コード例 #1
 def test_qpu_request_encoding(self):
     solver = get_solver()
     linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes}
     quadratic = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges}
     request = encode_bqm_as_qp(solver, linear, quadratic)
     self.assertEqual(request['format'], 'qp')
     self.assertEqual(request['lin'],  'AAAAAAAA8D8AAAAAAADwPwAAAAAAAPA/AAAAAAAA8D8=')
     self.assertEqual(request['quad'], 'AAAAAAAA8L8AAAAAAADwvwAAAAAAAPC/AAAAAAAA8L8=')
コード例 #2
    def test_qpu_request_encoding_all_qubits(self):
        """Test biases and coupling strengths are properly encoded (base64 little-endian doubles)."""

        solver = get_solver()
        linear = {index: 1 for index in solver.nodes}
        quadratic = {key: -1 for key in solver.undirected_edges}
        request = encode_bqm_as_qp(solver, linear, quadratic)
        self.assertEqual(request['format'], 'qp')
        self.assertEqual(request['lin'], self.encode_doubles([1, 1, 1, 1]))
        self.assertEqual(request['quad'], self.encode_doubles([-1, -1, -1,
コード例 #3
    def test_qpu_request_encoding_sub_qubits_implicit_couplings(self):
        """Couplings should be zero for active qubits, if not specified."""

        solver = get_solver()
        linear = {0: 0, 3: 0}
        quadratic = {}
        request = encode_bqm_as_qp(solver, linear, quadratic)
        self.assertEqual(request['format'], 'qp')
        # [0, NaN, NaN, 0]
                         self.encode_doubles([0, self.nan, self.nan, 0]))
        # [0]
        self.assertEqual(request['quad'], self.encode_doubles([0]))
コード例 #4
    def test_qpu_request_encoding_sub_qubits_implicit_biases(self):
        """Biases don't have to be specified for qubits to be active."""

        solver = get_solver()
        linear = {}
        quadratic = {(0, 3): -1}
        request = encode_bqm_as_qp(solver, linear, quadratic)
        self.assertEqual(request['format'], 'qp')
        # [0, NaN, NaN, 0]
                         self.encode_doubles([0, self.nan, self.nan, 0]))
        # [-1]
        self.assertEqual(request['quad'], self.encode_doubles([-1]))
コード例 #5
    def test_qpu_request_encoding_missing_qubits(self):
        """Qubits don't have to be specified with biases only, but also with couplings."""

        solver = get_solver()
        linear = {}
        quadratic = {(0, 1): -1}
        request = encode_bqm_as_qp(solver, linear, quadratic)
        self.assertEqual(request['format'], 'qp')
        # [0, 0, NaN, NaN]
                         self.encode_doubles([0, 0, self.nan, self.nan]))
        # [-1]
        self.assertEqual(request['quad'], self.encode_doubles([-1]))
コード例 #6
    def test_qpu_request_encoding_sub_qubits(self):
        """Inactive qubits should be encoded as NaNs. Inactive couplers should be omitted."""

        solver = get_solver()
        linear = {index: 1 for index in sorted(list(solver.nodes))[:2]}
        quadratic = {
            key: -1
            for key in sorted(list(solver.undirected_edges))[:1]
        request = encode_bqm_as_qp(solver, linear, quadratic)
        self.assertEqual(request['format'], 'qp')
        # [1, 1, NaN, NaN]
                         self.encode_doubles([1, 1, self.nan, self.nan]))
        # [-1]
        self.assertEqual(request['quad'], self.encode_doubles([-1]))
コード例 #7
    def _sample(self, type_, linear, quadratic, params):
        """Internal method for both sample_ising and sample_qubo.

            linear (list/dict): Linear terms of the model.
            quadratic (dict of (int, int):float): Quadratic terms of the model.
            **params: Parameters for the sampling method, specified per solver.

            :obj: `Future`
        # Check the problem
        if not self.check_problem(linear, quadratic):
            raise ValueError("Problem graph incompatible with solver.")

        # Mix the new parameters with the default parameters
        combined_params = dict(self._params)

        # Check the parameters before submitting
        for key in combined_params:
            if key not in self.parameters and not key.startswith('x_'):
                raise KeyError(
                    "{} is not a parameter of this solver.".format(key))

        # transform some of the parameters in-place
        self._format_params(type_, combined_params)

        body = json.dumps({
            'solver': self.id,
            'data': encode_bqm_as_qp(self, linear, quadratic),
            'type': type_,
            'params': combined_params
        _LOGGER.trace("Encoded sample request: %s", body)

        future = Future(solver=self,
                        submission_data=(type_, linear, quadratic, params))

        _LOGGER.debug("Submitting new problem to: %s", self.id)
        self.client._submit(body, future)
        return future
コード例 #8
    def _sample(self, type_, linear, quadratic, params, reuse_future=None):
        """Internal method for both sample_ising and sample_qubo.

            linear (list/dict): Linear terms of the model.
            quadratic (dict of (int, int):float): Quadratic terms of the model.
            **params: Parameters for the sampling method, specified per solver.

            :obj: `Future`
        # Check the problem
        if not self.check_problem(linear, quadratic):
            raise ValueError("Problem graph incompatible with solver.")

        # Mix the new parameters with the default parameters
        combined_params = dict(self._params)

        # Check the parameters before submitting
        for key in combined_params:
            if key not in self.parameters and key != self._PARAMETER_ENABLE_HARDWARE:
                raise KeyError("{} is not a parameter of this solver.".format(key))

        body = json.dumps({
            'solver': self.id,
            'data': encode_bqm_as_qp(self, linear, quadratic),
            'type': type_,
            'params': params

        # Construct where we will put the result when we finish, submit the query
        if reuse_future is not None:
            future = reuse_future
            future.__init__(self, None, self.return_matrix, (type_, linear, quadratic, params))
            future = Future(self, None, self.return_matrix, (type_, linear, quadratic, params))

        _LOGGER.debug("Submitting new problem to: %s", self.id)
        self.client._submit(body, future)
        return future