コード例 #1
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: slok/dwarf
    def save(self):
        """Saves or updates the ShortLink instance in database"""

        if not self.url:
            raise ShortLinkError("Token or url are empty")

        r = get_redis_connection()

        #If not token or counter then we need to get the apropiate one (last)
        if not self.token and not self.counter:
            self.counter = ShortLink.incr_counter()

        # Do all in pipeline
        pipe = r.pipeline()

        # Save token(Hash) and url(set)

        #If there is not a date then take now
        if not self.creation_date:
            self.creation_date = dateutils.unix_now_utc()

        disabled = 1 if self.disabled else 0

        mappings = {'url': self.url,
                'creation_date': self.creation_date,
                'clicks': self.clicks,
                'title': self.title,
                'host': self.host,
                'disabled': disabled}

        pipe.hmset(ShortLink.REDIS_TOKEN_KEY.format(self.token), mappings)
        pipe.sadd(ShortLink.REDIS_URL_KEY.format(self.url), self.token)

        return pipe.execute()
コード例 #2
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: slok/dwarf
    def test_save_shortLink(self):
        counter = random.randrange(0, 100000)
        url = "xlarrakoetxea.org"
        creation_date = dateutils.unix_now_utc()
        clicks = 20
        title = "This is a title"
        host = url
        disabled = True

        # Save the links
        sl = ShortLink(counter=counter, url=url, creation_date=creation_date,
                        clicks=clicks, title=title, host=host)
        sl.disabled = disabled

        r = redis.StrictRedis(host=settings.REDIS_HOST,

        # Construct the Keys
        rtk = ShortLink.REDIS_TOKEN_KEY.format(utils.counter_to_token(counter))
        ruk = ShortLink.REDIS_URL_KEY.format(url)

        # Check
        token = utils.counter_to_token(counter)
        self.assertTrue(token in r.smembers(ruk))
        keys = ('url', 'creation_date', 'clicks', 'title', 'host')
        data = [url, creation_date, clicks, title, host]
        aux = r.hmget(rtk, keys)

        data_result = [aux[0], int(aux[1]), int(aux[2]), aux[3], aux[4]]
        self.assertEquals(data, data_result)
コード例 #3
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: slok/dwarf
    def test_click_store(self):
        token = utils.counter_to_token(random.randrange(0, 100000))
        click_id = random.randrange(0, 100000)
        OS = "linux"
        browser = "firefox"
        ip = "111.222.333.444"
        click_date = dateutils.unix_now_utc()
        language = "EN_us"
        location = "US"

        c = Click(click_id, token, ip, OS, browser, click_date, language, location)


        # Check the stored object
        key = Click.REDIS_CLICK_KEY.format(token, click_id)
        r = get_redis_connection()
        values = r.hgetall(key)

        self.assertEquals(OS, values["os"])
        self.assertEquals(browser, values["browser"])
        self.assertEquals(ip, values["ip"])
        self.assertEquals(click_date, int(values["click_date"]))
        self.assertEquals(language, values["language"])
        self.assertEquals(location, values["location"])
コード例 #4
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: slok/dwarf
    def save(self):
        """ Save a click in the database. If the instance doens't have the 
        click_id the method will get the correct value, based on the Short link
        click counter"""

        r = get_redis_connection()

        if not self.token:
            raise ClickError("Not enought data to store click instance")

        #if there isn't an identification then get the apropiate id
        if not self.click_id:
            self.click_id = ShortLink.incr_clicks(self.token)

        #set the date if there isn't a date
        if not self.click_date:
            self.click_date = dateutils.unix_now_utc()

        key = Click.REDIS_CLICK_KEY.format(self.token, self.click_id)

        #Create the data
        to_store = {}
        for i in Click.FIELDS:
            value = getattr(self, i)
            if value:
                to_store[i] = value

        r.hmset(key, to_store)
コード例 #5
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: slok/dwarf
    def __init__(
        self._notification_type = notification_type
        self._title = title
        self._description = description
        self._image = image
        self.date = unix_now_utc()
        self._user_id = user_id
        self._read = read

        if not push_key:
            self._push_key = Notification.PUSH_KEY_FORMAT.format(user_id)
        if not key_read:
            self._key_read = Notification.STORE_KEY_READ_FORMAT.format(user_id)
        if not key_unread:
            self._key_unread = Notification.STORE_KEY_UNREAD_FORMAT.format(user_id)
コード例 #6
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: slok/dwarf
    def test_unix_now_utc(self):
        unix_now = dateutils.unix_now_utc()
        now = dateutils.unix_to_datetime(unix_now)
        almost_now = datetime.utcnow()

        self.assertEquals(almost_now.year, now.year)
        self.assertEquals(almost_now.month, now.month)
        self.assertEquals(almost_now.day, now.day)
        self.assertEquals(almost_now.hour, now.hour)
        self.assertEquals(almost_now.minute, now.minute)
        self.assertEquals(almost_now.second, now.second)
コード例 #7
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: slok/dwarf
    def test_click_basic_object_str(self):
        token = utils.counter_to_token(random.randrange(0, 100000))
        click_id = random.randrange(0, 100000)
        OS = "linux"
        browser = "firefox"
        ip = "111.222.333.444"
        click_date = dateutils.unix_now_utc()
        language = "EN_us"
        location = "US"

        c = Click(click_id, token, ip, OS, browser, click_date, language, location)

        format = Click.OBJECT_STR_FORMAT.format(click_id, token, ip, OS, browser, click_date, language, location)

        self.assertEquals(format, str(c))
コード例 #8
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: slok/dwarf
    def test_shortlink_basic_object(self):
        url = "xlarrakoetxea.org"
        counter = random.randrange(0, 100000)
        token = utils.counter_to_token(counter)
        creation_date = None
        clicks = 0
        title = "This is a title"
        host = url
        disabled = True

        # Setters from counter
        sl = ShortLink(counter=counter, url=url, title=title, host=host)
        sl.disabled = disabled

        # Getters
        self.assertEquals(url, sl.url)
        self.assertEquals(counter, sl.counter)
        self.assertEquals(token, sl.token)
        self.assertEquals(creation_date, sl.creation_date)
        self.assertEquals(clicks, sl.clicks)
        self.assertEquals(title, sl.title)
        self.assertEquals(host, sl.host)
        self.assertEquals(disabled, sl.disabled)

        # Setters from token
        sl2 = ShortLink(token=token, url=url)
        creation_date = dateutils.unix_now_utc()
        sl2.creation_date = creation_date
        clicks = 5
        sl2.clicks = clicks
        sl2.title = title
        sl2.host = host
        sl2.disabled = disabled

        # Getters
        self.assertEquals(url, sl2.url)
        self.assertEquals(counter, sl2.counter)
        self.assertEquals(token, sl2.token)
        self.assertEquals(creation_date, sl2.creation_date)
        self.assertEquals(clicks, sl2.clicks)
        self.assertEquals(title, sl2.title)
        self.assertEquals(host, sl2.host)
        self.assertEquals(disabled, sl2.disabled)
コード例 #9
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: slok/dwarf
    def test_click_find(self):
        token = utils.counter_to_token(random.randrange(0, 100000))
        OS = "linux"
        ip = "111.222.333.444"
        browser = "firefox"
        click_date = dateutils.unix_now_utc()
        language = "EN_us"
        location = "US"
        url = "http://xlarrakoetxea.org"

        sl = ShortLink(token=token, url=url)

        c = Click(
            token=token, os=OS, ip=ip, browser=browser, click_date=click_date, language=language, location=location

        c2 = Click.find(token, c.click_id)
        self.assertEquals(c, c2)
コード例 #10
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: slok/dwarf
    def test_click_basic_object(self):
        token = utils.counter_to_token(random.randrange(0, 100000))
        click_id = random.randrange(0, 100000)
        OS = "linux"
        browser = "firefox"
        ip = "111.222.333.444"
        click_date = dateutils.unix_now_utc()
        language = "EN_us"
        location = "US"

        c = Click(click_id, token, ip, OS, browser, click_date, language, location)

        # Check getters
        self.assertEquals(token, c.token)
        self.assertEquals(click_id, c.click_id)
        self.assertEquals(OS, c.os)
        self.assertEquals(browser, c.browser)
        self.assertEquals(ip, c.ip)
        self.assertEquals(click_date, c.click_date)
        self.assertEquals(language, c.language)
        self.assertEquals(location, c.location)

        # Check setters
        c2 = Click()
        c2.token = token
        c2.click_id = click_id
        c2.os = OS
        c2.browser = browser
        c2.ip = ip
        c2.click_date = click_date
        c2.language = language
        c2.location = location

        self.assertEquals(token, c2.token)
        self.assertEquals(click_id, c2.click_id)
        self.assertEquals(OS, c2.os)
        self.assertEquals(browser, c2.browser)
        self.assertEquals(ip, c2.ip)
        self.assertEquals(click_date, c2.click_date)
        self.assertEquals(language, c2.language)
        self.assertEquals(location, c2.location)