コード例 #1
ファイル: test_persistent_dict.py プロジェクト: ctismer/durus
 def test_iter(self):
     pd = PersistentDict((x, True) for x in range(10))
     if hasattr({}, 'iteritems'):
         assert list(pd.iteritems()) == list(zip(pd.iterkeys(), pd.itervalues()))
         assert list(pd.items()) == list(zip(pd.keys(), pd.values()))
     assert list(pd.items()) == list(zip(pd.keys(), pd.values()))
コード例 #2
ファイル: feeds.py プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/jfn-svn
class CFeeds(Persistent):
    def __init__(self):
        self.data = PersistentDict() # {url feed: CFeed}
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.data[key]

    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
        self.data[key] = item

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        del self.data[key]

    def get(self, key):
        return self.data.get(key)

    def keys(self):
        return self.data.keys()

    def values(self):
        return self.data.values()
コード例 #3
ファイル: utest_persistent_dict.py プロジェクト: cfobel/durus
 def iter(self):
     pd = PersistentDict((x, True) for x in range(10))
     assert list(pd.iteritems()) == list(zip(pd.iterkeys(), pd.itervalues()))
     assert list(pd.items()) == list(zip(pd.keys(), pd.values()))
コード例 #4
ファイル: utest_persistent_dict.py プロジェクト: cfobel/durus
 def iter(self):
     pd = PersistentDict((x, True) for x in range(10))
     assert list(pd.iteritems()) == list(zip(pd.iterkeys(),
     assert list(pd.items()) == list(zip(pd.keys(), pd.values()))
コード例 #5
ファイル: netobjects.py プロジェクト: pruan/TestDepot
class NetworkDevice(OwnedPersistent):
This object is a persistent store object that represents a networked device as
a collection of interfaces. It has a name that is used for string conversion.
	# the following (class-level attributes) become the default values for
	# various methods. Set an instance attribute of the same name to override
	# these values.
	user = None # default user to log in as
	password = None # default password for default user
	prompt = "# " # default CLI prompt for interactive sessions
	accessmethod = "ssh" # default. Possible are: ssh, console, serial, telnet, snmp
	initialaccessmethod = "console" # how to access for initial (before accessmethod is available) access
	console_server = (None, None) # host and TCP port used to connect to device serial console
	power_controller = (None, None) # APC host and outlet number used to control power
	monitor_port = (None, None) # may contain tuple of (device, interface) of an etherswitch to monitor
	domain = None # default DNS domain of the device
	nameservers = []	   # default DNS server list to be configured
	ntpserver = None	   # default NTP server to configure
	sysObjectID = None # The SNMP object identifier for a (sub)class of device.
	snmpRoCommunity = "public"	   # default RO SNMP community to use
	snmpRwCommunity = "private"    # default RW SNMP community to use
	admin_interface = "eth0" # interface on administrative network. This interface is "invisible" to device methods.
	data_interfaces = ["eth0"] # the "business" interfaces that are in use.

	def __init__(self, name):
		super(NetworkDevice, self).__init__()
		self.name = self.hostname = str(name)
		self.INTERFACEMAP = PersistentDict()
		self._interfaces = PersistentDict()
		self.data_interfaces = PersistentList()
		self.admin_interface = None
		self.initialize() # subclass interface

	# a non-persistent dictionary to cache transient attributes from a device
	def _get_cache(self):
			return self.__dict__["_cache_"]
		except KeyError:
			import dictlib
			c = dictlib.AttrDict()
			self.__dict__["_cache_"] = c
			return c
	_cache = property(_get_cache)

	def __repr__(self):
		return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)

	def __str__(self):
		return self.name # don't change this or you will break a lot of things 

	def initialize(self):

	def interface_alias(self, name, alias=None):
		"""sets (or removes) an alias name for an interface."""
		if alias is not None:
			self.INTERFACEMAP[str(alias)] = str(name)
			del self.INTERFACEMAP[str(name)]

	def set_hostname(self, name):
		"""Sets the hostname (and alias "name" attribute)."""
		self.name = self.hostname = str(name)

	def add_interface(self, devname, address=None, mask=None, hostname=None, linktype=BROADCAST):
		"""add_interface(devname, [address, [mask, [hostname, [linktype]]]])
Adds a new network interface to the device. Supply its interface name, and its
		devname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(devname, devname)
		if self._interfaces.has_key(devname):
			return self._interfaces[devname].update(address, mask, hostname, linktype)
		if not address:
				address = None
		if not hostname:
			if address:
					hostname = address.hostname
					hostname = "%s_%s" % (self.hostname, devname)
				hostname = "%s_%s" % (self.hostname, devname)
		intf = Interface(devname, address, mask, hostname, linktype)
		self._interfaces[devname] = intf
		intf.owner = self
		return intf

	def update_interface(self, devname, address=None, mask=None, hostname=None, linktype=BROADCAST):
		devname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(devname, devname)
		return self._interfaces[devname].update(address, mask, hostname, linktype)

	def get_interface(self, devname):
		"""Return an Interface object from the index. The index value may be an integer or a name.  """
		devname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(devname, devname)
		return self._interfaces[devname]

	def set_interface(self, intf):
		if isinstance(intf, Interface):
			self._interfaces[intf.device] = intf
			raise ValueError, "interfaces: value must be Interface object."

	def del_interface(self, devname):
		"""Delete an interface given the name, or index as an integer."""
		devname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(devname, devname)
		intf = self._interfaces[devname]
		del self._interfaces[devname]
		intf.owner = None

	def get_interfaces(self):
		return self._interfaces.copy()

	def del_interfaces(self):

	interfaces = property(get_interfaces, None, del_interfaces, "device interfaces")

	# return a list of IPv4 addresses used by the data interfaces of this device.
	def _get_ipv4(self):
		rv = []
		for name in self.data_interfaces:
			intf = self._interfaces[name]
		return rv
	addresses = property(_get_ipv4)

	def get_address(self, ifname):
		return self._interfaces[ifname].address

	def reset(self):

	def connect(self, ifname, network):
		"""Connect this device to a network object (the supplied parameter)."""
		assert isinstance(network, Network), "network parameter must be a Network object."
		ifname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(ifname, ifname)
			intf = self._interfaces[ifname]
		except KeyError:
			intf = self.add_interface(ifname)
	def disconnect(self, ifname):
		"""disconnect the named interface from its network."""
		ifname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(ifname, ifname)
		intf = self._interfaces[ifname]

	def connections(self, network=None):
		"""Return a list of interfaces connected to the given network object,
		or all connections if no network provided."""
		rv = []
		for intf in self._interfaces.values():
			if network is None and intf.network is not None:
			elif intf.network is network:
		return rv
コード例 #6
ファイル: netobjects.py プロジェクト: pruan/TestDepot
class Network(OwnedPersistent):
	_netnode_template = """|  +---------------------------------------------+
|--| %-20.20s (%-20.20s) |
|  +---------------------------------------------+""" # don't touch this 
	def __init__(self, subnet=None, subnetname=None):
		super(Network, self).__init__()
		self.name = None
		self.mask = None
		self._subnets = PersistentList()
		self.nodes = PersistentDict() # actually, Interface objects
		self._gatways = PersistentList()
		if subnet:
			self.add_subnet(subnet, subnetname)

	def __str__(self):
		s = ["-"*70]
		sbl = []
		sn = []
		for subnet, name in self._subnets:
			sbl.append("%20s" % (subnet,))
			sn.append("%20s" % (name,))
		s.append(" | ".join(sbl))
		s.append(" | ".join(sn))
		for node in self.nodes.values():
			s.append(self._netnode_template % (node.owner.name, node.owner.__class__.__name__))
		return "\n".join(s)

	def __repr__(self):
			addr, name = self._subnets[0]
			return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, addr, name)
		except IndexError:
			return "%s()" % (self.__class__.__name__)

	def __getitem__(self, idx):
		return self._subnets[idx]

	def __iter__(self):
		return iter(self._subnets)

	def add_interface(self, interface):
		self.nodes[interface.hostname] = interface
		interface.network = self

	def del_interface(self, interface):
		del self.nodes[interface.hostname]
		interface.network = None

	def get_interfaces(self):
		return self.nodes.copy()

	def get_node(self, hostname):
		intf = self.nodes[str(hostname)]
		return intf.owner

	def add_node(self, netdev):
		for intf in netdev.interfaces.values():
			for subnet, name in self._subnets:
				if intf.address in subnet:
					self.nodes[intf.name] = intf
					intf.network = self

	def add_subnet(self, addr, name=None):
		sn = ipv4.IPv4(addr)
		sn.host = 0
		name = name or sn.cidr() 
		if not self._subnets: # first subnet sets the name and mask
			self.name = name
			self.mask = sn.mask 
		self._subnets.append((sn, name))
		return sn
	def remove_subnet(self, name):
		for i, (sn, netname) in enumerate(self._subnets[:]):
			if netname == name:
				del self._subnets[i]

	def get_subnets(self):
		return list(self._subnets)
	subnets = property(get_subnets)

	def __contains__(self, address):
		if isinstance(address, str):
			address = ipv4.IPv4(address)
		for subnet, name in self._subnets:
			if address in subnet:
				return True
		return False
コード例 #7
class Network(OwnedPersistent):
    _netnode_template = """|  +---------------------------------------------+
|--| %-20.20s (%-20.20s) |
|  +---------------------------------------------+""" # don't touch this

    def __init__(self, subnet=None, subnetname=None):
        super(Network, self).__init__()
        self.name = None
        self.mask = None
        self._subnets = PersistentList()
        self.nodes = PersistentDict()  # actually, Interface objects
        self._gatways = PersistentList()
        if subnet:
            self.add_subnet(subnet, subnetname)

    def __str__(self):
        s = ["-" * 70]
        sbl = []
        sn = []
        for subnet, name in self._subnets:
            sbl.append("%20s" % (subnet, ))
            sn.append("%20s" % (name, ))
        s.append(" | ".join(sbl))
        s.append(" | ".join(sn))
        s.append("-" * 70)
        for node in self.nodes.values():
            s.append(self._netnode_template %
                     (node.owner.name, node.owner.__class__.__name__))
        return "\n".join(s)

    def __repr__(self):
            addr, name = self._subnets[0]
            return "%s(%r, %r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, addr, name)
        except IndexError:
            return "%s()" % (self.__class__.__name__)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self._subnets[idx]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._subnets)

    def add_interface(self, interface):
        self.nodes[interface.hostname] = interface
        interface.network = self

    def del_interface(self, interface):
        del self.nodes[interface.hostname]
        interface.network = None

    def get_interfaces(self):
        return self.nodes.copy()

    def get_node(self, hostname):
        intf = self.nodes[str(hostname)]
        return intf.owner

    def add_node(self, netdev):
        for intf in netdev.interfaces.values():
            for subnet, name in self._subnets:
                if intf.address in subnet:
                    self.nodes[intf.name] = intf
                    intf.network = self

    def add_subnet(self, addr, name=None):
        sn = ipv4.IPv4(addr)
        sn.host = 0
        name = name or sn.cidr()
        if not self._subnets:  # first subnet sets the name and mask
            self.name = name
            self.mask = sn.mask
        self._subnets.append((sn, name))
        return sn

    def remove_subnet(self, name):
        for i, (sn, netname) in enumerate(self._subnets[:]):
            if netname == name:
                del self._subnets[i]

    def get_subnets(self):
        return list(self._subnets)

    subnets = property(get_subnets)

    def __contains__(self, address):
        if isinstance(address, str):
            address = ipv4.IPv4(address)
        for subnet, name in self._subnets:
            if address in subnet:
                return True
        return False
コード例 #8
class NetworkDevice(OwnedPersistent):
This object is a persistent store object that represents a networked device as
a collection of interfaces. It has a name that is used for string conversion.
    # the following (class-level attributes) become the default values for
    # various methods. Set an instance attribute of the same name to override
    # these values.
    user = None  # default user to log in as
    password = None  # default password for default user
    prompt = "# "  # default CLI prompt for interactive sessions
    accessmethod = "ssh"  # default. Possible are: ssh, console, serial, telnet, snmp
    initialaccessmethod = "console"  # how to access for initial (before accessmethod is available) access
    console_server = (
        None, None
    )  # host and TCP port used to connect to device serial console
    power_controller = (None, None
                        )  # APC host and outlet number used to control power
    monitor_port = (
        None, None
    )  # may contain tuple of (device, interface) of an etherswitch to monitor
    domain = None  # default DNS domain of the device
    nameservers = []  # default DNS server list to be configured
    ntpserver = None  # default NTP server to configure
    sysObjectID = None  # The SNMP object identifier for a (sub)class of device.
    snmpRoCommunity = "public"  # default RO SNMP community to use
    snmpRwCommunity = "private"  # default RW SNMP community to use
    admin_interface = "eth0"  # interface on administrative network. This interface is "invisible" to device methods.
    data_interfaces = ["eth0"]  # the "business" interfaces that are in use.

    def __init__(self, name):
        super(NetworkDevice, self).__init__()
        self.name = self.hostname = str(name)
        self.INTERFACEMAP = PersistentDict()
        self._interfaces = PersistentDict()
        self.data_interfaces = PersistentList()
        self.admin_interface = None
        self.initialize()  # subclass interface

    # a non-persistent dictionary to cache transient attributes from a device
    def _get_cache(self):
            return self.__dict__["_cache_"]
        except KeyError:
            from pycopia import dictlib
            c = dictlib.AttrDict()
            self.__dict__["_cache_"] = c
            return c

    _cache = property(_get_cache)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name  # don't change this or you will break a lot of things

    def initialize(self):

    def interface_alias(self, name, alias=None):
        """sets (or removes) an alias name for an interface."""
        if alias is not None:
            self.INTERFACEMAP[str(alias)] = str(name)
            del self.INTERFACEMAP[str(name)]

    def set_hostname(self, name):
        """Sets the hostname (and alias "name" attribute)."""
        self.name = self.hostname = str(name)

    def add_interface(self,
        devname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(devname, devname)
        if self._interfaces.has_key(devname):
        if ipaddress is not None:
            ipaddress = ipv4.IPv4(ipaddress, mask)
        if not hostname:
            if ipaddress is not None:
                    hostname = ipaddress.hostname
                    hostname = self._get_ifname(devname)
                    if not hostname:
                        hostname = self._get_ifname(devname)
                hostname = self._get_ifname(devname)
        intf = Interface(devname, ipaddress, hostname, iftype, physaddress,
        self._interfaces[devname] = intf
        intf.owner = self
        return intf

    def _get_ifname(self, devname):
        return "%s_%s" % (self.hostname.split(".")[0], devname)

    def update_interface(self,
        devname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(devname, devname)
        return self._interfaces[devname].update(address, mask, hostname,

    def get_interface(self, devname):
        """Return an Interface object from the index. The index value may be an integer or a name.  """
        devname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(devname, devname)
        return self._interfaces[devname]

    def set_interface(self, intf):
        if isinstance(intf, Interface):
            self._interfaces[intf.device] = intf
            raise ValueError, "interfaces: value must be Interface object."

    def del_interface(self, devname):
        """Delete an interface given the name, or index as an integer."""
        devname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(devname, devname)
        intf = self._interfaces[devname]
        del self._interfaces[devname]
        intf.owner = None

    def get_interfaces(self):
        return self._interfaces.copy()

    def del_interfaces(self):

    interfaces = property(get_interfaces, None, del_interfaces,
                          "device interfaces")

    # return a list of IPv4 addresses used by the data interfaces of this device.
    def _get_ipv4(self):
        rv = []
        for name in self.data_interfaces:
            intf = self._interfaces[name]
        return rv

    addresses = property(_get_ipv4)

    def get_address(self, ifname):
        return self._interfaces[ifname].address

    def reset(self):

    def connect(self, ifname, network):
        """Connect this device to a network object (the supplied parameter)."""
        assert isinstance(
            network, Network), "network parameter must be a Network object."
        ifname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(ifname, ifname)
            intf = self._interfaces[ifname]
        except KeyError:
            intf = self.add_interface(ifname)

    def disconnect(self, ifname):
        """disconnect the named interface from its network."""
        ifname = self.INTERFACEMAP.get(ifname, ifname)
        intf = self._interfaces[ifname]

    def connections(self, network=None):
        """Return a list of interfaces connected to the given network object,
        or all connections if no network provided."""
        rv = []
        for intf in self._interfaces.values():
            if network is None and intf.network is not None:
            elif intf.network is network:
        return rv