コード例 #1
    def cbTag(self, tag_msgs):
        if self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_CONTROL" or self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_COORDINATION" or self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_PLANNING":
            #loop through list of april tags

            # filter out the nearest apriltag
            dis_min = 999
            idx_min = -1
            for idx, taginfo in enumerate(tag_msgs.infos):
                if (taginfo.tag_type == taginfo.SIGN):
                    tag_det = (tag_msgs.detections)[idx]
                    pos = tag_det.pose.pose.position
                    distance = math.sqrt(pos.x**2 + pos.y**2 + pos.z**2)
                    if distance < dis_min:
                        dis_min = distance
                        idx_min = idx

            if idx_min != -1:
                taginfo = (tag_msgs.infos)[idx_min]

                availableTurns = []
                #go through possible intersection types
                signType = taginfo.traffic_sign_type
                if (signType == taginfo.NO_RIGHT_TURN
                        or signType == taginfo.LEFT_T_INTERSECT):
                    rospy.loginfo("left T")
                    availableTurns = [
                        0, 1
                    ]  # these mystical numbers correspond to the array ordering in open_loop_intersection_control_node (very bad)
                elif (signType == taginfo.NO_LEFT_TURN
                      or signType == taginfo.RIGHT_T_INTERSECT):
                    rospy.loginfo("right T")
                    availableTurns = [1, 2]
                elif (signType == taginfo.FOUR_WAY):
                    availableTurns = [0, 1, 2]
                elif (signType == taginfo.T_INTERSECTION):
                    rospy.loginfo("center T")
                    availableTurns = [0, 2]

                    #now randomly choose a possible direction
                if (len(availableTurns) > 0):
                    if len(self.route) == 0:
                        randomIndex = numpy.random.randint(
                            len(availableTurns))  # по часовой
                        chosenTurn = availableTurns[randomIndex]
                        # if randomIndex == 1:
                        #     self.pub_turn.publish("1")
                        # if randomIndex == 0:
                        #     self.pub_turn.publish("2")
                        chosenTurn = availableTurns[::-1][self.route[0] - 1]
                        del self.route[0]
                    self.turn_type = chosenTurn

                    id_and_type_msg = TurnIDandType()
                    id_and_type_msg.tag_id = taginfo.id
                    id_and_type_msg.turn_type = self.turn_type

                    rospy.loginfo("possible turns %s." % (availableTurns))
コード例 #2
    def cbTag(self, tag_msgs):
        if (self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_CONTROL"
                or self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_COORDINATION"
                or self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_PLANNING"):
            # loop through list of april tags

            # filter out the nearest apriltag
            dis_min = 999
            idx_min = -1
            for idx, taginfo in enumerate(tag_msgs.infos):
                if taginfo.tag_type == taginfo.SIGN:
                    tag_det = (tag_msgs.detections)[idx]
                    pos = tag_det.transform.translation
                    distance = math.sqrt(pos.x**2 + pos.y**2 + pos.z**2)
                    if distance < dis_min:
                        dis_min = distance
                        idx_min = idx

            if idx_min != -1:
                taginfo = (tag_msgs.infos)[idx_min]

                availableTurns = []
                # go through possible intersection types
                signType = taginfo.traffic_sign_type
                if signType == taginfo.NO_RIGHT_TURN or signType == taginfo.LEFT_T_INTERSECT:
                    availableTurns = [
                    ]  # these mystical numbers correspond to the array ordering in open_loop_intersection_control_node (very bad)
                elif signType == taginfo.NO_LEFT_TURN or signType == taginfo.RIGHT_T_INTERSECT:
                    availableTurns = [1, 2]
                elif signType == taginfo.FOUR_WAY:
                    availableTurns = [0, 1, 2]
                elif signType == taginfo.T_INTERSECTION:
                    availableTurns = [0, 2]
                    f"[{self.node_name}] reports Available turns are: [{availableTurns}]"
                # now randomly choose a possible direction
                if len(availableTurns) > 0:
                    # 3501: turn off right turns
                    # randomIndex = numpy.random.randint(len(availableTurns))
                    # chosenTurn = availableTurns[randomIndex]
                    while True:
                        randomIndex = numpy.random.randint(len(availableTurns))
                        chosenTurn = availableTurns[randomIndex]
                        rospy.loginfo("Turn type now: %i" % (chosenTurn))
                        if chosenTurn != 2:
                    # end of fix

                    self.turn_type = chosenTurn

                    id_and_type_msg = TurnIDandType()
                    id_and_type_msg.tag_id = taginfo.id
                    id_and_type_msg.turn_type = self.turn_type
コード例 #3
    def cbIntersectionGo(self, msg):

        if not self.active:

        if not msg.data: return

        while self.turn_type == -1:
            if not self.active:
            rospy.loginfo("Requested to start intersection, but we do not see an april tag yet.")

        tag_id = self.tag_id
        turn_type = self.turn_type

        sleeptimes = [self.time_left_turn, self.time_straight_turn, self.time_right_turn]
        LFparams = [self.LFparams_left, self.LFparams_straight, self.LFparams_right]
        omega_ffs = [self.ff_left, self.ff_straight, self.ff_right]
        omega_maxs = [self.omega_max_left, self.omega_max_straight, self.omega_max_right]
        omega_mins = [self.omega_min_left, self.omega_min_straight, self.omega_min_right]

        self.changeLFParams(LFparams[turn_type], sleeptimes[turn_type]+1.0)
        rospy.set_param("~lane_controller/omega_ff", omega_ffs[turn_type])
        rospy.set_param("~lane_controller/omega_max", omega_maxs[turn_type])
        rospy.set_param("~lane_controller/omega_min", omega_mins[turn_type])
        # Waiting for LF to adapt to new params

        rospy.loginfo("Starting intersection control - driving to " + str(turn_type))
        self.forward_pose = True


        self.forward_pose = False
        rospy.set_param("~lane_controller/omega_ff", 0)
        rospy.set_param("~lane_controller/omega_max", 999)
        rospy.set_param("~lane_controller/omega_min", -999)

        # Publish intersection done
        msg_done = BoolStamped()
        msg_done.data = True

        # Publish intersection done detailed
        msg_done_detailed = TurnIDandType()
        msg_done_detailed.tag_id = tag_id
        msg_done_detailed.turn_type = turn_type
コード例 #4
    def pathProcessor(self, path, cmd):
        # Take current node and command (note: inputs are also 'self.' defined)
        cmd_comb = [path[0], cmd[0]]
        # Set up outgoing message type
        new_cmd = TurnIDandType()
        new_cmd.tag_id = cmd_comb[0]

        if cmd_comb[1] == 0:
            new_cmd.turn_type = 0
            rospy.loginfo("Turn left")
        elif cmd_comb[1] == 1:
            new_cmd.turn_type = 1
            rospy.loginfo("Go straight")
        elif cmd_comb[1] == 2:
            new_cmd.turn_type = 2
            rospy.loginfo("Turn right")
        return new_cmd
コード例 #5
    def cbTag(self, tag_msgs):
        valid_modes = [
        if self.fsm_mode in valid_modes:
            #loop through list of april tags

            # filter out the nearest apriltag
            dis_min = 999
            idx_min = -1
            for idx, taginfo in enumerate(tag_msgs.infos):
                if (taginfo.tag_type == taginfo.SIGN):
                    tag_det = (tag_msgs.detections)[idx]
                    pos = tag_det.pose.pose.position
                    distance = math.sqrt(pos.x**2 + pos.y**2 + pos.z**2)
                    if distance < dis_min:
                        dis_min = distance
                        idx_min = idx

            if idx_min != -1:
                taginfo = (tag_msgs.infos)[idx_min]

                availableTurns = []

                signType = taginfo.traffic_sign_type

                msg = BoolStamped()
                msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
                msg.data = False

                if self.searching_for_parking:

                    if signType == TagInfo.PARKING:
                        msg.data = True

                        if taginfo.id == 66:
                            availableTurns = [
                            ]  # Forward to enter parking area
                        elif taginfo.id == 63:
                            availableTurns = [0]  # Left to enter parking area
                        elif taginfo.id == 10:
                            availableTurns = [2]  # Right to enter parking area
                    #go through possible intersection types
                    if (signType == taginfo.NO_RIGHT_TURN
                            or signType == taginfo.LEFT_T_INTERSECT):
                        availableTurns = [
                            0, 1
                        ]  # these mystical numbers correspond to the array ordering in open_loop_intersection_control_node (very bad)
                    elif (signType == taginfo.NO_LEFT_TURN
                          or signType == taginfo.RIGHT_T_INTERSECT):
                        availableTurns = [1, 2]
                    elif (signType == taginfo.FOUR_WAY):
                        availableTurns = [0, 1, 2]
                    elif (signType == taginfo.T_INTERSECTION):
                        availableTurns = [0, 2]

                        #now randomly choose a possible direction
                if (len(availableTurns) > 0):
                    randomIndex = numpy.random.randint(len(availableTurns))
                    chosenTurn = availableTurns[randomIndex]
                    self.turn_type = chosenTurn

                    id_and_type_msg = TurnIDandType()
                    id_and_type_msg.tag_id = taginfo.id
                    id_and_type_msg.turn_type = self.turn_type

                    # `True` if parking intersection, `False` otherwise

コード例 #6
    def cbTag(self, tag_msgs):
        if self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_CONTROL" or self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_COORDINATION" or self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_PLANNING":
            #loop through list of april tags

            # filter out the nearest apriltag
            dis_min = 999
            idx_min = -1
            for idx, taginfo in enumerate(tag_msgs.infos):
                if (taginfo.tag_type == taginfo.SIGN):
                    tag_det = (tag_msgs.detections)[idx]
                    pos = tag_det.pose.pose.position
                    distance = math.sqrt(pos.x**2 + pos.y**2 + pos.z**2)
                    if distance < dis_min and tag_msgs.detections[
                            idx].id >= 9 and tag_msgs.detections[idx].id <= 11:
                        dis_min = distance
                        idx_min = idx

            if idx_min != -1:
                taginfo = (tag_msgs.infos)[idx_min]

                availableTurns = []
                #go through possible intersection types
                signType = taginfo.traffic_sign_type
                if (signType == taginfo.NO_RIGHT_TURN
                        or signType == taginfo.LEFT_T_INTERSECT):
                    availableTurns = [
                        0, 1
                    ]  # these mystical numbers correspond to the array ordering in open_loop_intersection_control_node (very bad)
                elif (signType == taginfo.NO_LEFT_TURN
                      or signType == taginfo.RIGHT_T_INTERSECT):
                    availableTurns = [1, 2]
                elif (signType == taginfo.FOUR_WAY):
                    availableTurns = [0, 1, 2]
                elif (signType == taginfo.T_INTERSECTION):
                    availableTurns = [0, 2]

                    #now randomly choose a possible direction
                if (len(availableTurns) > 0):
                    randomIndex = numpy.random.randint(len(availableTurns))

                    ids = []
                    for i in tag_msgs.detections:

                    denis_turn_type = int(tag_msgs.detections[idx_min].id)

                    for i in range(5):
                        print("DTP :::: " + str(denis_turn_type))
                        print("IDS::" + str(ids))

                    global gb
                    if gb is None:
                        gb = GraphBuilder()

                    if (min(ids) < 9):
                        min_id = int(min(ids))
                        while (True):
                            print("VERTEX ID NOT DETECTED! === ")

                    chosenTurn = gb.get_next_turn(
                        vertex_qr_code=min_id, turns_qr_code=denis_turn_type)

                    for i in range(5):
                        print("Calculated turn :::: " + str(chosenTurn))
                        print("Vertex id       :::: " + str(min_id))

                    if chosenTurn == -1:
                        while (True):
                            print("Graph built")

                    self.turn_type = chosenTurn

                    id_and_type_msg = TurnIDandType()
                    id_and_type_msg.tag_id = taginfo.id
                    id_and_type_msg.turn_type = self.turn_type