コード例 #1
ファイル: yellowstar.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def yshistread(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You go over to the shelves of books and find one sitting by itself on a reading stand.  'The history of Barig's Pass, \
                     construction/Year 1'."
     state.choices = [("yshistreadbook", "Read a passage from the book"),]
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA) and \
         not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA_YS):
         state.choices.append(('yshistelentalk', 'Go talk with Elena'))
     state.choices.append(('yshistlook', 'Look at some historical photographs'))                    
     state.choices.append(('start', 'Leave the Historical Center'))
     state.actions = []
     return state
コード例 #2
ファイル: relin.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def relinbuggy(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You head up to the Relin Buggy driver.  You remember the buggys being dangerous, so you take \
                     caution.  He offers you three choices:"
     state.choices = [('jacklitcove/start','Have the buggy driver to take you to Jacklit Cove'),                         
                      ('gorogahm/start','Have the buggy driver to take you to Gorogahm'),]
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.KNOW_LORENTOWN):
         state.choices.append(('lorentown/start','Have the buggy driver to take you to Lorentown'))
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.KNOW_TOWN_ALARAN):
         state.choices.append(('alaran/start','Have the buggy driver to take you to Alaran'),)
     return state        
コード例 #3
ファイル: yellowstar.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def yshist(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You walk into the Yellowstar Historical Center.  It is filled with facts and information about the Barig Mountains \
                     and the history of the town.  In it hangs pictures of some of the first members of the town, photographs taken \
                     before the written times began."
     state.choices = []
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA) and \
         not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA_YS):
         state.message += "  You see Elena in the next room, looking over some books."
         state.choices.append(('yshistelentalk', 'Go talk with Elena'))
     state.choices.append(('yshistread', 'Read some books'))
     state.choices.append(('yshistlook', 'Look at some historical photographs'))
     state.choices.append(('start', 'Leave the Historical Center'))
     return state
コード例 #4
ファイル: relin.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def relintavern(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You walk into the Star Horse Tavern only to be greeted by bumbling fools, \
                             hustling idiots, sinister stares, drunken women and an unsettling group of rogues and \
                             murderers in the corner."
     state.choices = [('reltavbartender','Talk to Boran the bartender.'),
                              ('reltavgrp','Approach the group in the corner.'),
                              ('reltavwmn','Hit on one of the women.'),
                              ('reltavbmbt','Talk to Bumbit the fool.'),]
     if not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_FIRST_JOURNEY_W_GRAYSON) and \
         not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.KNOW_TOWN_ALARAN):
         state.choices.append(('reltavgryson','Talk to Grayson.'))
     state.choices.append(('start','Leave the Star Horse Tavern'))
     return state
コード例 #5
ファイル: lorentown.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def lorenbuggy(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "The buggy driver is a bit rough, be he is willing to give you a ride, for the right price.  \
                     You let him know that a sharp object might find its way into his throat as well.  He offers you a ride."
     state.choices = [('relin/start', 'Go to the town of Relin'),]
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.KNOW_TOWN_PANALIA):
         state.choices.append(('panalia/start', 'Go to Panalia'),)
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.KNOW_TOWN_YELLOWSTAR):
         if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA):
             state.choices.append(('yellowstarelen', 'Go to Yellowstar with Elena'),)
             state.choices.append(('yellowstar/start', 'Go to Yellowstar'),)
     state.choices.append(('start', 'Forget it'),)
     return state
コード例 #6
ファイル: yellowstar.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def yshistlook(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You look over some of the historical photographs.  There is one of a gruff looking man in a tall black hat, black coat \
                     and eyes dark as the  night.  His coat tails are rough from scraping against the rough earth, and his finger tips darkened \
                     with the color of the dirt.  Next to him is a smiling gentleman  in what appears to be some kind of wool suit.  He carries \
                     a pack which appears to be heavy with books and journals and his glasses cast a glint of sun into the photo.  \
                     The picture is titled 'Malcom and Tonas Barig, firsts of our kind'.  You study the picture closely and \
                     notice a sword at Malcom's side."
     state.choices = []
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA) and \
         not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA_YS):
         state.choices.append(('yshistelentalk', 'Go talk with Elena'))
     state.choices.append(('yshistread', 'Read some books'))
     state.choices.append(('start', 'Leave the Historical Center'))
     state.actions = []
     return state
コード例 #7
ファイル: yellowstar.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def ystavkirin(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You sit down with Kirin the bartender.  He asks what you'll be having and you tell him you'll have a bourbon.  He \
                     pours one up for you and one for himself."
     state.choices = [('ystavkirintalk', 'Ask Kirin about the tavern'),]
     if not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.PLAYER_KNOWS_SELF):
         state.choices.append(('ystavkirinrecog', 'Ask Kirin if he knows you'),)
     state.choices.append(('ystav', 'Finish your drink'),)
     return state
コード例 #8
ファイル: relin.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def reltavbartender(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You approach the bar and Boran gives you a knowing look, the kind he gives every other dirty, \
                                 dusty traveller that walks through those doors.  You ask him for a whiskey and he hesitantly \
                                 pours one up after you show him a little silver."  
     state.choices = [('relintavern','Finish your drink.')]
     if not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.PLAYER_KNOWS_SELF):
         state.choices.append(('relaskbor', 'Ask Boran if he recognizes you.'))        
     return state
コード例 #9
ファイル: yementi.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def headfortheback(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.IN_DISGUISE_YEMENTI):
         state.message = "You sneak in through a workers entrance in the back of the camp.  You both are questioned by an officer \
                     on your way in, but you let him know you've both been kicking the hell out of some prisoners, so he \
                     leaves you both alone.  You begin searching for Grayson's sister."
         state.choices = [('questionguard','Question some guards coming your way'),]                        
         if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.FARSEE_FACILITY_YEM):
             state.choices.append(('commquart', 'You used Sight, you can go directly to the commanders quarters'))
             state.message += "  But neither of you are sure where to start."
         state.message = "You head around back and try to enter through the back door, but you do not have any disguises so when you \
                     present yourselves to the guard you are immediately taken captive.  You both toil away in the mines for the next 20 years \
                     until one day you are beaten to death for misbehaving.  Your body is thrown into a deep mine shaft and never seen again."
         state.die = True
     return state
コード例 #10
ファイル: yellowstar.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def ystavkirintalk(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "Kirin tells you all about the tavern, how it has been in his family history for, perhaps, hundreds of genenrations.  \
                     He says it was supposed to be one of the first taverns that served all of Baragon, during the Beginning of Days, \
                     before the written times."
     state.choices = []
     if not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.PLAYER_KNOWS_SELF):
         state.choices.append(('ystavkirinrecog', 'Ask Kirin if he knows you'),)
     state.choices.append(('ystav', 'Finish your drink'),)
     return state 
コード例 #11
ファイル: yellowstar.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def ysgenweapshottie(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_3):
         state.message = "You got the <div class='special'>8 gauge shotgun</div>."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.SHOTGUN_8G)]
         state.message = "Sorry, you can't afford that."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
     return state  
コード例 #12
ファイル: yellowstar.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def ysgenmagicfire(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_1):
         state.message = "You learned <div class='special'>Fire</div> magic."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_magic, self.request, magic_consts.FIRE)]
         state.message = "Sorry, you can't afford that."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
     return state  
コード例 #13
ファイル: yellowstar.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def start(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.choices = []
     state.message = "Welcome to Yellowstar, the mountain town."
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA) and \
         not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA_YS):
         state.message += " Elena says she is going to find out more about Barig Pass and she will meet you back \
                             here when she is ready to leave."
     state.choices = [('ysinn', 'Head into the Snowpeak Inn'),
                      ('ystav', 'Head into The Icey Tavern'),
                      ('ysgen', 'Head into the Yellowstar General Store'),
                      ('yshist', 'Head into the Yellowstar Historical Center'),]
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA) and \
         game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA_YS):
         state.choices.append(('yselenaleave', 'Leave with Elena'))
     if not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA):
         state.choices.append(('ysbuggy', 'Yellowstar Buggy'))
     return state
コード例 #14
ファイル: yellowstar.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def ysgenweapknife(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.MONEY_LV_1):
         state.message = "You got a <div class='special'>knife</div>."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
         state.actions = [(game_utils.add_inventory, self.request, inventory_consts.KNIFE)]
         state.message = "Sorry, you can't afford that."
         state.choices = [('ysgen', 'Back to shopping'),]
     return state  
コード例 #15
ファイル: lorentown.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def lorentrigoin(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You tell the person behind the door you would like to come in.  He asks for the password."
     state.choices = []
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.LOREN_KNOW_TRIANGLE_PASS):
         state.choices.append(('lorentrienter', 'Give him the password'))
     state.choices.append(('lorentrimakeup', 'Make up a password'))
     state.choices.append(('start', 'Apologize and walk away'))
     state.actions = []
     return state
コード例 #16
ファイル: relin.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def start(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "Welcome to the town of Relin."
     state.choices = [('relininn', 'Head into the Relin Red Inn'),
                             ('relintavern', 'Head to the Star Horse Tavern for a drink'),
                             ('relinwalk', 'Walk down the town road and see if you recognize anyone'),]
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_FIRST_JOURNEY_W_GRAYSON):
         state.choices.append(('yementi/start', 'Head out on journey with Grayson'))
     state.choices.append(('relinbuggy', 'Talk to the Relin Buggy driver'))   
     state.actions = [(game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.KNOW_TOWN_RELIN)]
     return state
コード例 #17
ファイル: relin.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def shoutoldredkeeper(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     msg, choices = '', []
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.IS_RELIN_RED_INN_OPEN):
         msg = 'Carver shouts something back at you about damn fools not even knowing store hours, but from the muffling he just as easily could have said something about dancing tutu fairies in the rain.'  
         choices = [('start','Try back later')]
     state.message = msg
     state.choices = choices
     return state
コード例 #18
ファイル: lorentown.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def lorentav(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You walk into the Lantern Taven to the shattering of glass and a crooked piano rhythm.  A fool smashes into you, covering \
                     you from head to toe in his suds.  You grunt at him and he runs off.  You take a look around the tavern, no one even seems \
                     to notice you."
     state.choices = [('lorentavfool', 'Cut the throat of the fool who splashed his suds on you'),
                       ('lorentavbartender', 'Talk to Malgo the bartender'),
                       ('lorentavwom', 'Approach the two female assassins sitting in the center of the tavern'),]
     if not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.ON_JOURNEY_ELENA):
         state.choices.append(('lorenelena', 'Talk to Elena'),)
     state.choices.append(('start', 'Get out of the tavern'),)
     return state
コード例 #19
ファイル: yementi.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def commquart(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You and Grayson enter the commanders quarters.  You walk in with your chins held high, ready to assume the rolls you \
                     are pretending to be.  Luckily nobody really hassles you in commquart since they all assume you must be high enough rank \
                     since you are already there."
     state.choices = [('doormagic', "Go to the magic department"),
                      ('doorresearch', "Go to the research department"),
                      ('doordefense', "Go to the defense department"),
                      ('findfiles', "Find files related to Grayson's sister"),]
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.GRAYSON_SIS_LOC_YEM):
         state.choices.append(('yemprison', 'Go to the Yementi prison block'))
     state.choices.append(('quarterdback', 'Leave commquart'))
     return state
コード例 #20
ファイル: lorentown.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def start(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You come in to Lorentown by way of the Phantom Forest pass, the only \
                     way to get there. Lorentown is sort of large for a town.  People from all over Baragon would come to \
                     Lorentown in hopes of finding work or love or both. Where dreams came to live, and to die."
     if not game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.PLAYER_KNOWS_SELF):
         state.message += " You hope to find someone who knows you here."
     state.choices = [('lorentav', 'Head into the Lantern Tavern'),
                     ('loreninn', 'Head into the Blue Inn'),
                     ('lorenrikers', "Head into Riker's Saloon"),
                     ('lorentri', "Knock on the door of the Order of the Triangle"),
                     ('lorenbuggy', "Talk to the Lorentown Buggy driver"),]
     return state
コード例 #21
ファイル: yementi.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def yempoutside(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You and Grayson escape Ifalna from the prison by getting her a spare guard uniform found in a nearby storage room."
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.SEC_10_WOMEN_YEM):
         state.message += "  On your way out, you remind the group of the poor women you came across on sector 10.  You all go over there and \
                         help them escape too.  They are so grateful that they <div class='special'>promise they will build a temple in your name</div> when they get home."
     state.message += "  When you get to the outskirts of the prison you ask Grayson and Ifalna what they plan to do.  They say they don't know \
                     for sure yet, but they are definitely going back to their home town of <div class='special'>Alaran</div>.  Grayson says you can get there by \
                     way of the Relin Buggy.  You thank him for everything and hope to see him again.  You say bye to Ifalna as well.  \
                     They ask where you will go, and you tell them you still do not understand what has happened to you, and how you came \
                     to be, and you will find that out first.  They wish you good well."
     state.choices = [('relin/start', 'Go to Relin'),]
     state.actions = [(game_utils.delete_status, self.request, status_consts.ON_FIRST_JOURNEY_W_GRAYSON),
                      (game_utils.add_status, self.request, status_consts.KNOW_TOWN_ALARAN)]
     return state
コード例 #22
ファイル: yellowstar.py プロジェクト: partriv/Dungeon-Game
 def ystavpianomanplay(self):
     state = DungeonState()
     state.message = "You ask the young man to play a tune for you."
     if game_utils.check_status(self.request, status_consts.YS_GAVE_PIANOMAN_MONEY):
         state.message += " He asks you what you'd like to hear."
         state.choices = [('ystavpianomanbeatles', 'Ask him to play Hey Jude by The Beatles'),
                      ('ystavpianomansmiths', 'Ask him to play Ask by The Smiths'),
                      ('ystavpianoshore', 'Ask him to play Concerning Hobbits by Howard Shore'),
                      ('ystavpianofloyd', 'Ask him to play The Wall by Pink Floyd'),
                      ('ystavpianofire', 'Ask him to Wake Up by The Arcade Fire'),
                      ('ystav', 'Leave him alone'),]
         state.message += " He slowly motions to the little jar labeled 'Tips for Lublob'"
         state.choices = [('ystavpianomangive', 'Give him a tip of silver'),
                          ('ystavpianoask', 'Ask him his name'),
                          ('ystav', 'Leave him alone'),]
     return state