def object_import(request, file): if request['replace']: delete_all('Device') result = 'Topology successfully imported.' if allowed_file(secure_filename(file.filename), {'xls', 'xlsx'}): book = open_workbook( for obj_type in ('Device', 'Link'): try: sheet = book.sheet_by_name(obj_type) except XLRDError: continue properties = sheet.row_values(0) for row_index in range(1, sheet.nrows): prop = dict(zip(properties, sheet.row_values(row_index))) try: factory(obj_type, **prop).serialized except Exception as e: info(f'{str(prop)} could not be imported ({str(e)})') result = 'Partial import (see logs).' db.session.commit() if request['update_pools']: for pool in fetch_all('Pool'): pool.compute_pool() db.session.commit() return result
def object_import(request: dict, file: FileStorage) -> str: if request["replace"]: delete_all("Device") result = "Topology successfully imported." if allowed_file(secure_filename(file.filename), {"xls", "xlsx"}): book = open_workbook( for obj_type in ("Device", "Link"): try: sheet = book.sheet_by_name(obj_type) except XLRDError: continue properties = sheet.row_values(0) for row_index in range(1, sheet.nrows): prop = dict(zip(properties, sheet.row_values(row_index))) try: factory(obj_type, **prop).serialized except Exception as e: info(f"{str(prop)} could not be imported ({str(e)})") result = "Partial import (see logs)." db.session.commit() if request["update_pools"]: for pool in fetch_all("Pool"): pool.compute_pool() db.session.commit() return result
def migrate_import(app: Flask, request: dict) -> str: status, types = "Import successful.", request["import_export_types"] workflows: list = [] edges: list = [] if request.get("empty_database_before_import", False): delete_all(*types) for cls in types: path = app.path / "migrations" / request["name"] / f"{cls}.yaml" with open(path, "r") as migration_file: objects = load(migration_file) if cls == "Workflow": workflows = deepcopy(objects) if cls == "WorkflowEdge": edges = deepcopy(objects) continue for obj in objects: obj_cls = obj.pop("type") if cls == "Service" else cls # 1) We cannot import workflow edges before workflow, because a # workflow edge is defined by the workflow it belongs to. # Therefore, we import workflow before workflow edges but # strip off the edges, because they do not exist at this stage. # Edges will be defined later on upon importing workflow edges. # 2) At this stage, we cannot import jobs, because if workflows # A (ID 1) and B (ID 2) are created, and B is added to A as a # subworkflow, we won't be able to create A as B is one of its # jobs and does not exist yet. To work around this, we will # strip off the jobs at this stage, and reimport workflows a # second time at the end. if cls == "Workflow": obj["edges"], obj["jobs"] = [], [] try: factory(obj_cls, **obj) except Exception as e: info(f"{str(obj)} could not be imported ({str(e)})") status = "Partial import (see logs)." for workflow in workflows: workflow["edges"] = [] try: factory("Workflow", **workflow) except Exception as e: info(f"{str(workflow)} could not be imported ({str(e)})") status = "Partial import (see logs)." for edge in edges: try: factory("WorkflowEdge", **edge) except Exception as e: info(f"{str(edge)} could not be imported ({str(e)})") status = "Partial import (see logs)." if request.get("empty_database_before_import", False): create_default(app) return status
def migrate_import(path_app, request): status = 'Import successful.' if request.get('empty_database_before_import', False): delete_all(*request['import_export_types']) for cls in request['import_export_types']: path = path_app / 'migrations' / request['name'] / f'{cls}.yaml' with open(path, 'r') as migration_file: for obj in load(migration_file): obj_cls = obj.pop('type') if cls == 'Service' else cls try: factory(obj_cls, **obj) except Exception as e: info(f'{str(obj)} could not be imported ({str(e)})') status = 'Partial import (see logs).' return status
def migrate_import(app, request): status = 'Import successful.' if request.get('empty_database_before_import', False): delete_all(*request['import_export_types']) for cls in request['import_export_types'][:-1]: path = app.path / 'migrations' / request['name'] / f'{cls}.yaml' with open(path, 'r') as migration_file: objects = load(migration_file) if cls == 'Workflow': workflows = deepcopy(objects) if cls == 'WorkflowEdge': edges = deepcopy(objects) continue for obj in objects: obj_cls = obj.pop('type') if cls == 'Service' else cls # 1) We cannot import workflow edges before workflow, because a # workflow edge is defined by the workflow it belongs to. # Therefore, we import workflow before workflow edges but # strip off the edges, because they do not exist at this stage. # Edges will be defined later on upon importing workflow edges. # 2) At this stage, we cannot import jobs, because if workflows # A (ID 1) and B (ID 2) are created, and B is added to A as a # subworkflow, we won't be able to create A as B is one of its # jobs and does not exist yet. To work around this, we will # strip off the jobs at this stage, and reimport workflows a # second time at the end. if cls == 'Workflow': obj['edges'], obj['jobs'] = [], [] try: factory(obj_cls, **obj) except Exception as e: info(f'{str(obj)} could not be imported ({str(e)})') status = 'Partial import (see logs).' for workflow in workflows: workflow['edges'] = [] factory('Workflow', **workflow) for edge in edges: factory('WorkflowEdge', **edge) if request.get('empty_database_before_import', False): create_default(app) return status