コード例 #1
ファイル: dwarfBeard.py プロジェクト: highway/dwarfBeard
def main():

	#initial settings
	dwarfBeard.MY_FULLNAME = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))
	dwarfBeard.MY_NAME = os.path.basename(dwarfBeard.MY_FULLNAME)
	dwarfBeard.PROG_DIR = os.path.dirname(dwarfBeard.MY_FULLNAME)
	dwarfBeard.DATA_DIR = dwarfBeard.PROG_DIR
	#load the config file path if it is not loaded
	if not dwarfBeard.CONFIG_FILE:
		dwarfBeard.CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(dwarfBeard.DATA_DIR, "config.ini")
	#load the path to the db if it is not loaded
	if not dwarfBeard.DB_FILE:
		dwarfBeard.DB_FILE = os.path.join(dwarfBeard.DATA_DIR, "dwarf.db")
	# Make sure that we can create the data dir
	if not os.access(dwarfBeard.DATA_DIR, os.F_OK):
			os.makedirs(dwarfBeard.DATA_DIR, 0744)
		except os.error:
			sys.exit("Unable to create data directory: " + dwarfBeard.DATA_DIR + " Exiting.")
	# Make sure we can write to the data dir
	if not os.access(dwarfBeard.DATA_DIR, os.W_OK):
		sys.exit("Data directory: " + dwarfBeard.DATA_DIR + " must be writeable (write permissions). Exiting.")
	# Make sure we can write to the config file
	if not os.access(dwarfBeard.CONFIG_FILE, os.W_OK):
		if os.path.isfile(dwarfBeard.CONFIG_FILE):
			sys.exit("Config file: " + dwarfBeard.CONFIG_FILE + " must be writeable (write permissions). Exiting.")
		elif not os.access(os.path.dirname(dwarfBeard.CONFIG_FILE), os.W_OK):
			sys.exit("Config file directory: " + os.path.dirname(dwarfBeard.CONFIG_FILE) + " must be writeable (write permissions). Exiting")
	#change the working directory
	# Load the config and publish it to the dwarfBeard package
	dwarfBeard.CFG = ConfigObj(dwarfBeard.CONFIG_FILE)
	#if the db does not exist create it.
	if not os.path.isfile(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE):
		dbConn = sqlite3.connect(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
	#init the db if needed
	myDb = DBConnection(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
	if not myDb.initTest():
	# Initialize dwarfBeard and the config
	# Use this PID for everything
	dwarfBeard.PID = os.getpid()

	#set the log dir
	if dwarfBeard.WEB_LOG:
		log_dir = dwarfBeard.LOG_DIR
		log_dir = None

	#try to init the web server
					  'port': dwarfBeard.WEB_PORT,
					  'host': dwarfBeard.WEB_HOST,
					  'data_root': os.path.join(dwarfBeard.PROG_DIR, 'webData'),
					  'web_root': dwarfBeard.WEB_ROOT,
					  'log_dir': log_dir,
					  'username': dwarfBeard.WEB_USERNAME,
					  'password': dwarfBeard.WEB_PASSWORD,
	except IOError:
		print "Unable to start web server, is something else running on port: " + str(dwarfBeard.WEB_PORT)

	# Launch browser if we're supposed to
	if dwarfBeard.LAUNCH_BROWSER:
	#create a task timer that executes the task action list at a set interval
	#this is how we will control the time between profession jobs
	taskActionTimer = TaskTimer(1, executeTaskActionList)
	#create a bool for use during blackout hours
	#this is to simulate the user getting some sleep
	blackoutActive = False
	blackoutActiveLastScan = False #used for edge detection
	#here is the run loop
	while True:

		#decide if the current local time is within the black out time
		blackoutActive = ((time.localtime()[3] >= int(dwarfBeard.BLACKOUT_START_HOUR)) or (time.localtime()[3] < int(dwarfBeard.BLACKOUT_END_HOUR))) and dwarfBeard.BLACKOUT_EN
		#signal when black out becomes active
		if blackoutActive and not blackoutActiveLastScan:
			print 'Blackout just became active @', time.localtime()[3]
		elif blackoutActiveLastScan and not blackoutActive:
			print 'Blackout just ended @', time.localtime()[3]
		#when we get the runTasks signal start the task timer 
		#if its not already running
		#if task collection is in progress the timer will not be running
		if dwarfBeard.runTasks and not blackoutActive:
			if not (taskActionTimer.running or dwarfBeard.taskExecRunning):
				print 'starting task timer'
				#set a default interval. this will be reset by the log out function
				taskActionTimer.interval = 1
			if taskActionTimer.running:
				if blackoutActive:
					print 'stopping task timer during blackout period'
					print 'stopping task timer'
		#set any vars for edge detection
		blackoutActiveLastScan = blackoutActive
		#sleep at the end of each scan so processor time is not consumed