def get_puppy_data(keywords): dish_list = ingredientsList = [] # store to cache # for dish in dish_list: # ingredientsList.append(dish['ingredients']) # try: # cachEntry = CacheRecipeDetail( # title = dish['title'], # image = dish['thumbnail'], # sourceAPI = 'Puppy', # recipeLink = dish['href'], # readyInMinutes = -1, # instruction = '', # ingredients = ingredientsList, # diet = '', # budget = -1, # calories = -1 # ) # # except IntegrityError: # pass dish_summary_dto_list = [ dish_summary_dto.DishSummary( id = -1, title = dish['title'], image = dish['thumbnail'], recipeLink = dish['href'], sourceAPI = 'Puppy') for i, dish in enumerate(dish_list)] return dish_summary_dto_list
def get_yummly_data(keywords,ingredients,dietRestriction,excludedIngredients,prepTime,calorieLimit): dish_list =,ingredients,dietRestriction,excludedIngredients,prepTime) filtered_list = [] if dietRestriction == '' and excludedIngredients == '' and prepTime == '' and calorieLimit == '': filtered_list = dish_list else: # store into cache store_diet = '' store_calories = -1 if dietRestriction != '': store_diet = dietRestriction for dish in dish_list: recipe = yummly_api.getRecipe(dish['id']) for nutrient in recipe['nutritionEstimates']: if nutrient['attribute'] == 'ENERC_KCAL': store_calories = nutrient['value'] # print(store_calories) if calorieLimit != '' and int(calorieLimit) > store_calories: filtered_list.append(dish) try: cachEntry = CacheRecipeDetail( title = dish['recipeName'], image = dish['imageUrlsBySize']['90'], sourceAPI = 'Yummly', recipeLink = recipe['source']['sourceRecipeUrl'], readyInMinutes = int(recipe['totalTimeInSeconds']/60), instruction = '', ingredients = recipe['ingredientLines'], diet = store_diet, budget = -1, calories = int(store_calories) ) except IntegrityError: pass if calorieLimit == '': filtered_list = dish_list dish_summary_dto_list = [ dish_summary_dto.DishSummary( id = dish['id'], title = dish['recipeName'], image = dish['imageUrlsBySize']['90'], recipeLink = '', sourceAPI = 'Yummly') for i, dish in enumerate(filtered_list)] return dish_summary_dto_list
def get_edamam_data(keywords,dietRestriction,excludedIngredients,prepTime,calorieLimit): dish_list =,excludedIngredients,prepTime,calorieLimit) filtered_list = [] dish_summary_dto_list = [] if dietRestriction == '' and excludedIngredients == '' and prepTime == '' and calorieLimit == '': filtered_list = dish_list else: # store into cache for dish in dish_list: store_diet = '' healthLabels = dish['recipe']['healthLabels'] print(healthLabels) for item in healthLabels: if item == 'Vegetarian': store_diet += 'vegetarian,' if dietRestriction == 'vegetarian': filtered_list.append(dish) if item == 'Vegan': store_diet += 'vegan,' if dietRestriction == 'vegan': filtered_list.append(dish) try: cachEntry = CacheRecipeDetail( title = dish['recipe']['label'], image = dish['recipe']['image'], sourceAPI = 'Edamam', recipeLink = dish['recipe']['url'], readyInMinutes = -1, instruction = '', ingredients = dish['recipe']['ingredientLines'], diet = store_diet, budget = -1, calories = dish['recipe']['calories'] ) except IntegrityError: pass if dietRestriction == '': filtered_list = dish_list dish_summary_dto_list = [ dish_summary_dto.DishSummary( id = -1, title = dish['recipe']['label'], image = dish['recipe']['image'], recipeLink = dish['recipe']['url'], sourceAPI = 'Edamam') for i, dish in enumerate(filtered_list)] return dish_summary_dto_list
def get_spoonacular_data(keywords,dietRestriction,excludedIngredients,prepTime,calorieLimit): search_result =,dietRestriction,excludedIngredients) dish_list = search_result['results'] dish_summary_dto_list = [] if dietRestriction == '' and excludedIngredients == '' and prepTime == '' and calorieLimit == '': baseUri = search_result['baseUri'] dish_summary_dto_list = [ dish_summary_dto.DishSummary( id = dish['id'], title = dish['title'], image = baseUri + dish['imageUrls'][0], recipeLink = '', sourceAPI = 'Spoonacular') for dish in dish_list] else: filtered_list = dish_list store_image = '' # store into cache for dish in dish_list: print('id: ', str(dish['id'])) print('title: ',dish['title']) recipePrepTime = -1 recipeCalories = -1 check = sql_service.check_key_exist(dish['title'],'Spoonacular') if check!=0: print('existing key') response = sql_service.get_db_data("readyInMinutes,calories,image",dish['title'],'Spoonacular') recipePrepTime = response[0] recipeCalories = response[1] store_image = response[2] else: print('no key') recipe = spoonacular_api.getRecipe(str(dish['id'])) priceBreakdown = spoonacular_api.getPriceBreakdown(str(dish['id'])) nutrition = spoonacular_api.getNutrition(str(dish['id'])) store_diet = '' if recipe['vegetarian']: store_diet += 'vegetarian,' if recipe['vegan']: store_diet += 'vegan,' ingredients_raw = recipe['extendedIngredients'] ingredients_list = [] for item in ingredients_raw: ingredients_list.append(item['originalString']) recipePrepTime = recipe['readyInMinutes'] recipeCalories = int(nutrition['calories']) try: store_image = recipe['image'] except: store_image = '' try: cachEntry = CacheRecipeDetail( title = dish['title'], image = store_image, sourceAPI = 'Spoonacular', recipeLink = recipe['sourceUrl'], readyInMinutes = recipe['readyInMinutes'], instruction = recipe['instructions'] if recipe['instructions'] != None else '', ingredients = ingredients_list, diet = store_diet, budget = priceBreakdown['totalCostPerServing'], # budget = -1, calories = str(nutrition['calories']) ) except IntegrityError: pass # filter if prepTime != '' and int(prepTime) < recipePrepTime: dish_list.remove(dish) elif calorieLimit != '' and int(calorieLimit) < recipeCalories: dish_list.remove(dish) if dish in filtered_list: dish_summary_dto_list.append(dish_summary_dto.DishSummary( id = dish['id'], title = dish['title'], image = store_image, recipeLink = '', sourceAPI = 'Spoonacular')) return dish_summary_dto_list
def get_spoonacular_from_ingredients(ingredients, dietRestriction, excludedIngredients, prepTime, calorieLimit): dish_list = spoonacular_api.searchFromIngredients(ingredients) dish_summary_dto_list = [] filtered_list = dish_list if dietRestriction == '' and excludedIngredients == '' and prepTime == '' and calorieLimit == '': dish_summary_dto_list = [ dish_summary_dto.DishSummary(id=dish['id'], title=dish['title'], image=dish['image'], recipeLink='', sourceAPI='Spoonacular') for dish in dish_list ] else: store_image = '' for dish in dish_list: # print('id: ', str(dish['id'])) # print('title: ',dish['title']) store_diet = '' store_prepTime = -1 store_calories = -1 ingredients_string = '' excludeList = [] check = sql_service.check_key_exist(dish['title'], 'Spoonacular') if check != 0: print('existing key') response = sql_service.get_db_data( "readyInMinutes,calories,image,diet,ingredients", dish['title'], 'Spoonacular') store_prepTime = response[0] store_calories = response[1] store_image = response[2] store_diet = response[3] ingredients_list = response[4] for item in ingredients_list: ingredients_string += item else: recipe = spoonacular_api.getRecipe(str(dish['id'])) nutrition = spoonacular_api.getNutrition(str(dish['id'])) if recipe['vegetarian']: store_diet += 'vegetarian,' if recipe['vegan']: store_diet += 'vegan,' ingredients_raw = recipe['extendedIngredients'] ingredients_list = [] for item in ingredients_raw: ingredients_list.append(item['originalString']) ingredients_string += item['originalString'] excludeList = excludedIngredients.split(',') excludeList = excludeList[:-1] store_prepTime = recipe['readyInMinutes'] store_calories = nutrition['calories'] try: cachEntry = CacheRecipeDetail( title=dish['title'], image=dish['image'], sourceAPI='Spoonacular', recipeLink=recipe['sourceUrl'], readyInMinutes=store_prepTime, instruction=recipe['instructions'] if recipe['instructions'] != None else '', ingredients=ingredients_list, diet=store_diet, # budget = priceBreakdown['totalCostPerServing'], budget=-1, calories=int(store_calories)) except IntegrityError: pass print('calories', store_calories) if dietRestriction != '' and dietRestriction not in store_diet: filtered_list.remove(dish) elif prepTime != '' and int(store_prepTime) > int(prepTime): filtered_list.remove(dish) elif calorieLimit != '' and int(store_calories) > int( calorieLimit): filtered_list.remove(dish) elif excludedIngredients != '': for item in excludeList: if item in ingredients_string: filtered_list.remove(dish) break if dish in filtered_list: print(dish['title']) dish_summary_dto_list.append( dish_summary_dto.DishSummary(id=dish['id'], title=dish['title'], image=dish['image'], recipeLink='', sourceAPI='Spoonacular')) # dish_summary_dto_list = [ dish_summary_dto.DishSummary( # id = dish['id'], # title = dish['title'], # image = dish['image'], # recipeLink = '', # sourceAPI = 'Spoonacular') for dish in filtered_list] return dish_summary_dto_list