コード例 #1
#from dynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_task_posture import MetaTaskKinePosture
from dynamic_graph.sot.core.matrix_util import matrixToTuple
from dynamic_graph.sot.tools import SimpleSeqPlay
from numpy import eye

from dynamic_graph.sot.core import Task, FeatureGeneric, GainAdaptive
from dynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_tasks import setGain
from dynamic_graph.sot.core.matrix_util import matrixToTuple
from numpy import identity, hstack, zeros

# Create the posture task
task_name = "posture_task"
taskPosture = Task(task_name)
taskPosture.dyn = robot.dynamic
taskPosture.feature = FeatureGeneric('feature_' + task_name)
taskPosture.featureDes = FeatureGeneric('feature_des_' + task_name)
taskPosture.gain = GainAdaptive("gain_" + task_name)
robotDim = robot.dynamic.getDimension()
first_6 = zeros((32, 6))
other_dof = identity(robotDim - 6)
jacobian_posture = hstack([first_6, other_dof])
taskPosture.feature.jacobianIN.value = matrixToTuple(jacobian_posture)

# Create the sequence player
aSimpleSeqPlay = SimpleSeqPlay('aSimpleSeqPlay')
コード例 #2
# flake8: noqa
from dynamic_graph import plug
from dynamic_graph.sot.core import SOT, FeatureGeneric, FeaturePosture, GainAdaptive, Task
from dynamic_graph.sot.core.matrix_util import matrixToTuple
from dynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_tasks import setGain
from dynamic_graph.sot.core.meta_tasks_kine import MetaTaskKine6d, MetaTaskKineCom, gotoNd
from dynamic_graph.sot.tiago.diff_drive_controller import HolonomicProjection

n = "posture"
tp = Task('task' + n)
tp.dyn = robot.dynamic
tp.feature = FeaturePosture('feature_' + n)

q = list(robot.device.robotState.value)
tp.feature.state.value = q
tp.feature.posture.value = q

robotDim = robot.dynamic.getDimension()
assert robotDim == len(q)

with_wheels = robotDim == 19

for i in range(8 if with_wheels else 6, robotDim):
    tp.feature.selectDof(i, True)

tp.gain = GainAdaptive("gain_" + n)

# Connects the dynamics to the current feature of the posture task
plug(robot.dynamic.position, tp.feature.state)