コード例 #1
def cal_metrics(y_trues, y_preds, threshold=0.5):
        This function is utilized to calculate the performance of the methods
            y_trues (list): the list of the ground-truth labels, which contains the int data
            y_preds (list): the list of the predicted results, which contains the float data
            threshold (float, optional): 
                'best': calculate the best results
                'auto': calculate the results corresponding to the thresholds of EER
                float: calculate the results of the specific thresholds

    metrics = EasyDict()

    fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(y_trues, y_preds)
    metrics.AUC = auc(fpr, tpr)

    metrics.EER = brentq(lambda x: 1. - x - interp1d(fpr, tpr)(x), 0., 1.)
    metrics.Thre = float(interp1d(fpr, thresholds)(metrics.EER))

    if threshold == 'best':
        _, best_metrics = find_best_threshold(y_trues, y_preds)
        return best_metrics

    elif threshold == 'auto':
        threshold = metrics.Thre

    prediction = (np.array(y_preds) > threshold).astype(int)

    res = confusion_matrix(y_trues, prediction, labels=[0, 1])
    TP, FN = res[0, :]
    FP, TN = res[1, :]
    metrics.ACC = (TP + TN) / len(y_trues)

    TP_rate = float(TP / (TP + FN))
    TN_rate = float(TN / (TN + FP))

    metrics.APCER = float(FP / (TN + FP))
    metrics.BPCER = float(FN / (FN + TP))
    metrics.ACER = (metrics.APCER + metrics.BPCER) / 2

    return metrics