def get_identity_document(current_block, uid, salt, password): """ Get an Identity document :param dict current_block: Current block data :param str uid: Unique Identifier :param str salt: Passphrase of the account :param str password: Password of the account :rtype: Identity """ # get current block BlockStamp timestamp = BlockUID(current_block['number'], current_block['hash']) # create keys from credentials key = SigningKey(salt, password, ScryptParams(4096, 16, 1)) # create identity document identity = Identity(version=10, currency=current_block['currency'], pubkey=key.pubkey, uid=uid, ts=timestamp, signature=None) # sign document identity.sign([key]) return identity
def get_identity_document( current_block: dict, uid: str, key: SigningKey, ) -> Identity: """ Get an Identity document :param current_block: Current block data :param uid: Unique IDentifier :param key: cryptographic key to sign documents :rtype: Identity """ # get current block BlockStamp timestamp = BlockUID(current_block["number"], current_block["hash"]) # create identity document identity = Identity( version=10, currency=current_block["currency"], pubkey=key.pubkey, uid=uid, ts=timestamp, signature=None, ) # sign document identity.sign([key]) return identity
def get_identity_document(current_block: dict, uid: str, salt: str, password: str) -> Identity: """ Get an Identity document :param current_block: Current block data :param uid: Unique Identifier :param salt: Passphrase of the account :param password: Password of the account :rtype: Identity """ # get current block BlockStamp timestamp = BlockUID(current_block['number'], current_block['hash']) # create keys from credentials key = SigningKey.from_credentials(salt, password) # create identity document identity = Identity( version=10, currency=current_block['currency'], pubkey=key.pubkey, uid=uid, ts=timestamp, signature=None ) # sign document identity.sign([key]) return identity
async def broadcast_identity(self, connection, secret_key, password): """ Send our self certification to a target community :param connection: the connection published :param str secret_key: the private key secret key :param str password: the private key password """ block_uid = self._blockchain_processor.current_buid( connection.currency) timestamp = self._blockchain_processor.time(connection.currency) selfcert = IdentityDoc(10, connection.currency, connection.pubkey, connection.uid, block_uid, None) key = SigningKey(secret_key, password, connection.scrypt_params) selfcert.sign([key]) self._logger.debug("Key publish : {0}".format(selfcert.signed_raw())) responses = await self._bma_connector.broadcast( connection.currency, bma.wot.add, req_args={'identity': selfcert.signed_raw()}) result = await parse_bma_responses(responses) if result[0]: identity = self._identities_processor.get_identity( connection.currency, connection.pubkey, connection.uid) if not identity: identity = Identity(connection.currency, connection.pubkey, connection.uid) identity.blockstamp = block_uid identity.signature = selfcert.signatures[0] identity.timestamp = timestamp else: identity = None return result, identity
def identity(self): identity = Identity(10, self.currency, self.key.pubkey, self.uid, self.blockstamp, []) identity.sign([self.key]) return identity