コード例 #1
def env_protect(request):
    """Protection against environment change.

    The fixture is enabled for all tests and does the following:

    * store/restore env between each tests
    * create a temporary directory and do a cd to it before each
      test. The directory is automatically removed when test ends
    tempd = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    project_marker = request.node.get_closest_marker("data_dir")
    if project_marker is not None:
        project_dir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "projects",
        logging.debug(f"use project dir {project_dir}")
        sync_tree(project_dir, tempd)

    def restore_env():
        rm(tempd, True)

コード例 #2
ファイル: cutils.py プロジェクト: AdaCore/gnatcoverage
 def to_subdir(self, dir):
     Change the current directory to `dir`, relative to `self`'s home
     directory. Create it if needed, after first removing it.
     if os.path.exists(dir):
コード例 #3
ファイル: cutils.py プロジェクト: Tubbz-alt/gnatcoverage
 def to_subdir(self, dir, clean=True):
     Change the current directory to `dir`, relative to `self`'s home
     directory. Create it if needed, after first removing it if requested
     to be `clean`.
     if clean and os.path.exists(dir):
コード例 #4
ファイル: cutils.py プロジェクト: Tubbz-alt/gnatcoverage
def output_of(cmd, dir=None):
    Execute CMD and return it's output, switching to DIR before if not None,
    and switching back to the original cwd as needed.
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    if dir is not None:
    output = Run(cmd.split()).out
    return output
コード例 #5
ファイル: build.py プロジェクト: Tubbz-alt/OpenUxAS-bootstrap
 def run(self):
         rm(self.data.anod_instance.build_space.build_dir, recursive=True)
         rm(self.data.anod_instance.build_space.install_dir, recursive=True)
         self.data.anod_instance.jobs = Env().build.cpu.cores
         self.run_status = ReturnValue.success
     except Exception:
         logging.exception("got exception while building")
         self.run_status = ReturnValue.failure
コード例 #6
def env_protect(request):
    """Protection against environment change.

    The fixture is enabled for all tests and does the following:

    * store/restore env between each tests
    * create a temporary directory and do a cd to it before each
      test. The directory is automatically removed when test ends
    tempd = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    def restore_env():
        rm(tempd, True)

コード例 #7
ファイル: conftest.py プロジェクト: AdaCore/e3-core
def env_protect(request):
    """Protection against environment change.

    The fixture is enabled for all tests and does the following:

    * store/restore env between each tests
    * create a temporary directory and do a cd to it before each
      test. The directory is automatically removed when test ends
    tempd = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    e3.log.activate(level=logging.DEBUG, e3_debug=True)

    def restore_env():
        rm(tempd, True)

コード例 #8
ファイル: context.py プロジェクト: AdaCore/gnatcoverage
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize the instance: switch to the test subdirectory, parse command
        line options, reset the failures counter and precompute gprbuild
        options we'll have to pass on every call to convey config options.
        # Shortcut for SUITE.control.env
        self.env = env

        self.start_time = time.time()

        # Compute this test's home directory, absolute dir where test.py
        # is located, then the position relative to testsuite.py. Note that
        # .__file__ might be an absolute path, which os.path.join handles
        # just fine (join("/foo", "/foo/bar") yields "/foo/bar").

        testsuite_py_dir = ROOT_DIR
        test_py_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules['__main__'].__file__)

        self.homedir = os.path.join(testsuite_py_dir, test_py_dir)
        self.reldir = os.path.relpath(self.homedir, start=testsuite_py_dir)

        # Perform a simple canonicalization of the relative dir to simplify
        # related computations/assumptions in other parts of the testsuite.
        self.reldir = self.reldir.replace('\\', '/')

        # Compute the depth of this test wrt testsuite root.
        self.depth = ndirs_in(os.path.relpath(self.homedir, ROOT_DIR))


        self.options = self.__cmdline_options()
        self.n_failed = 0
        self.report = _ReportOutput(self.options.report_file)
        self.current_test_index = 0

        self.gprconfoptions = [
            # verbose mode for verifiability in qualif mode.
            # quiet mode for performance (less io) otherwise.
            '-v' if self.options.qualif_level else '-q',

            # gprconfig base, selecting runtime
            '--config=%s' % os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, BUILDER.SUITE_CGPR)
        self.gprvaroptions = ['-XTARGET=%s' % env.target.triplet]

        if self.options.board:
            self.gprvaroptions.append('-XBOARD=%s' % self.options.board)

        # Workaround a desynchronization between default build configuration
        # for TMS570 and GNATemulator's settings: see O519-032. We may get rid
        # of this kludge one day adapting GNATemulator.
        if self.options.RTS and self.options.RTS.endswith('-tms570'):

        # For trace32 runs where the test is executed on a real board, we
        # choose to have both the code and data in RAM. The default is to run
        # from flash which would take more time for the probe to program. It
        # would also wear out the flash memory.
        if self.options.gnatcov_run and 'trace32' in self.options.gnatcov_run:

        # Whether this test will be using project files to locate SCOs when
        # running gnatcov.  This is decided on a per gnatcov invocation basis.
        # self.options.gnatcov states whether we're queried to do this for
        # SCOV driven tests.
        self.gprmode = False

        # Callgrind may be invoked more than once for each test. Memorize the
        # number of times it has been used in order to generate multiple logs.
        self.callgrind_count = 0

        # By default, hide the warning that says that non-instrumented native
        # coverage is deprecated, as it would make all tests fail. Testcases
        # that check the presence of this warning can just remove this
        # environment variable.
        os.environ['GNATCOV_NO_NATIVE_WARNING'] = '1'
コード例 #9
ファイル: cutils.py プロジェクト: Tubbz-alt/gnatcoverage
 def to_homedir(self):
     Change the current directory to `self`'s home directory.
コード例 #10
 def run(self, args):
     if args.api_version != "1.5":
         raise SandBoxError("Only 1.5 is supported for now")
コード例 #11
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize the instance: switch to the test subdirectory, parse command
        line options, reset the failures counter and precompute gprbuild
        options we'll have to pass on every call to convey config options.
        self.start_time = time.time()

        # Compute the depth of this test wrt testsuite root. We join ROOT and
        # TEST dirs then compute the length of the relative path, instead of
        # just counting the number of components in TEST_DIR, to prevent
        # inacuracies from possible "./" components that don't really increase
        # the depth.
        self.reldir = TEST_DIR
        self.homedir = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, TEST_DIR)

        self.depth = ndirs_in(os.path.relpath(self.homedir, ROOT_DIR))


        self.options = self.__cmdline_options()
        self.n_failed = 0
        self.report = _ReportOutput(self.options.report_file)
        self.current_test_index = 0

        self.gprconfoptions = [
            # verbose mode for verifiability in qualif mode.
            # quiet mode for performance (less io) otherwise.
            '-v' if self.options.qualif_level else '-q',

            # gprconfig base, selecting runtime
            '--config=%s' % os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, BUILDER.SUITE_CGPR)]
        self.gprvaroptions = ['-XTARGET=%s' % env.target.triplet]

        if self.options.board:
            self.gprvaroptions.append('-XBOARD=%s' % self.options.board)

        # Workaround a desynchronization between default build configuration
        # for TMS570 and GNATemulator's settings: see O519-032. We may get rid
        # of this kludge one day adapting GNATemulator.
        if self.options.RTS and self.options.RTS.endswith('-tms570'):

        # For trace32 runs where the test is executed on a real board, we
        # choose to have both the code and data in RAM. The default is to run
        # from flash which would take more time for the probe to program. It
        # would also wear out the flash memory.
        if self.options.gnatcov_run and 'trace32' in self.options.gnatcov_run:

        # Whether this test will be using project files to locate SCOs when
        # running gnatcov.  This is decided on a per gnatcov invocation basis.
        # self.options.gnatcov states whether we're queried to do this for
        # SCOV driven tests.
        self.gprmode = False

        # Callgrind may be invoked more than once for each test. Memorize the
        # number of times it has been used in order to generate multiple logs.
        self.callgrind_count = 0

        # By default, hide the warning that says that non-instrumented native
        # coverage is deprecated, as it would make all tests fail. Testcases
        # that check the presence of this warning can just remove this
        # environment variable.
        os.environ['GNATCOV_NO_NATIVE_WARNING'] = '1'