def testMethodFatorizationPriorBound(self): tes = np.array([0.07, 0.13]) tes = tes[:, np.newaxis] t2 = np.array([0.1, 2]) f = np.array([0.7, 0.3]) (A, _) = utils.build_A(t2, tes, f) b = 1000*np.ones(31) b[0] = 0 Scsf = np.exp(, 3e-3)) S = np.random.random(31) S[0] = 1 S = np.stack((S, Scsf)) X =,S) mask = 1 params = {'max_iters': 10, 'max_sources': 2, 'tolfun': 1e-8, 'tolx': 1e-8 } t2_bounds = {'1': [0, 0.2], '2': [1.5, 2.5]} s_prior = {'2': Scsf} r = c = s = 1 result = self.__create_result_object() obss = bss_cals.BssCals() obss._method_factorization(X, tes, mask, params, result, r, c, s, s_prior, t2_bounds) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result.T2[r,c,s,:], t2, 6, 'Unexpected T2 values') np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result.f[r,c,s,:], f, 6, 'Unexpected f values') self.assertEqual(result.pd[r,c,s], 1, 'Unexpected S0 values') np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(result.sources[r,c,s,:,:], S, 3, 'Unexpected sources') self.assertAlmostEqual(result.rel_error[r,c,s], 0, 6, 'Unexpected S0 values')
def testFixSNoPrior(self): nsamples = 30 Sref = np.random.random((2, nsamples)) s_priors = None obss = bss_cals.BssCals() S = obss._fix_S(Sref, s_priors) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(S, Sref, 6,'Wrong H')
def testBoundANoBounds(self): t2_bounds = None tes = np.array([0.07, 0.13]) tes = tes[:, None] Aref = np.ones((2, 2)) A = np.ones((2, 2)) obss = bss_cals.BssCals() A = obss._bound_A(A, t2_bounds, tes) self.assertIsNotNone(A, 'Missing bounded A') np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(A, Aref, 6, 'Wrong A')
def testNegativeTolfun(self): obss = bss_cals.BssCals() dwi = ['data_TE1.nii.gz', 'data_TE2.nii.gz'] TE = [60, 120] data = {'dwi': dwi, 'te': TE} mask = 'mask.nii.gz' params = {'max_iters': 100, 'max_sources': 2, 'tolfun': -1, 'tolx': 1e-6} with self.assertRaises(bss.BssException) as context: results = obss.factorize(data, mask, params,'/') self.assertIsNone(results, 'Unexpected result') self.assertTrue('Parameter tolfun must be >= 0.' in context.exception)
def testNoMaxIters(self): obss = bss_cals.BssCals() dwi = ['data_TE1.nii.gz', 'data_TE2.nii.gz'] TE = [60, 120] data = {'dwi': dwi, 'te': TE} mask = 'mask.nii.gz' params = {'max_sources': 2} with self.assertRaises(bss.BssException) as context: results = obss.factorize(data, mask, params,'/') self.assertIsNone(results, 'Unexpected result') self.assertTrue('Missing max_iters parameter.' in context.exception)
def testFixSPrior(self): nsamples = 30 S = np.random.random((2, nsamples)) s_prior = np.random.random(nsamples) s_priors = {'2': s_prior} obss = bss_cals.BssCals() s_prior = np.linalg.norm(S[1,:]) * s_prior / np.linalg.norm(s_prior) Sref = np.stack((S[0,:], s_prior)) Sref = Sref / np.max(Sref,1)[:, None] S = obss._fix_S(S, s_priors) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(S, Sref, 6,'Wrong H')
def testBoundAFourTes(self): t2_bounds = {'1':[0, 0.15], '2':[0, 0.3], '3':[0, 0.5], '4':[0, 2]} t2 = np.array([0.075, 0.15, 0.25, 1]) tes = np.array([0.04, 0.07, 0.13, 0.2]) tes = tes[:, np.newaxis] f = np.array([0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) (_, Aref) = utils.build_A(t2,tes,f) A = np.ones((4, 4)) obss = bss_cals.BssCals() A = obss._bound_A(A, t2_bounds, tes) A = A / np.linalg.norm(A, None, 0) self.assertIsNotNone(A, 'Missing bounded A') np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(A, Aref, 6,'Wrong A')
def testMethodFactorizationMask0(self): tes = np.array([0.06, 0.1]) tes = tes[:, np.newaxis] X = np.random.random((2, 30)) mask = 0 params = {'max_iters': 100, 'max_sources': 2 } r = c = s = 1 result = self.__create_result_object() obss = bss_cals.BssCals() obss._method_factorization(X, tes, mask, params, result, r, c, s) self.assertEqual(np.sum(result.T2[r,c,s,:]),0, 'Unexpected T2 values') self.assertEqual(np.sum(result.f[r,c,s,:]),0, 'Unexpected f values') self.assertEqual(result.pd[r,c,s], 0, 'Unexpected S0 values') self.assertEqual(np.sum(np.sum(result.sources)), 0, 'Unexpected sources') self.assertEqual(result.rel_error[r,c,s], 0, 'Unexpected S0 values')
@contact: [email protected] @license: LPGL ''' from dwybss.bss import bss_cals import numpy as np import os import shutil # Define paths dpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data') opath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'output') shutil.rmtree(opath, True) os.makedirs(opath) # Define data and priors obss = bss_cals.BssCals() max_sources = 2 tes = np.array([0.0751, 0.1351]) tes = tes[:, np.newaxis] dwi = [ os.path.join(dpath, 'data_TE1.nii.gz'), os.path.join(dpath, 'data_TE2.nii.gz') ] data = {'dwi': dwi, 'te': tes} mask = os.path.join(dpath, 'mask.nii.gz') b_values = os.path.join(dpath, 'test.bval') # Run BSS niiout = obss.fwe(data, mask, b_values, opath) print(niiout)