コード例 #1
    def get(self):
        from furious.async import Async
        from furious import context

        count = int(self.request.get('tasks', 5))

        # Create a new furious Context.
        with context.new() as ctx:

            # Set a completion event handler.
            log = Log()
                                  Async(context_complete, args=[ctx.id, log.key.id()]))

            # Insert some Asyncs.
            for i in xrange(count):
                queue = 'a-worker-1'

                if i % 2 == 0:
                    queue = 'z-worker-2'

                    target=async_worker, queue=queue,
                    args=[ctx.id, i, log.key.id()])
                logging.info('Added job %d to context.', i)

        # When the Context is exited, the tasks are inserted (if there are no
        # errors).
        logging.info('Async jobs for context batch inserted.')
        message = "Successfully inserted a group of %s Async jobs." % str(count)
コード例 #2
def context_complete(context_id, log_id):
    """Log out that the context is complete."""
    logging.info('Context %s is.......... DONE.', context_id)
    log = Log.get_by_id(log_id)
    logging.info('Log Revision %s', log.latest_revision)
    rate = calculate_rate(log)
    logging.info('rate %s microseconds per revision', rate)
    if rate != 0:
        seconds = 1000000 / rate
        logging.info('%s revisions per second', seconds)
    commits = len(log.commits)
    logging.info('%s commits in the log', commits)
    for commit in log.commits:
        logging.info("commit revision %s:%s", commit.revision, commit.created)
    revisions = len(log.revisions)
    logging.info('revisions %s', revisions)
    revisions = log.commit_range(1, 3)

    shards = log.revision_shards
    logging.info("Had %s revision shards", len(shards))
    for shard in shards:
        logging.info("Shard for rev %s", shard.revision)
        for commit in shard.commits:
            logging.info("Sharded Commit %s:%s", commit.revision, commit.created)

    for commit in revisions:
        logging.info("commit revision %s:%s", commit.revision, commit.created)

    return context_id
コード例 #3
def async_worker(*args, **kwargs):
    log = Log.get_by_id(args[2])
    return args