コード例 #1
def construct_xor_gates_problem(num_inputs):
    if num_inputs < 2:
        num_inputs = 2
    csp = dwavebinarycsp.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dwavebinarycsp.BINARY)
    csp.add_constraint(gates.xor_gate(['q0', 'q1', 'out0'], name='XOR0'))
    for i in range(2, num_inputs):
                'q{}'.format(i), 'out{}'.format(i - 2), 'out{}'.format(i - 1)
                           name='XOR{}'.format(i - 1)))
        lambda x: x,
        ['out{}'.format(num_inputs - 2)])  # last output must be True
    return csp
コード例 #2
ファイル: sat.py プロジェクト: bellert/dwavebinarycsp
def random_xorsat(num_variables, num_clauses, vartype=dimod.BINARY, satisfiable=True):
    if num_variables < 3:
        raise ValueError("a xor problem needs at least 3 variables")
    if num_clauses > 8 * _nchoosek(num_variables, 3):  # 8 different negation patterns
        raise ValueError("too many clauses")

    # also checks the vartype argument
    csp = ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(vartype)

    variables = list(range(num_variables))

    constraints = set()

    if satisfiable:
        values = tuple(vartype.value)
        planted_solution = {v: choice(values) for v in variables}

        configurations = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0)]

        while len(constraints) < num_clauses:
            # because constraints are hashed on configurations/variables, and because the inputs
            # to xor can be swapped without loss of generality, we can order them
            x, y, z = sample(variables, 3)
            if y > x:
                x, y = y, x

            # get the constraint
            const = xor_gate([x, y, z], vartype=vartype)

            # pick (uniformly) a configuration and determine which variables we need to negate to
            # match the chosen configuration
            config = choice(configurations)

            for idx, v in enumerate(const.variables):
                if config[idx] != (planted_solution[v] > 0):

            assert const.check(planted_solution)

        while len(constraints) < num_clauses:
            # because constraints are hashed on configurations/variables, and because the inputs
            # to xor can be swapped without loss of generality, we can order them
            x, y, z = sample(variables, 3)
            if y > x:
                x, y = y, x

            # get the constraint
            const = xor_gate([x, y, z], vartype=vartype)

            # randomly flip each variable in the constraint
            for idx, v in enumerate(const.variables):
                if random() > .5:

            assert const.check(planted_solution)


    for const in constraints:

    # in case any variables didn't make it in
    for v in variables:

    return csp
コード例 #3
ファイル: sat.py プロジェクト: todun/dwavebinarycsp
def random_xorsat(num_variables,
    """Random XOR constraint satisfaction problem.

        num_variables (integer): Number of variables (at least three).
        num_clauses (integer): Number of constraints that together constitute the
            constraint satisfaction problem.
        vartype (Vartype, optional, default='BINARY'): Variable type. Accepted
            input values:

            * Vartype.SPIN, 'SPIN', {-1, 1}
            * Vartype.BINARY, 'BINARY', {0, 1}
        satisfiable (bool, optional, default=True): True if the CSP can be satisfied.

        CSP (:obj:`.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem`): CSP that is satisfied when its variables
        are assigned values that satisfy a XOR satisfiability problem.

        This example creates a CSP with 5 variables and two random constraints and checks
        whether a particular assignment of variables satisifies it.

        >>> import dwavebinarycsp
        >>> import dwavebinarycsp.factories as sat
        >>> csp = sat.random_xorsat(5, 2)
        >>> csp.constraints    # doctest: +SKIP
        [Constraint.from_configurations(frozenset({(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)}), (4, 3, 0),
         Vartype.BINARY, name='XOR (0 flipped)'),
         Constraint.from_configurations(frozenset({(1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1)}), (2, 0, 4),
         Vartype.BINARY, name='XOR (2 flipped) (0 flipped)')]
        >>> csp.check({0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 1, 4: 1})       # doctest: +SKIP

    if num_variables < 3:
        raise ValueError("a xor problem needs at least 3 variables")
    if num_clauses > 8 * _nchoosek(num_variables,
                                   3):  # 8 different negation patterns
        raise ValueError("too many clauses")

    # also checks the vartype argument
    csp = ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(vartype)

    variables = list(range(num_variables))

    constraints = set()

    if satisfiable:
        values = tuple(vartype.value)
        planted_solution = {v: choice(values) for v in variables}

        configurations = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0)]

        while len(constraints) < num_clauses:
            # because constraints are hashed on configurations/variables, and because the inputs
            # to xor can be swapped without loss of generality, we can order them
            x, y, z = sample(variables, 3)
            if y > x:
                x, y = y, x

            # get the constraint
            const = xor_gate([x, y, z], vartype=vartype)

            # pick (uniformly) a configuration and determine which variables we need to negate to
            # match the chosen configuration
            config = choice(configurations)

            for idx, v in enumerate(const.variables):
                if config[idx] != (planted_solution[v] > 0):

            assert const.check(planted_solution)

        while len(constraints) < num_clauses:
            # because constraints are hashed on configurations/variables, and because the inputs
            # to xor can be swapped without loss of generality, we can order them
            x, y, z = sample(variables, 3)
            if y > x:
                x, y = y, x

            # get the constraint
            const = xor_gate([x, y, z], vartype=vartype)

            # randomly flip each variable in the constraint
            for idx, v in enumerate(const.variables):
                if random() > .5:

            assert const.check(planted_solution)


    for const in constraints:

    # in case any variables didn't make it in
    for v in variables:

    return csp
コード例 #4

For the full-adder we will use:
  inputs (a, b, Cin)
  outputs (s, cOut)

For the intermediate variables we will use:
  (xor1, xor2, and1, and2, or1)
However, s and xor2 are the same, and cOut and or1 are the same.

See this image for a graphical view of this circuit:

csp.add_constraint(gates.xor_gate(['a', 'b', 'xor1']))  # xor(a,b) = xor1

csp.add_constraint(gates.xor_gate(['xor1', 'cIn', 's']))  # xor(xor1,cIn) = s
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['xor1', 'cIn',
                                   'and1']))  # and(xor1,cIn) = and1
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a', 'b', 'and2']))  # and(a,b) = and2

csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['and1', 'and2',
                                  'cOut']))  # or(and1,and2) = cOut

# This is an example of an assert I used to ensure my constraints above
# faithfully reproduced the full-adder I want to implement.
# https://docs.ocean.dwavesys.com/projects/binarycsp/en/latest/reference/generated/dwavebinarycsp.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem.check.html
assert csp.check({
    'a': 1,
    'and1': 0,
コード例 #5
For the intermediate variables we will use:
  (and1, and2, and3, and4, xor1, and5, xor2, and6)
However, we will drop some of the intermediate variables because:
  c0 = and2, c1 = xor1, c2 = xor2, c3 = and6

See this image for a graphical view of this circuit:

csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a0', 'b1', 'and1' ]))  # and(a0, b1) = and1
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a0', 'b0', 'c0'   ]))  # and(a0, b0) = c0
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a1', 'b0', 'and3' ]))  # and(a1, b0) = and3
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['a1', 'b1', 'and4' ]))  # and(a1, b1) = and4

csp.add_constraint(gates.xor_gate(['and1', 'and3', 'c1'   ]))  # xor(and1, and3) = c1
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['and1', 'and3', 'and5' ]))  # and(and1, and3) = and5

csp.add_constraint(gates.xor_gate(['and5', 'and4', 'c2' ]))  # xor(and5, and4) = c2
csp.add_constraint(gates.and_gate(['and5', 'and4', 'c3' ]))  # and(and5, and4) = c3

Now that we have defined the gates for our 2 by 2 multiplier, we need
to fix the output because we want to factor a number. In this case, we
want to factor the number 9, which is 1001 in binary. There are several
ways to fix the number, and each way impacts performance and
correctness differently.

Option 1: (the option we will pick)
For each qubit we want to fix, set a constraint with operator.truth or
operator.not_. "truth" will fix the qubit to 1, and "not_" will fix the
コード例 #6
## the answer, by linking it to the "energy level" of a system.

## The D-Wave website contqins an extensive set of tools, documentation,
## and learning materials to help you get started.

## Required imports
import dwavebinarycsp
import dwavebinarycsp.factories.constraint.gates as gates
import operator
from dimod.reference.samplers import ExactSolver

## Set up the logic gates, exactly as shown in Figure 10-7 of the book.
csp = dwavebinarycsp.ConstraintSatisfactionProblem(dwavebinarycsp.BINARY)
csp.add_constraint(gates.or_gate(['boxA', 'boxB', 'AorB']))  # OR gate
csp.add_constraint(operator.ne, ['boxA', 'notA'])  # NOT gate
csp.add_constraint(gates.xor_gate(['AorB', 'notA', 'notAxorAorB']))  # XOR gate
csp.add_constraint(operator.ne, ['notAxorAorB', 'result'])  # NOT gate
                   ['result', 'one'])  # Specify that the result should be one
    'one', 1)  # We could fix 'result' directly, but this is handy for printing
bqm = dwavebinarycsp.stitch(csp)

## Run the solver
sampler = ExactSolver()
response = sampler.sample(bqm)

## Print all of the results
for datum in response.data(['sample', 'energy']):
    print(datum.sample, datum.energy)