def test_init_1(): # name is not string with pytest.raises(TypeError): Tensor("H0, C2", "P1, V4", 'sa', 1, 10) # priority is not an integer with pytest.raises(TypeError): Tensor("H0, C2", "P1, V4", 'spin-adapted', "temp", 'x')
def test_latex(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,a2", "v3,p0", 'spin-orbital') assert a.latex() == "T^{ a_{1} a_{2} }_{ v_{3} p_{0} }" a = Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "v3,p0", "c1,a2", 'spin-orbital') assert a.latex() == "T^{ v_{3} p_{0} }_{ c_{1} a_{2} }"
def test_ambit(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,a2", "v3,p0", 'spin-orbital') assert a.ambit() == 'T2["a1,a2,v3,p0"]' a = Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "p0, a3", "a1,a2", 'spin-orbital') assert a.ambit() == 'T2["a1,a2,p0,a3"]'
def test_lt(): indices_pair = ("C1", "P2", 'spin-integrated') assert Kronecker(*indices_pair) < HamiltonianTensor(*indices_pair) < ClusterAmplitude(*indices_pair) \ < HoleDensity(*indices_pair) < Cumulant(*indices_pair) assert ClusterAmplitude(*indices_pair) < Tensor.make_tensor( 'T', "c1,c2", "v2,v5", 'si') a = Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0,A2", "a3, A1", 'spin-integrated') assert a < Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0, A2", "A1, a3", 'spin-integrated')
def test_canonicalize(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,a2", "v3,p0", 'spin-integrated') c, sign = a.canonicalize() assert c == Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,a2", "p0,v3", 'spin-integrated') assert sign == -1 assert type(c) is ClusterAmplitude assert c.indices_type is IndicesSpinIntegrated
def test_is_all_active(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,a2", "p0,v1", 'spin-orbital') assert not a.is_all_active() a = Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,a2", "a3,a4", 'spin-orbital') assert a.is_all_active() a = Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,a2,A0", "a3,a4,A1", 'spin-integrated') assert a.is_all_active()
def test_ne(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0,a1,a2", "a3,a4,a5", 'so') assert a != Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a0,a1,a2", "a3,a4,a5", 'so') assert a != Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0", "a1", 'so') with pytest.raises(TypeError): assert a != Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0", "a1", 'spin-integrated') with pytest.raises(TypeError): assert a != Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0,a1,a2", "a3,a4,a5", 'spin-integrated')
def compute_elementary_contractions_cumulant(ops_list, max_cu): """ Generate all cumulant-type elementary contractions from a list of second-quantized operators. :param ops_list: a list of SecondQuantizedOperator objects :param max_cu: the max level of cumulants :return: a dictionary of {(macro op indices): a list of contractions, i.e., Cumulant} """ out = defaultdict(list) # for cumulant, since n_cre = n_ann, consider cre/ann separately cv = ["c", "v"] cre_ops_list = [ IndicesSpinOrbital([i for i in op.cre_ops if not in cv]) for op in ops_list ] ann_ops_list = [ IndicesSpinOrbital([i for i in op.ann_ops if not in cv]) for op in ops_list ] # generate all possible pure creation or annihilation for cumulant contractions ann_results = compute_elementary_contractions_half_cumulant( ann_ops_list, max_cu) cre_results = compute_elementary_contractions_half_cumulant( cre_ops_list, max_cu) # now combine the cre/ann results for cu_level in range(2, max_cu + 1): for cre in cre_results[ cu_level]: # cre contains cu_level numbers of pairs of (i_macro, i_micro) i_sq_op_cre = [i_macro for i_macro, _ in cre] same_sq_op_cre = i_sq_op_cre.count( i_sq_op_cre[0]) == len(i_sq_op_cre) cre_indices = [ cre_ops_list[i_macro][i_micro] for i_macro, i_micro in cre ] for ann in ann_results[cu_level]: # skip when cre and ann belong to same operator i_sq_op_ann = [i_macro for i_macro, _ in ann] same_sq_op_ann = i_sq_op_ann.count( i_sq_op_ann[0]) == len(i_sq_op_ann) if same_sq_op_cre and same_sq_op_ann and i_sq_op_cre[ 0] == i_sq_op_ann[0]: continue else: ann_indices = [ ann_ops_list[i_macro][i_micro] for i_macro, i_micro in ann ] key = tuple(i_sq_op_cre + i_sq_op_ann) out[key].append( Tensor.make_tensor('lambda', cre_indices, ann_indices, 'so')) return out
def test_init_2(): a = Tensor("H0, C2", "P1, V4", 'spin-adapted', 'temp', 10) pair = IndicesPair("H0, C2", "P1, V4", 'spin-adapted') assert == 'temp' assert a.priority == 10 assert a.upper_indices == pair.upper_indices assert a.lower_indices == pair.lower_indices assert a.n_lower == a.n_upper == 2 assert a.size == 4 assert a.indices_type is IndicesSpinAdapted
def compute_elementary_contractions_pairwise(ops_list): """ Generate all single pairwise contractions from a list of second-quantized operators. :param ops_list: a list of SecondQuantizedOperator objects :return: a dictionary of {(macro op indices): a list of contractions, i.e., HoleDensity or Cumulant} """ out = defaultdict(list) for i, left in enumerate(ops_list): for j, right, in enumerate(ops_list[i + 1:], i + 1): # 1-cumulant: left cre + right ann for upper in left.cre_ops: if == 'v': continue for lower in right.ann_ops: if == 'v': continue if len(space_relation[] & space_relation[]) != 0: out[(i, j)].append( Tensor.make_tensor('lambda', [upper], [lower], 'spin-orbital')) # 1-hole-density: left ann + right cre for lower in left.ann_ops: if == 'c': continue for upper in right.cre_ops: if == 'c': continue if len(space_relation[] & space_relation[]) != 0: out[(j, i)].append( Tensor.make_tensor('eta', [upper], [lower], 'spin-orbital')) return out
def test_generate_spin_cases(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,a2", "p0,p1", 'spin-orbital') ref = { Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,a2", "p0,p1", 'spin-integrated'), Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "A1,a2", "P0,p1", 'spin-integrated'), Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "A1,a2", "p0,P1", 'spin-integrated'), Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,A2", "P0,p1", 'spin-integrated'), Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,A2", "p0,P1", 'spin-integrated'), Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "A1,A2", "P0,P1", 'spin-integrated') } count = 0 for tensor in a.generate_spin_cases(): count += 1 assert tensor in ref assert type(tensor) is ClusterAmplitude assert tensor.indices_type is IndicesSpinIntegrated assert count == len(ref)
def test_any_overlapped_indices(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "c0,A2", "g3,A1", 'spin-integrated') assert a.any_overlapped_indices( Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "g0,P2", "A1,v1", 'spin-integrated')) assert not a.any_overlapped_indices( Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a2,v2", "a3,h1", 'spin-integrated'))
def test_expand_hole_density(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('hole_density', "a4", "p3", 'si') k, c = a.expand() assert k == Tensor.make_tensor('delta', "a4", "p3", 'si') assert c == Tensor.make_tensor('lambda', "a4", "p3", 'si')
def test_ge(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0,A2", "a3, A1", 'spin-integrated') assert a >= Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0,A2", "a1, A3", 'spin-integrated') assert a >= Tensor.make_tensor('Hamiltonian', "a0", "a3", 'spin-integrated')
def test_gt(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0,A2", "a3, A1", 'spin-integrated') assert a > Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0,A2", "a1, A3", 'spin-integrated')
def test_le(): a = Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0,A2", "a3, A1", 'spin-integrated') assert a <= Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', "a0, A2", "A1, a3", 'spin-integrated') assert a <= Cumulant("a0,A2", "a3, A1", 'spin-integrated')
def test_downgrade_indices(): for tensor_type in ['cluster_amplitude', 'Hamiltonian']: a = Tensor.make_tensor(tensor_type, 'P1', 'H3', 'spin-adapted') with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): a.downgrade_indices() a = Tensor.make_tensor('Kronecker', 'P1', 'H3', 'spin-integrated') assert a.downgrade_indices() == 'A' a = Tensor.make_tensor('Kronecker', 'V1', 'C3', 'spin-integrated') assert a.downgrade_indices() == '' a = Tensor.make_tensor('Kronecker', 'G1', 'H3', 'spin-integrated') assert a.downgrade_indices() == 'H' a = Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', 'G0,c2,p2', 'v2,H4,a1', 'spin-integrated') with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): a.downgrade_indices() space_pair = { ('c', 'c'): 'c', ('c', 'a'): '', ('c', 'v'): '', ('c', 'h'): 'c', ('c', 'p'): '', ('c', 'g'): 'c', ('a', 'a'): 'a', ('a', 'v'): '', ('a', 'h'): 'a', ('a', 'p'): 'a', ('a', 'g'): 'a', ('v', 'v'): '', ('v', 'h'): '', ('v', 'p'): '', ('v', 'g'): '', ('h', 'h'): 'h', ('h', 'p'): 'a', ('h', 'g'): 'h', ('p', 'p'): 'a', ('p', 'g'): 'a', ('g', 'g'): 'h' } for spaces, value in space_pair.items(): index0, index1 = (f"{i}{j}" for i, j in zip(spaces, range(2))) a = Tensor.make_tensor('cumulant', index0, index1, 'spin-orbital') assert a.downgrade_indices() == value space_pair = { ('C', 'C'): '', ('C', 'A'): '', ('C', 'V'): '', ('C', 'H'): '', ('C', 'P'): '', ('C', 'G'): '', ('A', 'A'): 'A', ('A', 'V'): '', ('A', 'H'): 'A', ('A', 'P'): 'A', ('A', 'G'): 'A', ('V', 'V'): 'V', ('V', 'H'): '', ('V', 'P'): 'V', ('V', 'G'): 'V', ('H', 'H'): 'A', ('H', 'P'): 'A', ('H', 'G'): 'A', ('P', 'P'): 'P', ('P', 'G'): 'P', ('G', 'G'): 'P' } for spaces, value in space_pair.items(): index0, index1 = (f"{i}{j}" for i, j in zip(spaces, range(2))) a = Tensor.make_tensor('hole_density', index0, index1, 'spin-integrated') assert a.downgrade_indices() == value
def test_init_3(): # lower indices contains both hole and particle indices with pytest.raises(ValueError): assert Tensor.make_tensor('cluster_amplitude', "a1,a2", "c3,p0", 'spin-orbital')
def test_eq(): a = Tensor("a0,a1", "c2,v6", 'spin-orbital', 'temp', 8) b = a.clone() assert a == b assert a is not b