コード例 #1
class TestInertialDesiredAttitudeBodyFixedHovering():

    Rd, Rd_dot, ang_vel_d, ang_vel_d_dot = controller.body_fixed_pointing_attitude(
        1, state)

    def test_desired_rotation_matrix_determinant(self):
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.linalg.det(self.Rd), 1)

    def test_desired_rotation_matrix_orthogonal(self):
                                             np.eye(3, 3))

    def test_desired_attitude_satifies_kinematics(self):
            self.Rd_dot, self.Rd.dot(attitude.hat_map(self.ang_vel_d)))

    def test_x_axis_anti_aligned_with_position_vector(self):
        dot_product = np.dot(self.Rd[:, 0], pos / np.linalg.norm(pos))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(dot_product, -1)

    def test_z_axis_aligned_with_positive_pole(self):
        bodyz_inertial = self.Rd[:, 2]
        z_inertial = np.array([0, 0, 1])
        angle = np.arccos(np.dot(bodyz_inertial, z_inertial))
        np.testing.assert_array_less(angle, np.pi / 2)
コード例 #2
class TestInertialAttitudeController():
    """Test the attitude controller for the inertial eoms
    des_att_tuple = controller.body_fixed_pointing_attitude(1, state)
    u_m = controller.attitude_controller(t, state, np.zeros(3), dum, ast,

    def test_control_moment_size(self):
        np.testing.assert_equal(self.u_m.shape, (3, ))
コード例 #3
    def test_body_fixed_pointing_attitude_matches_python(self):
        from dynamics import controller as controller_python

        (Rd, Rd_dot, ang_vel_d,
         ang_vel_d_dot) = controller_python.body_fixed_pointing_attitude(
             1, self.state)

        # now for the C++ version
        att_cont = controller.AttitudeController()
        att_cont.body_fixed_pointing_attitude(1, self.state)

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(att_cont.get_Rd(), Rd)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(att_cont.get_Rd_dot(), Rd_dot)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(att_cont.get_ang_vel_d(), ang_vel_d)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(att_cont.get_ang_vel_d_dot(), ang_vel_d_dot)
コード例 #4
def eoms_controlled_blender(t, state, dum, ast):
    """Inertial dumbbell equations of motion about an asteroid 
    This method must be used with the scipy.integrate.ode class instead of the
    more convienent scipy.integrate.odeint. In addition, we can control the
    dumbbell given full state feedback. Blender is used to generate imagery
    during the simulation.

        t - Current simulation time step
        state - (18,) array which defines the state of the vehicle 
            pos - (3,) position of the dumbbell with respect to the
            asteroid center of mass and expressed in the inertial frame
            vel - (3,) velocity of the dumbbell with respect to the
            asteroid center of mass and expressed in the inertial frame
            R - (9,) attitude of the dumbbell with defines the
            transformation of a vector in the dumbbell frame to the
            inertial frame ang_vel - (3,) angular velocity of the dumbbell
            with respect to the inertial frame and represented in the
            dumbbell frame
        ast - Asteroid class object holding the asteroid gravitational
        model and other useful parameters
    # unpack the state
    pos = state[0:3]  # location of the center of mass in the inertial frame
    vel = state[3:6]  # vel of com in inertial frame
    R = np.reshape(state[6:15], (3, 3))  # sc body frame to inertial frame
    ang_vel = state[
        18]  # angular velocity of sc wrt inertial frame defined in body frame

    Ra = attitude.rot3(ast.omega * t,
                       'c')  # asteroid body frame to inertial frame

    # unpack parameters for the dumbbell
    J = dum.J

    rho1 = dum.zeta1
    rho2 = dum.zeta2

    # position of each mass in the asteroid frame
    z1 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho1))
    z2 = Ra.T.dot(pos + R.dot(rho2))

    z = Ra.T.dot(pos)  # position of COM in asteroid frame

    # compute the potential at this state
    (U1, U1_grad, U1_grad_mat, U1laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z1)
    (U2, U2_grad, U2_grad_mat, U2laplace) = ast.polyhedron_potential(z2)

    F1 = dum.m1 * Ra.dot(U1_grad)
    F2 = dum.m2 * Ra.dot(U2_grad)

    M1 = dum.m1 * attitude.hat_map(rho1).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U1_grad))
    M2 = dum.m2 * attitude.hat_map(rho2).dot(R.T.dot(Ra).dot(U2_grad))

    # generate image at this current state only at a specifc time
    # blender.driver(pos, R, ast.omega * t, [5, 0, 1], 'test' + str.zfill(str(t), 4))
    # use the imagery to figure out motion and pass to the controller instead
    # of the true state

    # calculate the desired attitude and translational trajectory
    des_att_tuple = controller.body_fixed_pointing_attitude(t, state)
    des_tran_tuple = controller.traverse_then_land_vertically(
        final_pos=[0.550, 0, 0],
        initial_pos=[2.550, 0, 0],
    # input trajectory and compute the control inputs
    # compute the control input
    u_m = controller.attitude_controller(t, state, M1 + M2, dum, ast,
    u_f = controller.translation_controller(t, state, F1 + F2, dum, ast,

    pos_dot = vel
    vel_dot = 1 / (dum.m1 + dum.m2) * (F1 + F2 + u_f)
    R_dot = R.dot(attitude.hat_map(ang_vel)).reshape(9)
    ang_vel_dot = np.linalg.inv(J).dot(-np.cross(ang_vel, J.dot(ang_vel)) +
                                       M1 + M2 + u_m)

    statedot = np.hstack((pos_dot, vel_dot, R_dot, ang_vel_dot))

    return statedot