コード例 #1
def main():
    # Determine at which frequencies the ITC needs "tau" files.
    taus = list(HeterodyneReceiver._tau_data.keys())
    mms = []

    # Perform a binary search to determine the "WH2O" parameter which gives
    # each desired 225 GHz opacity.
    for tau in taus:
        mm_min = 0.1
        mm_max = 10.0

        while True:
            mm_mid = (mm_min + mm_max) / 2.0

            values = run_am(225.0, 225.0, 0.01, mm_mid)

            assert len(values) == 1

            tau_mid = values[0][1]

            if abs(tau_mid - tau) < 0.0000001:

            if tau_mid > tau:
                mm_max = mm_mid
                mm_min = mm_mid


    # Generate data for each of the desired conditions.
    for (tau, mm) in zip(taus, mms):
        values = run_am(200.0, 1000.0, 0.01, mm)

        values = compress_list(values)

        filename = 'tau{}.dat'.format('{:.03f}'.format(tau)[2:])
        print('Writing:', filename)

        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
            for (freq, d) in values:
                print(freq, d, file=f)
コード例 #2
            mm_max = mm_mid
            mm_min = mm_mid


# Now reconfigure ATM to use the whole frequency range in which we are
# interested and generate data for each of the desired conditions.
at.initSpectralWindow(1, qa.quantity(600, 'GHz'), qa.quantity(800, 'GHz'),
                      qa.quantity(0.01, 'GHz'))

for (tau, mm) in zip(taus, mms):
    at.setUserWH2O(qa.quantity(mm, 'mm'))
    values = []

    for i in range(at.getNumChan()):
        freq = at.getChanFreq(chanNum=i)['value'][0]

        d = at.getWetOpacity(nc=i)['value'][0] + at.getDryOpacity(nc=i)

        values.append((freq, d))

    values = compress_list(values)

    filename = 'tau{}.dat'.format('{:.03f}'.format(tau)[2:])
    print('Writing:', filename)

    with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        for (freq, d) in values:
            print(freq, d, file=f)