コード例 #1

    thedem = "mydem.map"
    xymetres = False
    lat = 52
    lon = 10
    loglevel = logging.INFO
    outputdir = "output_rad"
    startday = 1
    endday = 2
    calc_interval = 60
    shour = 1
    ehour = 23
    oformat = 'PCRaster'
    postfix = False
    lowresdem = e2o_dstools.get_data('DEM-WRR1.tif')
    linkemapstacks = os.path.join(e2o_dstools.get_data(''), 'linke')
    trans = 0.6
    linkemapstack = None
    deminterpolmethod = 'nearest'

    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-h': usage()
        if o == '-O': outputdir = a
        if o == '-D': thedem = a
        if o == '-d':
            if a == 'WRR1':
                lowresdem = e2o_dstools.get_data('DEM-WRR1.tif')
            elif a == 'WRR2':
                lowresdem = e2o_dstools.get_data('DEM-WRR2.tif')
コード例 #2
def downscale(variable, data, datalow, wrrversion,serverroot,wrrsetroot,BB,currentdate,XH,YH,XL,YL,
              interpolmethod, ncoutfillval, hiresdem, resLowResDEM, interpolmode, logger,localdatadir=''):

    :param variable:
    :param data:
    :param wrrversion:

    if variable == 'Temperature':
        if wrrversion == 2:
            standard_name = 'air_temperature_lapse_rate'
            tlist, timelist = get_times_daily(currentdate, currentdate, serverroot, wrrsetroot,
                                              "lapseM_EI_025_", logger)

            ncstepobj = getstepdaily(tlist, BB, standard_name, logger)
            mmstack = ncstepobj.getdates(timelist)
            lapse_rate = flipud(mmstack.mean(axis=0))
            lapse_rate = resample_grid(lapse_rate, ncstepobj.lon, ncstepobj.lat, XH, YH,
                                       method=interpolmethod, FillVal=ncoutfillval)
            lapse_rate = -0.006
        retdata = data + lapse_rate * (hiresdem - resLowResDEM)
    elif variable == "Rainfall" or 'SnowfallRate' or "TotalPrecipitation":
        if wrrversion == 2:
            # First read P data in WRR2 resolution
            yday = (currentdate.date() - datetime.date(currentdate.year, 1, 1)).days + 1
            PclimMapName = getmapnamemonth(yday, "prec")
            PclimWRR2 = e2o_dstools.get_data(os.path.join('Prec/0.2500/', PclimMapName))
            if not os.path.exists(PclimWRR2):
                logger.error('Cannot find WorlClim data for downscaling: ' + PclimWRR2)
                logger.error('Please download and process the worldclim data at resolution: ' + PclimWRR2)

            resX, resY, cols, rows, CLIMLON, CLIMLAT, PlowClim, FillVal = \
                readMap(PclimWRR2, 'GTiff', logger)
            PlowClim = PlowClim.astype(float32)
            PlowClim[PlowClim == FillVal] = NaN

            # Now read the P climate data for the current resolution
            Resstr = "%1.4f" % diff(XH).mean() # find current resolution
            PclimCUR = e2o_dstools.get_data(os.path.join('Prec',Resstr,PclimMapName))
            if not os.path.exists(PclimCUR):
                userdir = os.path.join(localdatadir,'Prec_Clim_For_Downscale',Resstr)
                userfile = os.path.join(userdir,PclimMapName)
                if not os.path.exists(userfile):
                    logger.info('Cannot find WorlClim data for downscaling: ' + PclimCUR)
                    logger.info('Resampling 0.0083 to : ' + Resstr)
                    PclimMapName = getmapnamemonth(yday, "prec")
                    PclimBaseRes = e2o_dstools.get_data(os.path.join('Prec/0.0083/', PclimMapName))
                    resXX, resYX, cols_, rows, baseCLIMLON, baseCLIMLAT, baseClim, FillVal = \
                        readMap(PclimBaseRes, 'GTiff', logger)
                    PHiClim = resample_grid(baseClim,baseCLIMLON,baseCLIMLAT,XH,YH,method='nearest', FillVal=NaN)
                    HILON = XH
                    HILAT = YH
                    if not os.path.exists(userdir):
                        logger.info('Making directory:  ' + userdir)
                    resX, resY, cols, rows, HILON, HILAT, PHiClim, FillVal = \
                        readMap(userfile, 'GTiff', logger)
                    PHiClim = PHiClim.astype(float32)
                    PHiClim[PHiClim == FillVal] = NaN
                resX, resY, cols, rows, HILON, HILAT, PHiClim, FillVal = \
                    readMap(PclimCUR, 'GTiff', logger)
                PHiClim = PHiClim.astype(float32)
                PHiClim[PHiClim==FillVal] = NaN

            # Now determine diff between current data at original resolution and the climatology at the same resolutions
            # resample climatology first as it may not cover the whole earth

            if YL[0] < YL[-1]:
                yas = YL[::-1]
                yas =  YL
            _PlowClim= resample_grid(PlowClim,  CLIMLON, CLIMLAT,XL, yas,
                                       method='nearest', FillVal=NaN)

            datalow[datalow<=0] = NaN
            multlow = _PlowClim/datalow
            multhi = resample_grid(multlow, XL, yas, XH, YH,
                                       method=interpolmode, FillVal=NaN)

            _PHiClim = resample_grid(PHiClim,  HILON, HILAT,XH, YH,
                                       method='nearest', FillVal=NaN)
            multhi[multhi <= 0] = NaN
            retdata = _PHiClim/multhi
            # fill with interpolated original data
            retdata[~isfinite(retdata)] = data[~isfinite(retdata)]
            # First read P data in WRR1 resolution
            yday = (currentdate.date() - datetime.date(currentdate.year, 1, 1)).days + 1
            PclimMapName = getmapnamemonth(yday, "prec")
            PclimWRR1 = e2o_dstools.get_data(os.path.join('Prec/0.5000/', PclimMapName))
            if not os.path.exists(PclimWRR1):
                logger.error('Cannot find WorlClim data for downscaling: ' + PclimWRR1)
                logger.error('Please download and process the worldclim data at resolution: ' + PclimWRR1)

            resX, resY, cols, rows, CLIMLON, CLIMLAT, PlowClim, FillVal = \
                readMap(PclimWRR1, 'GTiff', logger)
            PlowClim = PlowClim.astype(float32)
            PlowClim[PlowClim == FillVal] = NaN

            # Now read the P climate data for the current resolution
            Resstr = "%1.4f" % diff(XH).mean() # find current resolution
            PclimCUR = e2o_dstools.get_data(os.path.join('Prec',Resstr,PclimMapName))
            if not os.path.exists(PclimCUR):
                userdir = os.path.join(localdatadir,'Prec_Clim_For_Downscale',Resstr)
                userfile = os.path.join(userdir,PclimMapName)
                if not os.path.exists(userfile):
                    logger.info('Cannot find WorlClim data for downscaling: ' + PclimCUR)
                    logger.info('Resampling 0.0083 to : ' + Resstr)
                    PclimMapName = getmapnamemonth(yday, "prec")
                    PclimBaseRes = e2o_dstools.get_data(os.path.join('Prec/0.0083/', PclimMapName))
                    resXX, resYX, cols_, rows, baseCLIMLON, baseCLIMLAT, baseClim, FillVal = \
                        readMap(PclimBaseRes, 'GTiff', logger)
                    PHiClim = resample_grid(baseClim,baseCLIMLON,baseCLIMLAT,XH,YH,method='nearest', FillVal=NaN)
                    HILON = XH
                    HILAT = YH
                    if not os.path.exists(userdir):
                        logger.info('Making directory:  ' + userdir)
                    resX, resY, cols, rows, HILON, HILAT, PHiClim, FillVal = \
                        readMap(userfile, 'GTiff', logger)
                    PHiClim = PHiClim.astype(float32)
                    PHiClim[PHiClim == FillVal] = NaN
                resX, resY, cols, rows, HILON, HILAT, PHiClim, FillVal = \
                    readMap(PclimCUR, 'GTiff', logger)
                PHiClim = PHiClim.astype(float32)
                PHiClim[PHiClim==FillVal] = NaN

            # Now determine diff between current data at original resolution and the climatology at the same resolutions
            # resample climatology first as it may not cover the whole earth

            if YL[0] < YL[-1]:
                yas = YL[::-1]
                yas =  YL
            _PlowClim= resample_grid(PlowClim,  CLIMLON, CLIMLAT,XL, yas,
                                       method='nearest', FillVal=NaN)

            datalow[datalow<=0] = NaN
            multlow = _PlowClim/datalow
            multhi = resample_grid(multlow, XL, yas, XH, YH,
                                       method=interpolmode, FillVal=NaN)

            _PHiClim = resample_grid(PHiClim,  HILON, HILAT,XH, YH,
                                       method='nearest', FillVal=NaN)
            multhi[multhi <= 0] = NaN
            retdata = _PHiClim/multhi
            # fill with interpolated original data
            retdata[~isfinite(retdata)] = data[~isfinite(retdata)]
        retdata = data

    return retdata
コード例 #3
    netcdfout = configget(logger, theconf, "output", "netcdfout", "None")
    rwbuffer = int(configget(logger, theconf, "output", "rwbuffer", "10"))
    ncoutfillval = float(configget(logger, theconf, "output", "ncoutfillval", "-9999.9"))
    least_significant_digit = int(configget(logger, theconf, "output", "least_significant_digit", "6"))
    NetCDFFormat = configget(logger, theconf, "output", "netCDFFormat", "NETCDF4")
    interpolmethod = configget(logger, theconf, "downscaling", "interpolmethod", interpolmethod)
    downscaling = configget(logger, theconf, "downscaling", "downscaling", downscaling)
    wrrversion = int(configget(logger, theconf, "selection", "wrrversion", '2'))
    timestepsecs = float(configget(logger, theconf, "selection", "timestepsecs", '86400'))
    timeflatten =configget(logger, theconf, "conversion", "intime", 'mean')
    FNhighResDEM = configget(logger, theconf, "downscaling", "highResDEM", "downscaledem.map")

    logger.debug("Done reading settings.")

    if  wrrversion ==2:
        FNlowResDEM     = e2o_dstools.get_data('DEM-WRR2.tif')
        FNlowResDEM     = e2o_dstools.get_data('DEM-WRR1.tif')

    variable = configget(logger, theconf, "selection", "variable", 'None')
    filename = configget(logger, theconf, "selection", "filename", 'None')
    standard_name = configget(logger, theconf, "selection", "standard_name", 'None')

    FNlowResDEM = configget(logger, theconf, "downscaling", "lowResDEM", FNlowResDEM)

    if downscaling =="True" or resampling == "True":
        # Get the extent from the high res DEM
コード例 #4
def downscale(variable, data, datalow, wrrversion,serverroot,wrrsetroot,BB,currentdate,XH,YH,XL,YL,
              interpolmethod, ncoutfillval, hiresdem, resLowResDEM, interpolmode, logger,localdatadir=''):

    :param variable:
    :param data:
    :param wrrversion:

    if variable == 'Temperature':
        if wrrversion == 2:
            standard_name = 'air_temperature_lapse_rate'
            tlist, timelist = get_times_daily(currentdate, currentdate, serverroot, wrrsetroot,
                                              "lapseM_EI_025_", logger)

            ncstepobj = getstepdaily(tlist, BB, standard_name, logger)
            mmstack = ncstepobj.getdates(timelist)
            lapse_rate = flipud(mmstack.mean(axis=0))
            lapse_rate = resample_grid(lapse_rate, ncstepobj.lon, ncstepobj.lat, XH, YH,
                                       method=interpolmethod, FillVal=ncoutfillval)
            lapse_rate = -0.006
        retdata = data + lapse_rate * (hiresdem - resLowResDEM)
    elif variable == "Rainfall":
        if wrrversion == 2:
            # First read P data in WRR2 resolution
            yday = (currentdate.date() - datetime.date(currentdate.year, 1, 1)).days + 1
            PclimMapName = getmapnamemonth(yday, "prec")
            PclimWRR2 = e2o_dstools.get_data(os.path.join('Prec/0.2500/', PclimMapName))
            if not os.path.exists(PclimWRR2):
                logger.error('Cannot find WorlClim data for downscaling: ' + PclimWRR2)
                logger.error('Please download and process the worldclim data at resolution: ' + PclimWRR2)

            resX, resY, cols, rows, CLIMLON, CLIMLAT, PlowClim, FillVal = \
                readMap(PclimWRR2, 'GTiff', logger)
            PlowClim = PlowClim.astype(float32)
            PlowClim[PlowClim == FillVal] = NaN

            # Now read the P climate data for the current resolution
            Resstr = "%1.4f" % diff(XH).mean() # find current resolution
            PclimCUR = e2o_dstools.get_data(os.path.join('Prec',Resstr,PclimMapName))
            if not os.path.exists(PclimCUR):
                userdir = os.path.join(localdatadir,'Prec_Clim_For_Downscale',Resstr)
                userfile = os.path.join(userdir,PclimMapName)
                if not os.path.exists(userfile):
                    logger.info('Cannot find WorlClim data for downscaling: ' + PclimCUR)
                    logger.info('Resampling 0.0083 to : ' + Resstr)
                    PclimMapName = getmapnamemonth(yday, "prec")
                    PclimBaseRes = e2o_dstools.get_data(os.path.join('Prec/0.0083/', PclimMapName))
                    resXX, resYX, cols_, rows, baseCLIMLON, baseCLIMLAT, baseClim, FillVal = \
                        readMap(PclimBaseRes, 'GTiff', logger)
                    PHiClim = resample_grid(baseClim,baseCLIMLON,baseCLIMLAT,XH,YH,method='nearest', FillVal=NaN)
                    HILON = XH
                    HILAT = YH
                    if not os.path.exists(userdir):
                        logger.info('Making directory:  ' + userdir)
                    resX, resY, cols, rows, HILON, HILAT, PHiClim, FillVal = \
                        readMap(userfile, 'GTiff', logger)
                    PHiClim = PHiClim.astype(float32)
                    PHiClim[PHiClim == FillVal] = NaN
                resX, resY, cols, rows, HILON, HILAT, PHiClim, FillVal = \
                    readMap(PclimCUR, 'GTiff', logger)
                PHiClim = PHiClim.astype(float32)
                PHiClim[PHiClim==FillVal] = NaN

            # Now determine diff between current data at original resolution and the climatology at the same resolutions
            # resample climatology first as it may not cover the whole earth
            _PlowClim= resample_grid(PlowClim,  CLIMLON, CLIMLAT,XL, YL,
                                       method='nearest', FillVal=NaN)

            datalow[datalow<=0] = NaN
            multlow = _PlowClim/datalow
            multhi = resample_grid(multlow, XL, YL, XH, YH,
                                       method=interpolmode, FillVal=NaN)

            _PHiClim = resample_grid(PHiClim,  HILON, HILAT,XH, YH,
                                       method='nearest', FillVal=NaN)
            multhi[multhi <= 0] = NaN
            retdata = _PHiClim/multhi
            # fill with interpolated original data
            retdata[~isfinite(retdata)] = data[~isfinite(retdata)]
            retdata = data
        retdata = data

    return retdata
コード例 #5
    resampling  = configget(logger,theconf,"selection","resampling",resampling)
    FNhighResDEM = configget(logger,theconf,"downscaling","highResDEM","downscaledem.map")
    netcdfout = configget(logger, theconf, "output", "netcdfout", "None")
    rwbuffer = int(configget(logger, theconf, "output", "rwbuffer", "10"))
    ncoutfillval = float(configget(logger, theconf, "output", "ncoutfillval", "-9999.9"))
    least_significant_digit = int(configget(logger, theconf, "output", "least_significant_digit", "6"))
    interpolmethod = configget(logger, theconf, "downscaling", "interpolmethod", interpolmethod)
    downscaling = configget(logger, theconf, "downscaling", "downscaling", downscaling)
    wrrversion = int(configget(logger, theconf, "selection", "wrrversion", '2'))
    timestepsecs = float(configget(logger, theconf, "selection", "timestepsecs", '86400'))
    timeflatten =configget(logger, theconf, "conversion", "intime", 'mean')

    logger.debug("Done reading settings.")

    if  wrrversion ==2:
        FNlowResDEM     = e2o_dstools.get_data('DEM-WRR2.tif')
        FNlowResDEM     = e2o_dstools.get_data('DEM-WRR1.tif')

    variable = configget(logger, theconf, "selection", "variable", 'None')
    filename = configget(logger, theconf, "selection", "filename", 'None')
    standard_name = configget(logger, theconf, "selection", "standard_name", 'None')

    FNlowResDEM = configget(logger, theconf, "downscaling", "lowResDEM", FNlowResDEM)

    if downscaling =="True" or resampling == "True":
        resX, resY, cols, rows, xhires, yhires, hiresdem, FillVal = readMap(FNhighResDEM,'PCRaster',logger)
コード例 #6

    thedem = "mydem.map"
    xymetres = False
    lat = 52
    lon = 10
    loglevel = logging.INFO
    startday = 1
    endday = 2
    calc_interval = 60
    oformat ='PCRaster'
    postfix =False
    linkemapstacks = os.path.join(e2o_dstools.get_data(''),'linke')
    trans = 0.6
    linkemapstack = None
    deminterpolmethod = 'nearest'

    for o, a in opts:
        if o == '-h': usage()
        if o == '-O': outputdir = a
        if o == '-D': thedem = a
        if o == '-d':
            if a == 'WRR1':
                lowresdem= e2o_dstools.get_data('DEM-WRR1.tif')
            elif a == 'WRR2':
                lowresdem = e2o_dstools.get_data('DEM-WRR2.tif')