コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: xdarcy96/cloud_scheduler
 def get_tag(self, repo, tag):
         tag_info = {}
         dxf = DXF(REGISTRY_ADDRESS, repo)
         digest = dxf.get_digest(tag)
         response = self.request_registry(self.GET_LAYER_TEMPLATE.format(
             url=REGISTRY_V2_API_ADDRESS, repo=repo, digest=digest),
         if response.status == 200:
             manifest = self.get_manifest(repo, tag)
             tag_info['Tag'] = tag
             tag_info['Created'] = manifest.get_created_date()
             tag_info['Entrypoint'] = manifest.get_entrypoint()
             tag_info['DockerVersion'] = manifest.get_docker_version()
             tag_info['ExposedPorts'] = manifest.get_exposed_ports()
             tag_info['Volumes'] = manifest.get_volumes()
             return tag_info
             return None
     except Exception as ex:
コード例 #2
ファイル: gears.py プロジェクト: kofalt/scitran-core-archive
def confirm_registry_asset(repo, pointer):
    Validates a registry asset by querying the remote registry.

    Returns the registry manifest at the given pointer, and a pullable image string.

    host, username, api_key = get_registry_connectivity()

    image = host + '/' + repo + '@' + pointer
    log.debug('Validating image ' + image + '...')

    # Authenticate via callable
    def auth(dxf, response):
        log.debug('Authenticating to registry...')
        dxf.authenticate(username, api_key, response=response)
        log.debug('Auth           to registry successful')

    # Connects over internal network with override host and autogenerated TLS
    dxf = DXF(host, repo, auth, tlsverify=False)

    # Fetch and sanity check the blob size
    blob_id = str(dxf.get_digest(pointer))
    if dxf.blob_size(blob_id) > (10 * 1000 * 1000):  # 10 MB to bytes
        raise Exception(
            'Manifest is larger than 10 MB. Possible registry error?')

    # Pull and assemble the manifest
    raw_blob, _ = dxf.pull_blob(blob_id, size=True)
    manifest = json.loads(''.join(raw_blob))

    # Compatibility checks for the gears platform
    if manifest['architecture'] != 'amd64':
        raise Exception("Architecture must be amd64")

    if manifest['os'] != 'linux':
        raise Exception("Os must be linux")

    return manifest, image
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: xdarcy96/cloud_scheduler
 def delete(self, _, **kwargs):
     @api {delete} /registry/repository/<str:repo>/<str:tag>/ Delete an image
     @apiName DeleteImage
     @apiGroup RegistryManager
     @apiVersion 0.1.0
     @apiPermission admin
     @apiSuccess {Object} payload Success payload is empty
     @apiUse APIHeader
     @apiUse Success
     @apiUse OperationFailed
     @apiUse Unauthorized
         repo = kwargs.get('repo')
         tag = kwargs.get('tag')
         dxf = DXF(REGISTRY_ADDRESS, repo)
         digest = dxf.get_digest(tag)
         return JsonResponse(RESPONSE.SUCCESS)
     except Exception as ex:
         return JsonResponse(RESPONSE.OPERATION_FAILED)