コード例 #1
def get_format_version_classes(version=None):
    """Return the (usable) subclasses from EasyConfigFormat that have a matching version."""
    all_classes = get_subclasses(EasyConfigFormat)
    if version is None:
        return all_classes
        return [x for x in all_classes if x.VERSION == version and x.USABLE]
コード例 #2
def search_toolchain(name):
    Obtain a Toolchain instance for the toolchain with specified name, next to a list of available toolchains.
    :param name: toolchain name
    :return: Toolchain instance (or None), found_toolchains

    package = easybuild.tools.toolchain
    check_attr_name = '%s_PROCESSED' % TC_CONST_PREFIX

    if not hasattr(package, check_attr_name) or not getattr(package, check_attr_name):
        # import all available toolchains, so we know about them
        tc_modules = import_available_modules('easybuild.toolchains')

        # make sure all defined toolchain constants are available in toolchain module
        tc_const_re = re.compile('^%s(.*)$' % TC_CONST_PREFIX)
        for tc_mod in tc_modules:
            # determine classes imported in this module
            mod_classes = []
            for elem in [getattr(tc_mod, x) for x in dir(tc_mod)]:
                if hasattr(elem, '__module__'):
                    # exclude the toolchain class defined in that module
                    if not tc_mod.__file__ == sys.modules[elem.__module__].__file__:
                        elem_name = elem.__name__ if hasattr(elem, '__name__') else elem
                        _log.debug("Adding %s to list of imported classes used for looking for constants", elem_name)

            # look for constants in modules of imported classes, and make them available
            for mod_class_mod in [sys.modules[mod_class.__module__] for mod_class in mod_classes]:
                for elem in dir(mod_class_mod):
                    res = tc_const_re.match(elem)
                    if res:
                        tc_const_name = res.group(1)
                        tc_const_value = getattr(mod_class_mod, elem)
                        _log.debug("Found constant %s ('%s') in module %s, adding it to %s",
                                   tc_const_name, tc_const_value, mod_class_mod.__name__, package.__name__)
                        if hasattr(package, tc_const_name):
                            cur_value = getattr(package, tc_const_name)
                            if not tc_const_value == cur_value:
                                raise EasyBuildError("Constant %s.%s defined as '%s', can't set it to '%s'.",
                                                     package.__name__, tc_const_name, cur_value, tc_const_value)
                            setattr(package, tc_const_name, tc_const_value)

        # indicate that processing of toolchain constants is done, so it's not done again
        setattr(package, check_attr_name, True)
        _log.debug("Skipping importing of toolchain modules, processing of toolchain constants is already done.")

    # obtain all subclasses of toolchain
    found_tcs = nub(get_subclasses(Toolchain))

    # filter found toolchain subclasses based on whether they can be used a toolchains
    found_tcs = [tc for tc in found_tcs if tc._is_toolchain_for(None)]

    for tc in found_tcs:
        if tc._is_toolchain_for(name):
            return tc, found_tcs

    return None, found_tcs
コード例 #3
def avail_job_backends(check_usable=True):
    Return all known job execution backends.
    class_dict = dict([(x.__name__, x) for x in get_subclasses(JobBackend)])
    return class_dict
コード例 #4
def avail_package_naming_schemes():
    Returns the list of valed naming schemes
    They are loaded from the easybuild.package.package_naming_scheme namespace
    class_dict = dict([(x.__name__, x) for x in get_subclasses(PackageNamingScheme)])
    return class_dict
コード例 #5
def what_licenses():
    """Return a dict of License subclasses names and license instances"""
    res = {}
    for lic in get_subclasses(License):
        if lic.HIDDEN:
        res[lic.__name__] = lic

    return res
コード例 #6
def avail_module_naming_schemes():
    Returns a list of available module naming schemes.
    # all ModuleNamingScheme subclasses available in easybuild.tools.module_naming_scheme namespace are eligible

    # construct name-to-class dict of available module naming scheme
    avail_mnss = dict([(x.__name__, x)
                       for x in get_subclasses(ModuleNamingScheme)])

    return avail_mnss
コード例 #7
def avail_repositories(check_useable=True):
    Return all available repositories.
        check_useable: boolean, if True, only return usable repositories

    class_dict = dict([(x.__name__, x) for x in get_subclasses(Repository) if x.USABLE or not check_useable])

    if 'FileRepository' not in class_dict:
        raise EasyBuildError("avail_repositories: FileRepository missing from list of repositories")

    return class_dict