctvec = self.CoocMat.matrix.getrow(self.IndVoc.getindex(correct)).todense() sim = 1 - sp.distance.cosine(targetvec, correctvec) if sim > 0.0: flag = True else: incorrect.append(target) for i in (alt2, alt3, alt4): if self.IndVoc.lookup(i): i_vec = self.CoocMat.matrix.getrow(self.IndVoc.getindex(i)).todense() i_sim = 1 - sp.distance.cosine(targetvec, i_vec) if i_sim > sim: if not target in incorrect: incorrect.append(target) flag = False if flag: corr += 1 else: unknown_answer.append(correct) else: unknown_target.append(target) inp.close() print "TOEFL synonym score: " + str(float(corr) / float(tot)) + " (" + str(corr) + "/" + str(tot) + ")" print "Incorrect: " + str(incorrect) print "Unknown targets: " + str(unknown_target) print "Unknown answers: " + str(unknown_answer)"TOEFL synonym score: " + str(float(corr) / float(tot)) + " (" + str(corr) + "/" + str(tot) + ")")"Incorrect: " + str(incorrect))"Unknown targets: " + str(unknown_target))"Unknown answers: " + str(unknown_answer)) # toefl test # A is a numpy matrix def toefl_mat(self, testfile, A): inp = open(testfile, "r") flag = False corr = 0 tot = 0 unknown_target = [] unknown_answer = [] incorrect = [] for line in inp.readlines(): target, correct, alt2, alt3, alt4 = line.replace("(", "").split() if self.IndVoc.lookup(target): targetvec = A[self.IndVoc.getindex(target), :] tot += 1 if self.IndVoc.lookup(correct): correctvec = A[self.IndVoc.getindex(correct), :] sim = 1 - sp.distance.cosine(targetvec, correctvec) if sim > 0.0: flag = True for i in (alt2, alt3, alt4): if self.IndVoc.lookup(i): i_vec = A[self.IndVoc.getindex(i), :] i_sim = 1 - sp.distance.cosine(targetvec, i_vec) if i_sim > sim: if not target in incorrect: incorrect.append(target) flag = False if flag: corr += 1 else: unknown_answer.append(correct) else: unknown_target.append(target) inp.close() print "TOEFL synonym score: " + str(float(corr) / float(tot)) print "Incorrect: " + str(incorrect) print "Unknown targets: " + str(unknown_target) print "Unknown answers: " + str(unknown_answer)"TOEFL synonym score: " + str(float(corr) / float(tot)) + " (" + str(corr) + "/" + str(tot) + ")")"Incorrect: " + str(incorrect))"Unknown targets: " + str(unknown_target))"Unknown answers: " + str(unknown_answer)) # find the nr nearest neighbors to word using cosine similarity # TODO: optimization def nns(self, word, nr): res = {} if self.IndVoc.lookup(word): w_vec = self.CoocMat.matrix.getrow(self.IndVoc.getindex(word)).todense() for k in self.IndVoc.hsh: k_vec = self.CoocMat.matrix.getrow(self.IndVoc.getindex(k)).todense() sim = 1 - sp.distance.cosine(w_vec, k_vec) if (not math.isnan(sim)) and (not math.isinf(sim)): res[k] = sim sorted_res = sorted(res.iteritems(), key=lambda(k, v): v, reverse=True) # print word, sorted_res[0:nr] return sorted_res[0:nr] # for r in sorted_res[1:nr]: # 1 to avoid including word # print r[0] + ' ' + str(r[1][0][0]) def loadExternalRepresentation(self, textFile): """ this function loads an external representation self.IndVoc and CoocMatrix the format of the file like this: first line is vocabulary_count dimensionality the other lines are of the follwoin format word value value .... value and the number of values is the dimensionality in the first line """ f = open(textFile, 'r') # the first line is the vocabulary size and the representation dimensionality lines = f.readlines() theFirstTime = True reprDict = {} vocabSize = 0 dimensionality = 0 for line in lines: if theFirstTime: theFirstTime = False fs = line.split() vocabSize = int(fs[0]) dimensionality = int(fs[1]) self.CoocMat.makematrix(vocabSize, dimensionality) continue fields = line.split() word = fields[0] l = fields[1:] vector = np.array(map(float, l)) i = 0 for v in np.nditer(vector): self.CoocMat.update(self.IndVoc.getlength(), i, v) self.IndVoc.set(word, self.IndVoc.getlength()) def dumpVocabAndCoocMatrix(self): print "start pickling dsm model..." + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) pickle.dump((self.IndVoc, self.CoocMat, self.CtxVoc), open("dsm.pkl", "wb")) print "Finished: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) def loadVocabAndCoocMatrix(self): print "start depickling dsm model..." + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) self.IndVoc, self.CoocMat, self.CtxVoc = pickle.load(open("dsm.pkl", "rb")) print "Finished: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime()) def tfidf(self): transformer = TfidfTransformer() self.CoocMat.matrix = transformer.fit_transform(self.CoocMat.matrix)