def input_eth(self, eth, timestamp): src = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(str(eth.src)) dst = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(str(eth.dst)) good = False for h in self.hosts: (ip, rand_mac, iter, reply) = self.hosts[h] if src == h: eth.src = dumbnet.eth_aton(rand_mac) ref_src = h if good: self.dumbnet.send(str(eth)) if self.ui == 'gtk': self.spoof_treestore.foreach(self.inc_packet_counter, (ref_src, ref_dst)) return else: good = True if dst == rand_mac: eth.dst = dumbnet.eth_aton(h) ref_dst = h if good: self.dumbnet.send(str(eth)) if self.ui == 'gtk': self.spoof_treestore.foreach(self.inc_packet_counter, (ref_src, ref_dst)) return else: good = True
def input_eth(self, eth, timestamp): src = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(eth.src) if src not in self.connection_list: dst = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(eth.dst) self.connection_list[src] = connection(self, src, dst) hdr = dot1x_header() #try: data = hdr.parse( self.connection_list[src].dissect(hdr, data)
def input_eth(self, eth, timestamp): src = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(eth.src) dst = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(eth.dst) data = src_dst = src + ":" + dst if src_dst not in self.peers: iter = self.peer_treestore.append(None, [src, dst, "", "", "", -1]) dict = self.parse_label(data, iter, {}) self.peers[src_dst] = (iter, dict) self.log("MPLS: Got new MPLS communication: %s -> %s" % (src, dst)) else: (iter, dict) = self.peers[src_dst] self.parse_label(data, iter, dict)
def __repr__(self): try: if self.t == self.TYPE_DOMAIN: return self.v.strip('\x00') #.encode("hex") elif self.t == self.TYPE_STATUS: t = "Access" m = "Off" d, = struct.unpack("!B", self.v[0]) if d & 0x80 > 0: t = "Trunk" if d & 0x07 == self.STATUS_ON: #todo: get more administative states ? m = "On" elif d & 0x07 == self.STATUS_DESIRABLE: m = "Desirable" elif d & 0x07 == self.STATUS_AUTO: m = "Auto" return "%s/%s" % (t, m) elif self.t == self.TYPE_TRUNK: t, = struct.unpack("!B", self.v[0]) if (t & 0xe0) >> 5 == self.ENCAP_8021Q: return "802.1Q" elif (t & 0xe0) >> 5 == self.ENCAP_ISL: return "ISL" return "Unknown" #todo: get more trunk states ? elif self.t == self.TYPE_SENDER: return dumbnet.eth_ntoa(self.v) except: pass return "%d, %d, %s" % (self.t, self.l, self.v.encode("hex"))
def input_eth(self, eth, timestamp): header = wlccp_header() ret = header.parse( orig = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(header.orig_node_mac) dst = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(header.dst_node_mac) if header.msg_type == 0x01: #SCM advertisment request if not orig == "00:00:00:00:00:00": if orig not in self.hosts: type = self.node_types[header.orig_node_type] iter = self.hosts_liststore.append([orig, type, ""]) self.hosts[orig] = (iter,) elif header.msg_type == 0x41: #SCM advertisment reply if not dst == "00:00:00:00:00:00": type = self.node_types[header.dst_node_type] prio = str(ord(ret[10])) if dst not in self.hosts: iter = self.hosts_liststore.append([dst, type, prio]) self.hosts[dst] = (iter,) else: (iter,) = self.hosts[dst] self.hosts_liststore.set(iter, self.HOSTS_TYPE_ROW, type, self.HOSTS_PRIO_ROW, prio)
def input_eth(self, eth, timestamp): if not eth.src == self.mac: src = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(str(eth.src)) pdu = dtp_pdu() pdu.parse(str([8:]) domain = pdu.get_tlv(dtp_tlv.TYPE_DOMAIN) status = pdu.get_tlv(dtp_tlv.TYPE_STATUS) trunk = pdu.get_tlv(dtp_tlv.TYPE_TRUNK) sender = pdu.get_tlv(dtp_tlv.TYPE_SENDER) if domain is None or status is None or trunk is None or sender is None: return if src not in self.peers: if self.ui == "gtk": row_iter = self.liststore.append([ src, str(domain), str(status), str(trunk), str(sender), "" ]) elif self.ui == "urw": button = self.parent.menu_button( "%s - DOMAIN(%s) %s %s %s" % (src, str(domain), str(status), str(trunk), str(sender)), self.urw_peerlist_activated, src) self.peerlist.append(button) row_iter = self.peerlist.index(button) peer = {"pdu": pdu, "row_iter": row_iter} self.peers[src] = peer self.log("DTP: Got new peer %s" % src) else: if self.ui == "gtk": self.liststore.set(self.peers[src]["row_iter"], self.STORE_DOMAIN_ROW, str(domain), self.STORE_STATUS_ROW, str(status), self.STORE_TRUNK_ROW, str(trunk), self.STORE_SENDER_ROW, str(sender)) elif self.ui == "urw": new_button = self.parent.menu_button( "%s - DOMAIN(%s) %s %s %s" % (src, str(domain), str(status), str(trunk), str(sender)), self.urw_peerlist_activated, src) self.peerlist[self.peers[src]["row_iter"]] = new_button
def input_ip6(self, eth, ip6, timestamp): if eth.src == self.mac: return if ip6.nxt == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_ICMP6: icmp6 = dpkt.icmp6.ICMP6(str( mac = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(str(eth.src)) if self.mac: if icmp6.type == dpkt.icmp6.ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT: ip6_dst = dumbnet.ip6_ntoa(str([4:20]) for h in self.hosts: if mac == h: (ip6_src, rand_mac_src, iter_src, reply_src) = self.hosts[mac] for i in self.hosts: (ip6, rand_mac_dst, iter_dst, reply_dst) = self.hosts[i] if ip6_dst == ip6: break if reply_src and reply_dst: _icmp6 = dpkt.icmp6.ICMP6( type=dpkt.icmp6.ND_NEIGHBOR_SOLICIT, code=0, data=struct.pack("!L16sBB6s", 0x60000000, dumbnet.ip6_aton(ip6_dst), 1, 1, rand_mac_dst)) _eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet( dst=eth.src, src=dumbnet.eth_aton(rand_mac_dst), type=dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_IP6, data=str(_icmp6)) self.dumbnet.send(str(_eth)) break if icmp6.type == dpkt.icmp6.ND_ROUTER_ADVERT: if mac in self.hosts: (ip, random_mac, iter, reply) = self.hosts[mac] if self.ui == 'gtk': self.hosts_liststore.set(iter, 2, "R") for h in self.hosts: if mac == h: return (ip, random_mac, iter, reply) = self.hosts[h] if mac == random_mac: return ip = dumbnet.ip6_ntoa(ip6.src) if ip == "::": return rand_mac = [ 0x00, random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff) ] rand_mac = ':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, rand_mac)) if self.ui == 'gtk': iter = self.hosts_liststore.append( [mac, ip, "", self.mac_to_vendor(mac)]) elif self.ui == 'urw': self.hostlist.append( self.parent.menu_button( "%s(%s) - %s" % (mac, self.mac_to_vendor(mac), ip), self.urw_hostlist_activated, mac)) iter = None self.hosts[mac] = (dumbnet.ip6_ntoa(ip6.src), rand_mac, iter, False) if self.ui == 'gtk': self.mappings_liststore.append([mac, rand_mac])
def input_udp(self, eth, ip, udp, timestamp): header = wlccp_header() ret = header.parse( try: if DEBUG: print "WLCCP-TYPE %X" % header.msg_type if header.msg_type & 0x3f == 0x0b: #EAP AUTH eap_auth = wlccp_eap_auth() ret = eap_auth.parse(ret) host = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(eap_auth.requestor_mac) if DEBUG: print "addr %s, type %X @ %s" % (dumbnet.eth_ntoa(eap_auth.requestor_mac), eap_auth.aaa_msg_type, timestamp) if host in self.comms: (iter, leap, leap_pw, nsk, nonces, ctk) = self.comms[host] elif not host == "00:00:00:00:00:00": iter = self.comms_treestore.append(None, ["%s\n <=>\n%s" % (dumbnet.eth_ntoa(header.orig_node_mac), dumbnet.eth_ntoa(header.dst_node_mac)), self.node_types[eap_auth.requestor_type], "", host]) self.comms[host] = (iter, (None, None, None, None), None, None, (None, None, None, None, None, (None, None)), None) (eapol_version, eapol_type, eapol_len) = struct.unpack("!BBH", ret[2:6]) ret = ret[6:] #check EAP-TYPE if eapol_type == 0x00: (eap_code, eap_id, eap_len) = struct.unpack("!BBH", ret[:4]) ret = ret[4:] #check EAP-CODE if eap_code == 0x01: (leap_type, leap_version, leap_reserved, leap_count) = struct.unpack("!BBBB", ret[:4]) ret = ret[4:] #EAP-REQUEST #check the leap hdr if leap_type == 0x11 and leap_version == 0x01 and leap_reserved == 0x00 and leap_count == 0x08: (leap_auth_chall, leap_auth_resp, leap_supp_chall, leap_supp_resp) = leap if not leap_auth_chall and not leap_auth_resp and not leap_supp_chall and not leap_supp_resp: id = eap_id chall = ret[:8] user = ret[8:16] self.comms_treestore.set(iter, self.COMMS_STATE_ROW, "EAP-AUTH challenge from authenticator seen") self.comms_treestore.append(iter, [ "User", user, "", "" ]) self.log("WLCCP: EAP-AUTH challenge from authenticator seen for %s" % host) self.comms[host] = (iter, ((id, chall, user), leap_auth_resp, leap_supp_chall, leap_supp_resp), leap_pw, nsk, nonces, ctk) elif leap_auth_chall and leap_auth_resp and not leap_supp_chall and not leap_supp_resp: chall = ret[:8] self.comms_treestore.set(iter, self.COMMS_STATE_ROW, "EAP-AUTH challenge from supplicant seen") self.log("WLCCP: EAP-AUTH challenge from supplicant seen for %s" % host) self.comms[host] = (iter, (leap_auth_chall, leap_auth_resp, chall, leap_supp_resp), leap_pw, nsk, nonces, ctk) else: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: fail 5 %s %s %s %s" % (leap_auth_chall, leap_auth_resp, leap_supp_chall, leap_supp_resp)) else: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: fail 3 %X %X %X %X" % (leap_type, leap_version, leap_reserved, leap_count)) elif eap_code == 0x02: (leap_type, leap_version, leap_reserved, leap_count) = struct.unpack("!BBBB", ret[:4]) ret = ret[4:] #EAP-RESPONSE #check the leap hdr if leap_type == 0x11 and leap_version == 0x01 and leap_reserved == 0x00 and leap_count == 0x18: (leap_auth_chall, leap_auth_resp, leap_supp_chall, leap_supp_resp) = leap if leap_auth_chall and not leap_auth_resp and not leap_supp_chall and not leap_supp_resp: resp = ret[:24] self.comms_treestore.set(iter, self.COMMS_STATE_ROW, "EAP-AUTH response from authenticator seen") self.log("WLCCP: EAP-AUTH response from authenticator seen for %s" % host) self.comms[host] = (iter, (leap_auth_chall, resp, leap_supp_chall, leap_supp_resp), leap_pw, nsk, nonces, ctk) elif leap_auth_chall and leap_auth_resp and leap_supp_chall and not leap_supp_resp: resp = ret[:24] self.comms_treestore.set(iter, self.COMMS_STATE_ROW, "EAP-AUTH response from supplicant seen") self.comms_treestore.append(iter, [ "Password", "*ready to crack*", "", "" ]) self.log("WLCCP: EAP-AUTH response from supplicant seen for %s" % host) self.comms[host] = (iter, (leap_auth_chall, leap_auth_resp, leap_supp_chall, resp), leap_pw, nsk, nonces, ctk) else: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: fail 6 %s %s %s %s" % (leap_auth_chall, leap_auth_resp, leap_supp_chall, leap_supp_resp)) else: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: fail 4 %X %X %X %X" % (leap_type, leap_version, leap_reserved, leap_count)) else: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: fail 2 %X" % eap_code) else: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: fail 1 %X" % eapol_type) elif header.msg_type & 0x3f == 0x0c: host = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(header.orig_node_mac) if header.msg_type & 0xc0 == 0x40: #cmPathInit_Reply found if host in self.comms: (iter, leap, leap_pw, nsk, (supp_node, dst_node, nonce_req, nonce_repl, counter, mic), ctk) = self.comms[host] #skip WTLV_CM_PATH_INIT header ret = ret[18:] #skip WTLV_INIT_SESSION header ret = ret[8:] (type, len) = struct.unpack("!HH", ret[:4]) if not type == 0x10a or not len == 0x5a: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: malformed WTLV_IN_SECURE_CONTEXT_REPLY header") return #get nonces from WTLV_IN_SECURE_CONTEXT_REPLY header counter = ret[4:8] supp_node = ret[8:16] dst_node = ret[16:24] nonces = ret[24:56] #skip session timeout in WTLV_IN_SECURE_CONTEXT_REPLY header ret = ret[60:] #check for WTLV_MIC header (type, len) = struct.unpack("!HH", ret[:4]) if not type == 0x108 or not len == 0x1e: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: malformed WTLV_MIC header") return mic = ret[14:30] if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: found MIC %s" % mic.encode("hex")) self.log("WLCCP: PATH-REPLY seen for %s" % host) self.comms[host] = (iter, leap, leap_pw, nsk, (supp_node, dst_node, nonce_req, nonces, counter, (mic,, ctk) else: #cmPathInit_Request found if host in self.comms: (iter, leap, leap_pw, nsk, (supp_node, dst_node, nonce_req, nonce_repl, counter, mic), ctk) = self.comms[host] #skip WTLV_CM_PATH_INIT header ret = ret[18:] #skip WTLV_INIT_SESSION header ret = ret[8:] #get nonces from WTLV_IN_SECURE_CONTEXT_REPLY header nonces = ret[26:58] self.log("WLCCP: PATH-REQUEST seen for %s" % host) self.comms[host] = (iter, leap, leap_pw, nsk, (supp_node, dst_node, nonces, nonce_repl, counter, mic), ctk) elif header.msg_type & 0x3f == 0x09: host = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(header.orig_node_mac) if header.msg_type & 0xc0 == 0x40: #PreRegistration_Reply found if host in self.comms: (iter, leap, leap_pw, nsk, (supp_node, dst_node, nonce_req, nonce_repl, counter, mic), ctk) = self.comms[host] #skip PreRegistration header ret = ret[22:] (contextreq_len,) = struct.unpack("!H", ret[2:4]) #substract WLCCP_MIC_len contextreq_len = contextreq_len - 30 #get Supplicant-ID from WLCCP_MN_SECURE_CONTEXT_REQ id = ret[16:24] (id_type,) = struct.unpack("!H", id[:2]) if id_type == self.NODE_TYPE_CLIENT: client = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(id[2:]) if client in self.clients: (iter, org_host, ssid, key_mgmt, ap, crypt, msc, pmk) = self.clients[client] #get Destination-ID from WLCCP_MN_SECURE_CONTEXT_REQ ap = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(ret[10:16]) crypt = ret[24:contextreq_len] #skip WLCCP_MN_SECURE_CONTEXT_REPLY ret = ret[contextreq_len:] #get Message Sequence Counter from WLCCP_MIC msc = ret[4:12] self.clients[client] = (iter, org_host, ssid, key_mgmt, ap, crypt, msc, pmk) self.log("WLCCP: PREREGISTRATION-REPLY seen for %s" % client) self.get_pmk(client) else: #PreRegistration_Request found if host in self.comms: (iter, leap, leap_pw, nsk, (supp_node, dst_node, nonce_req, nonce_repl, counter, mic), ctk) = self.comms[host] #skip PreRegistration header ret = ret[22:] (type, len) = struct.unpack("!HH", ret[:4]) if type == 0x10b and len == 0x95: #get Supplicant-ID from WLCCP_MN_SECURE_CONTEXT_REQ id = ret[16:24] (id_type,) = struct.unpack("!H", id[:2]) if id_type == self.NODE_TYPE_CLIENT: client = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(id[2:]) #get key management type key_mgmt = ret[25:26] #get ssid len and ssid (ssid_len,) = struct.unpack("!H", ret[68:70]) ssid = ret[70:70 + ssid_len] if client not in self.clients: iter = self.clients_liststore.append([client, ssid, ""]) self.clients[client] = (iter, None, ssid, key_mgmt, None, None, None, None) else: (iter, org_host, org_ssid, org_key_mgmt, ap, crypt, msc, pmk) = self.clients[client] self.clients[client] = (iter, host, ssid, key_mgmt, ap, crypt, msc, pmk) self.log("WLCCP: PREREGISTRATION-REQUEST seen for %s on ssid %s" % (client, ssid)) else: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: FAIL 3 %s" % id.encode("hex")) else: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: FAIL 2 %i:%i" % (type, len)) else: if DEBUG: self.log("WLCCP: FAIL 1 %s" % host) except: if DEBUG: print '-'*60 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) print '-'*60
def set_dumbnet(self, dumbnet_thread): self.dumbnet = dumbnet_thread self.mac = dumbnet.eth_ntoa(dumbnet_thread.eth.get()) self.mac_entry.set_text(self.mac)
def check_eth(self, eth): if dumbnet.eth_ntoa(str(eth.dst)) == DTP_DEST_MAC: return (True, True) return (False, False)
def input_udp(self, eth, ip, udp, timestamp): if ip.src != self.ip: pkg = glbp_packet() data = pkg.parse(str( req_resp = [] auth = None nonce = None auth_str = "Unauthenticated" while len(data) > 0: #~ print "len: %d data: %s" % (len(data), data.encode("hex")) tlv = glbp_tlv() tlv.parse(data) if tlv.tlv_type == glbp_tlv.TYPE_HELLO: hello = glbp_tlv_hello() data = hello.parse(data) elif tlv.tlv_type == glbp_tlv.TYPE_REQ_RESP: tmp = glbp_tlv_req_resp() data = tmp.parse(data) if not tmp.vmac == "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00": req_resp.append(tmp) elif tlv.tlv_type == glbp_tlv.TYPE_AUTH: auth = glbp_tlv_auth() data = auth.parse(data) if auth.auth_type == glbp_tlv_auth.TYPE_PLAIN: auth_str = "Plaintext: '%s'" % auth.secret[:-1] elif auth.auth_type == glbp_tlv_auth.TYPE_MD5_STRING: auth_str = "MD5 String: '%s'" % auth.secret.encode( "hex") elif auth.auth_type == glbp_tlv_auth.TYPE_MD5_CHAIN: auth_str = "MD5 Chain: '%s'" % auth.secret.encode( "hex") else: auth_str = "Unknown" else: #~ print "type: %d len: %d" % (tlv.tlv_type, tlv.tlv_length) data = data[tlv.tlv_length:] try: src = dumbnet.ip_ntoa(ip.src) except: pass if ip.src in self.peers: (iter, _, _, req_resp_old, _, _, _) = self.peers[ip.src] for i in req_resp: if not i in req_resp_old: req_resp_old.append(i) self.treestore.append( iter, ["", "", i.weight, dumbnet.eth_ntoa(i.vmac), ""]) else: iter = self.treestore.append(None, [ src, dumbnet.ip_ntoa(hello.addr), hello.prio, "Seen", auth_str ]) for req in req_resp: self.treestore.append( iter, ["", "", req.weight, dumbnet.eth_ntoa(req.vmac), ""]) self.peers[ip.src] = (iter, pkg, hello, req_resp, auth, False, False) self.log("GLBP: Got new peer %s" % (src))