コード例 #1
def normalize_timedelta(timedelta):
    Given a string like "1w" or "5d", convert it to an integer in seconds.
    Integers without a suffix are interpreted as seconds.
    Note: not related to the datetime timedelta class.
        return int(timedelta)
    except ValueError as e:
        suffix_multipliers = {'s': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 60*60, 'd': 60*60*24, 'w': 60*60*24*7,
                              'M': 60*60*24*30, 'y': 60*60*24*365}

        re_match = re.match('([0-9]+)([\s]*)([a-zA-Z]*)', timedelta)
        if re_match is None:
            msg = 'Could not parse time delta {0}'.format(timedelta)
            raise dxpy.AppInternalError(msg)
        t, space, suffix = re_match.groups()

        if suffix in suffix_multipliers:
            normalized_time = int(t) * suffix_multipliers[suffix]
        elif suffix not in suffix_multipliers and len(suffix) > 1 and suffix[0] in suffix_multipliers:
            old_suffix = suffix
            suffix = suffix[0]
            print('Not familiar with suffix {0}.  Assuming you meant {1}.'.format(old_suffix, suffix), file=sys.stderr)
            normalized_time = int(t) * suffix_multipliers[suffix]
            msg = 'Valid suffixes for time duration are {0}.'.format(str(suffix_multipliers.keys()))
            raise dxpy.AppInternalError(msg)

    return normalized_time
コード例 #2
ファイル: dx_utils.py プロジェクト: yuzhenpeng/vgp-assembly
def normalize_timedelta(timedelta):
    Given a string like "1w" or "5d", convert it to an integer in seconds.
    Integers without a suffix are interpreted as seconds. It is assumed this
    function is run inside a dnanexus job.

    Note: not related to the datetime timedelta class.

        timedelta (int or str): An integer in seconds or a string of the form "1w" or "5d"

        normalized_time (int): An integer in seconds

        dxpy.AppInternalError if suffixes are not known. Known suffixes are
        defined in the dictionary suffix_multipliers.

        >>> normalize_timedelta(500)

        >>> normalize_timedelta('5w')

        >>> normalize_timedelta('1d')

        >>> normalize_timedelta('1h')

        return int(timedelta)
    except ValueError as e:
        suffix_multipliers = {'s': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 60*60, 'd': 60*60*24, 
                              'w': 60*60*24*7,
                              'M': 60*60*24*30, 'y': 60*60*24*365}

        re_match = re.match('([0-9]+)([\s]*)([a-zA-Z]*)', timedelta)
        if re_match is None:
            msg = 'Could not parse time delta {0}'.format(timedelta)
            raise dxpy.AppInternalError(msg)

        t, _, suffix = re_match.groups()

        if suffix in suffix_multipliers:
            normalized_time = int(t) * suffix_multipliers[suffix]
        elif suffix not in suffix_multipliers and len(suffix) > 1 and suffix[0] in suffix_multipliers:
            old_suffix = suffix
            suffix = suffix[0]
            print('Not familiar with suffix {0}.  Assuming you meant {1}.'.format(old_suffix, suffix), file=sys.stderr)
            normalized_time = int(t) * suffix_multipliers[suffix]
            msg = 'Valid suffixes for time duration are {0}.'.format(str(suffix_multipliers.keys()))
            raise dxpy.AppInternalError(msg)

    return normalized_time
コード例 #3
ファイル: code.py プロジェクト: eastgenomics/eggd_pindel
def DownloadFilesFromArray(input_ids):
    print "\nDownloading {n} files".format(n=len(input_ids))
    if len(input_ids) < 1:
        raise dxpy.AppInternalError("No files were given as input")
    filenames = []

    start_time = time.time()
    for id in input_ids:
        fn = dxpy.describe(id)["name"]
        dxpy.download_dxfile(dxid=id, filename=fn)
    print "Downloaded {files} in {min} minutes".format(
        files=sorted(filenames), min=float((time.time() - start_time) / 60))
    return sorted(filenames)
コード例 #4
ファイル: dx_utils.py プロジェクト: yuzhenpeng/vgp-assembly
def normalize_timedelta(timedelta):
    Given a string like "1w" or "5d", convert it to an integer in seconds.
    Integers without a suffix are interpreted as seconds.
    Note: not related to the datetime timedelta class.
        return int(timedelta)
    except ValueError as e:
        t, suffix = timedelta[:-1], timedelta[-1:]
        suffix_multipliers = {'s': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 60*60, 'd': 60*60*24, 'w': 60*60*24*7,
                              'M': 60*60*24*30, 'y': 60*60*24*365}
        if suffix not in suffix_multipliers:
            msg = 'Valid suffixes for time duration are shdwMy'
            raise dxpy.AppInternalError(msg)

        return int(t) * suffix_multipliers[suffix]
コード例 #5
def locate_or_create_dx_drive():
    # findDrives is an API method that has not been explicitly added to dxpy yet, so call the API method explicitly.
    drives = dxpy.DXHTTPRequest('/system/findDrives', {'name': DX_DRIVE_NAME}, always_retry=True)['results']

    if len(drives) == 1:
        return drives[0]
    elif len(drives) == 0:
        # if no drive exists, create it
        access_key, secret_access_key = _get_aws_key()
        print('Creating drive with name: {0}'.format(DX_DRIVE_NAME))
        # create drive using API call
        new_drive_def = {'name': DX_DRIVE_NAME,
                         'cloud': 'aws',
                         'credentials': {'accessKeyId': access_key,
                                         'secretAccessKey': secret_access_key}}
        drive_id = dxpy.DXHTTPRequest('/drive/new', new_drive_def)
        print('Created drive with id: {0}'.format(DX_DRIVE_NAME))
        return drive_id
    elif len(drives) > 1:
        msg = 'More than one drives found with name "{0}"'.format(DX_DRIVE_NAME)
        raise dxpy.AppInternalError(msg)
コード例 #6
def _get_species_name():
    project_desc = dxpy.describe(dxpy.PROJECT_CONTEXT_ID, input_params={'properties': True})
    if 'species_name' in project_desc['properties']:
        return project_desc['properties']['species_name']
        raise dxpy.AppInternalError('No species name was provided as input or as a property of this project.')