コード例 #1
class RoomConfig:
    def __init__(self):
        self.err = EAMS_Error()
        self.rooms = {}
        self.zones = {}
        self.zonelist = {}
        self.roomlist = []
        self.roomcapa = []
        self.room_neighbours = []

    def _getRoomAdjacentWalls(self, room):
        """Get adjacent room of a given room's ID"""
        aw = []
        return aw

    def _validateAdjacentWallConfig(self, rooms):
        """Validate consistency of adjacent wall(s) configurations in ROOM_CONFIG """
        logging.info("Validating adjacent walls configuration...")
        awls = {}
        for k, v in rooms.iteritems():
            awls[k] = self._getRoomAdjacentWalls(v)
            logging.debug("Room [%s]'s adjacent rooms [%s]" %
                          (k, ','.join(awls[k])))
        logging.debug("Rooms' adjacent wall's: %s" % awls)

        for k, v in awls.iteritems():
            nls = v  #    get awls{'k'} neighbors
            # Check duplicate adjacent wall
            dls = collections.Counter(nls)
            if len([j for j in dls if j != 'Outdoor' and dls[j] > 1]) != 0:
                    "Duplicate adjacent wall for the room[%s]: %s. HALT." %
                    (k, dls))
                return self.err.eams_config_room_duplicate_wall_err()

            # Check if neighbor rooms has also set room{'k'}'s wall as adjacent wall.
            for j in range(len(nls)):
                nnls = awls.get(nls[j])
                if nnls is not None and k not in nnls:
                    logging.error("[%s] is not adjacent to [%s]. HALT." %
                                  (k, nls[j]))
                    return self.err.eams_config_room_invalid_wall_err()

        logging.info("Adjacent wall configurations, result: True.")
        return 0

    def loadRoomConfig(self, rfile):
        """Load room configuration from ROOM_CONFIG"""
        self.ROOM_CONFIG = rfile
        logging.info("Loading room configuration from %s" % self.ROOM_CONFIG)
        ret = 0

            if self.ROOM_CONFIG == "":
                raise IOError("ROOM_CONFIG is not configured. Error.")

            rooms = ConfigObj(self.ROOM_CONFIG, file_error=True)
            logging.debug("Room properties: %s" % rooms)
            logging.debug("Total number of room: %d [%s]" %
                          (len(rooms), ', '.join(rooms.keys())))

            ret = self._validateAdjacentWallConfig(rooms)
            if ret < 0:
                raise ValidateError()

            self.rooms = rooms

        except (ConfigObjError, IOError), e:
            logging.critical('%s' % (e))
            ret = self.err.eams_config_room_err()
        except (ValidateError), e:
            logging.critical("%s validation error. %d" %
                             (self.ROOM_CONFIG, ret))
コード例 #2
class RoomConfig:
    def __init__(self, rl, rh, cl, ch, sl, sm, sh):
        self.err = EAMS_Error()

        self.ROOM_CONFIG = None
        self.WALL_RESISTANCE_LOW = rl
        self.WALL_RESISTANCE_HIGH = rh
        self.WALL_CAPACITANCE_LOW = cl
        self.WALL_CAPACITANCE_HIGH = ch
        self.SOLAR_GAIN_LOW = sl
        self.SOLAR_GAIN_MEDIUM = sm
        self.SOLAR_GAIN_HIGH = sh
        #         self.ROOM_CONFIG_SPEC = 'Data/eams_room_spec.cfg'
        self.ROOM_CONFIG_SPEC = 'Data/ConfigSpecs/eams_room_spec.cfg'
        self.rooms = {}
        self.zones = {}
        self.zonelist = {}
        self.roomlist = []
        self.roomcapa = []
        self.room_neighbours = []

    def _getRoomAdjacentWalls(self, room):
        """Get adjacent room of a given room's ID"""
        aw = []
        return aw

    def _validateAdjacentWallConfig(self, rooms):
        """Validate consistency of adjacent wall(s) configurations in ROOM_CONFIG """
        logging.info("Validating adjacent walls configuration...")
        awls = {}
        for k, v in rooms.iteritems():
            awls[k] = self._getRoomAdjacentWalls(v)
            logging.debug("Room [%s]'s adjacent rooms [%s]" %
                          (k, ','.join(awls[k])))
        logging.debug("Rooms' adjacent wall's: %s" % awls)

        for k, v in awls.iteritems():  #range(len(awls)):
            #k = awls.keys()[i]              # In room awls{'k'}
            nls = v  #awls.get(k)               #    get awls{'k'} neighbors

            # Check duplicate adjacent wall
            dls = collections.Counter(nls)
            if len([j for j in dls if j != 'Outdoor' and dls[j] > 1]) != 0:
                    "Duplicate adjacent wall for the room[%s]: %s. HALT." %
                    (k, dls))
                return self.err.eams_config_room_duplicate_wall_err()

            # Check if neighbor rooms has also set room{'k'}'s wall as adjacent wall.
            for j in range(len(nls)):
                nnls = awls.get(
                    nls[j])  #    get awls{'k'} neighbors[j]'s neighbors
                #             logging.debug("neighbor of %s: [%s]" %(nls[j], nnls))

                # (nnls is None) : Some adjacent room has no configuration in ROOM_CONFIG. It's OK to ignore.
                if nnls is not None and k not in nnls:
                    logging.error("[%s] is not adjacent to [%s]. HALT." %
                                  (k, nls[j]))
                    return self.err.eams_config_room_invalid_wall_err()

        logging.info("Adjacent wall configurations, result: True.")
        return 0

    def _validateRoomConfig(self, rooms):
        """Validate ROOM_CONFIG input value based on specification in ROOM_CONFIG_SPEC"""
        validator = Validator()
        results = rooms.validate(validator)
        logging.info("Validating room configuration, result: %s" % results)

        if results != True:
            for (section_list, key, _) in flatten_errors(rooms, results):
                if key is not None:
                        'The "%s" key in the section "%s" failed validation' %
                        (key, ', '.join(section_list)))
                        "Configuration error in %s. Either some section was missing, duplicate key(s) etc..."
                        % self.ROOM_CONFIG)
            return self.err.eams_config_room_err()
        return 0

    def loadRoomConfig(self, rfile):
        """Load room configuration from ROOM_CONFIG"""
        self.ROOM_CONFIG = rfile
        logging.info("Loading room configuration from %s" % self.ROOM_CONFIG)
        ret = 0

            if self.ROOM_CONFIG == "":
                raise IOError("ROOM_CONFIG is not configured. Error.")

            rooms = ConfigObj(self.ROOM_CONFIG,

            for _, v in rooms.iteritems():
                for sk, sv in v.iteritems():
                    if sk == 'Wall1' or sk == 'Wall2' or sk == 'Wall3' or sk == 'Wall4' or sk == 'Ceiling' or sk == 'Floor':
                        for wk, wv in sv.iteritems():
                            if (wk == 'R1' or wk == 'R2' or wk == 'R3'
                                    or wk == 'RW') and (wv == 'LR'):
                                sv[wk] = self.WALL_RESISTANCE_LOW
                            if (wk == 'R1' or wk == 'R2' or wk == 'R3'
                                    or wk == 'RW') and (wv == 'HR'):
                                sv[wk] = self.WALL_RESISTANCE_HIGH
                            if (wk == 'C1' or wk == 'C2') and (wv == 'LC'):
                                sv[wk] = self.WALL_CAPACITANCE_LOW
                            if (wk == 'C1' or wk == 'C2') and (wv == 'HC'):
                                sv[wk] = self.WALL_CAPACITANCE_HIGH
                            if (wk == 'QS_AM' or wk == 'QS_NOON'
                                    or wk == 'QS_PM') and (wv == 'HG'):
                                sv[wk] = self.SOLAR_GAIN_HIGH
                            if (wk == 'QS_AM' or wk == 'QS_NOON'
                                    or wk == 'QS_PM') and (wv == 'MG'):
                                sv[wk] = self.SOLAR_GAIN_MEDIUM
                            if (wk == 'QS_AM' or wk == 'QS_NOON'
                                    or wk == 'QS_PM') and (wv == 'LG'):
                                sv[wk] = self.SOLAR_GAIN_LOW
                    elif sk == 'CR':
                        if sv == 'LC':
                            v[sk] = self.WALL_CAPACITANCE_LOW
                        elif sv == 'HC':
                            v[sk] = self.WALL_CAPACITANCE_HIGH

            logging.debug("Room properties: %s" % rooms)
            logging.debug("Total number of room: %d [%s]" %
                          (len(rooms), ', '.join(rooms.keys())))

            ret = self._validateRoomConfig(rooms)
            if ret < 0:
                raise ValidateError()

            ret = self._validateAdjacentWallConfig(rooms)
            if ret < 0:
                raise ValidateError()

            self.rooms = rooms

        except (ConfigObjError, IOError), e:
            logging.critical('%s' % (e))
            ret = self.err.eams_config_room_err()
        except (ValidateError), e:
            logging.critical("%s validation error. %d" %
                             (self.ROOM_CONFIG, ret))