def __init__(self, *config, db_type='pgsql'): """ :param config: optional SQL login credentials, stored values used if nothing provided :param db_type: either 'pgsql' or 'sqlite' :type db_type: str """ stored_options = Options() if config: self.db_type = db_type config = config[0] else: # Read SQL configuration file self.db_type = stored_options.DB_TYPE config = stored_options.SQL_LAST_CNX[self.db_type] if self.db_type == 'sqlite': db_file_path = config['host'] if not dirname( db_file_path ): # file_path has not directory, assume it lives in DATA_DIR db_file_path = join(DATA_DIR, db_file_path) self.db_name = None self.cnx = sqlite3.connect(db_file_path) else: self.db_name = config['dbname'] self.cnx = psycopg2.connect(**config) self.cursor = self.cnx.cursor() self.tables = ['DVHs', 'Plans', 'Rxs', 'Beams', 'DICOM_Files']
def __init__(self): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, None, title='About DVH Analytics') scrolled_window = wx.ScrolledWindow(self, wx.ID_ANY) with open(LICENSE_PATH, 'r') as license_file: license_text = ''.join([line for line in license_file]) license_text = "DVH Analytics v%s\\n\n%s" % (Options().VERSION, license_text) sizer_wrapper = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer_text = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) scrolled_window.SetScrollRate(20, 20) license_text = wx.StaticText(scrolled_window, wx.ID_ANY, license_text) sizer_text.Add(license_text, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) scrolled_window.SetSizer(sizer_text) sizer_wrapper.Add(scrolled_window, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.SetSizer(sizer_wrapper) self.SetSize((750, 900)) self.Center() self.ShowModal()
def __init__(self, *config, db_type=None, group=1): """ :param config: optional SQL login credentials, stored values used if nothing provided :param db_type: either 'pgsql' or 'sqlite' :type db_type: str or None :param group: use a group-specific connection, either 1 or 2 :type group: int """ stored_options = Options() if config: self.db_type = db_type if db_type is not None else 'pgsql' config = config[0] else: # Read SQL configuration file if group == 2 and stored_options.SYNC_SQL_CNX: group = 1 self.db_type = stored_options.DB_TYPE_GRPS[group] if db_type is None else db_type config = stored_options.SQL_LAST_CNX_GRPS[group][self.db_type] if self.db_type == 'sqlite': db_file_path = config['host'] if not dirname(db_file_path): # file_path has not directory, assume it lives in DATA_DIR db_file_path = join(DATA_DIR, db_file_path) self.db_name = None self.cnx = sqlite3.connect(db_file_path) else: self.db_name = config['dbname'] self.cnx = psycopg2.connect(**config) self.cursor = self.cnx.cursor() self.tables = ['DVHs', 'Plans', 'Rxs', 'Beams', 'DICOM_Files']
Hierarchy of classes: Plan -> FxGroup -> Beam -> ControlPoint """ # Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Dan Cutright # This file is part of DVH Analytics, released under a BSD license. # See the file LICENSE included with this distribution, also # available at from dicompylercore import dicomparser import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import Polygon from shapely import speedups from import flatten_list_of_lists as flatten from dvha.options import Options options = Options() # Enable shapely calculations using C, as opposed to the C++ default if speedups.available: speedups.enable() class Plan: """ Collect plan information from an RT Plan DICOM file. Automatically parses fraction data with FxGroup class """ def __init__(self, rt_plan_file): """ :param rt_plan_file: absolute file path of a DICOM RT Plan file """
""" Class to retrieve DVH data from SQL, calculate parameters dependent on DVHs, and extract plotting data """ # Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Dan Cutright # This file is part of DVH Analytics, released under a BSD license. # See the file LICENSE included with this distribution, also # available at from copy import deepcopy from dateutil.parser import parse as date_parser import numpy as np from dvha.db.sql_connector import DVH_SQL from dvha.db.sql_to_python import QuerySQL from dvha.options import Options MAX_DOSE_VOLUME = Options().MAX_DOSE_VOLUME # This class retrieves DVH data from the SQL database and calculates statistical DVHs (min, max, quartiles) # It also provides some inspection tools of the retrieved data class DVH: def __init__(self, uid=None, dvh_condition=None, dvh_bin_width=5): """ This class will retrieve DVHs and other data in the DVH SQL table meeting the given constraints, it will also parse the DVH_string into python lists and retrieve the associated Rx dose :param uid: a list of allowed study_instance_uids in data set :param dvh_condition: a string in SQL syntax applied to a DVH Table query :param dvh_bin_width: retrieve every nth value from dvh_string in SQL :type dvh_bin_width: int """
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): kwds["style"] = kwds.get("style", 0) | wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.layout_set = False self.sizer_dvhs = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) set_msw_background_color(self) # If windows, change the background color self.options = Options() # Initial DVH object and data self.save_data = {} self.group_data = {1: {'dvh': None, 'data': {key: None for key in ['Plans', 'Beams', 'Rxs']}, 'stats_data': None}, 2: {'dvh': None, 'data': {key: None for key in ['Plans', 'Beams', 'Rxs']}, 'stats_data': None}} self.toolbar_keys = ['Open', 'Close', 'Save', 'Export', 'Import', 'Database', 'ROI Map', 'Settings'] self.toolbar_ids = {key: i + 1000 for i, key in enumerate(self.toolbar_keys)} # contains dictionaries of all queryable variables along with their # SQL columns and tables. Numerical categories include their units as well. self.categorical_columns = sql_columns.categorical self.numerical_columns = sql_columns.numerical # Keep track of currently selected row in the query tables self.selected_index_categorical = None self.selected_index_numerical = None # Load ROI Map now and pass to other objects for continuity # TODO: Need a method to address multiple users editing roi_map at the same time self.roi_map = DatabaseROIs() self.query_filters = None self.reset_query_filters() self.__add_menubar() self.__add_tool_bar() self.__add_layout_objects() self.__bind_layout_objects() columns = {'categorical': ['category_1', 'category_2', 'Filter Type'], 'numerical': ['category', 'min', 'max', 'Filter Type']} self.data_table_categorical = DataTable(self.table_categorical, columns=columns['categorical']) self.data_table_numerical = DataTable(self.table_numerical, columns=columns['numerical']) self.__set_properties() self.__set_tooltips() self.__add_notebook_frames() self.__do_layout() self.disable_query_buttons('categorical') self.disable_query_buttons('numerical') self.button_query_execute.Disable() self.__disable_notebook_tabs() self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.on_quit) self.tool_bar_windows = {key: None for key in ['import', 'database', 'roi_map']} wx.CallAfter(self.__catch_failed_sql_connection_on_app_launch) self.__do_subscribe()