コード例 #1
def checkout(repo_path='.'):
    repo = Repo(repo_path)
    indexfile = repo.index_path()
    obj_sto = repo.object_store
    tree_id = repo[repo.head()].tree
    build_index_from_tree(repo_path, indexfile, obj_sto, tree_id)
    return [obj_sto.iter_tree_contents(tree_id)]
コード例 #2
    def test_describe_rule_ordinal(self):
        init_test_repo_path = str(Path(__file__).parent / "test_repo.tar.xz")
        init_repo_files = {"test_repo": {"test_file.js": "test\n\n"}}

        generate_smoke.js_format_rules = {"test": ("init", "test")}
        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="benchmark-test") as testdir:
                set(os.listdir(testdir)) - {"index.csv"},
            for init_repo in init_repo_files:
                repo = Repo(os.path.join(testdir, init_repo))
                repo.hooks.clear()  # Speed up dulwich by ~25%
                                 set(os.listdir(repo.path)) - {".git"})
                walker = repo.get_graph_walker((b"refs/heads/test", ))
                next(walker)  # Skip head commit. We need HEAD~1
                before_head = next(walker)
                build_index_from_tree(repo.path, repo.index_path(),
                for filename in init_repo_files[init_repo]:
                                     (Path(testdir) / init_repo /
コード例 #3
def commit_style(repo: Repo, format_rule_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    Call bash script which commit all changes to `style_name` branch and checkout master back.

    :param repo: Repo instance to the repository for which style were applied.
    :param format_rule_name: Applied format rule name.
    :return: Two commit hashes: where style was applied and where style was disrupt.
    def commit(repo: Repo, msg: str) -> str:
        """Commit everything."""
        for tree_path, entry in repo.open_index().items():
            full_path = os.path.join(repo.path.encode(), tree_path)
            blob = blob_from_path_and_stat(full_path, os.lstat(full_path))
            if blob.id != entry.sha:
        return repo.do_commit(msg.encode(), b"Source{d} ML Team <*****@*****.**>")

    repopath = repo.path
    base = repo.head()
    branch_create(repopath, format_rule_name, force=True)
    update_head(repopath, format_rule_name)
    style_commit_sha = commit(repo, format_rule_name)
    build_index_from_tree(repo.path, repo.index_path(), repo.object_store, repo[base].tree)
    revert_style_commit_sha = commit(repo, "Revert " + format_rule_name)
    update_head(repopath, b"master")
    return style_commit_sha.decode(), revert_style_commit_sha.decode()
コード例 #4
ファイル: wsmod.py プロジェクト: aaroncox/wsmod-client
 def testUpdate(self, event):
     src = "https://github.com/aaroncox/test.git"
     client, path = dulwich.client.get_transport_and_path(src)
     target = self.config['destination'] + "\\test"
     r = Repo(target)
     remote_refs = client.fetch(src, r)
     r["HEAD"] = remote_refs["HEAD"]
     index.build_index_from_tree(r.path, r.index_path(), r.object_store, r['head'].tree)
     for pack in r.object_store.packs:
コード例 #5
 def checkout_branch(self, branch='master'):
     git.update_head(self, branch)
     co_ref = b'HEAD'
     repo_path = self.path
     from dulwich.repo import Repo
     from dulwich.index import build_index_from_tree
     repo = Repo(repo_path)
     indexfile = repo.index_path()
     obj_sto = repo.object_store
     tree_id = repo[co_ref].tree
     build_index_from_tree(repo_path, indexfile, obj_sto, tree_id)
     x = list(obj_sto.iter_tree_contents(tree_id))
     x = [obj_sto.iter_tree_contents(tree_id)]
コード例 #6
ファイル: checkout.py プロジェクト: mikofski/dulwichPorcelain
def checkout(repo_path='.', co_ref='HEAD'):
    Checkout a reference from a Git repository
    :param repo_path: <str> path of repository
    :param co_ref: <str> name of checkout reference
    :return entries: <TreeEntry> list of named tuples
    # TODO: add all checkout options
    repo = Repo(repo_path)
    indexfile = repo.index_path()
    obj_sto = repo.object_store
    # TODO: catch if not a reference
    tree_id = repo[co_ref].tree
    # TODO: error out if unstaged or uncommited files
    return [obj_sto.iter_tree_contents(tree_id)]
コード例 #7
    def __clone_repo(self, repo_url, destination):
        This is to replicate the functionality of cloning a repo, without
        using the porcelain interface.
            local = Repo.init(destination, mkdir=True)
        except FileExistsError:
            local = Repo(destination)

        client, path = dulwich.client.get_transport_and_path(repo_url)
        remote_refs = client.fetch(repo_url, local)
        ref = f'refs/heads/{self.branch}'

            local[ref.encode()] = remote_refs[ref.encode()]
        except KeyError:
            ref = 'refs/heads/master'
            msgs = [
                f'\nBranch {self.branch} does not exist at {repo_url}!',
                'Using "master" branch for plugin, this may not work '
                'with your RELEASE'

            for msg in msgs:
                        'level': 'INFO',
                        'message': msg

            local[ref.encode()] = remote_refs[ref.encode()]

        index_file = local.index_path()
        tree = local[ref.encode()].tree

        index.build_index_from_tree(local.path, index_file, local.object_store,
コード例 #8
ファイル: gittle.py プロジェクト: rubik/gittle
class Gittle(object):
    """All paths used in Gittle external methods must be paths relative to the git repository

    DEFAULT_BRANCH = "master"
    DEFAULT_REMOTE = "origin"
    DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "**No Message**"
    DEFAULT_USER_INFO = {"name": None, "email": None}

        "classic": utils.git.classic_tree_diff,
        "dict": utils.git.dict_tree_diff,
        "changes": utils.git.dict_tree_diff,
    DEFAULT_DIFF_TYPE = "dict"

        # Hide git directory

    # References
    REFS_BRANCHES = "refs/heads/"
    REFS_REMOTES = "refs/remotes/"
    REFS_TAGS = "refs/tags/"

    # Name pattern truths
    # Used for detecting if files are :
    # - deleted
    # - added
    # - changed
    PATTERN_ADDED = (False, True)
    PATTERN_REMOVED = (True, False)
    PATTERN_MODIFIED = (True, True)

    # Permissions
    MODE_DIRECTORY = 040000  # Used to tell if a tree entry is a directory

    # Tree depth
    MAX_TREE_DEPTH = 1000

    # Acceptable Root paths
    ROOT_PATHS = (os.path.curdir, os.path.sep)

    def __init__(self, repo_or_path, origin_uri=None, auth=None, report_activity=None, *args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(repo_or_path, DulwichRepo):
            self.repo = repo_or_path
        elif isinstance(repo_or_path, Gittle):
            self.repo = DulwichRepo(repo_or_path.path)
        elif isinstance(repo_or_path, basestring):
            path = os.path.abspath(repo_or_path)
            self.repo = DulwichRepo(path)
            logging.warning("Repo is of type %s" % type(repo_or_path))
            raise Exception("Gittle must be initialized with either a dulwich repository or a string to the path")

        # Set path
        self.path = self.repo.path

        # The remote url
        self.origin_uri = origin_uri

        # Report client activty
        self._report_activity = report_activity

        # Build ignore filter
        self.hidden_regexes = copy.copy(self.HIDDEN_REGEXES)
        self.ignore_filter = utils.paths.path_filter_regex(self.hidden_regexes)
        self.filters = [self.ignore_filter]

        # Get authenticator
        if auth:
            self.authenticator = auth
            self.auth(*args, **kwargs)

    def report_activity(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self._report_activity:
        return self._report_activity(*args, **kwargs)

    def _format_author(self, name, email):
        return "%s <%s>" % (name, email)

    def _format_userinfo(self, userinfo):
        name = userinfo.get("name")
        email = userinfo.get("email")
        if name and email:
            return self._format_author(name, email)
        return None

    def _format_ref(self, base, extra):
        return "".join([base, extra])

    def _format_ref_branch(self, branch_name):
        return self._format_ref(self.REFS_BRANCHES, branch_name)

    def _format_ref_remote(self, remote_name):
        return self._format_ref(self.REFS_REMOTES, remote_name)

    def _format_ref_tag(self, tag_name):
        return self._format_ref(self.REFS_TAGS, tag_name)

    def head(self):
        """Return SHA of the current HEAD
        return self.repo.head()

    def is_bare(self):
        """Bare repositories have no working directories or indexes
        return self.repo.bare

    def is_working(self):
        return not (self.is_bare)

    def has_index(self):
        """Opposite of is_bare
        return self.repo.has_index()

    def has_commits(self):
        If the repository has no HEAD we consider that is has no commits
        except KeyError:
            return False
        return True

    def ref_walker(self, ref=None):
        Very simple, basic walker
        ref = ref or "HEAD"
        sha = self._commit_sha(ref)
        return self.repo.revision_history(sha)

    def branch_walker(self, branch):
        branch = branch or self.DEFAULT_BRANCH
        ref = self._format_ref_branch(branch)
        return self.ref_walker(ref)

    def commit_info(self, start=0, end=None, branch=None):
        """Return a generator of commits with all their attached information
        if not self.has_commits:
            return []
        commits = [utils.git.commit_info(entry) for entry in self.branch_walker(branch)]
        if not end:
            return commits
        return commits[start:end]

    def recent_contributors(self, n=None, branch=None):
        n = n or 10
        return funky.pluck(self.commit_info(end=n, branch=branch), "author")

    def commit_count(self):
            return len(self.ref_walker())
        except KeyError:
            return 0

    def commits(self):
        """Return a list of SHAs for all the concerned commits
        return [commit["sha"] for commit in self.commit_info()]

    def git_dir(self):
        return self.repo.controldir()

    def auth(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.authenticator = GittleAuth(*args, **kwargs)
        return self.authenticator

    # Generate a branch selector (used for pushing)
    def _wants_branch(self, branch_name=None):
        branch_name = branch_name or self.DEFAULT_BRANCH
        refs_key = self._format_ref_branch(branch_name)
        sha = self.branches[branch_name]

        def wants_func(old):
            refs_key = self._format_ref_branch(branch_name)
            return {refs_key: sha}

        return wants_func

    def _get_ignore_regexes(self):
        gitignore_filename = os.path.join(self.path, ".gitignore")
        if not os.path.exists(gitignore_filename):
            return []
        lines = open(gitignore_filename).readlines()
        globers = map(lambda line: line.rstrip(), lines)
        return utils.paths.globers_to_regex(globers)

    # Get the absolute path for a file in the git repo
    def abspath(self, repo_file):
        return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.path, repo_file))

    # Get the relative path from the absolute path
    def relpath(self, abspath):
        return os.path.relpath(abspath, self.path)

    def last_commit(self):
        return self[self.repo.head()]

    def index(self):
        return self.repo.open_index()

    def init(cls, path, bare=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a repository"""

        # Constructor to use
        if bare:
            constructor = DulwichRepo.init_bare
            constructor = DulwichRepo.init

        # Create dulwich repo
        repo = constructor(path)

        # Create Gittle repo
        return cls(repo, *args, **kwargs)

    def init_bare(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault("bare", True)
        return cls.init(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_client(self, origin_uri=None, **kwargs):
        # Get the remote URL
        origin_uri = origin_uri or self.origin_uri

        # Fail if inexistant
        if not origin_uri:
            raise InvalidRemoteUrl()

        client_kwargs = {}
        auth_kwargs = self.authenticator.kwargs()

        client_kwargs.update({"report_activity": self.report_activity})

        client, remote_path = get_transport_and_path(origin_uri, **client_kwargs)
        return client, remote_path

    def push_to(self, origin_uri, branch_name=None, progress=None, progress_stderr=None):
        selector = self._wants_branch(branch_name=branch_name)
        client, remote_path = self.get_client(origin_uri, progress_stderr=progress_stderr)
        return client.send_pack(remote_path, selector, self.repo.object_store.generate_pack_contents, progress=progress)

    # Like: git push
    def push(self, origin_uri=None, branch_name=None, progress=None, progress_stderr=None):
        return self.push_to(origin_uri, branch_name, progress, progress_stderr)

    # Not recommended at ALL ... !!!
    def dirty_pull_from(self, origin_uri, branch_name=None):
        # Remove all previously existing data
        self.repo = DulwichRepo.init(self.path)

        # Fetch brand new copy from remote
        return self.pull_from(origin_uri, branch_name)

    def pull_from(self, origin_uri, branch_name=None):
        return self.fetch(origin_uri)

    # Like: git pull
    def pull(self, origin_uri=None, branch_name=None):
        return self.pull_from(origin_uri, branch_name)

    def fetch_remote(self, origin_uri=None):
        # Get client
        client, remote_path = self.get_client(origin_uri=origin_uri)

        # Fetch data from remote repository
        remote_refs = client.fetch(remote_path, self.repo)

        return remote_refs

    def _setup_fetched_refs(self, refs, origin, bare):
        remote_tags = utils.git.subrefs(refs, "refs/tags")
        remote_heads = utils.git.subrefs(refs, "refs/heads")

        # Filter refs
        clean_remote_tags = utils.git.clean_refs(remote_tags)
        clean_remote_heads = utils.git.clean_refs(remote_heads)

        # Base of new refs
        heads_base = "refs/remotes/" + origin
        if bare:
            heads_base = "refs/heads"

        # Import branches
        self.import_refs(heads_base, clean_remote_heads)

        # Import tags
        self.import_refs("refs/tags", clean_remote_tags)

        # Update HEAD
        self["HEAD"] = refs["HEAD"]

    def fetch(self, origin_uri=None, bare=None, origin=None):
        bare = bare or False
        origin = origin or self.DEFAULT_REMOTE

        # Remote refs
        remote_refs = self.fetch_remote(origin_uri)

        # Update head
        # Hit repo because head doesn't yet exist so
        # print("REFS = %s" % remote_refs)

        # Update refs (branches, tags, HEAD)
        self._setup_fetched_refs(remote_refs, origin, bare)

        # Checkout working directories
        if not bare:

    def clone(cls, origin_uri, local_path, auth=None, mkdir=True, bare=False, *args, **kwargs):
        """Clone a remote repository"""

        # Initialize the local repository
        if bare:
            local_repo = cls.init_bare(local_path)
            local_repo = cls.init(local_path)

        repo = cls(local_repo, origin_uri=origin_uri, auth=auth, *args, **kwargs)


        # Add origin
        # TODO

        return repo

    def clone_bare(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Same as .clone except clones to a bare repository by default
        kwargs.setdefault("bare", True)
        return cls.clone(*args, **kwargs)

    def _commit(self, committer=None, author=None, message=None, files=None, tree=None, *args, **kwargs):

        if not tree:
            # If no tree then stage files
            modified_files = files or self.modified_files
            logging.warning("STAGING : %s" % modified_files)

        # Messages
        message = message or self.DEFAULT_MESSAGE
        author_msg = self._format_userinfo(author)
        committer_msg = self._format_userinfo(committer)

        return self.repo.do_commit(
            message=message, author=author_msg, committer=committer_msg, encoding="UTF-8", tree=tree, *args, **kwargs

    def _tree_from_structure(self, structure):
        # TODO : Support directories
        tree = Tree()

        for file_info in structure:

            # str only
                data = file_info["data"].encode("ascii")
                name = file_info["name"].encode("ascii")
                mode = file_info["mode"]
                # Skip file on encoding errors

            blob = Blob()

            blob.data = data

            # Store file's contents

            # Add blob entry
            tree.add(name, mode, blob.id)

        # Store tree

        return tree.id

    # Like: git commmit -a
    def commit(self, name=None, email=None, message=None, files=None, *args, **kwargs):
        user_info = {"name": name, "email": email}
        return self._commit(committer=user_info, author=user_info, message=message, files=files, *args, **kwargs)

    def commit_structure(self, name=None, email=None, message=None, structure=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Main use is to do commits directly to bare repositories
        For example doing a first Initial Commit so the repo can be cloned and worked on right away
        if not structure:
        tree = self._tree_from_structure(structure)

        user_info = {"name": name, "email": email}

        return self._commit(committer=user_info, author=user_info, message=message, tree=tree, *args, **kwargs)

    # Push all local commits
    # and pull all remote commits
    def sync(self, origin_uri=None):
        return self.pull(origin_uri)

    def lookup_entry(self, relpath, trackable_files=set()):
        if not relpath in trackable_files:
            raise KeyError

        abspath = self.abspath(relpath)

        with open(abspath, "rb") as git_file:
            data = git_file.read()
            s = sha1()
            s.update("blob %u\0" % len(data))
        return (s.hexdigest(), os.stat(abspath).st_mode)

    def tracked_files(self):
        return list(self.index)

    def raw_files(self):
        return utils.paths.subpaths(self.path)

    def ignored_files(self):
        return utils.paths.subpaths(self.path, filters=self.filters)

    def trackable_files(self):
        return self.raw_files - self.ignored_files

    def untracked_files(self):
        return self.trackable_files - self.tracked_files

    def modified_staged_files(self):
        "Checks if the file has changed since last commit"
        timestamp = self.last_commit.commit_time
        index = self.index
        return [
            for f in self.tracked_files
            if index[f][1][0] > timestamp

    # Return a list of tuples
    # representing the changed elements in the git tree
    def _changed_entries(self, ref=None):
        ref = ref or self.DEFAULT_COMMIT
        if not self.has_commits:
            return []
        obj_sto = self.repo.object_store
        tree_id = self[ref].tree
        names = self.trackable_files

        lookup_func = partial(self.lookup_entry, trackable_files=names)

        # Format = [((old_name, new_name), (old_mode, new_mode), (old_sha, new_sha)), ...]
        tree_diff = changes_from_tree(names, lookup_func, obj_sto, tree_id, want_unchanged=False)
        return list(tree_diff)

    def _changed_entries_by_pattern(self, pattern):
        changed_entries = self._changed_entries()
        filtered_paths = [
            for names, modes, sha in changed_entries
            if tuple(map(bool, names)) == pattern and funky.first_true(names)

        return filtered_paths

    def removed_files(self):
        return self._changed_entries_by_pattern(self.PATTERN_REMOVED) - self.ignored_files

    def added_files(self):
        return self._changed_entries_by_pattern(self.PATTERN_ADDED) - self.ignored_files

    def modified_files(self):
        modified_files = self._changed_entries_by_pattern(self.PATTERN_MODIFIED) - self.ignored_files
        return modified_files

    def modified_unstaged_files(self):
        timestamp = self.last_commit.commit_time
        return [f for f in self.tracked_files if os.stat(self.abspath(f)).st_mtime > timestamp]

    def pending_files(self):
        Returns a list of all files that could be possibly staged
        # Union of both
        return self.modified_files | self.added_files | self.removed_files

    def pending_files_by_state(self):
        files = {"modified": self.modified_files, "added": self.added_files, "removed": self.removed_files}

        # "Flip" the dictionary
        return {path: state for state, paths in files.items() for path in paths}

    def modified_files(self):
        return self.modified_staged_files | self.modified_unstaged_files

    # Like: git add
    def stage(self, files):
        return self.repo.stage(files)

    def add(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.stage(*args, **kwargs)

    # Like: git rm
    def rm(self, files, force=False):
        index = self.index
        index_files = filter(lambda f: f in index, files)
        for f in index_files:
            del self.index[f]
        return index.write()

    def mv_fs(self, file_pair):
        old_name, new_name = file_pair
        os.rename(old_name, new_name)

    # Like: git mv
    def mv(self, files_pair):
        index = self.index
        files_in_index = filter(lambda f: f[0] in index, files_pair)
        map(self.mv_fs, files_in_index)
        old_files = map(funky.first, files_in_index)
        new_files = map(funky.last, files_in_index)

    def _checkout_tree(self, tree):
        return build_index_from_tree(self.repo.path, self.repo.index_path(), self.repo.object_store, tree)

    def checkout_all(self, commit_sha=None):
        commit_sha = commit_sha or self.head
        commit_tree = self._commit_tree(commit_sha)
        # Rebuild index from the current tree
        return self._checkout_tree(commit_tree)

    def checkout(self, commit_sha=None, files=None):
        """Checkout only a select amount of files
        commit_sha = commit_sha or self.head
        files = files or []

        return self

    def reset(self, files, commit="HEAD"):

    def rm_all(self):
        return self.index.write()

    def _to_commit(self, commit_obj):
        """Allows methods to accept both SHA's or dulwich Commit objects as arguments
        if isinstance(commit_obj, basestring):
            return self.repo[commit_obj]
        return commit_obj

    def _commit_sha(self, commit_obj):
        """Extracts a Dulwich commits SHA
        if utils.git.is_sha(commit_obj):
            return commit_obj
        elif isinstance(commit_obj, basestring):
            # Can't use self[commit_obj] to avoid infinite recursion
            commit_obj = self.repo[commit_obj]
        return commit_obj.id

    def _blob_data(self, sha):
        """Return a blobs content for a given SHA
        return self[sha].data

    # Get the nth parent back for a given commit
    def get_parent_commit(self, commit, n=None):
        """ Recursively gets the nth parent for a given commit
            Warning: Remember that parents aren't the previous commits
        if n is None:
            n = 1
        commit = self._to_commit(commit)
        parents = commit.parents

        if n <= 0 or not parents:
            # Return a SHA
            return self._commit_sha(commit)

        parent_sha = parents[0]
        parent = self[parent_sha]

        # Recur
        return self.get_parent_commit(parent, n - 1)

    def get_previous_commit(self, commit_ref, n=None):
        commit_sha = self._parse_reference(commit_ref)
        n = n or 1
        commits = self.commits()
        return funky.next(commits, commit_sha, n=n, default=commit_sha)

    def _parse_reference(self, ref_string):
        # COMMIT_REF~x
        if "~" in ref_string:
            ref, count = ref_string.split("~")
            count = int(count)
            commit_sha = self._commit_sha(ref)
            return self.get_previous_commit(commit_sha, count)
        return self._commit_sha(ref_string)

    def _commit_tree(self, commit_sha):
        """Return the tree object for a given commit
        return self[commit_sha].tree

    def diff(self, commit_sha, compare_to=None, diff_type=None, filter_binary=True):
        diff_type = diff_type or self.DEFAULT_DIFF_TYPE
        diff_func = self.DIFF_FUNCTIONS[diff_type]

        if not compare_to:
            compare_to = self.get_previous_commit(commit_sha)

        return self._diff_between(compare_to, commit_sha, diff_function=diff_func)

    def diff_working(self, ref=None, filter_binary=True):
        """Diff between the current working directory and the HEAD
        return utils.git.diff_changes_paths(
            self.repo.object_store, self.path, self._changed_entries(ref=ref), filter_binary=filter_binary

    def get_commit_files(self, commit_sha, parent_path=None, is_tree=None, paths=None):
        """Returns a dict of the following Format :
                "directory/filename.txt": {
                    'name': 'filename.txt',
                    'path': "directory/filename.txt",
                    "sha": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "data": "blablabla",
                    "mode": 0xxxxx",
        # Default values
        context = {}
        is_tree = is_tree or False
        parent_path = parent_path or ""

        if is_tree:
            tree = self[commit_sha]
            tree = self[self._commit_tree(commit_sha)]

        for mode, path, sha in tree.entries():
            # Check if entry is a directory
            if mode == self.MODE_DIRECTORY:
                    self.get_commit_files(sha, parent_path=os.path.join(parent_path, path), is_tree=True, paths=paths)

            subpath = os.path.join(parent_path, path)

            # Only add the files we want
            if not (paths is None or subpath in paths):

            # Add file entry
            context[subpath] = {"name": path, "path": subpath, "mode": mode, "sha": sha, "data": self._blob_data(sha)}
        return context

    def file_versions(self, path):
        """Returns all commits where given file was modified
        versions = []
        commits_info = self.commit_info()
        seen_shas = set()

        for commit in commits_info:
                files = self.get_commit_files(commit["sha"], paths=[path])
                file_path, file_data = files.items()[0]
            except IndexError:

            file_sha = file_data["sha"]

            if file_sha in seen_shas:

            # Add file info
            commit["file"] = file_data
        return versions

    def _diff_between(self, old_commit_sha, new_commit_sha, diff_function=None, filter_binary=True):
        """Internal method for getting a diff between two commits
            Please use .diff method unless you have very speciic needs

        # If commit is first commit (new_commit_sha == old_commit_sha)
        # then compare to an empty tree
        if new_commit_sha == old_commit_sha:
            old_tree = Tree()
            old_tree = self._commit_tree(old_commit_sha)

        new_tree = self._commit_tree(new_commit_sha)

        return diff_function(self.repo.object_store, old_tree, new_tree, filter_binary=filter_binary)

    def changes(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ List of changes between two SHAs
            Returns a list of lists of tuples :
                    (oldpath, newpath), (oldmode, newmode), (oldsha, newsha)
        kwargs["diff_type"] = "changes"
        return self.diff(*args, **kwargs)

    def changes_count(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return len(self.changes(*args, **kwargs))

    def _refs_by_pattern(self, pattern):
        refs = self.refs

        def item_filter(key_value):
            """Filter only concered refs"""
            key, value = key_value
            return key.startswith(pattern)

        def item_map(key_value):
            """Rewrite keys"""
            key, value = key_value
            new_key = key[len(pattern) :]
            return (new_key, value)

        return dict(map(item_map, filter(item_filter, refs.items())))

    def refs(self):
        return self.repo.get_refs()

    def set_refs(refs_dict):
        for k, v in refs_dict.items():
            self.repo[k] = v

    def import_refs(self, base, other):
        return self.repo.refs.import_refs(base, other)

    def branches(self):
        return self._refs_by_pattern(self.REFS_BRANCHES)

    def _active_branch(self, refs=None, head=None):
        head = head or self.head
        refs = refs or self.branches
            return {branch: branch_head for branch, branch_head in refs.items() if branch_head == head}.items()[0]
        except IndexError:
        return (None, None)

    def active_branch(self):
        return self._active_branch()[0]

    def active_sha(self):
        return self._active_branch()[1]

    def remote_branches(self):
        return self._refs_by_pattern(self.REFS_REMOTES)

    def tags(self):
        return self._refs_by_pattern(self.REFS_TAGS)

    def remotes(self):
        """ Dict of remotes
            'origin': 'http://friendco.de/some_user/repo.git',
        config = self.repo.get_config()
        return {keys[1]: values["url"] for keys, values in config.items() if keys[0] == "remote"}

    def add_ref(self, new_ref, old_ref):
        self.repo.refs[new_ref] = self.repo.refs[old_ref]

    def remove_ref(self, ref_name):
        # Returns False if ref doesn't exist
        if not ref_name in self.repo.refs:
            return False
        del self.repo.refs[ref_name]
        return True

    def create_branch(self, base_branch, new_branch, tracking=None):
        """Try creating a new branch which tracks the given remote
            if such a branch does not exist then branch off a local branch

        # The remote to track
        tracking = self.DEFAULT_REMOTE

        # Already exists
        if new_branch in self.branches:
            raise Exception("branch %s already exists" % new_branch)

        # Get information about remote_branch
        remote_branch = os.path.sep.join([tracking, base_branch])

        # Fork Local
        if base_branch in self.branches:
            base_ref = self._format_ref_branch(base_branch)
        # Fork remote
        elif remote_branch in self.remote_branches:
            base_ref = self._format_ref_remote(remote_branch)
            # TODO : track
            raise Exception(
                "Can not find the branch named '%s' to fork either locally or in '%s'" % (base_branch, tracking)

        # Reference of new branch
        new_ref = self._format_ref_branch(new_branch)

        # Copy reference to create branch
        self.add_ref(new_ref, base_ref)

        return new_ref

    def remove_branch(self, branch_name):
        ref = self._format_ref_branch(branch_name)
        return self.remove_ref(ref)

    def switch_branch(self, branch_name, tracking=None, create=None):
        """Changes the current branch
        if create is None:
            create = True

        # Check if branch exists
        if not branch_name in self.branches:
            self.create_branch(branch_name, branch_name, tracking=tracking)

        # Get branch reference
        branch_ref = self._format_ref_branch(branch_name)

        # Change main branch
        self.repo.refs.set_symbolic_ref("HEAD", branch_ref)

        if self.is_working:
            # Remove all files

            # Add files for the current branch

    def clean(self, force=None, directories=None):
        untracked_files = self.untracked_files
        map(os.remove, untracked_files)
        return untracked_files

    def clean_working(self):
        """Purges all the working (removes everything except .git)
            used by checkout_all to get clean branch switching
        return self.clean()

    def _get_fs_structure(self, tree_sha, depth=None, parent_sha=None):
        tree = self[tree_sha]
        structure = {}
        if depth is None:
            depth = self.MAX_TREE_DEPTH
        elif depth == 0:
            return structure
        for mode, path, sha in tree.entries():
            # tree
            if mode == self.MODE_DIRECTORY:
                # Recur
                structure[path] = self._get_fs_structure(sha, depth=depth - 1, parent_sha=tree_sha)
            # commit
                structure[path] = sha
        structure["."] = tree_sha
        structure[".."] = parent_sha or tree_sha
        return structure

    def _get_fs_structure_by_path(self, tree_sha, path):
        parts = path.split(os.path.sep)
        depth = len(parts) + 1
        structure = self._get_fs_structure(tree_sha, depth=depth)

        return funky.subkey(structure, parts)

    def commit_ls(self, ref, subpath=None):
        """List a "directory" for a given commit
            using the tree of thqt commit
        tree_sha = self._commit_tree(ref)

        # Root path
        if subpath in self.ROOT_PATHS or not subpath:
            return self._get_fs_structure(tree_sha, depth=1)
        # Any other path
        return self._get_fs_structure_by_path(tree_sha, subpath)

    def commit_file(self, ref, path):
        """Return info on a given file for a given commit
        name, info = self.get_commit_files(ref, paths=[path]).items()[0]
        return info

    def commit_tree(self, ref, *args, **kwargs):
        tree_sha = self._commit_tree(ref)
        return self._get_fs_structure(tree_sha, *args, **kwargs)

    def update_server_info(self):
        if not self.is_bare:

    def _is_fast_forward(self):

    def _merge_fast_forward(self):

    def __hash__(self):
        """This is required otherwise the memoize function will just mess it up
        return hash(self.path)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        sha = self._parse_reference(key)
        return self.repo[sha]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        self.repo[key] = value

    # Alias to clone_bare
    fork = clone_bare
    log = commit_info
    diff_count = changes_count
    comtributors = recent_contributors
コード例 #9
class Gittle(object):
    """All paths used in Gittle external methods must be paths relative to the git repository
    DEFAULT_BRANCH = 'master'
    DEFAULT_REMOTE = 'origin'
    DEFAULT_MESSAGE = '**No Message**'
        'name': None,
        'email': None,

        'classic': utils.git.classic_tree_diff,
        'dict': utils.git.dict_tree_diff,
        'changes': utils.git.dict_tree_diff
    DEFAULT_DIFF_TYPE = 'dict'

        # Hide git directory

    # References
    REFS_BRANCHES = 'refs/heads/'
    REFS_REMOTES = 'refs/remotes/'
    REFS_TAGS = 'refs/tags/'

    # Name pattern truths
    # Used for detecting if files are :
    # - deleted
    # - added
    # - changed
    PATTERN_ADDED = (False, True)
    PATTERN_REMOVED = (True, False)
    PATTERN_MODIFIED = (True, True)

    # Permissions
    MODE_DIRECTORY = 0o40000  # Used to tell if a tree entry is a directory

    # Tree depth
    MAX_TREE_DEPTH = 1000

    # Acceptable Root paths
    ROOT_PATHS = (os.path.curdir, os.path.sep)

    def __init__(self, repo_or_path, origin_uri=None, auth=None, report_activity=None, *args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(repo_or_path, DulwichRepo):
            self.repo = repo_or_path
        elif isinstance(repo_or_path, Gittle):
            self.repo = DulwichRepo(repo_or_path.path)
        elif isinstance(repo_or_path, basestring):
            path = os.path.abspath(repo_or_path)
            self.repo = DulwichRepo(path)
            logging.warning('Repo is of type %s' % type(repo_or_path))
            raise Exception('Gittle must be initialized with either a dulwich repository or a string to the path')

        # Set path
        self.path = self.repo.path

        # The remote url
        self.origin_uri = origin_uri

        # Report client activty
        self._report_activity = report_activity

        # Build ignore filter
        self.hidden_regexes = copy.copy(self.HIDDEN_REGEXES)
        self.ignore_filter = utils.paths.path_filter_regex(self.hidden_regexes)
        self.filters = [

        # Get authenticator
        if auth:
            self.authenticator = auth
            self.auth(*args, **kwargs)

    def report_activity(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self._report_activity:
        return self._report_activity(*args, **kwargs)

    def _format_author(self, name, email):
        return "%s <%s>" % (name, email)

    def _format_userinfo(self, userinfo):
        name = userinfo.get('name')
        email = userinfo.get('email')
        if name and email:
            return self._format_author(name, email)
        return None

    def _format_ref(self, base, extra):
        return ''.join([base, extra])

    def _format_ref_branch(self, branch_name):
        return self._format_ref(self.REFS_BRANCHES, branch_name)

    def _format_ref_remote(self, remote_name):
        return self._format_ref(self.REFS_REMOTES, remote_name)

    def _format_ref_tag(self, tag_name):
        return self._format_ref(self.REFS_TAGS, tag_name)

    def head(self):
        """Return SHA of the current HEAD
        return self.repo.head()

    def is_bare(self):
        """Bare repositories have no working directories or indexes
        return self.repo.bare

    def is_working(self):
        return not(self.is_bare)

    def has_index(self):
        """Opposite of is_bare
        return self.repo.has_index()

    def has_commits(self):
        If the repository has no HEAD we consider that is has no commits
        except KeyError:
            return False
        return True

    def ref_walker(self, ref=None):
        Very simple, basic walker
        ref = ref or 'HEAD'
        sha = self._commit_sha(ref)
        for entry in self.repo.get_walker(sha):
            yield entry.commit

    def branch_walker(self, branch):
        branch = branch or self.active_branch
        ref = self._format_ref_branch(branch)
        return self.ref_walker(ref)

    def commit_info(self, start=0, end=None, branch=None):
        """Return a generator of commits with all their attached information
        if not self.has_commits:
            return []
        commits = [utils.git.commit_info(entry) for entry in self.branch_walker(branch)]
        if not end:
            return commits
        return commits[start:end]

    def recent_contributors(self, n=None, branch=None):
        n = n or 10
        return funky.pluck(self.commit_info(end=n, branch=branch), 'author')

    def commit_count(self):
            return len(self.ref_walker())
        except KeyError:
            return 0

    def commits(self):
        """Return a list of SHAs for all the concerned commits
        return [commit['sha'] for commit in self.commit_info()]

    def git_dir(self):
        return self.repo.controldir()

    def auth(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.authenticator = GittleAuth(*args, **kwargs)
        return self.authenticator

    # Generate a branch selector (used for pushing)
    def _wants_branch(self, branch_name=None):
        branch_name = branch_name or self.active_branch
        refs_key = self._format_ref_branch(branch_name)
        sha = self.branches[branch_name]

        def wants_func(old):
            refs_key = self._format_ref_branch(branch_name)
            return {
                refs_key: sha
        return wants_func

    def _get_ignore_regexes(self):
        gitignore_filename = os.path.join(self.path, '.gitignore')
        if not os.path.exists(gitignore_filename):
            return []
        lines = open(gitignore_filename).readlines()
        globers = map(lambda line: line.rstrip(), lines)
        return utils.paths.globers_to_regex(globers)

    # Get the absolute path for a file in the git repo
    def abspath(self, repo_file):
        return os.path.abspath(
            os.path.join(self.path, repo_file)

    # Get the relative path from the absolute path
    def relpath(self, abspath):
        return os.path.relpath(abspath, self.path)

    def last_commit(self):
        return self[self.repo.head()]

    def index(self):
        return self.repo.open_index()

    def init(cls, path, bare=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialize a repository"""

        # Constructor to use
        if bare:
            constructor = DulwichRepo.init_bare
            constructor = DulwichRepo.init

        # Create dulwich repo
        repo = constructor(path)

        # Create Gittle repo
        return cls(repo, *args, **kwargs)

    def init_bare(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs.setdefault('bare', True)
        return cls.init(*args, **kwargs)

    def is_repo(cls, path):
        """Returns True if path is a git repository, False if it is not"""
            repo = Gittle(path)
        except NotGitRepository:
            return False
            return True

    def get_client(self, origin_uri=None, **kwargs):
        # Get the remote URL
        origin_uri = origin_uri or self.origin_uri

        # Fail if inexistant
        if not origin_uri:
            raise InvalidRemoteUrl()

        client_kwargs = {}
        auth_kwargs = self.authenticator.kwargs()

            'report_activity': self.report_activity

        client, remote_path = get_transport_and_path(origin_uri, **client_kwargs)
        return client, remote_path

    def push_to(self, origin_uri, branch_name=None, progress=None):
        selector = self._wants_branch(branch_name=branch_name)
        client, remote_path = self.get_client(origin_uri)
        return client.send_pack(

    # Like: git push
    def push(self, origin_uri=None, branch_name=None, progress=None):
        return self.push_to(origin_uri, branch_name, progress)

    # Not recommended at ALL ... !!!
    def dirty_pull_from(self, origin_uri, branch_name=None):
        # Remove all previously existing data
        self.repo = DulwichRepo.init(self.path)

        # Fetch brand new copy from remote
        return self.pull_from(origin_uri, branch_name)

    def pull_from(self, origin_uri, branch_name=None):
        return self.fetch(origin_uri)

    # Like: git pull
    def pull(self, origin_uri=None, branch_name=None):
        return self.pull_from(origin_uri, branch_name)

    def fetch_remote(self, origin_uri=None):
        # Get client
        client, remote_path = self.get_client(origin_uri=origin_uri)

        # Fetch data from remote repository
        remote_refs = client.fetch(remote_path, self.repo)

        return remote_refs

    def _setup_fetched_refs(self, refs, origin, bare):
        remote_tags = utils.git.subrefs(refs, 'refs/tags')
        remote_heads = utils.git.subrefs(refs, 'refs/heads')

        # Filter refs
        clean_remote_tags = utils.git.clean_refs(remote_tags)
        clean_remote_heads = utils.git.clean_refs(remote_heads)

        # Base of new refs
        heads_base = 'refs/remotes/' + origin
        if bare:
            heads_base = 'refs/heads'

        # Import branches

        # Import tags

        # Update HEAD
        for k, v in utils.git.clean_refs(refs).items():
            self[k] = v

    def fetch(self, origin_uri=None, bare=None, origin=None):
        bare = bare or False
        origin = origin or self.DEFAULT_REMOTE

        # Remote refs
        remote_refs = self.fetch_remote(origin_uri)

        # Update head
        # Hit repo because head doesn't yet exist so
        # print("REFS = %s" % remote_refs)

        # If no refs (empty repository()
        if not remote_refs:

        # Update refs (branches, tags, HEAD)
        self._setup_fetched_refs(remote_refs, origin, bare)

        # Checkout working directories
        if not bare and self.has_commits:

    def clone(cls, origin_uri, local_path, auth=None, mkdir=True, bare=False, *args, **kwargs):
        """Clone a remote repository"""

        # Initialize the local repository
        if bare:
            local_repo = cls.init_bare(local_path)
            local_repo = cls.init(local_path)

        repo = cls(local_repo, origin_uri=origin_uri, auth=auth, *args, **kwargs)


        # Add origin
        repo.add_remote('origin', origin_uri)

        return repo

    def clone_bare(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Same as .clone except clones to a bare repository by default
        kwargs.setdefault('bare', True)
        return cls.clone(*args, **kwargs)

    def _commit(self, committer=None, author=None, message=None, files=None, tree=None, *args, **kwargs):

        if not tree:
            # If no tree then stage files
            modified_files = files or self.modified_files
            logging.info("STAGING : %s" % modified_files)

        # Messages
        message = message or self.DEFAULT_MESSAGE
        author_msg = self._format_userinfo(author)
        committer_msg = self._format_userinfo(committer)

        return self.repo.do_commit(
            *args, **kwargs

    def _tree_from_structure(self, structure):
        # TODO : Support directories
        tree = Tree()

        for file_info in structure:

            # str only
                data = file_info['data'].encode('ascii')
                name = file_info['name'].encode('ascii')
                mode = file_info['mode']
                # Skip file on encoding errors

            blob = Blob()

            blob.data = data

            # Store file's contents

            # Add blob entry

        # Store tree

        return tree.id

    # Like: git commmit -a
    def commit(self, name=None, email=None, message=None, files=None, *args, **kwargs):
        user_info = {
            'name': name,
            'email': email,
        return self._commit(

    def commit_structure(self, name=None, email=None, message=None, structure=None, *args, **kwargs):
        """Main use is to do commits directly to bare repositories
        For example doing a first Initial Commit so the repo can be cloned and worked on right away
        if not structure:
        tree = self._tree_from_structure(structure)

        user_info = {
            'name': name,
            'email': email,

        return self._commit(

    # Push all local commits
    # and pull all remote commits
    def sync(self, origin_uri=None):
        return self.pull(origin_uri)

    def lookup_entry(self, relpath, trackable_files=set()):
        if not relpath in trackable_files:
            raise KeyError

        abspath = self.abspath(relpath)

        with open(abspath, 'rb') as git_file:
            data = git_file.read()
            s = sha1()
            s.update("blob %u\0" % len(data))
        return (s.hexdigest(), os.stat(abspath).st_mode)

    def tracked_files(self):
        return list(self.index)

    def raw_files(self):
        return utils.paths.subpaths(self.path)

    def ignored_files(self):
        return utils.paths.subpaths(self.path, filters=self.filters)

    def trackable_files(self):
        return self.raw_files - self.ignored_files

    def untracked_files(self):
        return self.trackable_files - self.tracked_files

    def modified_staged_files(self):
        "Checks if the file has changed since last commit"
        timestamp = self.last_commit.commit_time
        index = self.index
        return [
            for f in self.tracked_files
            if index[f][1][0] > timestamp

    # Return a list of tuples
    # representing the changed elements in the git tree
    def _changed_entries(self, ref=None):
        ref = ref or self.DEFAULT_COMMIT
        if not self.has_commits:
            return []
        obj_sto = self.repo.object_store
        tree_id = self[ref].tree
        names = self.trackable_files

        lookup_func = partial(self.lookup_entry, trackable_files=names)

        # Format = [((old_name, new_name), (old_mode, new_mode), (old_sha, new_sha)), ...]
        tree_diff = changes_from_tree(names, lookup_func, obj_sto, tree_id, want_unchanged=False)
        return list(tree_diff)

    def _changed_entries_by_pattern(self, pattern):
        changed_entries = self._changed_entries()
        filtered_paths = None
         #if the pattern is PATTERN_MODIFIED, should check the sha
        if self.PATTERN_MODIFIED == pattern:
            filtered_paths = [
                  for names, modes, sha in changed_entries
                  if tuple(map(bool, names)) == pattern and funky.first_true(names) and sha[0] == sha[1]
        else :
            filtered_paths = [
                 for names, modes, sha in changed_entries
                 if tuple(map(bool, names)) == pattern and funky.first_true(names)
        return filtered_paths

    def removed_files(self):
        return self._changed_entries_by_pattern(self.PATTERN_REMOVED) - self.ignored_files

    def added_files(self):
        return self._changed_entries_by_pattern(self.PATTERN_ADDED) - self.ignored_files

    def modified_files(self):
        modified_files = self._changed_entries_by_pattern(self.PATTERN_MODIFIED) - self.ignored_files
        return modified_files

    def modified_unstaged_files(self):
        timestamp = self.last_commit.commit_time
        return [
            for f in self.tracked_files
            if os.stat(self.abspath(f)).st_mtime > timestamp

    def pending_files(self):
        Returns a list of all files that could be possibly staged
        # Union of both
        return self.modified_files | self.added_files | self.removed_files

    def pending_files_by_state(self):
        files = {
            'modified': self.modified_files,
            'added': self.added_files,
            'removed': self.removed_files

        # "Flip" the dictionary
        return {
            path: state
            for state, paths in files.items()
            for path in paths

    def modified_files(self):
        return self.modified_staged_files | self.modified_unstaged_files

    # Like: git add
    def stage(self, files):
        return self.repo.stage(files)

    def add(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.stage(*args, **kwargs)

    # Like: git rm
    def rm(self, files, force=False):
        index = self.index
        index_files = filter(lambda f: f in index, files)
        for f in index_files:
            del self.index[f]
        return index.write()

    def mv_fs(self, file_pair):
        old_name, new_name = file_pair
        os.rename(old_name, new_name)

    # Like: git mv
    def mv(self, files_pair):
        index = self.index
        files_in_index = filter(lambda f: f[0] in index, files_pair)
        map(self.mv_fs, files_in_index)
        old_files = map(funky.first, files_in_index)
        new_files = map(funky.last, files_in_index)

    def _checkout_tree(self, tree):
        return build_index_from_tree(

    def checkout_all(self, commit_sha=None):
        commit_sha = commit_sha or self.head
        commit_tree = self._commit_tree(commit_sha)
        # Rebuild index from the current tree
        return self._checkout_tree(commit_tree)

    def checkout(self, ref):
        """Checkout a given ref or SHA
        self.repo.refs.set_symbolic_ref('HEAD', ref)
        commit_tree = self._commit_tree(ref)
        # Rebuild index from the current tree
        return self._checkout_tree(commit_tree)

    def reset(self, files, commit='HEAD'):

    def rm_all(self):
        # if we go at the index via the property, it is reconstructed
        # each time and therefore clear() doesn't have the desired effect,
        # therefore, we cache it in a variable and use that.
        i = self.index
        return i.write()

    def _to_commit(self, commit_obj):
        """Allows methods to accept both SHA's or dulwich Commit objects as arguments
        if isinstance(commit_obj, basestring):
            return self.repo[commit_obj]
        return commit_obj

    def _commit_sha(self, commit_obj):
        """Extracts a Dulwich commits SHA
        if utils.git.is_sha(commit_obj):
            return commit_obj
        elif isinstance(commit_obj, basestring):
            # Can't use self[commit_obj] to avoid infinite recursion
            commit_obj = self.repo[self.dwim_reference(commit_obj)]
        return commit_obj.id

    def dwim_reference(self, ref):
        """Dwim resolves a short reference to a full reference

        # Formats of refs we want to try in order
        formats = [

        for f in formats:
                fullref = f % ref
                if not fullref in self.repo:
                return fullref

        raise Exception("Could not resolve ref")

    def blob_data(self, sha):
        """Return a blobs content for a given SHA
        return self[sha].data

    # Get the nth parent back for a given commit
    def get_parent_commit(self, commit, n=None):
        """ Recursively gets the nth parent for a given commit
            Warning: Remember that parents aren't the previous commits
        if n is None:
            n = 1
        commit = self._to_commit(commit)
        parents = commit.parents

        if n <= 0 or not parents:
            # Return a SHA
            return self._commit_sha(commit)

        parent_sha = parents[0]
        parent = self[parent_sha]

        # Recur
        return self.get_parent_commit(parent, n - 1)

    def get_previous_commit(self, commit_ref, n=None):
        commit_sha = self._parse_reference(commit_ref)
        n = n or 1
        commits = self.commits()
        return funky.next(commits, commit_sha, n=n, default=commit_sha)

    def _parse_reference(self, ref_string):
        # COMMIT_REF~x
        if '~' in ref_string:
            ref, count = ref_string.split('~')
            count = int(count)
            commit_sha = self._commit_sha(ref)
            return self.get_previous_commit(commit_sha, count)
        return self._commit_sha(ref_string)

    def _commit_tree(self, commit_sha):
        """Return the tree object for a given commit
        return self[commit_sha].tree

    def diff(self, commit_sha, compare_to=None, diff_type=None, filter_binary=True):
        diff_type = diff_type or self.DEFAULT_DIFF_TYPE
        diff_func = self.DIFF_FUNCTIONS[diff_type]

        if not compare_to:
            compare_to = self.get_previous_commit(commit_sha)

        return self._diff_between(compare_to, commit_sha, diff_function=diff_func)

    def diff_working(self, ref=None, filter_binary=True):
        """Diff between the current working directory and the HEAD
        return utils.git.diff_changes_paths(

    def get_commit_files(self, commit_sha, parent_path=None, is_tree=None, paths=None):
        """Returns a dict of the following Format :
                "directory/filename.txt": {
                    'name': 'filename.txt',
                    'path': "directory/filename.txt",
                    "sha": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "data": "blablabla",
                    "mode": 0xxxxx",
        # Default values
        context = {}
        is_tree = is_tree or False
        parent_path = parent_path or ''

        if is_tree:
            tree = self[commit_sha]
            tree = self[self._commit_tree(commit_sha)]

        for entry in tree.items():
            # Check if entry is a directory
            if entry.mode == self.MODE_DIRECTORY:
                    self.get_commit_files(entry.sha, parent_path=os.path.join(parent_path, entry.path), is_tree=True, paths=paths)

            subpath = os.path.join(parent_path, entry.path)

            # Only add the files we want
            if not(paths is None or subpath in paths):

            # Add file entry
            context[subpath] = {
                'name': entry.path,
                'path': subpath,
                'mode': entry.mode,
                'sha': entry.sha,
                'data': self.blob_data(entry.sha),
        return context

    def file_versions(self, path):
        """Returns all commits where given file was modified
        versions = []
        commits_info = self.commit_info()
        seen_shas = set()

        for commit in commits_info:
                files = self.get_commit_files(commit['sha'], paths=[path])
                file_path, file_data = files.items()[0]
            except IndexError:

            file_sha = file_data['sha']

            if file_sha in seen_shas:

            # Add file info
            commit['file'] = file_data
        return versions

    def _diff_between(self, old_commit_sha, new_commit_sha, diff_function=None, filter_binary=True):
        """Internal method for getting a diff between two commits
            Please use .diff method unless you have very specific needs

        # If commit is first commit (new_commit_sha == old_commit_sha)
        # then compare to an empty tree
        if new_commit_sha == old_commit_sha:
            old_tree = Tree()
            old_tree = self._commit_tree(old_commit_sha)

        new_tree = self._commit_tree(new_commit_sha)

        return diff_function(self.repo.object_store, old_tree, new_tree, filter_binary=filter_binary)

    def changes(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ List of changes between two SHAs
            Returns a list of lists of tuples :
                    (oldpath, newpath), (oldmode, newmode), (oldsha, newsha)
        kwargs['diff_type'] = 'changes'
        return self.diff(*args, **kwargs)

    def changes_count(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return len(self.changes(*args, **kwargs))

    def _refs_by_pattern(self, pattern):
        refs = self.refs

        def item_filter(key_value):
            """Filter only concered refs"""
            key, value = key_value
            return key.startswith(pattern)

        def item_map(key_value):
            """Rewrite keys"""
            key, value = key_value
            new_key = key[len(pattern):]
            return (new_key, value)

        return dict(

    def refs(self):
        return self.repo.get_refs()

    def set_refs(refs_dict):
        for k, v in refs_dict.items():
            self.repo[k] = v

    def import_refs(self, base, other):
        return self.repo.refs.import_refs(base, other)

    def branches(self):
        return self._refs_by_pattern(self.REFS_BRANCHES)

    def active_branch(self):
        """Returns the name of the active branch, or None, if HEAD is detached
        x = self.repo.refs.read_ref('HEAD')
        if not x.startswith(SYMREF):
            return None
            symref = x[len(SYMREF):]
            if not symref.startswith(self.REFS_BRANCHES):
                return None
                return symref[len(self.REFS_BRANCHES):]

    def active_sha(self):
        """Deprecated equivalent to head property
        return self.head

    def remote_branches(self):
        return self._refs_by_pattern(self.REFS_REMOTES)

    def tags(self):
        return self._refs_by_pattern(self.REFS_TAGS)

    def remotes(self):
        """ Dict of remotes
            'origin': 'http://friendco.de/some_user/repo.git',
        config = self.repo.get_config()
        return {
            keys[1]: values['url']
            for keys, values in config.items()
            if keys[0] == 'remote'

    def add_remote(self, remote_name, remote_url):
        # Get repo's config
        config = self.repo.get_config()

        # Add new entries for remote
        config.set(('remote', remote_name), 'url', remote_url)
        config.set(('remote', remote_name), 'fetch', "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/%s/*" % remote_name)

        # Write to disk

        return remote_name

    def add_ref(self, new_ref, old_ref):
        self.repo.refs[new_ref] = old_ref

    def remove_ref(self, ref_name):
        # Returns False if ref doesn't exist
        if not ref_name in self.repo.refs:
            return False
        del self.repo.refs[ref_name]
        return True

    def create_branch(self, base_branch, new_branch, tracking=None):
        """Try creating a new branch which tracks the given remote
            if such a branch does not exist then branch off a local branch

        # The remote to track
        tracking = self.DEFAULT_REMOTE

        # Already exists
        if new_branch in self.branches:
            raise Exception("branch %s already exists" % new_branch)

        # Get information about remote_branch
        remote_branch = os.path.sep.join([tracking, base_branch])

        # Fork Local
        if base_branch in self.branches:
            base_ref = self._format_ref_branch(base_branch)
        # Fork remote
        elif remote_branch in self.remote_branches:
            base_ref = self._format_ref_remote(remote_branch)
            # TODO : track
            raise Exception("Can not find the branch named '%s' to fork either locally or in '%s'" % (base_branch, tracking))

        # Reference of new branch
        new_ref = self._format_ref_branch(new_branch)

        # Copy reference to create branch
        self.add_ref(new_ref, base_ref)

        return new_ref

    def create_orphan_branch(self, new_branch, empty_index=None):
        """ Create a new branch with no commits in it.
        Technically, just points HEAD to a non-existent branch.  The actual branch will
        only be created if something is committed.  This is equivalent to:

            git checkout --orphan <new_branch>,

        Unless empty_index is set to True, in which case the index will be emptied along
        with the file-tree (which is always emptied).  Against a clean working tree,
        this is equivalent to:

            git checkout --orphan <new_branch>
            git reset --merge
        if new_branch in self.branches:
            raise Exception("branch %s already exists" % new_branch)

        new_ref = self._format_ref_branch(new_branch)
        self.repo.refs.set_symbolic_ref('HEAD', new_ref)

        if self.is_working:
            if empty_index:

        return new_ref

    def remove_branch(self, branch_name):
        ref = self._format_ref_branch(branch_name)
        return self.remove_ref(ref)

    def switch_branch(self, branch_name, tracking=None, create=None):
        """Changes the current branch
        if create is None:
            create = True

        # Check if branch exists
        if not branch_name in self.branches:
            self.create_branch(branch_name, branch_name, tracking=tracking)

        # Get branch reference
        branch_ref = self._format_ref_branch(branch_name)

        # Change main branch
        self.repo.refs.set_symbolic_ref('HEAD', branch_ref)

        if self.is_working:
            # Remove all files

            # Add files for the current branch

    def create_tag(self, tag_name, target):
        ref = self._format_ref_tag(tag_name)
        return self.add_ref(ref, self._parse_reference(target))

    def remove_tag(self, tag_name):
        ref = self._format_ref_tag(tag_name)
        return self.remove_ref(ref)

    def clean(self, force=None, directories=None):
        untracked_files = self.untracked_files
        map(os.remove, untracked_files)
        return untracked_files

    def clean_working(self):
        """Purges all the working (removes everything except .git)
            used by checkout_all to get clean branch switching
        return self.clean()

    def _get_fs_structure(self, tree_sha, depth=None, parent_sha=None):
        tree = self[tree_sha]
        structure = {}
        if depth is None:
            depth = self.MAX_TREE_DEPTH
        elif depth == 0:
            return structure
        for entry in tree.items():
            # tree
            if entry.mode == self.MODE_DIRECTORY:
                # Recur
                structure[entry.path] = self._get_fs_structure(entry.sha, depth=depth - 1, parent_sha=tree_sha)
            # commit
                structure[entry.path] = entry.sha
        structure['.'] = tree_sha
        structure['..'] = parent_sha or tree_sha
        return structure

    def _get_fs_structure_by_path(self, tree_sha, path):
        parts = path.split(os.path.sep)
        depth = len(parts) + 1
        structure = self._get_fs_structure(tree_sha, depth=depth)

        return funky.subkey(structure, parts)

    def commit_ls(self, ref, subpath=None):
        """List a "directory" for a given commit
           using the tree of that commit
        tree_sha = self._commit_tree(ref)

        # Root path
        if subpath in self.ROOT_PATHS or not subpath:
            return self._get_fs_structure(tree_sha, depth=1)
        # Any other path
        return self._get_fs_structure_by_path(tree_sha, subpath)

    def commit_file(self, ref, path):
        """Return info on a given file for a given commit
        name, info = self.get_commit_files(ref, paths=[path]).items()[0]
        return info

    def commit_tree(self, ref, *args, **kwargs):
        tree_sha = self._commit_tree(ref)
        return self._get_fs_structure(tree_sha, *args, **kwargs)

    def update_server_info(self):
        if not self.is_bare:

    def _is_fast_forward(self):

    def _merge_fast_forward(self):

    def __hash__(self):
        """This is required otherwise the memoize function will just mess it up
        return hash(self.path)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
            sha = self._parse_reference(key)
            raise KeyError(key)
        return self.repo[sha]

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
            key = self.dwim_reference(key)
        self.repo[key] = value

    def __contains__(self, key):
            key = self.dwim_reference(key)
        return key in self.repo

    def __delitem__(self, key):
            key = self.dwim_reference(key)
            raise KeyError(key)

    # Alias to clone_bare
    fork = clone_bare
    log = commit_info
    diff_count = changes_count
    contributors = recent_contributors
コード例 #10
ファイル: unleash.py プロジェクト: mbr/unleash
class Unleash(object):
    def _create_child_commit(self, parent_ref):
        parent = ResolvedRef(self.repo, parent_ref)

        if not parent.is_definite:
            raise InvocationError('{} is ambiguous: {}'.format(
                parent.ref, parent.full_name

        if not parent.found:
            raise InvocationError('Could not resolve "{}"'.format(parent.ref))

        # prepare the release commit
        commit = MalleableCommit.from_existing(
            self.repo, parent.id

        # update author and such
        if opts['author'] is None:
            commit.author = '{} <{}>'.format(
                self.gitconfig.get('user', 'name'),
                self.gitconfig.get('user', 'email'),
            commit.commiter = commit.author
            commit.author = opts['author']
            commit.committer = opts['author']

        now = int(time.time())
        ltz = get_local_timezone(now)

        commit.author_time = now
        commit.author_timezone = ltz

        commit.commit_time = now
        commit.commit_timezone = ltz

        commit.parent_ids = [parent.id]

        return commit

    def __init__(self, plugins=[]):
        self.plugins = plugins

    def _init_repo(self):
        self.repo = Repo(opts['root'])
        self.gitconfig = self.repo.get_config_stack()

    def _perform_step(self, signal_name):
        log.debug('begin: {}'.format(signal_name))

        begin = time.time()

        # create new top-level context
        with new_local_stack() as nc:
            nc['issues'] = issues.channel(signal_name)

        duration = time.time() - begin

        log.debug('end: {}, took {:.4f}s'.format(signal_name, duration))

    def create_release(self, ref):
        with new_local_stack() as nc:
            # resolve reference
            base_ref = ResolvedRef(self.repo, ref)
                'Base ref: {} ({})'.format(base_ref.full_name, base_ref.id)
            orig_tree = base_ref.get_object().tree

            # initialize context
            nc['commit'] = self._create_child_commit(ref)
            nc['issues'] = IssueCollector(log=log)
            nc['info'] = {'ref': base_ref}
            nc['log'] = log

                log.debug('info: {}'.format(pformat(info)))


                if opts['inspect']:

                    # check out to temporary directory
                    with TempDir() as inspect_dir:

                            'You are being dropped into an interactive shell '
                            'inside a temporary checkout of the release '
                            'commit. No changes you make will persist. Exit '
                            'the shell to abort the release process.\n\n'
                            'Use "exit 2" to continue the release.'

                    status = run_user_shell(cwd=inspect_dir)

                    if status != 2:
                        raise InvocationError(
                            'Aborting release, got exit code {} from shell.'.

                # save release commit
                release_commit = nc['commit']

                # we're done with the release, now create the dev commit
                nc['commit'] = self._create_child_commit(ref)
                nc['issues'] = IssueCollector(log=log)

                # creating development commit

                if opts['dry_run']:
                    log.info('Not saving created commits. Dry-run successful.')

                # we've got both commits, now tag the release
                    'Advance dev to {} and release {}?'
                    .format(info['dev_version'], info['release_version'])

                release_tag = 'refs/tags/{}'.format(info['release_version'])

                if release_tag in self.repo.refs:
                        'Repository already contains {}, really overwrite tag?'

                release_hash = release_commit.save()

                log.info('{}: {}'.format(release_tag, release_hash))
                self.repo.refs[release_tag] = release_hash

                # save the dev commit
                dev_hash = nc['commit'].save()

                # if our release commit formed from a branch, we set that branch
                # to our new dev commit
                assert base_ref.is_definite and base_ref.found
                if not base_ref.is_ref or\
                        not base_ref.full_name.startswith('refs/heads'):
                    log.warning('Release commit does not originate from a '
                                'branch; dev commit will not be reachable.')
                    log.info('Dev commit: {}'.format(dev_hash))
                    self.repo.refs[base_ref.full_name] = dev_hash

                    # change the branch to point at our new dev commit
                    log.info('{}: {}'.format(
                        base_ref.full_name, dev_hash

                    self._update_working_copy(base_ref, orig_tree)
            except PluginError:
                # just abort, error has been logged already
                log.debug('Exiting due to PluginError')

    def _update_working_copy(self, base_ref, orig_tree):
        head_ref = ResolvedRef(self.repo, 'HEAD')
        if not head_ref.is_definite or not head_ref.is_symbolic\
                or not head_ref.target == base_ref.full_name:
            log.info('HEAD is not a symbolic ref to {}, leaving your '
                     'working copy untouched.')

        if not self.repo.has_index():
            log.info('Repository has no index, not updating working copy.')

        index = self.repo.open_index()

        changes = list(index.changes_from_tree(

        if changes:
            log.warning('There are staged changes in your index. Will not '
                        'update working copy.\n\n'
                        'You will need to manually change your HEAD to '

        # reset the index to the new dev commit
            'Do you want to reset your index to the new dev commit and check '
            'it out? Unsaved changes to your working copy may be overwritten!'
        log.info('Resetting index and checking out dev commit.')

    def publish(self, ref):
        if ref is None:
            tags = sorted(
                (t for t in self.repo.refs.as_dict().iteritems() if
                key=lambda (_, sha): self.repo[sha].commit_time,

            if not tags:
                log.error('Could not find a tag to publish.')

            ref = tags[0][0]

        pref = ResolvedRef(self.repo, ref)

        with new_local_stack() as nc:
            nc['commit'] = MalleableCommit.from_existing(self.repo, pref.id)
            log.debug('Release tag: {}'.format(commit))

            nc['issues'] = IssueCollector(log=log)
            nc['info'] = {'ref': pref}
            nc['log'] = log

                log.debug('info: {}'.format(pformat(info)))
            except PluginError:
                log.debug('Exiting due to PluginError')