コード例 #1
def get_MG_BPRP(g, dust_correct=False):
    global bayestar

    if dust_correct:
        if bayestar is None:
            bayestar = BayestarQuery()

        c = g.get_skycoord()
        ebv = bayestar.query(c)
        mg = g.get_G0(ebv=ebv) - g.distmod
        bprp = g.get_BP0(ebv=ebv) - g.get_RP0(ebv=ebv)
        mg = g.phot_g_mean_mag - g.distmod
        bprp = g.phot_bp_mean_mag - g.phot_rp_mean_mag

    return mg, bprp
コード例 #2
ファイル: reddening.py プロジェクト: jls713/gaia_dr2_spectro
    def __init__(self, with_extinction_maps=False):

        self.redd_maps = {}
        with open(dir_path + 'extinction/extinction_coeffs_2017.dat') as f:
            self.R_V_grid = np.fromstring(f.readline(),
                                          sep=' ')
            for l in f.readlines():
                spl = l.split(" ", 1)
                self.redd_maps[spl[0]] = np.fromstring(spl[1],
                                                       sep=' ')

        self.interp_maps = {
            n: interp1d(self.R_V_grid, self.redd_maps[n])
            for n in self.redd_maps

        self.R_G = np.zeros((75, len(self.R_V_grid)))
        with open(dir_path + 'extinction/extinction_coeffs_G_2017.dat') as f:
            self.logTeffgrid = np.fromstring(f.readline(),
                                             sep=' ')
            for n, l in enumerate(f.readlines()):
                self.R_G[n] = np.fromstring(l, dtype=np.float64, sep=' ')

        self.interp_G_maps = interp2d(self.R_V_grid, self.logTeffgrid,

        if (with_extinction_maps):
            self.sfd = SFDQuery()
            self.bayestar = BayestarQuery(max_samples=10)
            self.marshall = MarshallQuery()
            self.drimmel = mwdust.Drimmel03(filter='Landolt V')
コード例 #3
def dust(l, b, distance, plot=False, max_samples=2, mode='median', model='bayes'):
    if model == 'sfd':
        c = SkyCoord(l, b,
        sfd = SFDQuery()
        dust = sfd(c)

    if model == 'bayes':
        c = SkyCoord(l, b,
                distance = distance,
        bayes = BayestarQuery(max_samples=max_samples)
        dust = bayes(c, mode=mode)
    if model == 'iphas':
        c = SkyCoord(l, b,
                distance = distance,
        iphas = IPHASQuery()
        dust = iphas(c, mode=mode)

    if model == 'marshall':
        c = SkyCoord(l, b,
                distance = distance,
        marshall = MarshallQuery()
        dust = marshall(c)

    if model == 'chen':
        c = SkyCoord(l, b,
                distance = distance,
        chen = Chen2014Query()
        dust = chen(c)
    #cNoDist = SkyCoord(l, b,
    #        frame='galactic')
    #bayesDustNoDist = bayes(cNoDist, mode=mode)

    #!!!!! Do something else than setting it equal to 0 !!!!!
    #if len(bayesDust) > 1: bayesDust[np.isnan(bayesDust)] = 0.0

    if plot:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, figsize=(5, 7.5))

        ax[0].hist(np.log10(sfd(c)), bins=100, log=True, histtype='step')
        ax[1].hist(np.log10(bayesDustNoDist[bayesDustNoDist>0]), bins=100, log=True, histtype='step')
        ax[2].hist(np.log10(bayesDust[bayesDust >0]), bins=100, log=True, histtype='step')

        ax[0].set_xlabel('SFD Dust Attenuation')
        ax[1].set_xlabel('Bayestar Dust Attenuation No Distance')
        ax[2].set_xlabel('Bayestar Dust Attenuation')
        for a in ax: a.set_xlim(-4, 0.0)
        hist, bins = np.histogram(magsMatched['bmag'], bins=100)
        plt.hist(magsMatched['bmag'], bins=bins, histtype='step')
        plt.hist(magsMatched['bmag'] - B_RedCoeff*bayesDust, bins=bins, histtype='step')
    return dust
コード例 #4
def main():
    w, h = (2056, 1024)
    l_0 = 130.

    # Set up Bayestar query object
    print('Loading bayestar map...')
    bayestar = BayestarQuery(max_samples=1)

    # Create a grid of coordinates
    print('Creating grid of coordinates...')
    l = np.linspace(-180. + l_0, 180. + l_0, 2 * w)
    b = np.linspace(-90., 90., 2 * h + 2)
    b = b[1:-1]
    l, b = np.meshgrid(l, b)

    l += (np.random.random(l.shape) - 0.5) * 360. / (2. * w)
    b += (np.random.random(l.shape) - 0.5) * 180. / (2. * h)

    ebv = np.empty(l.shape + (3, ), dtype='f8')

    for k, d in enumerate([0.5, 1.5, 5.]):
        # d = 5.    # We'll query integrated reddening to a distance of 5 kpc
        coords = SkyCoord(l * u.deg, b * u.deg, d * u.kpc, frame='galactic')

        # Get the dust median reddening at each coordinate
        print('Querying map...')
        ebv[:, :, k] = bayestar.query(coords, mode='median')

    ebv[:, :, 2] -= ebv[:, :, 1]
    ebv[:, :, 1] -= ebv[:, :, 0]

    # Convert the output array to a PIL image and save
    print('Saving image...')
    img = numpy2pil(ebv[::-1, ::-1, :], 0., 1.5)
    img = img.resize((w, h), resample=PIL.Image.LANCZOS)
    fname = 'bayestar.png'

    return 0
コード例 #5
ファイル: plot_bayestar.py プロジェクト: gregreen/dustmaps
def main():
    w,h = (2056,1024)
    l_0 = 130.

    # Set up Bayestar query object
    print('Loading bayestar map...')
    bayestar = BayestarQuery(max_samples=1)

    # Create a grid of coordinates
    print('Creating grid of coordinates...')
    l = np.linspace(-180.+l_0, 180.+l_0, 2*w)
    b = np.linspace(-90., 90., 2*h+2)
    b = b[1:-1]
    l,b = np.meshgrid(l, b)

    l += (np.random.random(l.shape) - 0.5) * 360./(2.*w)
    b += (np.random.random(l.shape) - 0.5) * 180./(2.*h)

    ebv = np.empty(l.shape+(3,), dtype='f8')

    for k,d in enumerate([0.5, 1.5, 5.]):
        # d = 5.    # We'll query integrated reddening to a distance of 5 kpc
        coords = SkyCoord(l*u.deg, b*u.deg, d*u.kpc, frame='galactic')

        # Get the dust median reddening at each coordinate
        print('Querying map...')
        ebv[:,:,k] = bayestar.query(coords, mode='median')

    ebv[:,:,2] -= ebv[:,:,1]
    ebv[:,:,1] -= ebv[:,:,0]

    # Convert the output array to a PIL image and save
    print('Saving image...')
    img = numpy2pil(ebv[::-1,::-1,:], 0., 1.5)
    img = img.resize((w,h), resample=PIL.Image.LANCZOS)
    fname = 'bayestar.png'

    return 0
コード例 #6
def InitializeDustmap(config):
    # Fetch the planck data if we don't have it yet.
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config['DataDirectory'], 'planck')):
        print('downloading planck data')
        from dustmaps.config import config as dustconfig
        dustconfig['data_dir'] = config['DataDirectory']
        from dustmaps.planck import fetch
    planck = PlanckQuery()
    # Fetch the bayestar data if we don't have it yet.
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config['DataDirectory'], 'bayestar')):
        print('downloading bayestar data')
        from dustmaps.config import config as dustconfig
        dustconfig['data_dir'] = config['DataDirectory']
        from dustmaps.bayestar import fetch
    bayestar = BayestarQuery(version='bayestar2015')
    return planck, bayestar
コード例 #7
def main():
    c0 = SkyCoord.from_name('orion a', frame='galactic')

    # l = np.arange(c0.l.deg - 5., c0.l.deg + 5., 0.05)
    # b = np.arange(c0.b.deg - 5., c0.b.deg + 5., 0.05)

    l0, b0 = (37., -16.)
    l = np.arange(l0 - 5., l0 + 5., 0.05)
    b = np.arange(b0 - 5., b0 + 5., 0.05)
    l, b = np.meshgrid(l, b)
    coords = SkyCoord(l * units.deg,
                      b * units.deg,
                      distance=1. * units.kpc,

    sfd = SFDQuery()
    Av_sfd = 2.742 * sfd(coords)

    planck = PlanckQuery()
    Av_planck = 3.1 * planck(coords)

    bayestar = BayestarQuery(max_samples=1)
    Av_bayestar = 2.742 * bayestar(coords)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4), dpi=150)

    for k, (Av, title) in enumerate([(Av_sfd, 'SFD'), (Av_planck, 'Planck'),
                                     (Av_bayestar, 'Bayestar')]):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, k + 1)
        ax.imshow(np.sqrt(Av)[::, ::-1],

    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0., hspace=0.)
    plt.savefig('comparison.png', dpi=150)

    return 0
コード例 #8
ファイル: g_PDM_p.py プロジェクト: tingyuansen/Kavli
def calc_extinct():
    t = Table.read('lamost_rc_wise_gaia_PS1_2mass.fits')
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    import astropy.units as units
    import dustmaps.bayestar
    from dustmaps.bayestar import BayestarQuery
    bayestar = BayestarQuery(version='bayestar2019',max_samples=1) # 'bayestar2019' is the default
    avs = np.full(len(t),np.nan)
    inds = np.where(~np.isnan(t['dist']))[0]

    coords = SkyCoord(t['GLON'][inds]*units.deg, t['GLAT'][inds]*units.deg,distance=t['dist'][inds]*units.kpc, frame='galactic')
    reddening = bayestar(coords, mode='median')
    AK = .3026*reddening
    AV = AK/.05
    avs[inds] = AV
    t['A_V'] = avs
コード例 #9
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: adrn/kinematics-and-rotation
print("Loading Gaia catalog")
with fits.open("kepler_dr2_1arcsec.fits") as data:
    gaia = pd.DataFrame(data[1].data, dtype="float64")

gaia_mc = pd.merge(mc, gaia, on="kepid", how="left")

# S/N cuts
sn = gaia_mc.parallax.values / gaia_mc.parallax_error.values

m = (sn > 10)
m &= (gaia_mc.parallax.values > 0) * np.isfinite(gaia_mc.parallax.values)
m &= gaia_mc.astrometric_excess_noise.values < 5
gaia_mc = gaia_mc.iloc[m]

print("Loading Dustmaps")
bayestar = BayestarQuery(max_samples=2, version='bayestar2019')

print("Calculating Ebv")
coords = SkyCoord(gaia_mc.ra.values * units.deg,
                  gaia_mc.dec.values * units.deg,
                  distance=gaia_mc.r_est.values * units.pc)

ebv, flags = bayestar(coords,
                      pct=[16., 50., 84.],

# Calculate Av
Av_bayestar = 2.742 * ebv
Av = Av_bayestar[:, 1]
Av_errm = Av - Av_bayestar[:, 0]
コード例 #10
 # Then, we’ll load up and query three different dust maps:
 sfd = SFDQuery()
 Av_sfd = 2.742 * sfd(coords)
 planck = PlanckQuery()
 Av_planck = 3.1 * planck(coords)
 bayestar = BayestarQuery(max_samples=1)
 Av_bayestar = 2.742 * bayestar(coords)
 # We’ve assumed RV=3.1, and used the coefficient from Table 6 of Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011) 
 # to convert SFD and Bayestar reddenings to magnitudes of AV.
 # Finally, we create the figure using matplotlib:
 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,4), dpi=150)
 for k,(Av,title) in enumerate([(Av_sfd, 'SFD'),
                                (Av_planck, 'Planck'),
                                (Av_bayestar, 'Bayestar')]):
     ax = fig.add_subplot(1,3,k+1)
コード例 #11
def InitializeDustmap():
    # Initialize dustmaps using Bayestar2019
    print('Initializing Bayestar2019.')
    bayestar = BayestarQuery(max_samples=1)
    return bayestar
コード例 #12
def extinction(spec, red, coord):
    :param spec: (numpy array) XSpectrum1D objects: use clamato_read.py
    :param red: (numpy array) redshift values
    :param coord: (numpy array) coordinates

        unred_spec: (numpy array) de-reddened spec

    import numpy as np
    from numpy.lib.polynomial import poly1d
    import astropy.units as u
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    from dustmaps.bayestar import BayestarQuery
    from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
    from linetools.spectra.xspectrum1d import XSpectrum1D

    r = range(len(spec))

    Mpc = cosmo.comoving_distance(red)
    bayestar = BayestarQuery()
    coords = [
        SkyCoord(coord[i][0] * u.deg,
                 coord[i][1] * u.deg,
                 frame='fk5') for i in r
    ebv = [bayestar(i) for i in coords]  #to get the ebv values for each galaxy

    unred_spec = []

    for i in r:

        x = 10000. / np.array(spec[i].wavelength)  # Convert to inverse microns
        npts = x.size
        a = np.zeros(npts, dtype=np.float)
        b = np.zeros(npts, dtype=np.float)
        r_v = 3.1

        good = np.where((x >= 0.3) & (x < 1.1))
        if len(good[0]) > 0:
            a[good] = 0.574 * x[good]**(1.61)
            b[good] = -0.527 * x[good]**(1.61)

        good = np.where((x >= 1.1) & (x < 3.3))
        if len(good[0]) > 0:  # Use new constants from O'Donnell (1994)
            y = x[good] - 1.82

            c1 = np.array([
                1., 0.104, -0.609, 0.701, 1.137, -1.718, -0.827, 1.647, -0.505
            ])  # from O'Donnell
            c2 = np.array([
                0., 1.952, 2.908, -3.989, -7.985, 11.102, 5.491, -10.805, 3.347

            a[good] = poly1d(c1[::-1])(y)
            b[good] = poly1d(c2[::-1])(y)

        good = np.where((x >= 3.3) & (x < 8))
        if len(good[0]) > 0:
            y = x[good]

            a[good] = 1.752 - 0.316 * y - (0.104 /
                                           ((y - 4.67)**2 + 0.341))  # + f_a
            b[good] = -3.090 + 1.825 * y + (1.206 /
                                            ((y - 4.62)**2 + 0.263))  # + f_b

        good = np.where((x >= 8) & (x <= 11))
        if len(good[0]) > 0:
            y = x[good] - 8.

            c1 = np.array([-1.073, -0.628, 0.137, -0.070])
            c2 = np.array([13.670, 4.257, -0.420, 0.374])
            a[good] = poly1d(c1[::-1])(y)
            b[good] = poly1d(c2[::-1])(y)

        # Now apply extinction correction to input flux vector

        a_v = r_v * ebv[i]
        a_lambda = a_v * (a + b / r_v)

        funred = spec[i].flux * 10.**(0.4 * a_lambda)  # Derive unreddened flux
        funred = np.asarray(funred)
        unred_spec.append(XSpectrum1D(spec[i].wavelength, funred, spec[i].sig))

    return np.asarray(unred_spec)
コード例 #13
ファイル: dustmap_script.py プロジェクト: PhD-Misc/Random
    distance = eval(sys.argv[3])
	print('wrong number of parameters')
	print('Example: $ python dustmap_script.py 15h28m17.53s -58d35m13.9s 2.3')

#source_ra = '15h28m17.53s'
#source_dec = '-58d35m13.9s'
#distance = 2.3
#print(source_ra, source_dec, distance)

print('Estimating E(B-V) using dust maps:')

coords = SkyCoord(source_ra, source_dec, distance=distance*units.kpc, frame='icrs')

bayestar = BayestarQuery(max_samples=5, version='bayestar2017')
print('## Bayestar (3D):', bayestar(coords, mode='median'))

chen = Chen2014Query()
print('## Chen 2014 (3D):', chen(coords))

iphas = IPHASQuery()
print('## IPHAS (3D):', iphas(coords, mode='median'))

marshal = MarshallQuery()
print('## Marshall 2006 (3D):', marshal(coords))

sfdebv = SFDQuery()
print('## SFD 1998/2011 (2D):', sfdebv(coords))

lenz = Lenz2017Query()