コード例 #1
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: Mathieson/DoubleBarrel
 def connect(self):
     Attempts to connect to the server. Returns whether the connection
     succeeded or not.
         # Create a socket and try to connect to a server.
         self._socket = socket.socket()
         self._socket.connect((self._host, self._port))
         # Package our Shotgun auth data to then send to the server.
         authData = {common.AUTH_SERVER: self._sg.config.server,
                     common.AUTH_SCRIPT: self._sg.config.script_name,
                     common.AUTH_KEY: self._sg.config.api_key}
         dynasocket.send(self._socket, str(authData))
         # Get back a message as to whether or not we have succeeded.
         msg = dynasocket.recv(self._socket)
         if msg == common.CONNECT_SUCCESS_MSG:
             self._connected = True
         elif msg == common.CONNECT_FAIL_MSG:
             self._connected = False
     except socket.error:
         logMsg = common.getLogMessage("Could not connect to server",
                                       (self._host, self._port))
     return self._connected
コード例 #2
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: Mathieson/DoubleBarrel
    def sendCommand(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
        Sends the Shotgun call over to the server to be performed.
        if not self._connected:
            logMsg = "client is not connected to a server"
            raise ConnectionError(logMsg)

        # Assemble our function data and send through the socket.
        funcData = {common.FUNC_NAME: func.__name__,
                    common.ARGS: args,
                    common.KWARGS: kwargs}
        dynasocket.send(self._socket, str(funcData))
        # Receive back the results that the server got from Shotgun
        msg = dynasocket.recv(self._socket)
        return ast.literal_eval(msg)
コード例 #3
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Mathieson/DoubleBarrel
    def run(self):
        Starts the server watching for messages. This will receive messages and
        handle them appropriately. Messages are either clients connecting or
        disconnecting, or a Shotgun transaction request coming in from a client.
        self._isRunning = True
        self._needsReInit = True

        logMsg = common.getLogMessage("DoubleBarrel server started", (self._host, self._port))

        while self._isRunning:
            # Get all of our sockets that have communications occurring.
            sread, swrite, sexc = select.select(self._clients, [], [], 0.1)   #@UnusedVariable

            for sock in sread:
                # If the signal is coming from the server socket.
                if sock == self._socket:
                    # A client is trying to connect.
                        # Otherwise, we are receiving a message from the client.
                        msg = dynasocket.recv(sock)
                        if msg:
                            # If we have a message, it is a Shotgun transaction.
                            logMsg = common.getLogMessage("Message received", sock, Message=msg)
                            # Convert our message into a dictionary we can use.
                            funcData = ast.literal_eval(msg)
                            while 1:
                                # Loop until we have a free thread available.
                                if threading.activeCount() < self._maxThreads:
                                    ShotgunCommandThread(self._sg, funcData, sock).start()
                            # If there is no message, our client has disconnected.
                        self._hasErrored = True

        # Kill the socket since we are no longer in the loop.
        logMsg = common.getLogMessage("Stopping server", self._socket)
コード例 #4
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: Mathieson/DoubleBarrel
    def acceptNewClient(self):
        Connects a new client by accepting its request and then authorizes it.
        If it passes authorization, it will add it to the active clients list so
        we start receiving messages from it.
        newsock, (host, port) = self._socket.accept() #@UnusedVariable

        # Create a variable to keep track of if we have failed the connection.
        failed = False

        # Get our authorization data.
        msg = dynasocket.recv(newsock)
        if msg:
            authData = ast.literal_eval(msg)
            server = authData.get(common.AUTH_SERVER)
            script_name = authData.get(common.AUTH_SCRIPT)
            api_key = authData.get(common.AUTH_KEY)
            failed = True

        # Check that our auth data matches our current Shotgun object.
        if server == self._sg.config.server \
        and script_name == self._sg.config.script_name \
        and api_key == self._sg.config.api_key:
            self.logger().info(common.getLogMessage("Client Connected", newsock))
            dynasocket.send(newsock, common.CONNECT_SUCCESS_MSG)
            return True
            failed = True

        if failed:
            dynasocket.send(newsock, common.CONNECT_FAIL_MSG)
            return False