コード例 #1
    def test_sublattice_mappings(self):
        def check_subgraph_mapping(f, g, h):
            for v in g:
                if not h.has_node(f(v)):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"node {v} mapped to {f(v)} is not in {h.graph['name']} ({h.graph['labels']})"
            for u, v in g.edges:
                if not h.has_edge(f(u), f(v)):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"edge {(u, v)} mapped to {(f(u), f(v))} not present in {h.graph['name']} ({h.graph['labels']})"

        z2l = dnx.zephyr_graph(2)
        z2c = dnx.zephyr_graph(2, coordinates=True)
        c2l = dnx.chimera_graph(2)
        c2c = dnx.chimera_graph(2, coordinates=True)
        c23l = dnx.chimera_graph(2, 3)
        c32c = dnx.chimera_graph(3, 2, coordinates=True)
        c2l8 = dnx.chimera_graph(2, t=8)
        c2c8 = dnx.chimera_graph(2, t=8, coordinates=True)
        c23l8 = dnx.chimera_graph(2, 3, t=8)
        c32c8 = dnx.chimera_graph(3, 2, t=8, coordinates=True)

        z5l = dnx.zephyr_graph(5)
        z5c = dnx.zephyr_graph(5, coordinates=True)

        for target in z5l, z5c:
            for source in z2l, z2c, c2l, c2c, c2l8, c2c8, c23l, c32c, c23l8, c32c8, target:
                covered = set()
                for f in dnx.zephyr_sublattice_mappings(source, target):
                    check_subgraph_mapping(f, source, target)
                    covered.update(map(f, source))
                self.assertEqual(covered, set(target))
コード例 #2
    def test_graph_relabeling(self):
        def graph_equal(g, h):
            self.assertEqual(set(g), set(h))
            self.assertEqual(set(map(tuple, map(sorted, g.edges))),
                             set(map(tuple, map(sorted, g.edges))))
            for v, d in g.nodes(data=True):
                self.assertEqual(h.nodes[v], d)

        coords = dnx.zephyr_coordinates(3)
        for data in True, False:
            z3l = dnx.zephyr_graph(3, data=data)
            z3c = dnx.zephyr_graph(3, data=data, coordinates=True)

            graph_equal(z3l, coords.graph_to_linear(z3l))
            graph_equal(z3l, coords.graph_to_linear(z3c))

            graph_equal(z3c, coords.graph_to_zephyr(z3c))
            graph_equal(z3c, coords.graph_to_zephyr(z3l))

        h = dnx.zephyr_graph(2)
        del h.graph['labels']
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
コード例 #3
    def test_not_full_yield(self):
        edges = [(2, 30), (7, 44), (10, 37), (12, 29), (15, 37), (19, 41)]
        G = dnx.zephyr_graph(1, 4, edge_list=edges)
        for e in edges:
            self.assertIn(e, G.edges())
        for (u, v) in G.edges:
            self.assertTrue((u, v) in edges or (v, u) in edges)

        nodes = [0, 1, 2]
        G = dnx.zephyr_graph(1, 2, node_list=nodes)
        self.assertEqual(len(G), 3)
        self.assertEqual(len(G.edges()), 1)

        edges = [(0, 1), (2, 3)]
        nodes = [0, 1, 2, 3]
        G = dnx.zephyr_graph(1, 2, node_list=nodes, edge_list=edges)
        self.assertEqual(len(G), 4)
        self.assertEqual(len(G.edges()), 2)
コード例 #4
 def test_coordinate_basics(self):
     from dwave_networkx.generators.zephyr import zephyr_coordinates
     G = dnx.zephyr_graph(4)
     H = dnx.zephyr_graph(4, coordinates=True)
     coords = zephyr_coordinates(4)
     Gnodes = G.nodes
     Hnodes = H.nodes
     for v in Gnodes:
         q = Gnodes[v]['zephyr_index']
         self.assertIn(q, Hnodes)
         self.assertEqual(Hnodes[q]['linear_index'], v)
         self.assertEqual(v, coords.zephyr_to_linear(q))
         self.assertEqual(q, coords.linear_to_zephyr(v))
     for q in Hnodes:
         v = Hnodes[q]['linear_index']
         self.assertIn(v, Gnodes)
         self.assertEqual(Gnodes[v]['zephyr_index'], q)
         self.assertEqual(v, coords.zephyr_to_linear(q))
         self.assertEqual(q, coords.linear_to_zephyr(v))
コード例 #5
    def test_single_tile(self):

        # fully specified
        G = dnx.zephyr_graph(1, 4)

        # should have 8 nodes
        self.assertEqual(len(G), 48)

        # nodes 0,...,7 should be in the tile
        for n in range(48):
            self.assertIn(n, G)
コード例 #6
    def test_to_networkx_pegasus(self):
        sampler = self.sampler
        sampler.solver.properties.update({'topology': {'type': 'zephyr', 'shape': [4, 4]}})
        G = sampler.to_networkx_graph()

        # Create pegasus graph for comparison
        zephyrG = dnx.zephyr_graph(4, node_list=sampler.nodelist, edge_list=sampler.edgelist)

        self.assertEqual(set(G), set(zephyrG))

        for u, v in zephyrG.edges:
            self.assertIn(u, G[v])

        del sampler.solver.properties['topology']
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestLayoutPlacement, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Graphs for testing
        self.S = nx.random_regular_graph(3, 50)
        self.S_small = nx.random_regular_graph(3, 10)
        self.S_components = nx.Graph([(2*i, 2*i+1) for i in range(10)])
        self.G = nx.Graph()
        self.H = nx.complete_graph(1)
        self.C = dnx.chimera_graph(4)
        self.C_coord = dnx.chimera_graph(4, coordinates=True)
        self.C_blank = dnx.chimera_graph(4, data=False)
        self.P = dnx.pegasus_graph(4)
        self.P_coord = dnx.pegasus_graph(4, coordinates=True)
        self.P_nice = dnx.pegasus_graph(4, nice_coordinates=True)
        self.P_blank = dnx.pegasus_graph(4, data=False)
        self.Z = dnx.zephyr_graph(4)
        self.Z_coord = dnx.zephyr_graph(4, coordinates=True)
        self.Z_blank = dnx.pegasus_graph(4, data=False)

        # Compute some layouts
        self.S_layout = mml.Layout(self.S)
        self.S_small_layout = mml.Layout(self.S_small)
        self.S_components_layout = mml.Layout(self.S_small)
        self.G_layout = mml.Layout(self.G)
        self.C_layout = mml.Layout(self.C)
        self.C_coord_layout = mml.Layout(self.C_coord)
        self.C_blank_layout = mml.Layout(self.C_blank)
        self.C_layout_3 = mml.Layout(self.C, dim=3)
        self.P_layout = mml.Layout(self.P)
        self.P_coord_layout = mml.Layout(self.P_coord)
        self.P_nice_layout = mml.Layout(self.P_nice)
        self.P_blank_layout = mml.Layout(self.P_blank)
        self.Z_layout = mml.Layout(self.Z)
        self.Z_coord_layout = mml.Layout(self.Z_coord)
        self.Z_blank_layout = mml.Layout(self.Z_blank)
コード例 #8
    def test_float_robustness(self):
        G = dnx.zephyr_graph(8 / 2)

        self.assertEqual(set(G.nodes), set(dnx.zephyr_graph(4).nodes))
        for u, v in dnx.zephyr_graph(4).edges:
            self.assertIn(u, G[v])

        G = dnx.zephyr_graph(4, 4.)

        self.assertEqual(set(G.nodes), set(dnx.zephyr_graph(4).nodes))
        for u, v in dnx.zephyr_graph(4).edges:
            self.assertIn(u, G[v])
コード例 #9
    def test_coordinate_subgraphs(self):
        from dwave_networkx.generators.zephyr import zephyr_coordinates
        from random import sample
        G = dnx.zephyr_graph(4)
        H = dnx.zephyr_graph(4, coordinates=True)
        coords = zephyr_coordinates(4)

        lmask = sample(list(G.nodes()), G.number_of_nodes() // 2)
        cmask = list(coords.iter_linear_to_zephyr(lmask))

        self.assertEqual(lmask, list(coords.iter_zephyr_to_linear(cmask)))

        Gm = dnx.zephyr_graph(4, node_list=lmask)
        Hm = dnx.zephyr_graph(4, node_list=cmask, coordinates=True)

        Gs = G.subgraph(lmask)
        Hs = H.subgraph(cmask)

        EG = sorted(map(sorted, Gs.edges()))
        EH = sorted(map(sorted, Hs.edges()))

        self.assertEqual(EG, sorted(map(sorted, Gm.edges())))
        self.assertEqual(EH, sorted(map(sorted, Hm.edges())))

        Gn = dnx.zephyr_graph(4, edge_list=EG)
        Hn = dnx.zephyr_graph(4, edge_list=EH, coordinates=True)

        Gnodes = Gn.nodes
        Hnodes = Hn.nodes
        for v in Gnodes:
            q = Gnodes[v]['zephyr_index']
            self.assertIn(q, Hnodes)
            self.assertEqual(Hnodes[q]['linear_index'], v)
            self.assertEqual(v, coords.zephyr_to_linear(q))
            self.assertEqual(q, coords.linear_to_zephyr(v))
        for q in Hnodes:
            v = Hnodes[q]['linear_index']
            self.assertIn(v, Gnodes)
            self.assertEqual(Gnodes[v]['zephyr_index'], q)
            self.assertEqual(v, coords.zephyr_to_linear(q))
            self.assertEqual(q, coords.linear_to_zephyr(v))

コード例 #10
    def to_networkx_graph(self):
        """Converts DWaveSampler's structure to a Chimera, Pegasus or Zephyr NetworkX graph.

                Either an (m, n, t) Chimera lattice, a Pegasus lattice of size m or a
                Zephyr lattice of size m.

            This example converts a selected D-Wave system solver to a graph
            and verifies it has over 2000 nodes.

            >>> from dwave.system import DWaveSampler
            >>> sampler = DWaveSampler()
            >>> g = sampler.to_networkx_graph()      # doctest: +SKIP
            >>> len(g.nodes) > 2000                  # doctest: +SKIP

        topology_type = self.properties['topology']['type']
        shape = self.properties['topology']['shape']

        if topology_type == 'chimera':
            G = dnx.chimera_graph(*shape,

        elif topology_type == 'pegasus':
            G = dnx.pegasus_graph(shape[0],

        elif topology_type == 'zephyr':
            G = dnx.zephyr_graph(shape[0],

        return G
コード例 #11
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(TestZephyr, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.z6 = dnx.zephyr_graph(6)
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self,

        if topology_type == 'zephyr':
            if topology_shape is None:
                topology_shape = [2, 4]
            elif len(topology_shape) != 2:
                raise ValueError('topology_shape must be a 2-value '
                                 'list for Zephyr')
            # Z2 for small manageable (but non-trivial) default.
            # Z15 full scale.
            solver_graph = dnx.zephyr_graph(topology_shape[0],
        elif topology_type == 'pegasus':
            if topology_shape is None:
                topology_shape = [3]
            elif len(topology_shape) != 1:
                raise ValueError('topology_shape must be a single-value '
                                 'list for Pegasus')
            # P3 fabric_only for small manageable (but non-trivial) default.
            # P16 full scale.
            solver_graph = dnx.pegasus_graph(topology_shape[0],
        elif topology_type == 'chimera':
            if topology_shape is None:
                topology_shape = [4, 4, 4]
            elif len(topology_shape) != 3:
                raise ValueError('topology_shape must be 3-value list '
                                 'for Chimera')
            # solver_graph for small manageable (but non-trivial) default.
            # C16 full scale.
            solver_graph = dnx.chimera_graph(topology_shape[0],
            raise ValueError("Only 'chimera', 'pegasus' and 'zephyr' "
                             "topologies are supported")

        if broken_nodes is None and broken_edges is None:
            self.nodelist = sorted(solver_graph.nodes)
            self.edgelist = sorted(
                tuple(sorted(edge)) for edge in solver_graph.edges)
            if broken_nodes is None:
                broken_nodes = []
            self.nodelist = sorted(
            if broken_edges == None:
                broken_edges = []
            self.edgelist = sorted(
                tuple(sorted((u, v))) for u, v in solver_graph.edges
                if u not in broken_nodes and v not in broken_nodes and (
                    u, v) not in broken_edges and (v, u) not in broken_edges)
        # mark the sample kwargs
        self.parameters = parameters = {}
        parameters['num_reads'] = ['num_reads_range']
        parameters['flux_biases'] = ['j_range']
        parameters['label'] = []

        # add the interesting properties manually
        self.properties = properties = {}
        properties['j_range'] = [-1.0, 1.0]
        properties['h_range'] = [-2.0, 2.0]
        properties['num_reads_range'] = [1, 10000]
        properties['num_qubits'] = len(solver_graph)
        properties['category'] = 'qpu'
        properties['quota_conversion_rate'] = 1
        properties['topology'] = {
            'type': topology_type,
            'shape': topology_shape
        properties['chip_id'] = 'MockDWaveSampler'
        properties['annealing_time_range'] = [1.0, 2000.0]
        properties['num_qubits'] = len(self.nodelist)
        properties['extended_j_range'] = [-2.0, 1.0]
        properties["supported_problem_types"] = ['ising', 'qubo']
        # add some occasionally useful properties
        properties["default_annealing_time"] = 20.0
        properties["default_programming_thermalization"] = 1000.0
        properties["default_readout_thermalization"] = 0.0
        properties["h_gain_schedule_range"] = [-4.0, 4.0]
        properties["max_anneal_schedule_points"] = 12
        properties["max_h_gain_schedule_points"] = 20
        properties["per_qubit_coupling_range"] = [-18.0, 15.0]
        properties["problem_run_duration_range"] = [0.0, 1000000.0]
        properties["programming_thermalization_range"] = [0.0, 10000.0]
        properties["readout_thermalization_range"] = [0.0, 10000.0]
        properties["qubits"] = self.nodelist.copy()
        properties["couplers"] = self.edgelist.copy()