def test_genattack_numpy(request: Any) -> None: class Model: def __call__(self, inputs: Any) -> Any: return inputs.mean(axis=(2, 3)) model = Model() with pytest.raises(ValueError): fbn.NumPyModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), data_format="foo") fmodel = fbn.NumPyModel(model, bounds=(0, 1)) x, y = ep.astensors( *fbn.samples( fmodel, dataset="imagenet", batchsize=16, data_format="channels_first" ) ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="data_format"): fbn.attacks.GenAttack(reduced_dims=(2, 2)).run( fmodel, x, fbn.TargetedMisclassification(y), epsilon=0.3 ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="channel_axis"): fbn.attacks.GenAttack(channel_axis=2, reduced_dims=(2, 2)).run( fmodel, x, fbn.TargetedMisclassification(y), epsilon=0.3 )
def main() -> None: # instantiate a model (could also be a TensorFlow or JAX model) model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], axis=-3) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) # get data and test the model # wrapping the tensors with ep.astensors is optional, but it allows # us to work with EagerPy tensors in the following images, labels = ep.astensors( *samples(fmodel, dataset="imagenet", batchsize=16)) clean_acc = accuracy(fmodel, images, labels) * 100 print(f"clean accuracy: {clean_acc:.1f} %") # the attack trys a combination of specified rotations and translations to an image # stops early if adversarial shifts and translations for all images are found attack = fa.SpatialAttack( max_translation=6, # 6px so x in [x-6, x+6] and y in [y-6, y+6] num_translations=6, # number of translations in x, y. max_rotation=20, # +- rotation in degrees num_rotations=5, # number of rotations # max total iterations = num_rotations * num_translations**2 ) # report the success rate of the attack (percentage of samples that could # be adversarially perturbed) and the robust accuracy (the remaining accuracy # of the model when it is attacked) xp_, _, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels) suc = success.float32().mean().item() * 100 print(f"attack success: {suc:.1f} %" " (for the specified rotation and translation bounds)") print(f"robust accuracy: {100 - suc:.1f} %" " (for the specified rotation and translation bounds)")
def test_astensors_tensor(t: Tensor) -> None: ts = (t, t + 1, t + 2) ys = ep.astensors(*ts) assert isinstance(ys, tuple) assert len(ts) == len(ys) for ti, yi in zip(ts, ys): assert (ti == yi).all()
def accuracy(fmodel: Model, inputs: Any, labels: Any) -> float: inputs_, labels_ = ep.astensors(inputs, labels) del inputs, labels predictions = fmodel(inputs_).argmax(axis=-1) accuracy = (predictions == labels_).float32().mean() return accuracy.item()
def accuracy(self, inputs, labels): inputs_, labels_ = ep.astensors(inputs, labels) del inputs, labels self.model.eval() # make sure in evaluating mode ... predictions = self.fmodel(inputs_).argmax(axis=-1) accuracy = (predictions == labels_) return accuracy.sum().item()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--steps', type=int, default=20000, help='Iteration of BA') parser.add_argument('--targeted', action='store', default=False, help='For targeted attack') args = parser.parse_args() model = Net() model.load_state_dict(torch.load('')) model.eval() preprocessing = dict(mean=0.1307, std=0.3081) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) fmodel = fmodel.transform_bounds((0, 1)) assert fmodel.bounds == (0, 1) images, labels = ep.astensors( *samples(fmodel, dataset="mnist", batchsize=10)) print('Model accuracy on clean examples: {}'.format( accuracy(fmodel, images, labels))) if args.targeted: target_class = (labels + 7) % 10 criterion = fb.criteria.TargetedMisclassification(target_class) else: criterion = fb.criteria.Misclassification(labels) attack = fa.BoundaryAttack(steps=args.steps, tensorboard=None) epsilons = np.linspace(0.01, 10, 20) raw, clipped, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) robust_accuracy = 1 - success.float32().mean(axis=-1) plt.plot(epsilons, robust_accuracy.numpy()) plt.xlabel("Epsilons") plt.ylabel("Robust Accuracy") plt.savefig('mnist_BA_robust_acc.jpg') mean_distance = [] for i in range(len(clipped)): dist = np.mean(fb.distances.l2(clipped[i], images).numpy()) mean_distance.append(dist) plt.plot(epsilons, mean_distance) plt.xlabel('Epsilons') plt.ylabel('Mean L2 distance') plt.savefig("mnist_BA_mean_L2distance.jpg")
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--steps', type=int, default=10000, help='Iteration of BA') parser.add_argument('--targeted', action='store', default=False, help='For targeted attack') args = parser.parse_args() model = Net() model.load_state_dict(torch.load('')) model.eval() preprocessing = dict(mean=0.1307, std=0.3081) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) fmodel = fmodel.transform_bounds((0, 1)) assert fmodel.bounds == (0, 1) images, labels = ep.astensors( *samples(fmodel, dataset="mnist", batchsize=10)) print('Model accuracy on clean examples: {}'.format( accuracy(fmodel, images, labels))) epsilons = np.linspace(0.01, 10, 20) boundary_attack = fa.BoundaryAttack(steps=args.steps, tensorboard=None) _, _, ba_success = boundary_attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) ba_robust_accuracy = 1 - ba_success.float32().mean(axis=-1) random_attack = fa.L2RepeatedAdditiveGaussianNoiseAttack( repeats=args.steps) _, _, ra_success = random_attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) ra_robust_accuracy = 1 - ra_success.float32().mean(axis=-1) legends = ["Boundary Attack", "Random Attack"] plt.plot(epsilons, ba_robust_accuracy.numpy()) plt.plot(epsilons, ra_robust_accuracy.numpy()) plt.legend(legends, loc='upper right') plt.xlabel("Perturbation Norm (L2)") plt.ylabel("Robust Accuracy") plt.title("{} Queries".format(args.steps)) plt.savefig('mnist_robust_acc.jpg')
def run_attacks(MODEL_DIR, res_path): rel_dirs = [x for x in os.listdir(MODEL_DIR) if '2020' in x] alpha = [re.findall('a=([0-9, \.]*)_', d)[0] for d in rel_dirs] res = dict.fromkeys(alpha) learner = prep_learner() for model_path, curr_alpha in tqdm(zip(rel_dirs, alpha), total=len(alpha)): conf.save_path = Path(path.join(MODEL_DIR, model_path)) fix_str = [ x for x in os.listdir(path.join(MODEL_DIR, model_path)) if 'model' in x ][0][8:] learner.load_state(conf, fix_str, model_only=True, from_save_folder=True) # probs set_probes(learner) for model in learner.models: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model.cuda(), device_ids=list(range(4))) model.eval() res[curr_alpha] = dict() for (attack, eps), attack_name in tqdm(zip(attack_list, attack_list_names), desc='attaking ' + str(curr_alpha), total=len(attack_list)): fmodel = JointModelEP( [PyTorchModel(m, bounds=(0, 1)) for m in learner.models], 'cuda') attack = attack() success_tot = [] for images, labels in tqdm(learner.eval_loader, total=len(learner.eval_loader), desc=attack_name): images, labels = ep.astensors('cuda'),'cuda')) _, _, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=eps) success_tot.append(success) success_tot = ep.concatenate(success_tot, -1) # calculate and report the robust accuracy robust_accuracy = 1 - success_tot.float32().mean(axis=-1) for epsilon, acc in zip(eps, robust_accuracy): res[curr_alpha][attack_name + '_' + str(epsilon)] = acc.item() pickle.dump(res, open(res_path, 'wb')) pickle.dump(res, open(res_path, 'wb'))
def test_blur_numpy(request: Any) -> None: class Model: def __call__(self, inputs: Any) -> Any: return inputs.mean(axis=(2, 3)) model = Model() with pytest.raises(ValueError): fbn.NumPyModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), data_format="foo") fmodel = fbn.NumPyModel(model, bounds=(0, 1)) x, y = ep.astensors(*fbn.samples( fmodel, dataset="imagenet", batchsize=16, data_format="channels_first")) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="data_format"): fbn.attacks.GaussianBlurAttack()(fmodel, x, y, epsilons=None)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--steps', type=int, default=1000, help='Maximum number of steps to perform') parser.add_argument('--targeted', action='store', default=False, help='For targeted attack') args = parser.parse_args() model = Net() model.load_state_dict(torch.load('')) model.eval() preprocessing = dict(mean=0.1307, std=0.3081) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) fmodel = fmodel.transform_bounds((0, 1)) assert fmodel.bounds == (0, 1) images, labels = ep.astensors( *samples(fmodel, dataset="mnist", batchsize=10)) print('Model accuracy on clean examples: {}'.format( accuracy(fmodel, images, labels))) if args.targeted: target_class = (labels + 7) % 10 criterion = fb.criteria.TargetedMisclassification(target_class) else: criterion = fb.criteria.Misclassification(labels) attack = fa.L2DeepFoolAttack(steps=args.steps) epsilons = None raw, clipped, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) robust_accuracy = 1 - success.float32().mean() print("Robust Accuracy", robust_accuracy.item()) dist = np.mean(fb.distances.l2(clipped, images).numpy()) print("Average perturbation norm", dist)
def evaluate_l2( fmodel: Model, inputs: Any, labels: Any, *, attacks: List[Attack], epsilons: List[L2], ) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: x, y = ep.astensors(inputs, labels) del inputs, labels attack_success = np.zeros((len(attacks), len(epsilons), len(x)), dtype=np.float32) for i, attack in enumerate(attacks): sig = signature(type(attack).__init__) minimizing = "epsilon" not in sig.parameters if minimizing: # TODO: support hyperparameters xp = attack(fmodel, x, y) predictions = fmodel(xp).argmax(axis=-1) correct = (predictions == y).float32().numpy().astype(np.bool) perturbations = xp - x norms = flatten(perturbations).square().sum(axis=-1).sqrt().numpy() for j, epsilon in enumerate(epsilons): attack_success[i, j] = np.logical_and( np.logical_not(correct), norms <= epsilon ) else: for j, epsilon in enumerate(epsilons): attack.epsilon = epsilon # type: ignore xp = attack(fmodel, x, y) predictions = fmodel(xp).argmax(axis=-1) correct = (predictions == y).float32().numpy().astype(np.bool) perturbations = xp - x norms = flatten(perturbations).square().sum(axis=-1).sqrt().numpy() # TODO: relax this norm check or pass a slightly stricter norm to the attack attack_success[i, j] = np.logical_and( np.logical_not(correct), norms <= epsilon ).astype(np.float32) robust_accuracy = 1.0 - attack_success.max(axis=0).mean(axis=-1) return attack_success, robust_accuracy
def attack_one_batch(fmodel, images, labels, iter=0, verbose=True): images, labels = ep.astensors(images, labels) raw_advs, clipped_advs, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) if verbose: print("===" * 8, iter, "===" * 8) if verbose: robust_accuracy = 1 - success.float32().mean(axis=-1) print("robust accuracy for perturbations with") for eps, acc in zip(epsilons, robust_accuracy): print(f" Linf norm ≤ {eps:<6}: {acc.item() * 100:4.1f} %") if verbose: fig = plt.gcf() os.makedirs("./image/", exist_ok=True) for i in range(len(raw_advs)): img_v = raw_advs[i].raw torchvision.utils.save_image( img_v, f'./image/{str(iter).zfill(4)}_{str(i).zfill(3)}_.png') return [x.raw for x in raw_advs] #
def main() -> None: # instantiate a model (could also be a TensorFlow or JAX model) model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], axis=-3) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) # get data and test the model # wrapping the tensors with ep.astensors is optional, but it allows # us to work with EagerPy tensors in the following images, labels = ep.astensors( *samples(fmodel, dataset="imagenet", batchsize=16)) clean_acc = accuracy(fmodel, images, labels) print(f"clean accuracy: {clean_acc * 100:.1f} %") # replace the gradient with the gradient from another model model2 = fmodel # demo, we just use the same model # TODO: this is still a bit annoying because we need # to overwrite run to get the labels class Attack(LinfPGD): def value_and_grad(self, loss_fn, x): val1 = loss_fn(x) loss_fn2 = self.get_loss_fn(model2, self.labels) _, grad2 = ep.value_and_grad(loss_fn2, x) return val1, grad2 def run(self, model, inputs, criterion, *, epsilon, **kwargs): criterion_ = get_criterion(criterion) self.labels = criterion_.labels return super().run(model, inputs, criterion_, epsilon=epsilon, **kwargs) # apply the attack attack = Attack() epsilons = [ 0.0, 0.0002, 0.0005, 0.0008, 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.003, 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, ] raw_advs, clipped_advs, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) # calculate and report the robust accuracy (the accuracy of the model when # it is attacked) robust_accuracy = 1 - success.float32().mean(axis=-1) print("robust accuracy for perturbations with") for eps, acc in zip(epsilons, robust_accuracy): print(f" Linf norm ≤ {eps:<6}: {acc.item() * 100:4.1f} %") # we can also manually check this # we will use the clipped advs instead of the raw advs, otherwise # we would need to check if the perturbation sizes are actually # within the specified epsilon bound print() print("we can also manually check this:") print() print("robust accuracy for perturbations with") for eps, advs_ in zip(epsilons, clipped_advs): acc2 = accuracy(fmodel, advs_, labels) print(f" Linf norm ≤ {eps:<6}: {acc2 * 100:4.1f} %") print(" perturbation sizes:") perturbation_sizes = (advs_ - images).norms.linf(axis=(1, 2, 3)).numpy() print(" ", str(perturbation_sizes).replace("\n", "\n" + " ")) if acc2 == 0: break
def main() -> None: # instantiate a model (could also be a TensorFlow or JAX model) #model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() #model=torch.load('/data1/zyh/copycat/Framework/cifar_model.pth') model = AlexNet() path = "./cifar_net.pth" #path = '/data1/zyh/copycat/Framework/cifar_model.pth' #model.load_state_dict(torch.load('/data1/zyh/copycat/Framework/cifar_model.pth')) #pretrained_dict = {k: v for k, v in model_pretrained.items() if k in model_dict} #model_dict.update(pretrained_dict) #model.load_state_dict(state_dict) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path), strict=True) model = model.eval() print(type(model)) #preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], axis=-3) preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.5] * 3, std=[0.5] * 3, axis=-3) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) # get data and test the model # wrapping the tensors with ep.astensors is optional, but it allows # us to work with EagerPy tensors in the following test_dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10( root='~/.torch/', train=False, #transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((256,256)),transforms.ToTensor()]), transform=transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()]), download=True) # test_dataset .data =[:128*5] test_loader = dataset=test_dataset, batch_size=128, #该参数表示每次读取的批样本个数 shuffle=False) #该参数表示读取时是否打乱样本顺序 # 创建迭代器 #data_iter = iter(test_loader) #images, labels = next(data_iter) # 当迭代开始时, 队列和线程开始读取数据 #images, labels = #im=images #images=im.resize(100,3,128,128) with torch.no_grad(): all_clean_acc_foolbox = [] ## native predict predict_func(test_loader, model) for ii, (imgs, lbls) in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(test_loader), total=len(test_loader)): imgs = lbls = images, labels = ep.astensors(imgs, lbls) ## calc with foolbox pred_lbl_foolbox = fmodel(images) clean_acc_one = accuracy(fmodel, imgs, lbls) all_clean_acc_foolbox.append(clean_acc_one) clean_acc = sum(all_clean_acc_foolbox) / len(all_clean_acc_foolbox) print(f"clean accuracy: {clean_acc * 100:.1f} %") # apply the attack attack = LinfPGD() '''epsilons = [ 0.0, 0.0002, 0.0005, 0.0008, 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.003, 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, ]''' epsilons = [ 0.0005, 0.001, 0.002, 0.01, 0.1, ] def attack_one_batch(fmodel, images, labels, iter=0, verbose=True): images, labels = ep.astensors(images, labels) raw_advs, clipped_advs, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) if verbose: print("===" * 8, iter, "===" * 8) if verbose: robust_accuracy = 1 - success.float32().mean(axis=-1) print("robust accuracy for perturbations with") for eps, acc in zip(epsilons, robust_accuracy): print(f" Linf norm ≤ {eps:<6}: {acc.item() * 100:4.1f} %") if verbose: fig = plt.gcf() os.makedirs("./image/", exist_ok=True) for i in range(len(raw_advs)): img_v = raw_advs[i].raw torchvision.utils.save_image( img_v, f'./image/{str(iter).zfill(4)}_{str(i).zfill(3)}_.png') return [x.raw for x in raw_advs] # print("====" * 8, "start attack", "====" * 8) collection_adv = [] collection_gt = [] for ii, (imgs, lbls) in tqdm.tqdm(enumerate(test_loader), total=len(test_loader)): imgs = lbls = # images, labels = ep.astensors(images,labels) adv_ret = attack_one_batch(fmodel=fmodel, images=imgs, labels=lbls, iter=ii, verbose=True) collection_adv.append(torch.stack(adv_ret)) collection_gt.append(lbls.cpu()) print("====" * 8, "start evaluation", "====" * 8) with torch.no_grad(): adv_total_dataset =, dim=1) lbl_total_dataset = # print (adv_total_dataset.mean(dim=(1,2,3,4)),"the mean if each eps") for (eps, ep_adv_dataset) in zip(epsilons, adv_total_dataset): # print ("eps:",eps,"===>"*8) # print (ep_adv_dataset.mean(),"each...") advs_ = acc2 = accuracy(fmodel, advs_, lbl_total_dataset) print(f" Linf norm ≤ {eps:<6}: {acc2 * 100:4.1f} %") dataset =, lbl_total_dataset) dl =, batch_size=128) predict_func(dl, model)
from foolbox import PyTorchModel, accuracy, samples import foolbox.attacks as fa import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": # instantiate a model (could also be a TensorFlow or JAX model) model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], axis=-3) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) # get data and test the model # wrapping the tensors with ep.astensors is optional, but it allows # us to work with EagerPy tensors in the following images, labels = ep.astensors( *samples(fmodel, dataset="imagenet", batchsize=16)) clean_acc = accuracy(fmodel, images, labels) print(f"clean accuracy: {clean_acc * 100:.1f} %") print("") attacks = [ fa.FGSM(), fa.LinfPGD(), fa.LinfBasicIterativeAttack(), fa.LinfAdditiveUniformNoiseAttack(), fa.LinfDeepFoolAttack(), ] epsilons = [ 0.0, 0.0005,
advacc = 0.0 if __name__ == "__main__": total = 0 attack_success = 0 start = time.time() print("==> Testing %s.." % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(start)))) # 4 make adversarial sample for batch_idx, (images, labels) in enumerate(rawloader): total += labels.size(0) nepochs = nepochs + 1 if batch_idx > 10000: break images, labels = ep.astensors(images.cuda(), labels.cuda()) # TODO 注:转换类型,否则损失函数报错 labels = labels.astype(dtype=torch.long) # TODO 计算对抗样本 advs, _, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) # calculate and report the robust accuracy robust_accuracy = 1 - success.float32().mean(axis=-1) rawacc += accuracy(fmodel, images, labels) for adv, label, acc in zip(advs, labels, robust_accuracy): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(opt.outf, str(label.item()))): os.mkdir(os.path.join(opt.outf, str(label.item()))) advacc = advacc + acc.item() * 100.0,y_train, epochs=5) model.evaluate(x_test,y_test,verbose=2) #instantiate the model fmodel=TensorFlowModel(model, bounds=(0,1)) #get data and test the model #wrapping the tensors with ep.astensors is optional, but it allows #us to work with EagerPy tensors in the following ########################################################## images, labels = samples(fmodel, dataset="mnist", batchsize=100) images1, labels1=ep.astensors(*samples(fmodel, dataset="mnist", batchsize=100)) print(accuracy(fmodel, images1, labels1)) predict=fmodel(images).numpy() tf.nn.softmax(predict).numpy() correct_pred=tf.math.argmax(predict,1) print(correct_pred) #print(images) images_arr=np.array(images) #print(images_arr) #print(images_arr.shape) #16,28,28,1
def main() -> None: # instantiate a model (could also be a TensorFlow or JAX model) model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], axis=-3) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) # get data and test the model # wrapping the tensors with ep.astensors is optional, but it allows # us to work with EagerPy tensors in the following images, labels = ep.astensors( *samples(fmodel, dataset="imagenet", batchsize=16)) clean_acc = accuracy(fmodel, images, labels) print(f"clean accuracy: {clean_acc * 100:.1f} %") # apply the attack attack = LinfPGD() epsilons = [ 0.0, 0.0002, 0.0005, 0.0008, 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.003, 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, ] raw_advs, clipped_advs, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) # calculate and report the robust accuracy (the accuracy of the model when # it is attacked) robust_accuracy = 1 - success.float32().mean(axis=-1) print("robust accuracy for perturbations with") for eps, acc in zip(epsilons, robust_accuracy): print(f" Linf norm ≤ {eps:<6}: {acc.item() * 100:4.1f} %") # we can also manually check this # we will use the clipped advs instead of the raw advs, otherwise # we would need to check if the perturbation sizes are actually # within the specified epsilon bound print() print("we can also manually check this:") print() print("robust accuracy for perturbations with") for eps, advs_ in zip(epsilons, clipped_advs): acc2 = accuracy(fmodel, advs_, labels) print(f" Linf norm ≤ {eps:<6}: {acc2 * 100:4.1f} %") print(" perturbation sizes:") perturbation_sizes = (advs_ - images).norms.linf(axis=(1, 2, 3)).numpy() print(" ", str(perturbation_sizes).replace("\n", "\n" + " ")) if acc2 == 0: break
def foolbox_attack(filter=None, filter_preserve='low', free_parm='eps', plot_num=None): # get model. model = get_model() model = nn.DataParallel(model).to(device) model = model.eval() preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], axis=-3) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) if plot_num: free_parm = '' val_loader = get_val_loader(plot_num) else: # Load images. val_loader = get_val_loader(args.attack_batch_size) if 'eps' in free_parm: epsilons = [0.001, 0.003, 0.005, 0.008, 0.01, 0.1] else: epsilons = [0.01] if 'step' in free_parm: steps = [1, 5, 10, 30, 40, 50] else: steps = [args.iteration] for step in steps: # Adversarial attack. if args.attack_type == 'LinfPGD': attack = LinfPGD(steps=step) elif args.attack_type == 'FGSM': attack = FGSM() clean_acc = 0.0 for i, data in enumerate(val_loader, 0): # Samples (attack_batch_size * attack_epochs) images for adversarial attack. if i >= args.attack_epochs: break images, labels = data[0].to(device), data[1].to(device) if step == steps[0]: clean_acc += (get_acc( fmodel, images, labels )) / args.attack_epochs # accumulate for attack epochs. _images, _labels = ep.astensors(images, labels) raw_advs, clipped_advs, success = attack(fmodel, _images, _labels, epsilons=epsilons) if plot_num: grad = torch.from_numpy( raw_advs[0].numpy()).to(device) - images grad = grad.clone().detach_() return grad if filter: robust_accuracy = torch.empty(len(epsilons)) for eps_id in range(len(epsilons)): grad = torch.from_numpy( raw_advs[eps_id].numpy()).to(device) - images grad = grad.clone().detach_() freq = dct.dct_2d(grad) if filter_preserve == 'low': mask = torch.zeros(freq.size()).to(device) mask[:, :, :filter, :filter] = 1 elif filter_preserve == 'high': mask = torch.zeros(freq.size()).to(device) mask[:, :, filter:, filter:] = 1 masked_freq = torch.mul(freq, mask) new_grad = dct.idct_2d(masked_freq) x_adv = torch.clamp(images + new_grad, 0, 1).detach_() robust_accuracy[eps_id] = (get_acc(fmodel, x_adv, labels)) else: robust_accuracy = 1 - success.float32().mean(axis=-1) if i == 0: robust_acc = robust_accuracy / args.attack_epochs else: robust_acc += robust_accuracy / args.attack_epochs if step == steps[0]: print("sample size is : ", args.attack_batch_size * args.attack_epochs) print(f"clean accuracy: {clean_acc * 100:.1f} %") print( f"Model {args.model} robust accuracy for {args.attack_type} perturbations with" ) for eps, acc in zip(epsilons, robust_acc): print( f" Step {step}, Linf norm ≤ {eps:<6}: {acc.item() * 100:4.1f} %" ) print(' -------------------')
baseline_model.compile( loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.001), metrics=['accuracy'], ), epochs=1, validation_data=ds_test, steps_per_epoch=7500 // batch_size, validation_steps=2500 // batch_size, callbacks=[tensorboard_callback]) for images, labels in ds_train.take(1): # only take first element of dataset images_ex = ep.astensors(images) labels_ex = ep.astensors(labels) fmodel = fb.TensorFlowModel(baseline_model, bounds=(0, 1)) attacks = [ fa.FGSM(), fa.LinfPGD(), fa.LinfBasicIterativeAttack(), fa.LinfAdditiveUniformNoiseAttack(), fa.LinfDeepFoolAttack(), ] attacks_names = [ "FGSM", "LinfPGD", "LinfBasicIterativeAttack", "LinfAdditiveUniformNoiseAttack", "LinfDeepFoolAttack"
def main() -> None: # instantiate a model (could also be a TensorFlow or JAX model) #model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() #model=torch.load('/data1/zyh/copycat/Framework/cifar_model.pth') model =AlexNet() path = "./cifar_net.pth" #path = '/data1/zyh/copycat/Framework/cifar_model.pth' #model.load_state_dict(torch.load('/data1/zyh/copycat/Framework/cifar_model.pth')) #pretrained_dict = {k: v for k, v in model_pretrained.items() if k in model_dict} #model_dict.update(pretrained_dict) #model.load_state_dict(state_dict) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path),strict=True) model.eval() print(type(model)) #preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], axis=-3) preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.5]*3, std=[0.5]*3, axis=-3) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) # get data and test the model # wrapping the tensors with ep.astensors is optional, but it allows # us to work with EagerPy tensors in the following #test_dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='~/.torch/', # train=True, # #transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((256,256)),transforms.ToTensor()]), # transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.ToTensor()]), # download=True) #test_loader =, # batch_size=128, #该参数表示每次读取的批样本个数 # shuffle=False) #该参数表示读取时是否打乱样本顺序 # # 创建迭代器 #data_iter = iter(test_loader) #images, labels = next(data_iter) # 当迭代开始时, 队列和线程开始读取数据 #images, labels = #im=images #images=im.resize(100,3,128,128) images, labels = ep.astensors(*samples(fmodel, dataset="cifar10", batchsize=16)) #images, labels = ep.astensors(*samples(fmodel, dataset="imagenet", batchsize=16)) #print(images.shape) clean_acc = accuracy(fmodel, images, labels) print(f"clean accuracy: {clean_acc * 100:.1f} %") # apply the attack attack = LinfPGD() '''epsilons = [ 0.0, 0.0002, 0.0005, 0.0008, 0.001, 0.0015, 0.002, 0.003, 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, ]''' epsilons = [ 0.0005, 0.001, 0.002, 0.01, 0.1, ] raw_advs, clipped_advs, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) print(type(raw_advs)) print("atest") # calculate and report the robust accuracy (the accuracy of the model when # it is attacked) robust_accuracy = 1 - success.float32().mean(axis=-1) print("robust accuracy for perturbations with") for eps, acc in zip(epsilons, robust_accuracy): print(f" Linf norm ≤ {eps:<6}: {acc.item() * 100:4.1f} %") # we can also manually check this # we will use the clipped advs instead of the raw advs, otherwise # we would need to check if the perturbation sizes are actually # within the specified epsilon bound print() print("we can also manually check this:") print() print("robust accuracy for perturbations with") for eps, advs_ in zip(epsilons, clipped_advs): acc2 = accuracy(fmodel, advs_, labels) print(f" Linf norm ≤ {eps:<6}: {acc2 * 100:4.1f} %") print(" perturbation sizes:") perturbation_sizes = (advs_ - images).norms.linf(axis=(1, 2, 3)).numpy() print(" ", str(perturbation_sizes).replace("\n", "\n" + " ")) if acc2 == 0: break fig = plt.gcf() os.makedirs("./image/",exist_ok=True) for i in range(len(raw_advs)): img_v = raw_advs[i].raw torchvision.utils.save_image(img_v, './image/'+str(i) +'.png')
model.params.analysis_save_dir = os.path.join( model.params.analysis_out_dir, 'savefiles') if not os.path.exists(model.params.analysis_save_dir): os.makedirs(model.params.analysis_save_dir) model.load_checkpoint() fmodel = PyTorchModel(model.eval(), bounds=(0, 1)) print('\n', '~' * 79) num_batches = len(test_loader.dataset) // model.params.batch_size attack_success = np.zeros( (len(attacks), len(epsilons), num_batches, model.params.batch_size), dtype=np.bool) for batch_index, (data, target) in enumerate(test_loader): data = model.preprocess_data( target = images, labels = ep.astensors(*(data, target)) del data del target print( f'Model type: {model.params.model_type} [{model_index+1} out of {len(log_files)}]' ) print(f'Batch {batch_index+1} out of {num_batches}') print(f'accuracy {accuracy(fmodel, images, labels)}') for attack_index, attack in enumerate(attacks): advs, inputs, success = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) assert success.shape == (len(epsilons), len(images)) success_ = success.numpy() assert success_.dtype == np.bool
994: 'stinkhorn, carrion fungus', 995: 'earthstar', 996: 'hen-of-the-woods, hen of the woods, Polyporus frondosus, Grifola frondosa', 997: 'bolete', 998: 'ear, spike, capitulum', 999: 'toilet tissue, toilet paper, bathroom tissue'} if __name__ == '__main__': advs_save_path = 'adv_data/' r_save_path = 'r_data/' model = models.resnet152(pretrained=True).eval() preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], axis=-3) # preprocessing = dict(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], axis=-3) fmodel = PyTorchModel(model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=preprocessing) images, labels, file_names = ep.astensors(*samples(fmodel, dataset="imagenet", batchsize=1, vis=True)) file_names = file_names.raw prediction = accuracy(fmodel, images, labels, True).raw.cpu().detach().numpy() attack = FGSM() # attack = LinfPGD() # attack = L2DeepFoolAttack() epsilons = [0.0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0] advs, _, _ = attack(fmodel, images, labels, epsilons=epsilons) for i in range(len(epsilons)): r = advs[0] - advs[i] attack_labels = accuracy(fmodel, advs[i], labels, True).raw.cpu().detach().numpy() imgs_path = advs_save_path + str(epsilons[i]) + '/'
# 0.03, # 0.1, # 0.3, # 0.5, # 1.0, # ] #print(x_test[0],y_test[0]) foolbox_model = foolbox.models.TensorFlowModel( model=model, bounds=(0, 1), ) foolbox_model = foolbox_model.transform_bounds((0, 1)) assert foolbox_model.bounds == (0, 1) images = ep.astensors(x_test[0:16]) labels = ep.astensors(y_test[0:16]) #doesn't work right attack = foolbox.attacks.LinfPGD() _, advs, success = attack(foolbox_model, images, labels, epsilons=0.03) print(success) # The end accuracy was 0.9809 compared to 0.9496 when not using KFold. # # The predictions for the first 5: # array([[5.43997092e-23, 4.90765706e-14, 2.98600290e-15, 6.97289174e-03, # 4.53084188e-32, 9.93027031e-01, 6.42024900e-24, 4.53798596e-17, # 2.48018923e-16, 5.83970931e-16], # [9.99999881e-01, 1.24962863e-16, 1.35353190e-07, 9.39377114e-16,