def footUpwards(self, pg, taskPP, opPointRef): ''' Add a task to move the foot to the uppermost part which is halfway to the final forward position ''' if (opPointRef=='right-ankle'): footPose = self.dyn.rf.value if (opPointRef=='left-ankle'): footPose = self.dyn.lf.value dx = (pg.landingfootposition.value[0]+footPose[0][3])/2 dy = (pg.landingfootposition.value[1]+footPose[1][3])/2 dth = (pg.landingfootposition.value[2] + tr2rpy(footPose)[0])/2 goto6dPP(taskPP, (dx, dy, 0.155,0,0,dth), (-0.3,0,0,0,0,0), self.swingT/2, self.sot.solution.time)
def footDownwards(self, pg, taskPP): ''' Add a task to move the foot to the final position specified by the pattern generator ''' p = pg.landingfootposition.value goto6dPP(taskPP, (p[0], p[1], 0.105,0,0,p[2]), (0,0,0,0,0,0), self.swingT/2, self.sot.solution.time)
def update(self, pg, flag=0): ''' If the pg is currently not working, do not do any update ''' if( not(pg.inprocess.value) ): return ''' LF leaves floor ''' if( (self.leftfootcontact_prev ==1) & (pg.leftfootcontact.value==0) ): self.sot.rmContact( self.sot.push( self.time = 0 # Initialize time as 0 ''' Half of the way to go for the foot up ''' dx = (pg.landingfootposition.value[0]+self.dyn.lf.value[0][3])/2 dy = (pg.landingfootposition.value[1]+self.dyn.lf.value[1][3])/2 dth = (pg.landingfootposition.value[2] + tr2rpy(self.dyn.lf.value)[0])/2 goto6dPP(self.taskPPlf, (dx, dy, 0.155,0,0,dth), (-0.3,0,0,0,0,0), self.swingT/2, self.sot.solution.time) ''' LF is swinging foot ''' elif( (self.leftfootcontact_prev ==0) & (pg.leftfootcontact.value==0) ): self.time = self.time+1 if(self.time == (138/2)): p = pg.landingfootposition.value goto6dPP(self.taskPPlf, (p[0], p[1], 0.105,0,0,p[2]), (0,0,0,0,0,0), self.swingT/2, self.sot.solution.time) ''' LF returns to floor ''' elif( (self.leftfootcontact_prev ==0) & (pg.leftfootcontact.value==1) ): self.sot.rm( self.sot.addContactFromTask(, self.sot.signal("_""_p").value = self.contact_lf.task.resetJacobianDerivative() if (cmp(self.sot.className,'SolverMotionReduced')==0): self.sot.signal("_""_ddx3").value = ((0.,0.,0.,),) ''' RF leaves floor ''' if( (self.rightfootcontact_prev ==1) & (pg.rightfootcontact.value==0) ): self.sot.rmContact( self.sot.push( self.time = 0 dx = (pg.landingfootposition.value[0]+self.dyn.rf.value[0][3])/2 dy = (pg.landingfootposition.value[1]+self.dyn.rf.value[1][3])/2 dth = (pg.landingfootposition.value[2] + tr2rpy(self.dyn.rf.value)[0])/2 goto6dPP(self.taskPPrf, (dx, dy, 0.155,0,0,dth), (-0.3,0,0,0,0,0), self.swingT/2, self.sot.solution.time) ''' RF is swinging foot ''' elif( (self.rightfootcontact_prev ==0) & (pg.rightfootcontact.value==0) ): self.time = self.time+1 if(self.time == (138/2)): p = pg.landingfootposition.value goto6dPP(self.taskPPrf, (p[0], p[1], 0.105,0,0,p[2]), (0,0,0,0,0,0), self.swingT/2, self.sot.solution.time) ''' RF returns to floor ''' elif( (self.rightfootcontact_prev ==0) & (pg.rightfootcontact.value==1) ): self.sot.rm( self.sot.addContactFromTask(, self.sot.signal("_""_p").value = self.contact_rf.task.resetJacobianDerivative() if (cmp(self.sot.className,'SolverMotionReduced')==0): self.sot.signal("_""_ddx3").value = ((0.,0.,0.,),) ''' Update the previous value with the current value ''' self.leftfootcontact_prev = pg.leftfootcontact.value self.rightfootcontact_prev = pg.rightfootcontact.value