コード例 #1
from math import sqrt
nb = 28
pick_list = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26]  # surface
rho_inf = 6.081e-4  # kg/m**3
p_inf = 18.55  # Pa
u_inf = 2576.0  # m/s
T_inf = 102.2  # K
T_wall = 295.8  # K
from cfpylib.gasdyn import sutherland
mu_inf = sutherland.mu(T_inf, 'N2')
mm = 0.001  # metres
corner1 = Vector(92.08, 42.94) * mm
corner2 = Vector(153.69, 130.925) * mm
grid, flow, dim = read_all_blocks(job, nb, tindx, zipFiles=True)
print "Compute properties for cell-centres along the surface"
outfile = open("surface.data", "w")
    "# x(m) s(m) tau_w(Pa) Cf Cf_blasius y_plus p(Pa) Cp q(W/m**2) Ch\n")
for ib in pick_list:
    j = 0  # surface is along the South boundary
    k = 0  # of a 2D grid
    print "# start of block"
    for i in range(flow[ib].ni):
        # Cell closest to surface
        x = flow[ib].data['pos.x'][i, j, k]
        y = flow[ib].data['pos.y'][i, j, k]
        ctr = Vector(x, y)
        # Get vertices on surface, for this cell.
        x = grid[ib].x[i, j, k]
コード例 #2
                    key = "massf[%i]-%s" % (isp, speciesList[isp])
                    blk.data[key][i, j, k] = mf

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:

    print "add-mass-fractions : Adding mass fractions to equilibrium air simulation."

    job = sys.argv[1]
    tindx = int(sys.argv[2])
    final_tindx, times_dict = read_time_indices(job)

    print "Reading flow data."
    grid, flow, dimensions = read_all_blocks(job, nblocks, tindx, True, False)
    print "Done."

    print "Adding mass fractions using CEA."
    for blk in flow:
    print "Done."

    print "Writing out Tecplot file."
    write_Tecplot_file(job, tindx, nblocks, grid, flow, times_dict[tindx])
    print "Done."

    print "add-mass-fractions : Done."