コード例 #1
ファイル: displacement.py プロジェクト: hlyang1992/atomman
def displacement(system_0, system_1, box_reference='final'):
    """Compute the displacement vectors between all matching atoms for two systems."""
    assert system_0.natoms == system_1.natoms,  'systems have different number of atoms'
    if box_reference == 'final':
        disp = dvect(system_0.atoms.view['pos'], system_1.atoms.view['pos'], system_1.box, system_1.pbc)
    elif box_reference == 'initial':
        disp = dvect(system_0.atoms.view['pos'], system_1.atoms.view['pos'], system_0.box, system_0.pbc)
    elif box_reference is None:
        disp = system_1.atoms.view['pos'] - system_0.atoms.view['pos']
        raise ValueError("box_reference must be 'final', 'initial', or None")
    return disp
コード例 #2
ファイル: displacement.py プロジェクト: yfyh2013/atomman
def displacement(system_0, system_1, box_reference='final'):
    """Compute the displacement vectors between all matching atoms for two systems."""

    assert system_0.natoms == system_1.natoms, 'systems have different number of atoms'

    if box_reference == 'final':
        disp = dvect(system_0.atoms.view['pos'], system_1.atoms.view['pos'],
                     system_1.box, system_1.pbc)
    elif box_reference == 'initial':
        disp = dvect(system_0.atoms.view['pos'], system_1.atoms.view['pos'],
                     system_0.box, system_0.pbc)
    elif box_reference is None:
        disp = system_1.atoms.view['pos'] - system_0.atoms.view['pos']
        raise ValueError("box_reference must be 'final', 'initial', or None")

    return disp
コード例 #3
ファイル: displacement.py プロジェクト: lmhale99/atomman
def displacement(system_0, system_1):
    """Compute the displacement vectors between all matching atoms for two systems."""
    assert system_0.natoms == system_1.natoms,  'systems have different number of atoms'
    disp = dvect(system_0.atoms.view['pos'], system_1.atoms.view['pos'], system_1.box, system_1.pbc)
    return disp
コード例 #4
ファイル: nlist.py プロジェクト: lmhale99/atomman
def nlist(system, cutoff, cmult=1):
    Calculates a neighbor list for all atoms in a System taking periodic boundaries into account.
    Keyword Arguments:
    system -- System to calculate the neighbor list for.
    cutoff -- radial cutoff distance for neighbors.
    cmult -- parameter associated with the binning routine.  Default value is most likely the fastest."""
    natoms = system.natoms
    vects = system.box.vects
    origin = system.box.origin
    pos = system.atoms.view['pos']
    pbc = system.pbc
    #Determine orthogonal superbox that fully encompases the system
    corners = origin + np.array([[0,0,0], vects[0], vects[1], vects[2],
                                 vects[0] + vects[1],
                                 vects[0] + vects[2],
                                 vects[1] + vects[2],
                                 vects[0] + vects[1] + vects[2]])
    supermin = corners.min(axis=0) - 2*cutoff
    supermax = corners.max(axis=0) + 2*cutoff
    #Construct bins
    binsize = cutoff/cmult
    xbins = np.arange(supermin[0], supermax[0], binsize)
    ybins = np.arange(supermin[1], supermax[1], binsize)
    zbins = np.arange(supermin[2], supermax[2], binsize)
    #Create index lists for real atoms
    x_index = np.digitize(pos[:, 0], xbins) - 1
    y_index = np.digitize(pos[:, 1], ybins) - 1
    z_index = np.digitize(pos[:, 2], zbins) - 1
    xyz_index = np.hstack((x_index[:, np.newaxis], y_index[:, np.newaxis], z_index[:, np.newaxis]))
    atom_index = np.arange(natoms, dtype=int)
    real_bins = unique_rows(xyz_index)
    #create iterators based on pbc
    check = [xrange(1), xrange(1), xrange(1)]
    for i in xrange(3):
        if pbc[i]:
            check[i] = xrange(-1, 2) 

    #construct list of ghost atoms in the superbox
    ghost_pos = []
    for x in check[0]:
        for y in check[1]:
            for z in check[2]:
                if x == 0 and y == 0 and z == 0:
                    newpos = x*vects[0] + y*vects[1] + z*vects[2] + pos
                    bool_check = np.empty_like(newpos, dtype=bool)
                    for i in xrange(3):
                        bool_check[:, i] = np.all([newpos[:, i] > supermin[i], newpos[:, i] < supermax[i]], axis=0)

                    new_index = np.where(np.all(bool_check, axis=1))[0]
                        ghost_pos = np.vstack((ghost_pos, newpos[new_index]))
                        ghost_index = np.hstack((ghost_index, new_index))
                        ghost_pos = newpos[new_index]
                        ghost_index = new_index

    #append index lists with ghost atoms
    if len(ghost_pos) > 0:
        x_index = np.digitize(ghost_pos[:, 0], xbins) - 1
        y_index = np.digitize(ghost_pos[:, 1], ybins) - 1
        z_index = np.digitize(ghost_pos[:, 2], zbins) - 1
        xyz_g_index = np.hstack((x_index[:, np.newaxis], y_index[:, np.newaxis], z_index[:, np.newaxis]))
        xyz_index = np.vstack((xyz_index, xyz_g_index))
        atom_index = np.hstack((atom_index, ghost_index))
    neighbors = np.zeros((natoms, 41), dtype=np.int)
    #assign atoms and ghost atoms to xyz bins
    xyz_bins = np.zeros((len(xbins), len(ybins), len(zbins), 41), dtype=np.int)
    for i in xrange(len(atom_index)):
        x,y,z = xyz_index[i]
        xyz_bins[x,y,z,0] += 1
            xyz_bins[x,y,z, xyz_bins[x,y,z,0]] = atom_index[i]
            old_size = len(xyz_bins[0,0,0])
            newbins = np.zeros((len(xbins), len(ybins), len(zbins), old_size + 10), dtype=np.int)
            newbins[:, :, :, :old_size] = xyz_bins[:, :, :, :old_size]
            xyz_bins = newbins
            xyz_bins[x,y,z, xyz_bins[x,y,z,0]] = atom_index[i]
    #iterate over all bins with real atoms
    for bin in real_bins:
        x,y,z = bin
        #short = all atoms in current bin
        short = xyz_bins[x,y,z, 1:xyz_bins[x,y,z,0]+1]
        long = deepcopy(short)
        #add all atoms in half of the nearby bins to long
        for dx, dy, dz in box_iter(cmult):
                long = np.hstack((long, xyz_bins[x+dx,y+dy,z+dz, 1:xyz_bins[x+dx,y+dy,z+dz,0]+1]))
                long = xyz_bins[x+dx,y+dy,z+dz, 1:xyz_bins[x+dx,y+dy,z+dz,0]+1]
        #compare all atoms in short to medium (which is long starting with u+1).
        for u in xrange(len(short)):
            u_pos = pos[short[u]]
            u_index = short[u]
            medium = long[u+1:]
            v_pos = pos[medium]
                d = np.linalg.norm(dvect(u_pos, v_pos, system.box, system.pbc), axis=1)
                d = np.linalg.norm([dvect(u_pos, v_pos, system.box, system.pbc)], axis=1)
            vlist = medium[np.where(d < cutoff)]
            for v_index in vlist:
                neighbors = __append_neighbor(neighbors, u_index, v_index)
    #sort each atom's neighbors
    for i in xrange(len(neighbors)):
        neighbors[i][1 : neighbors[i][0]+1] = np.sort(neighbors[i][1 : neighbors[i][0]+1])
    return neighbors